Month: November 2017

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    @philnash @brianleroux Did you leave the [personal] tag in the credentials file? I removed it and got that error yesterday IIRC…

    RT @keatyong: @MichelePlayfair reflecting with a colleague how rare a keynote from two women is! Great to see!!! #yow17

    RT @MichelePlayfair: #yow17 #DiversityInTech metric: there’s a line in the ladies bathroom. πŸ‘

    @philnash @brianleroux There’s your problem!

    Fascinating insights from Rupert and Chris at @ANZ_AU about their digital transformation…

    Getting a sneak peek* of the forthcoming @thoughtworks Technology Radar from @boicy! 😊 *not really

    One of my personal highlights for @yow_conf in 2017 was getting to know the amazing @lynnlangit. ❀️ #yow17

    RT @MelissaKaulfuss: πŸ™Œ Hey look it’s a @kytrinyx πŸ‘€ #yow17 speaking about β€œThe Bait and Switch of Open Source” & her work on @exercism_io -…

    RT @simonraikallen: Two interesting observations on the crowds at #yow17. Firstly, Microservices is popular again. We had a rush on those s…

    RT @MessageMedia1: Developers, everywhere! πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Great start to the YOW! Melbourne conference
    #yow17 #messagemedia

    Folks, there are NUTELLA DONUTS. 😍 #yow17

    @leighmgibson Weren’t they good?!

    @drylight I concur.

    @amykate_94 Different caterers… πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    RT @ChrisChinch: I read pages of stuff on event sourcing and didn’t get it. @vonconrad helped me get it in about 4 slides πŸ™‚ #yow17

    @MelissaKaulfuss YOU WON ONE?! Soooooo jealous 😍

    @4QsJess Still tickets for Sydney next week!!πŸ˜‚

    Because sometimes even extroverts need to sneak off for an hour of quiet time…

    RT @heidihelfand: Never ask permission to do your job correctly. @DocOnDev #yow17

    Watching as @davefarley77 awaits his intro for today’s closing keynote… #yow17

    Interesting discussion of craft and mass-production. For @davefarley77, craftsmanship implies creating things individually. (Relevant to my ongoing crafter vs. maker debate…) #yow17

    Engineering is not production. If it was, we’d see a normal distribution of project success/failure. That doesn’t match reality. #yow17

    Sidebar: engineering implies a level of professionalism, and in 2017, that has ethical implications. (We’re taking about this at a future @SydTechLeaders.) #yow17

    @KenScambler I had a physical revulsion for the geocentric one. So disorganised and chaotic! It hurt me to look at it!

    @FakeSamRitchie There is a complete lack of puns. We need you here!

    @MichelePlayfair I tweeted that, and they were gone 10 min later. πŸ˜‚

    @i386 @mark_sabbatical @yow_conf ❀️😍

    @betsybookworm Depends on the hiring manager. I suspect @knitterjp, @OphelieLechat, and I would find that very relevant CV material!!

    @FakeSamRitchie πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Kennedy going straight from Shepherd’s first space flight to “we’re going to the moon” = the biggest user story ever?? πŸ˜‚ @davefarley77 #yow17

    Being empirical matters. We learn the most when our experiments fail, when reality doesn’t match our predictions. #yow17 @davefarley77

    Beware of Danes bearing sweets! (Salty licorice.) 😜 @apaipi #yow17

    @sf105 Ha. If there is one, it wasn’t part of my @yow_conf orientation. πŸ™‚

    @GeoffreyHuntley @swapnilogale @ChrisChinch It’s not something that YOW really covers unfortunately.

    @MichelePlayfair @apaipi She’s makes me look bad. I may have to trip her as she goes on stage next time.

    RT @paviOO: When the software engineering glass is half-full I enjoy filling it up with a bit of #yow #yow17

    RT @simonraikallen: I received a Random Act of Coffee yesterday from my friend @nellophonic. He just walked up and handed me a strong/small…

    View from the stage as Day 2 kicks off at #yow17. Impressed so many braved the incoming πŸŒ§πŸ’§πŸ’¨! (Don’t worry stragglers…)

    Such great energy from @ghohpe in day 2’s opening keynote. Love the cameo by 🐭! #yow17

    “‘We gotta win this race!’ That’s not a strategy; that’s ambition baby!” Strategy is defining what you won’t do – not just wishful thinking. #yow17 @ghohpe

