Month: October 2017

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    @mtnygard This is like one of those “one sentence horror stories.” 😱

    Day 8. Lady Skater dress. #madebyme #wrinkly #frocktober #frocktober2017

    RT @TheDweck: Trump: You’re really hurting our budget, Puerto Rico!

    also Trump: Mike, fly to Indiana for 2 seconds to show how much you ha…

    The fact that, in 2017, I still have to write BBcode just to put a link onto @Meetup enrages me. [rage]WHYYYYY??[/rage]

    Massive crowd for @Startmate Demo Day! Really excited for @simonraikallen. Saw him keynote at @yow_conf West 2017 – inspiring! #startmate

    Cheers as @holasammy kicks off #startmate! @startmate

    Ran into @MarisaWarren16 and @cmack4life. Excited for the #startmate pitches! @Startmate

    A year ago @simonraikallen told me he had an idea for a startup. Now it’s a reality! #Startmate @startmate #teambigcrunch

    RT @mattallen: Love @simonraikallen’s energy at the #Startmate demo day!

    Bulk email marketing is hilariously ineffective. 😂 @smartrmail #Startmate @Startmate

    @tuppaware @i386 I’m pretty sure that @thecolourfool was the source of this review. 😂👏

    Using AI to analyse the cricket? MASSIVE CHEER from the crowd. 😂 @Flixsense #Startmate @Startmate

    @Holly_Stephens Ooh, I’m at the same event! Somewhere to your right judging by photo. 😂

    Love the design of – but I love the idea more. Leadership training for everyone in your org. 🙌 #startmate @Startmate

    Another way to get a big cheer – announce a seasoning “that makes anything taste like bacon!” 😱🥓 @dseasonings @startmate #Startmate

    @Holly_Stephens Straight back from the screen, in front of the balustrade!

    “Yes, we are working on our diversity issues…” 😂 👱‍♀️👱👱‍♀️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️ @flauntermedia #startmate @Startmate

    @nickdrewe Loved your pitch. Would love to get you speaking at a @yow_conf event next year. 👍

    @nickdrewe @yow_conf We’re looking for talks for our CTO Summit right now: @simonraikallen is one of the hosts!

    RT @pc0: Wow! @NightingaleAus is for purpose #startmate company delivering cost effective 100% fossil fuel free #housing. #startoz #brunswi…

    @rcsbaker Nice to see you again! At our current rate of meeting, I’ll look for you again in 2019. 😂

    @nxdnz @Flixsense @startmate A COMPUTER did, Nigel!! 😳

    RT @lady_nerd: I did a thing. Hoping my mom now believes I have a proper job. Thanks @iodboi @bruntonspall @jimrbird for being an awesome t…

    @lady_nerd @unixbigot @iodboi @bruntonspall @jimrbird You really did do a thing! Congrats!! 👏

    RT @yow_conf: And we just listed one in Canberra!

    @puffnfresh Thanks to that post, just discovered the Data61 FP course… which is definitely relevant to my interests. Cheers. 🙂

    RT @puffnfresh: Not everything is a trade-off; some tools subsume others. FP + types are silver bullets for the problems they solve: https:…

    @johnbarton What, like one of those bottles from a minibar?

    I met Kim & Kelley Deal when they came to knitting shop 10 yrs ago. Hilariously, I didn’t recognise them at first.

    @puffnfresh @queenslandfplab Damn. I’ll be in Bris the week after! Will it happen again in the future? This is part of my dev plan; would love to do it at some point.

    @puffnfresh @queenslandfplab @dibblego I’m sure I could help with that! (Actually, we’ve talked about maybe doing an “intro day” at LJ next year. We should talk…)

    @RMcKergow @evanderkoogh I’m coming to visit you in two weeks, Ryan. Speaking at the IoT meetup on 23rd, and Ruby meetup on 24th!

    RT @rachelandrew: If you speak at conferences and events you might be interested in @benotist, announced today and coming very soon https:/…

    RT @b0rk: how to be a wizard programmer

    Day 9. Sportscraft dress in blue. #frocktober #frocktober2017

    When your dress is covered in binary, silver Chucks are really the only choice. #frocktobersneakpeek

    @parisba 😳 Cannot unsee Clone Soldier’s crotch. Thanks.

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    RT @hannahcancode: This kickstarted my career into development – I met so many people, found some confidence and saw so many people I wante…

    Day 7. Babydoll dress from @gluestore. #frocktober #frocktober2017

    RT @thoughtworks: We’re proud to be a Top Companies for Women Technologists 2017 Winner, 2nd consecutive year #UpwardTogether #GHC17 https:…

    RT @yow_conf: Reserve your seat at the popular Passionate Pdt Ownership wkshop w/@jeffpatton in Melbourne next month

    RT @Gaohmee: I have written about effects on the human vestibular system in a tweet thread before, if you’re unfamiliar:…

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    @MichelePlayfair Aussie companies are working on these tools right now. I’m excited! Every layer of abstraction is scary, but things are too complex now

    Day 6. Liberty shirt dress. #frocktober #frocktober2017

    @Malarkey All. your. fault.

    Only one week until @GGDSydney #shehacks Sydney! 50+ technical women writing code and building cool stuff.

    @sarahcalverley Wrong #shehacks. 🙂

    RT @cramforce: Your hero and the person that should be your hero in a Twitter thread

    The New Midlife Crisis – Why (and How) It’s Hitting Gen X Women. Yeah, this. Come on, U-curve.

