Month: October 2017
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Credibility means BA’s will be present at start of projects, not just coming in to document decisions that have already been made. #iibaluna
Guys giving tech talks: when you’re taking about senior techies and you use “she” pronoun, women listening notice & appreciate. #iibaluna ❤️
I’m so excited to be running this! If you’re doing something interesting with tech, please consider submitting. #LCA2018
ARGH. Have committed the classic error of wearing dress with no pockets to conf that has lapel microphones. 😫
@HealthHackAu @LizlingC @allPowerde @Data61news @CSIROnews @yow_conf Oh wonderful! @allPowerde is amazing – and she’s keynoting @yow_conf too!
My session at @IIBA_Sydney Professional Day is in 30min! Come to hear me rant about the tech industry and how you can help fix it. #iibaluna
@rooosterboy I blame the Patriarchy.
RT @SLIDE21today: @web_goddess you rocked the house! We love you!!
@johnallsopp @jonoabroad I had to read this one like 3x to parse. 😂 But yeah, sprinkle in *all* the pronouns, by all means! As long as it’s not ALL “he.”
@johnallsopp @jonoabroad The one that really gets me is when (generally older male) devs refer to hardware/software as male, ie “this guy” “he” etc. IT’S INANIMATE.
@SLIDE21today Thank you!! 😍
RT @codebarSyd: Really excited to see diversity scholarships at YOW! Conf this year. Check it out!
RT @yow_conf: Join our final BNE #yownight before #yow17 w/@LeeRyanCampbell Nov 8
Tonight’s @IIBA_Sydney #iibaluna event ends with “alcohol and bumper cars.” More tech events should do this!! 😜💯
@webdirections @IIBA_Sydney I don’t see this crowd as necessarily mixing the two activities! 😂
Listening to Ken Sheargold of @PMPartners talking about the future of BAs. Agile teams need people with hybrid skills. #iibaluna
“What would you do if you were starting out today?” Work on hybrid skills, soft skills. Public speaking, negotiation. #iibaluna @iiba_to
YAYYYYY way to go @JeffreyTheobald and @Zendesk! Wish I could be there. 😭 #fomo
@GRobilliard @Atlassian @LookaheadSearch Wow! And I think I see @hannahyanfield! ❤️👋
@Xavier_Ho Nice one!
Just realised my Kindle is advertising the weirdest books. What’s Paul Mathews’ obsession with losing things? What is a NIGHTMARE CROUTON?!
@FakeSamRitchie It appears to have something to do with 9-11, I shit you not.
Rodd to me, just now: “Our cos lettuce needs picking. We should make a Caesar salad on the weekend.”
Day 26. Sportscraft dress and @welovecolors tights. #frocktober #frocktober2017
Note to self: Circle skirt on a windy day was a mistake.
Note to everyone in Martin Place: You’re welcome for the free show. 😳
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A recruiter spammed me this morning about a frontend web dev job. Me: “I haven’t been a dev for like 10 years. Why did you email me?”
Him: “Since 2002 we had you marked as a Web Developer living in Newtown”. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. This is a Bad Recruiter.
@the_patima @webdirections YAYYYY! Let me know how long you’re here. Maybe we could do a quick social @GGDSydney meetup??
RT @ManishEarth: Periodic reminder that 60% of tech does not have a CS degree.
Your pipeline is invalid.
@the_patima @webdirections @GGDSydney Gahhh. I think I’m going to be in Brisbane that night for a YOW Night. 😭
@the_patima @webdirections @GGDSydney Not sure yet – literally just confirming today. I will def be at some part of @webdirections though on behalf of @SydTechLeaders!
@themaninblue Before I saw your text, I honestly thought that was the latest gaming console.
Also, the job he was advertising was in Richmond, Victoria. I mean, WTF.
@themaninblue I am stealing all those names when I open my cake gaming console pop-up bakery.
I am now in separate Slack channels for the Brisbane, Perth, and Newcastle tech communities. Any others in AU I should know about??
@damienpbuckley Yep. I just found out about it last night:
@the_patima Oh! I’m in View Source. I didn’t realise it was Melbourne-based. 😂
@net_hues Different accounts on Slack, the chat platform.
Bye bye Brisbane! See you again (very) soon. (at @BrisbaneAirport Domestic Terminal in Brisbane Airport, QLD)
@goldingolding @the_patima
@lynnlangit @facebook But how will you share photos of cheese with me?!
@lynnlangit @facebook @instagram 💯🧀❤️
@rachsmithtweets Brisbane:
RT @yaazamAus: We @Codebots_ sometimes give sneak peeks at the magic we are creating … 🙂 @web_goddess @rosieodsey @ebanescott https://t.…
@yaazamAus @Codebots_ @rosieodsey @ebanescott I didn’t know you took a photo!
