Month: October 2017
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Sunday morning in Chippendale…
Husband: “Can you give me permissions on your github? I got a PR for you.”
Me: 😍
@tessiselated I need to watch Fury Road a few more times. I suspect that will push me into doing it. 🙂
RT @yow_conf: #yow17 tickets in Melbourne are running low. Get in quick before we sell out
RT @mattallen: .@aprillallen and I just launched something.
Got kids that spend too much time on screens? can hel…
@tcn33 But the Irish smashed USC! 🏈☘️🙌
Day 21. Sportscraft dress. (Thanks @zarahsays for the photo!) #frocktober #frocktober2017
TFW two Roald Dahl bibliographies differ in which story was published in March 1945… 😡 (My weekends are different than other people’s.)
@andrew_ke11y @plusplusdylan @LukeSleeman @yow_conf Oh no! Okay, let us know who ends up getting it. Maybe @GDGMelbourne could pick someone from registrants?
“If you could lead a revolution in someone else’s world, which world would it be?” I ❤️ Phillip Pullman’s answer.
@tcn33 …she tweets from a taxi.
@tcn33 How have you “walked lots” by 9am?!
@mmastertheone Thanks! I think I’ve read that one, but it’s good to revisit. Neil Ganmain wrote one too that’s online somewhere…
Back again, heading to BrisVegas! (at @VirginAustralia Lounge in Mascot, NSW)
Day 22. Washi dress. #madebyme #frocktober #frocktober2017
Just got a message that my #LCA2018 miniconf CFP is throwing errors for submitters. 😕 Anybody else having trouble?
RT @DaveMilbo: For the record, we rejected Starbucks because we’re a nation of coffee snobs and Starbucks is putrid, not because of e-comme…
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@bodil It’s getting to that point.
Lots of good tips from @willmendesneto as he walks us through best practices for shared modules in Angular. #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
RT @adamjmoussa: *wipes away tear* we did it. we completed the Gay Agenda
Some stealth Android marketing at @gdgmelbourne #devfest17. 😂🍪
“Why use Material Design? Because I’M REALLY BAD AT UX.” 😂 @willmendesneto #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
RT @GlobeAbraham: Her daughter said something offensive on Facebook. Ugly hordes descended. Her life is wrecked. 2017.…
Just noticed that @zarahjutz dressed appropriately for her talk on data binding through Plaid. 💯👏😂 #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
RT @andrew_ke11y: Great mix of cultures, genders and age groups at #DevFest17 Melbourne. The community here is great and the organisers hav…
Very helpful of @zarahjutz to share the caveats and things she found confusing in her journey with data bindings. #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
Antidote to today’s tech industry disillusionment: these awesome kids from @coderdojomelb driving robots and using AI. #DevFest17 ❤️
Good call by #DevFest17 organisers to swap the rooms. Seems like Cloud & ML are drawing the really big crowds today! @gdgmelbourne
Voice assistants are fascinating – but WHY are the voices all women? We heard “Personal Chef” example that was downright sultry. #DevFest17
Seriously, male devs, if Iron Man can have a male-voiced AI assistant, so can you.
Or better yet – no gender. It’s a damn robot. Why impose gender roles on them at all?
@mmastertheone I’ve read various articles about it. I suspect the “helpful secretary” analogy is a big part of it.
@Kalonica_ @msandfor @_VRTOV_ Hello! 👋 I’m running an Art + Tech miniconf at LinuxConfAU in Jan. In case you’re interested in speaking…
@msandfor @Kalonica_ @_VRTOV_ I’ve been told mine will be on Tuesday the 23rd of Jan!
@kaoudis I’m reminded of Jane, who eventually got a body and married a guy. Because… Mormons, I guess. 🤷♀️
@Reidyd Same. Mine is an English butler. 😂
“Yes, there are servers. I don’t give a toss about them (and neither should you).” @polleyg talking data pipelines #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
.@polleyg namechecks @lynnlangit: “Big query is SQL-as-a-Service.” Lynn’s coming back for @yow_conf in November! #DevFest17 @gdgmelbourne
@starbuxman Wait. You want to unfollow me? 😢
@starbuxman Ahhh. Some sort of “Clean Slate” reset button. That seems like a useful thing.
@bazscott Yeah. Google have apparently just added a male voice. Alexa is female-only though.
Somebody at #devfest17 said “I’m looking for a job. Know anyone hiring?” I replied, “You want to talk to @tcn33 at @LookaheadSearch NOW.”
Day 20. Lady Skater dress #madebyme and Devo hat #notmadebyme. 😂 #frocktober #frocktober2017
Perfect follow-on to my talk – @shelleglee giving practical tips to improve the code base for the next developer. #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
RT @polleyg: Just what the doctor ordered – having the pleasure of hearing @web_goddess talk about being a better dev. #devfest17 https://t…
RT @arheio: You’ve seen her tweet, now see her present! @web_goddess on “The Campsite Rule” leaving the tech industry better than we found…
Observe the DRY Principle: Don’t repeat yourself. “Which is different from the WET Principle… Write it Every Time.” 😂 @shelleglee #DevFest17
@nathanieloffer Alexa doesn’t have male yet, and Google only just got it. The defaults are always women for some reason. 😕
@mmastertheone They usually have Moomin stuff actually! I’m a sucker for it. 😂
Not gonna lie – no comments does make me feel uncomfortable. @shelleglee makes good point that clean code shouldn’t need them. 🤔 #devfest17
RT @polleyg: “The worst code, is commented out code. DELETE IT!” Good advice from @shelleglee from @Xero. #DevFest17
RT @planetsuzie: Mentoring is the ultimate campfire rule for tech – great for you & great for the industry @web_goddess #DevFest17 #loveit…
Massive congrats to @andrew_ke11y for winning the grand prize @yow_conf ticket! #DevFest17
Another fantastic entry in the photo series I call “Kris gurns during a presentation.” 😂 Thanks @arheio.