    Protip from @ghohpe: When the CEO corners you and asks what you do, they don’t mean what you actually DO – they mean what value do you bring to the org. Don’t talk about the mundane stuff. #yow17

    RT @MichelePlayfair: #yow17 @ghohpe when someone shows you an architecture diagram: 1st check if it has lines showing connections! 2nd what…

    You can’t judge the quality of a decision from the outcome… because you didn’t know the outcome when you made the decision. You judge them by the information available and the analysis you did. #yow17 @ghohpe

    Story points and velocity are killing Agile, says @JoshuaKerievsky. Do your emotions during a sprint look like this? πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Thanks #yow17 Volunteers!!
    Nice shirts, BTW πŸ˜‰ @Xero

    Thanks @brisruby for capturing my recent talk “The Campsite Rule – Leaving the Tech Industry Better than We Found It”!

    100+ devs watching @JoshuaKerievsky’s daughter learn to ride a bike as a metaphor for modern Agile. Felt like cheering when she took off like a champion. ❀️ πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ #yow17

    @kytrinyx @ghohpe @yow_conf LOL. Aussie bluntness?

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    RT @paulangov: Hai #YOWCTOSummit @yow_conf there are SO many resources and event happening that support the gender diversity challenge. Che…

    @nxdnz @REA_Group @yow_conf Nintendo Classic? Uhhhh, how many times can we enter?! 😍

    Trying to convince @lynnlangit and @brianleroux to move to Australia, and Melbs came through with the assist. Beautiful dinner in Hardware Lane on a summer’s night!

    @mobywhale @Mandy_Kerr @simonswiss FRISKET? Such a cute name!

    RT @eisabai: Working on my deck for YOW! CTO #conference next week. Possibly my last #speaking engagement for the year. I’ll be talking a…

    @mobywhale @diversionary πŸ˜‚ Just noticed that too…

    Heartbreaking crochet, and I do mean that. ❀️😭

    RT @yow_conf: Our volunteers hard at work for #yow17 Melbourne. 😘

    Please show them lots of love as they make all things possible for the @…

    The view from the stage as the audience trickles in for this morning’s #yow17 keynote. Everyone ready?!

    The audience goes all Fonzie as @allPowerde and @lynnlangit tell us about the genetic basis for the hitch-hiker thumb. πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    I ❀️ that @lynnlangit’s keynote intro mentioned that bioinformatics isn’t just a challenging tech problem – it’s a way she (and we) can use her tech skills to make the world a better place. #yow17

    @MichelePlayfair Oh please! You’re the one that lives in Melbourne. 😜

    SCIENCE! πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ”¬ The four locations/signals that contribute to the hipster genome. πŸ˜‚ (I suspect some self-identification happening in the #yow17 audience!)

    @MelissaKaulfuss I cringe to think what generic criteria they would’ve used for me. πŸ˜‚

    Nice shout-out to our friends at @dius_au for helping with the Python API for VariantSpark! πŸ‘ #yow17

    RT @neversleepz: Always humbled by the results at a machine learning πŸ€– talk. The maths involved scare me, but the hat tip to algs & perf tw…

    RT @AshleeMcCusker: #YOW!Confrence2017. Enjoying meeting all these developers and seeing my buddy @web_goddess @salesforceapac @heroku http…

    VIP seat to see @nxdnz from @inventorship talking HoloLens… but I’m all about those rainbow YES socks! 😍🧦🌈 #yow17

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    RT @yow_conf: Get your ticket to our #YOWCTO Summit in Sydney next week here!

    @shenmaxiu I know! I talk about Jacquard looms in several of my tech talks.

    RT @Mandy_Kerr: Who is in Brisbane atm? I’m coming over for @yow_conf next week! Come say hi to me!! πŸ‘‹

    Another fascinating evening of conversations with @yow_conf #yow17 speakers! Only one more day… @jennifermarsman @lynnlangit @daveathomas @abedra

    The shirt I made @the_snook got featured on @freesewing_org! Thanks @j__st. 😊

    @helenwhoknits That’s from @GLITCHAUS!

    @yow_conf @jennifermarsman @lynnlangit @daveathomas @abedra I think we were talking about machine learning then. Rest assured we looked way more amused when @apaipi was talking about karaoke!