Woohoo! @ignitesydney dress rehearsal is done and dusted. Now I’ve got one week to get it memorised.
@karlmikko_ For Newwie, I think you’ve got to message the organiser of the meetup group for an invitation:
@unixbigot Your ideas intrigue me and I’d like to sign up for your newsletter.
@HANSwerThePhone 😕
I’m signed up! Finally taking the plunge into FP. Haskell’s not hard… right? 😨
@unixbigot 😻
RT @ChuckWendig: A sad day where budget restrictions forces them to turn the parks into boutique experiences only privileged families can a…
Day 25. Tiki dress #madebyme in @gertie18’s workshop! #frocktober #frocktober2017
RT @yow_conf: Just added @simonbrown ‘s Visualising Software Architecture with the C4 Model wkshop in Sydney
@Gaohmee Congratulations! Also, you look AMAZING in that photo.
❤️ Brilliant. Good on @HealthHackAu, and good on @RHoKSydney! 👏
My old friend and mentor Phil Dove presenting at #iibaluna.
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I’m on a ⛴️! Beautiful day in Brisbane.
@gilmae Meeting in St. Lucia
RT @yaazamAus: @Codebots_ getting to spend time with this rockstar @web_goddess thanks for coming by! @ebanescott @rosieodsey…
@yaazamAus @Codebots_ @ebanescott @rosieodsey Thank you so much! Sorry I had to run. @Codebots_ demo was looking 💯. My fave was the 🎆.
One of my favourite talks from #yowdata! Way to go @ADuckIsMyFiend. 😄
RT @LizlingC: @HealthHackAu @sauramaia Actually – the thing that makes me the happiest is that the prize for the Spirit of HealthHack this…
RT @LizlingC: @HealthHackAu @sauramaia @yow_conf Previously we had no prize but being an all round top person at the Hack- way more importa…
My @ignitesydney talk is coming together! Have you got your ticket?! Always a fantastic night.
Jacaranda overload at UQ today. 💜
RT @DeveloperSteve: Rocking the #ruby #brisbane world @web_goddess taking us on a camping adventure in keeping code in good order https://t…
Another night, another meetup with puns from @DeveloperSteve as he walks us through @telstradev’s new dev portal! @brisruby #BrisRuby
Loving this talk from @tjridge about the importance of sharing your experiences with your peers in the tech industry. @brisruby
Your story can help us see your view of the world. Your are the product of your experiences & the lens you view the world through. @tjridge
RT @linuxconfau: ICYMI There are a number of LCA Miniconfs accepting submissions right now! Check them out here #lc…
RT @catehstn: I feel so understood 😂
Day 24. Dangerfield dress. #frocktober #frocktober2017
RT @SunnydaleHam:
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🛬 (at @BrisbaneAirport in Brisbane Airport, QLD)
@ButlerMaurice @BrisbaneAirport 😱 Once again, #frocktober conflicts with climate.
Last chance Brisbane – still a few spots going for tonight’s IoT meetup featuring yours truly!
RT @z_rose: SEEK is hiring UXers. Again. I know, I know, we never stop. It is actually team growth not turnover (there are 20+ of us!) So:…
@LJKenward @github Yay! That’s fantastic – well done. 💃
RT @yow_conf: Still not sure abt coming to #yow17 in Brisbane? You should see who’s coming
RT @busbub: this Halloween I’m dressing up as unit tests that rely on external services and fail intermittently for no good reason
😳 Might have to take a (literal) raincheck on that coffee, @DeveloperSteve.
RT @yow_conf: Thank you for supporting #yow17 Melbourne GOLD sponsors @ANZ_AU @MYOB @Xero
@HANSwerThePhone I’ve been trying too. As an American, it’s REALLY hard. 😕
@HANSwerThePhone The one that really drives me nuts is when a developer refers to a piece of code or technology as “this guy”. IT’S NOT A GUY.
From knitting to motorcycles at @iotbne! #iotbne
RT @DeveloperSteve: Even plagued by hdmi cables holding on by a… thread @web_goddess blowing minds with knitting and code crossovers at #…
Impromptu appearance by @DeveloperSteve at @iotbne talking about his new role at @telstradev! #iotbne
@mark_sabbatical Still annoyed @phillfarrugia left Australia. *shakes fist* But nicely done…
Melbourne – this is a top-notch meetup. Makes me jealous we don’t have it in Sydney!
It’s fixed! Come on, artists and FOSS folks. Show me what you got. 👋
Day 23. Glow-in-the-dark Washi dress. #madebyme #frocktober #frocktober2017