@PeterMHoward I keep wanting to say thank you to my Google Home.
In a cab rushing to Melbourne Airport. Thank you @gdgmelbourne for inviting me today! ❤️ to the #DevFest17 organisers and attendees.
@georgiecel @nicholascooke Congrats! ❤️ to you both.
@MichelePlayfair @shelleglee She did great! Made you all proud.
Decided to skip Fibre Fest – sorry @KnitGuildNSW. I’ve said yes to too many things lately and I need this day to rest and prepare.
RT @delitescere: Come hear Aaron speak #cto @yow_conf @ctosummit Better yet, submit a talk!
RT @j_houg: My talk from @yow_conf on the ways Spark can fit into real ML workflows is now on YouTube: #yowdata.
TBH I feel the same way about dyeing my hair. I have fantasies about shaving it all off to see who is underneath.
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@amykate_94 Super cute!
Swag delivery from @redbubblelife for @SydTechLeaders! @owensenior @darthted
@darthted @redbubblelife @SydTechLeaders @owensenior Seemed fine to me. I had to run to catch a flight; didn’t get to try mine on yet.
RT @yow_conf: Work on your YOW! CTO Summit submission this weekend – CFP extended to 29 Oct
By special request from @unixbigot, I’m reviving my “Knit One Compute One” talk Monday for the Brisbane IoT meetup!
And while I’m in Brisbane – I’m also speaking at @brisruby on Tuesday night about mentoring and avoiding burnout!
Really enjoyed the latest @KnitGuildNSW magazine. Great job, Anne!
Holy crap Melbourne. It’s COLD! I’m suffering for #frocktober today…
@matthewjensen So 90′s. 😍
@jedws Right, but at least it was raining there. The sun is shining!
@GeorgeTalksCode @jedws Heading there Monday. Looking forward to it!
@yow_conf @YouTube Yay, @j_houg!
Back with these two again… 🍦😉
When a problem comes along, you must whip it.
RT @mollyjane_k: rt if you’re a woman who generally reads comics
like if you’ve met and or seen women in comic shops
Excited for the start of @gdgmelbourne #devfest17! Thrilled to be here on @yow_conf’s behalf.
@polleyg @Neurotic WAIT, I have @yow_conf stickers too! I’ll put them out in the break. #devfest17
Sue and Mark kicking things off at #devfest17! Great energy. Thanks for hosting, @australiapost. 😀 @gdgmelbourne
9am on a Saturday, and we’re straight into IoT, AI, and ML with Scott Thomson from @googlecloud! #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
Voice searches being driven by millennials and over-75s. “They’re cashed up and they can’t see phones very well!” 😂 #devfest17
“Not Hot Dog” makes an appearance in a discussion of Transfer Learning. Of course. 😂 #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
@darthted @GDGMelbourne @yow_conf There are ups and downs. Talk to me after I’ve given five talks over the next eight days. 😟
Just distributed @yow_conf stickers on both conference rooms! #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
Another day, another discovery of a male hero in tech disappointing me. Damn it. 😕
@glasnt YAYYYYY. The spread of Halloween is an unequivocal good as far as I’m concerned. Hopefully pumpkins will come down in price.
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Day 18. Laurel dress. #madebyme #frocktober #frocktober2017
RT @yow_conf: With the YOW! CTO Summit CFP extended to 29 Oct, you have a little more time to work on your submission…
Hey Melbourne. If you haven’t gotten your @yow_conf ticket, I highly suggest you do it ASAP – or don’t come crying to me when they’re gone!
@frostickle @yow_conf Heh. I reported that one the other day. Thanks for the investigation – will pass to our webmaster!
@tobermatt And yet it appears you did not submit one for mine, Matt. 😐
@frostickle @yow_conf Should be fixed now! Thanks for prompting. 🙂
@IngaPflaumer 🔥
@mmastertheone 😂 Well sure, if you’re gonna use your EYES to hack their super secret info…
RT @lynnlangit: at @yow_conf in Oz this Dec? DM me 4 speaker discount (conf & workshop) codes. Also, I’ll be co-keynoting w/@allPowerde…
@kosamari It’s fantastic! I found it better at home while knitting with a glass of wine though. 🙂
😫 Same website, same browser. Left: MacPro. Right: MacAir. Items out of order on Air. YOU’RE KILLING ME, CSS. (Is it the Retina?)
@msharp You’re right – pulling in the Air a bit, they rearrange themselves correctly.
RT @HealthHackAu: Spend a weekend tackling #health problems @healthhackau! It’s great fun, you’ll get free food and meet heaps of new peopl…
@gilmae Wow. Stunned. I met him two years ago; had no idea.
@gilmae Your new smiling avatar is freaking me out. Are you being held prisoner? Try to signal with emoji
Day 19. Washi dress. #madebyme #frocktober #frocktober2017
@The_McJones 😂 C’est la vie.
Heading to Melbs to speak at @gdgmelbourne #devfest17! (@ Gate 32 (T2) in Mascot, NSW, NSW)
@transprogrammer That sucks. ☹️