    @imdominating Whoa, really?

    @imdominating When you get to the really cool building that JF Sebastian lives in – Rodd and I visited it in LA!

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    @lisaaharrison1 LOL. It looks like @stephenlead didn’t like my original title. 😛

    @stephenlead I was serious about Total Eclipse of the Heart 😂

    @stephenlead Too cryptic?

    @teaaddict13 I think it triggered an anxiety attack that night that I’m not qualified for any more senior roles. Ugh. 😕

    Day 5. MOAR red! Stefanie dress from @heartofhaute. #frocktober #frocktober2017

    RT @DennisCalero: I adapted it.

    @bringer128 @kbladow We are not acquainted! Thanks for that. 🙂 Hi Kate! 👋 This is me:

    @teaaddict13 Thank you! 😊

    @stephenlead That’s why it’s GENIUS.

    @Gaohmee Lovely story. 🙂

    @stephenlead Oohhhh, and it goes so well with @minus34’s title too!

    @minus34 @stephenlead See, I was thinking that too! (I hope you follow through on the theme and invoke Lenny Bruce, Lester Bangs, and Leonid Brezhnev in yours.)

    RT @lynnlangit: Do you code for a living? Read this

    @lynnlangit YOU’RE IN THE STORY!

    Sharing again in case you missed it. This article is so, so good. The coming software apocalypse, by @jsomers

    Just realised with new design for, there’s finally no more Comic Sans. @4colorcowboy killed it. RIP old friend… 💀

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    Heard a little pitter-patter at @WOTSOWorkSpace this morning and looked down to spot this little pupper! 🐶 #cutiepie

    RT @holman: I feel like all coding bootcamps should have at least one lesson on “spend 2hrs on a problem, go to sleep, and fix it in 2 minu…

    Bought my first printable pattern from @McCallPatternCo. Jesus, never again. Password sent in plaintext, had to install dodgy DRM viewer. 😡

    @McCallPatternCo Also, this website is clearly from 1996.

    @McCallPatternCo Not to mention that I made the purchase 2 days ago. 2 days!

    @McCallPatternCo Knitters have solved this. If this had been a knitting pattern, I’d have casted on two days ago.

    @LizlingC @McCallPatternCo Knitters use plain old PDF. It works great. I won’t be buying one of these again. (If anybody wants to disrupt an industry, HERE’S ONE.)

    @swapnilogale It *was* Stickermule, but their CEO is a Trump supporter so never again. Going to try for the next lot.

    @JessicaCGlenn @DomesticMouse @sallyannw @scruzin I borrowed a working pair from a friend to dress as a Glasshole for a fancy dress party a few months back. @lemon_lime – looking to sell? 🙂

    How many developers does it take to restart an AV system? 😂 Ouch. @NodeSydney

    Yay!! We’re kicking off the newly renamed @NodeSydney with host @asyncadventures. #nodesydney

    Big crowd excited to learn about functional programming in JavaScript from @bachstatter! #nodesydney @NodeSydney

    Learning about lenses and currying. Huh. I’ve actually picked up a *lot* about FP this year! Thanks @jedws and @KenScambler. @NodeSydney

    @msharp @CommBank What room is that? I only know the small one over looking Darling Harbour! 😱

    @mjhilton_ Congrats!!

    @simonraikallen @developerjack @jadacormier <marquee> or GTFO.

    Now to hear why you can’t do two things at the same time. “More for the guys in the audience…” 😂 @jsscclr @NodeSydney

    If you really want to shoot yourself in the foot (ie use threads in Node), you can… says @jsscclr. 👞🔫 #nodesydney @NodeSydney

    @amanda_melb @yow_conf @lindaliukas It definitely hasn’t sold out! Was it actually online? I think they’re still working out the logistics…

    @amanda_melb @yow_conf @lindaliukas Not sure, TBH, but I’ll do my best to find out for you tomorrow. All I know is that it’s not been opened for registration yet!

    @McCallPatternCo It was a McCall’s, but the issue is with the whole PrintSew website and experience. There was no layout guide! I have to print 110 pages?

    @McCallPatternCo And having to install an app with “Lizard” in the name from a dodgy looking website did not install confidence. I was worried it was a scam.

    @starbuxman @JavaOneConf LOL. I was just feeling frazzled at upcoming 4 talks in 1 week, in Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney. You put things in perspective. 😜

    @evanderkoogh OH HELLS YES.

    RT @saradramirez: My favorite part of yesterday:

    Male speaker: Is it Miss or Mrs?
    Female panelist: It’s Dr

    #500womenscientists #wome…

    @JenStosser It was a McCall’s pattern. As someone with a measure of tech skills… let’s just say I was able to fix the issues on my own. 😉

    @JenStosser But still super annoying. I’ll be going back to indie designers instead.

    RT @JanelleCShane: @OldNationBrew The goal was to produce trendy farmhouse/saison style names. Here are some of the rejects.…

    @McCallPatternCo I have now received 5 identical emails in the last 24 hrs letting me know that the pattern, which I have printed, is not ready for printing.

    Reading this: And wincing at these:

    Wow. @slashdot is 20. Checked my old account – 6-digit userID, last comment 2004. (The Snook – 5-digit, last comment in 2012.) 😂

    @slashdot Searched my blog for mentions. Huh. As early as 2004 I was ready to leave this damn industry.