Month: October 2017

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    RT @SydTechLeaders: Tonight’s meetup featuring @JessicaCGlenn, Peter Phillips, and Stefano Fratini is sold out! Please update your RSVPs if…

    @mgouline @cocoaheadsau @yow_conf We’re cool with sharing. 😉

    @HANSwerThePhone You = 👶🏼. Me = 👵🏻.

    Ducked into Lincraft at lunch and found the most specific fabric EVER. There were no other names. @neil_killick @neilhimself

    RT @SydTechLeaders: First interviewee for the night: Stefano Fratini from @SiteMinder_News being grilled by @darthted! #sydtechleaders http…

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Final interviewee for the night: @JessicaCGlenn from @Skilld_Team being interviewed by @owensenior!…

    “It’s not attrition if they’re still under contract when they die!” 😂 Things are getting a bit punchy post- #sydtechleaders.

    @eisabai @SydTechLeaders Thank you for coming Isabel!

    @owensenior @SydTechLeaders @freelancer Living out my TV chat show dreams… #sydtechleaders

    @MsJonesInSydney I have a speaking engagement that night, but I will definitely come in the future!

    RT @yow_conf: We are so excited to offer our very first YOW! Diversity Scholarship! See website for details

    @rosepowell I haven’t actually played it yet. But you did just remind me I should water my succulents.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @damienpbuckley Thinking of something similar for my office. Thanks for the inspiration!

    @damienpbuckley So battens are along the sides? Or the back too? Router was just to round off front edge?

    A grey and rainy day deserves colourful tights. @welovecolors @naotfootwearaus #frocktobersneakpeek

    RT @NicolaO_B: This poster is from my childhood and I still 💖💖💖 it #IDG2017 #GirlsChangeTheWorld

    @ahuijsen You know it.

    @kbladow @bringer128 Oh, thank you! 😊

    RT @confucat: Got your ticket to @yow_conf in Melbourne?

    @JennaGuillaume Yep. When a bully at work kissed me on the face in front of my boss *on my birthday* despite knowing I hated him – everyone laughed.

    @JennaGuillaume Everyone knew it was inappropriate. Laughter was the only way people could defuse the awkwardness. It sucked.

    Day 11. Wrap dress and @welovecolors tights. #frocktober #frocktober2017

  • The Big Data Dress

    I made a new dress last weekend! This is a sleeveless Colette Laurel that I modified to have pockets(!) and a notched neckline (using this free hack). I’ve made a few sleeveless Laurels before, and the main attractions (besides looking nice) are that they’re fast to make and don’t use very much fabric. I had about 2.5m of this fabric, but it’s a quilting cotton and thus very narrow (less than 45″ wide). It’s navy blue and covered with a stream of binary numbers in light blue and silver. (So cute!) It’s called “Binary Solo” from RJR Fabrics’ collection “Silver Circuits.” My Mom made a point of showing it to me at her shop back in Indiana, and I just had to have it!

    I’m calling it my “Big Data Dress” because, as Juliet Houghland pointed out at YOW! Data recently, all stock images of “Big Data” are blue and involve binary. 😂 I wore it to Girl Geeks last night and it was a big hit!

    Sewing notes: Based on my measurements, I cut a straight 18 (the largest size) on this pattern. It’s roomy, but given the style of the dress and the crispness of the cotton, that’s what I was aiming for. It’s very comfortable. There are bust darts on the front and diamond-shaped darts on the back that keep it from being a completely shapeless sack. The hack instructions were easy to follow, but I didn’t bother tracing the pieces onto new paper. I bought the pattern PDF, so I can just print another one, right? So I just cut the front and back in two and then taped on some extra for the seam allowance. I had been worried about getting the print to line up across that center front seam, but then I hit upon the obvious solution. Cut it on the fold as one piece, and then split it up the middle. Voila! Lines up nicely. I finished the neckline and armhole edges using bias tape that I made – as always – using Colette’s continuous method. (For reference, I used a 9″ x 9″ square and just managed to eke out all three openings.)

    What I’d do differently next time: I’m not sure why the back piece needs the corresponding horizontal seam. Maybe it’s because Sarai made hers out of linen, so it’s more visible and looks weird if it’s not there? But my print is so busy that I could have easily left it out and saved myself some cutting and sewing time. I’d also move the pockets out a little bit further as the 2.5″ from center she suggests seems a bit close for me. Lastly, I’d probably consider putting some interfacing behind the neck notch. (I still might do that, actually.) I noticed when I was wearing it yesterday that one side wanted to flop forward and fold down occasionally, so a little bit of extra stiffness there couldn’t hurt.

    Overall I’m very, very happy with this one! It’s cute, comfortable to wear, and a real conversation starter.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @GeoffreyHuntley 💥

    Thanks to @developerjack for my @pridecodes sticker, which matches his awesome shoes!

    Full house at @pivotallabs as @nicola_rushton kicks off today’s #sydtechtalks panel about building great product teams!

    Identifying with @rakalene’s story of doing arts degree, surviving dotcom boom… #sydtechtalks

    Key skills for good Product Managers: tech acumen, commercial experience, strategy – says @iseethesea. #sydtechtalks

    @GeoffreyHuntley Why, ME, of course. 😂

    RT @nicola_rushton: “great product managers aren’t focused on the feature, they’re focused on the outcome” – Damon Pezaro @pivotallabs #syd…

    @GeoffreyHuntley If you donate to Frocktober, I’ll teach you to sew your own stuff!