    The moment of happiness/dread: there are officially more submissions for the Art + Tech miniconf at #lca2018 than there are speaking slots, which means Decisions Will Have to be Made. 😩

    Gutted to miss the #yow17 CTO Summit today, but excited to learn about AWS and serverless in @brianleroux’s workshop!

    @3vi13d @yow_conf ☹️ I’d have been there if I weren’t doing a workshop today!

    Woot!! πŸ’ƒ #yow17 @brianleroux

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    RT @JoshuaKerievsky: Always impressed at how @yow_conf makes speakers awesome. Thank you!

    @SaraJChipps Now that I’ve got Airpods, I really want to rename Siri to Jane. ❀️

    @gilmae Haxx0r fashion.

    RT @SaraJChipps: I just published β€œAn Important List for your Holiday : My Favorite Coding Toys of 2017”

    @mpesce Sorry. There were plenty an hour ago! 😬

    @kmett Oh right, I saw some mention you were in town! Look forward to catching up. πŸ‘‹

    RT @inplaneterms: Get yourself to #YOW – such a rad lineup of speakers and attendees. Way to close off a great 2017 πŸŽ„…

    Kite surfers in St. Kilda…

    @WoodyZuill Are you joining us for dinner??

    The best part of @yow_conf is getting to meet awesome folks like @kytrinyx! #yow17

    @mtnygard @yow_conf You’re missed!

    RT @linuxconfau: The ‘Art and Tech’ #LCA2018 miniconf will explore how FOSS can be used to make beautiful, creative and shareable art and t…

    Tonight’s @yow_conf highlight: I taught @abedra, @JoshuaKerievsky, @boicy, and @kytrinyx what a “quokka selfie” is. πŸ˜‚

    @burrsutter @yow_conf Don’t you worry. You are definitely on my list to get to a YOW event in 2018! ☺️

    RT @TitusOReily: This royal wedding announcement is a blatant attempt by the English to distract the eyes of the world from their disgracef…

    RT @adamliaw: Nobody is asking the truly important question about #MeghanMarkle, which is, β€œdoes she have a sister who has a butt?”

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    RT @GovGoogles: why philip ruddock have no reflection in mirror

    Back at @la_herradura_coffee_stable for the 3rd time this week! Huevos rancheros = πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ

    Saw hundreds of preteen girls camped along Enmore Rd. “What the–? Oh. Harry Styles is performing.” πŸ˜‚

    @mmastertheone The kid in the orange vest looks like Marty McFly!

    RT @webuildsg: @subhransu @johnsundell @engineersftw Checkout with @thegeekpath πŸ‘«πŸ‘­πŸ‘¬

    @apaipi You appear to have not brought Sherlock with you this time. 😜

    Not many tickets left for @yow_conf CTO Summit on Wednesday in Melbourne! Don’t miss your chance to hear from expert technology leaders.

    Horrific. I kept expecting this piece to end and it just went on and on, so many people on the record. Everyone knew. 😠

    RT @hannahmosk: i’m going to make this my lock screen

    This is it – two weeks, three cities, five YOW! Confs, dozens of speakers, and hundreds of attendees. Wish me luck! β˜ΊοΈπŸ€

    @mmastertheone πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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    @minxdragon @maasmuseum Hmm. Looks like Twitter doesn’t show the video like Instagram does.

    RT @adamliaw: Do you get the snag on the way in to Bunnings or on the way out? I usually get it going out for the car ride home but this ti…

    RT @lynnlangit: Him: “Doing anything fun this weekend?”
    Me: “Why yes, I am.” πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

    @friendlyunit @adamliaw The hero we deserve.

    RT @classam: Slack => Rebranded IRC
    Soylent => Rebranded Ensure
    Uber Shuttle => Rebranded Bus
    Co-Living => Rebranded Roommates
    “Making” =>…

    Look who’s got a new homemade shirt! It’s the Simon shirt from freesewing_org. #simonshirt…

    For details, check the blog post: Thanks for your help @j__st! @freesewing_org

    It’s finally happening! #sangriasaturday

    @j__st @freesewing_org Absolutely! I would love that.

    @ahontwi Ooooh, looks nice! Do you have a machine?

    RT @fbz: ok today’s batch of mandelbrot scarves is listed. these colorways are limited, i only had one cone of each color and so there are…

    @TheRealBnut πŸ˜‰

    @TheRealBnut I’m still appreciative!

    @TheRealBnut Just no graffiti knitting or Jacquard looms, I beg of you.