    You need balance between data scientists “maniacal about stats” and those comfortable using gut feel. – Bridget @Expert_360 #sydtechtalks

    @developerjack I’ve experimented with both @FullContact and @cloze for that. (Sticking with former for now.)

    Product manager as orchestra conductor – they don’t have an instrument, but they make everybody else sound good. #sydtechtalks

    @GeoffreyHuntley Works for me!

    RT @developerjack: Great product managers get asked questions they don’t know answers to & their eyes light up with the challenge of solvin…

    Many startup founders really struggle to give up ownership of product. – @jamesdcameron Yep, jibes with my experience. #sydtechtalks

    @GeoffreyHuntley LOL. You didn’t donate to MY Frocktober page! 😂 But no bother. Let’s set up a time for a lesson.

    @GeoffreyHuntley Will DM you!

    @unixbigot Are you trying to hack a fishtank?

    @unixbigot @minxdragon I ❤️ YOU BOTH.

    RT @yow_conf: And you can pick her brain at her #yow17 workshop in Sydney

    Still 4 spots available for tonight’s @GGDSydney! Me, @lucykbain, and @mobywhale speaking. And yes, GUYS CAN COME.

    @hannahcancode @developerjack @pridecodes I got you one. 🙂 You coming tonight?

    @msharp LOL. Now there’s 5 spots. I’m actively scaring people away. 😂



    @JennaGuillaume S’okay. I’m never going to make it to December anyway. 😂

    Like @mobywhale, I have a love-hate relationship with CSS. #ggdsyd @GGDSydney

    Whoops. Pretty sure I made the “magic number” mistake @mobywhale just mentioned on @RoaldDahlFans. Now to self: refactor. 😂 #ggdsyd

    @hannahcancode @mobywhale That seems… really obvious. And yet she wouldn’t mention it if it was always done, I’m guessing!

    Excited to hear about @lucykbain’s journey from dev to team lead. #ggdsyd

    RT @hannahcancode: Atlassian are hosting tonight and flying the pride flag 🌈🌈🌈 #ggdsyd

    Lucy’s asking hard questions. What skills do you use that others don’t? Does your boss know your goals? @lucykbain #ggdsyd

    And it’s not bragging! If you go above and beyond, they will appreciate you letting them know. #ggdsyd

    “What does a team lead actually do?” 😂 I had exact same reaction when I got promoted to people leadership. There’s no one answer! #ggdsyd

    @Mandy_Kerr If/when you visit Sydney, we will schedule a @GGDSydney – guarantee it!

    I do love the Madonna mic. #myturn #ggdsyd

    YES. @hannahcancode is amazing. If you are thinking about starting a career in tech, you should talk to her.

    @mobywhale I am making that face again. 😂

    RT @GRobilliard: Cracking #ggdsyd tonight. 3 x awesome talks from @mobywhale @web_goddess @lucykbain 👏👏👏

    @hannahcancode YAAAASSSSSSSS! Pockets are life.

    RT @jaythenerdkid: I want to talk about a really frustrating conversation I had today with a really good man.

    @mobywhale Rodd says it’s my Jerry Seinfeld face. “What’s the deal with technology?!”

    RT @LucindaBurtt: Let’s leave #tech a lil better than how we found it – become a #mentor cause sharing is caring, says Kris Howard (@web_go…

    @unixbigot I am having fun imagining what prompted this tweet. 😂

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Dear Meetup organisers of Melbourne (love your work). Run something during the 1st half of the month to avoid mass co…

    @tcn33 Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

    @unixbigot I worked out in college that I have great gaydar. Basically – if I had a crush or kissed someone, they turned out to be gay. 😂

    @unixbigot Doesn’t work as reliably now that I have outgrown my “pash people at keg parties” phase.

    @Mandy_Kerr @GGDSydney That’s how I feel about Perth. 💜

    @evanderkoogh @unixbigot *glares* It was probably more related to me doing a theatre degree at a Catholic uni, to be honest. 😜

    @randomknits @Gertie18 @SpotlightStores So nice! Please do a blog post and tell me everything I need to know about making up that pattern.

    RT @FlipPrior: Thread: for anyone applying for jobs in social/audience, this stuff also applies (mostly) to similar roles at the ABC https:…

    Day 10. The Big Data Dress! Details on my blog. #madebyme #frocktober #frocktober2017

    If you want to read how I made the dress, I blogged it here: (Credit for the name goes to @j_houg from #yowdata!)

    And I just realised I wore this one on Day 10. How appropriate!!

    @roisinparkes Thank you! All credit to my Mom @susiegii for hooking me up with the fabric. 🙂

    @mmastertheone I don’t think they’ve put the videos up yet. Last I heard from @robdmoore they’re still editing/encoding/etc.

    @mmastertheone The slides are here if you want to check those out: They’re mostly just photos though, of course.

    RT @SDLEARN: It’s true, “Only You Can Prevent Tech Burnout” by @aprilwensel

    @j_houg Thank you! I had to laugh when I saw the fabric. Such a perfect distillation of that hilarious Tumblr you shared. 😂

    @quartolio @MichelePlayfair @LauraCardinalAu Wow, thanks! 😊

    RT @quartolio: Today is Ada Lovelace Day; we’re giving a shout out to awesome women on our timeline @web_goddess @MichelePlayfair @LauraCar…

    @damienpbuckley Is that an IKEA hack? Looks great!

    One of my fave live coding gurus of all time. 😍 (Also, he’d nearly died like 2 days before this.) @starbuxman