@thatpatrickguy I’m running one (of sorts) in January! https://t.co/cdZhsnAPyG #lca2018
@destroyeroftroy Of course you are!!
RT @WoodyZuill: Estimates and #NoEstimates workshop at YOW! Conf in Melbourne Nov 29
@Baba_Lilith I went to a panel with Dale earlier this year and made a point during the Q&A of asking why he felt there needed to be a separate word, because to me, the distinction feels gendered. He gave a non-answer. 😐
@ComfortN01se Well aware of that post. This is me: https://t.co/fbqlOFEXnn 🙂
RT @BirchDuck: like “man bun” or “man purse”, so men feel free to do “girl” things. https://t.co/yCvmEcqqve
RT @stephentyrone: There is more science and tech in one of my mother’s weaving projects than in almost any “maker” project I’ve ever seen.…
RT @paulidin: The only makers I follow on youtube are women “crafters” and i agree that’s a BS distinction to screw over women for advertis…
@oliyoung Kinda one of my pet topics. 🙂 https://t.co/Qck6Pp1odZ
Flat-felled seams are the devil’s work.
RT @mjreid: If you factor in yarn and fabric (as you should) then the ratio would probably flip to 80% women.
Maker culture is all crafti…
@that_alison THERE’S A SPECIAL FOOT??
@j__st Cool – I did it right then! 🙂
Wow. This is by far my most shared tweet of all time. Incidentally, the 80% stat came from a comment on this article: https://t.co/ubO3BzDOlj. https://t.co/E3xF1yGbgu
Jacquard looms! Drink, @gilmae. 🙂 https://t.co/sFm5DppVuj
RT @whoozqueen: @web_goddess Yeah, just like when men use their creative talents, it is nearly always described as ART but when women do it…
@Ganjm001 @adelsalison @MakerFaireADL No, the original comment was on this post about the Sexy Cyborg / Make controversy. https://t.co/ubO3BzDOlj
@RoseRed_Shoes Oh you silly woman. Making involves HIGH TECH things like 3-D printers and electronics. Not you with your quaint complicated hand-executed sculptural crochet pieces. 🙄
It’s funny how so many people think they’re being supportive by telling me “yes, knitters are makers too!” My point was that we didn’t need a new word to begin with, and we’re all just CRAFTERS. Why not just use that word?
@billbennettnz @rosie_spragg Well aware. This is me: https://t.co/Qck6Pp1odZ
@gilmae 🙄
Spent 20 min putting on make-up before heading to Girls Night. Asked the Snook how I look. “Shall I embarrass you?” Him: “Well, I won’t be there!” NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO ANSWER YOUR WIFE. 😂
@200okpublic I think you got more out of the locknote than I did.
@billbennettnz @rosie_spragg That’s in the talk.
RT @takashioomoto: Maker culture is the “lip balm for men” of self-made craft. https://t.co/3PNaAL83m6
@Workshopshed Define traditional…
@Workshopshed I wouldn’t be surprised to see those. Why not?
RT @lauraehall: @timbee @web_goddess I agree! It’s a cultural issue. As with many industries, like cooking and programming, when women were…
@lauraehall @timbee My original tweet was actually referring to comment on a blog post about that. The commenter was a troll defending the CEO because maker culture is 80% male anyway. 🙄
@DrNemski @auxesis What do they call the Slack channel?
@DrNemski @auxesis Interestingly, on the Girl Geeks Slack channel, we have #crafters.
@Workshopshed So you wouldn’t call woodworking that uses an electric lathe a craft?
RT @Ronniethesilly: I once explained that we already have customized self made clothes, it’s called sewing your own stuff. https://t.co/VoA…
@Workshopshed I’m using a computer generated sewing pattern right now. Why wouldn’t you call that craft?
@Workshopshed Well that’s sad, but understandable. My point is that “maker” culture feels like a masculine rebranding for dudes who don’t want to associate themselves with girly crafting.
@Workshopshed I find “making” offensive and patronising to the generations of crafters.
@KingDaveRa I think they did notice. That’s why they invented the term “maker,” to differentiate and commercialise from what women were doing.
@freecloud That’s a good point. There’s a generational aspect as well as gender.
RT @itsathought2: If a man sews a costume for cosplay – he’s a maker. If a woman does – she is crafty. Language matters. It’s how we mak…
RT @mippy: @web_goddess I wonder if it’s like cooking, which is a thing that housewives do, and being a chef, which is a high powered creat…
@Enyo287 My point is that Makers should identify as crafters, rather than this pointless neologism.
The words we use are important. Why do so many prefer to identify as Makers rather than crafters? What stereotype are we rejecting/promoting?
RT @RealSexyCyborg: This is my life now. Proving a Chinese girl can solder.🙄
Meanwhile 2km away… https://t.co/DvrVuVyEQD
RT @rahelab: @web_goddess Language matters, especially when used to create cultural distinctions and hierarchies.
@mseckington Nice! Been planning to install “cat shelves” for ages. Are they custom or IKEA hack?
A lovely night with some gorgeous ladies! #gertiereunion https://t.co/jlPj40znNk https://t.co/0qSS4dhmb2
RT @cyberFluke: @CatbirbPony @web_goddess @DrNemski @auxesis Honestly, I’d prefer the term crafter. You “make” something because you have t…
@200okpublic I identified with that part; my job is what I do for fun. I just would’ve liked more of an acknowledgement of the immense privilege involved. I’m very lucky. If you have kids and a mortgage, dedicating a year to side projects is just not feasible.
RT @jaz_off: @AnnaGerber @web_goddess reminds me of this article. https://t.co/zCZiLqP8Rc
RT @tomaszbednarz: If you are in Sydney on 21-22 November please join us at Visualisation Matters 2017, FREE event @EPICentreUNSW #vis htt…
@FakeSamRitchie No. That is also not the Correct Answer.
@MelissaRogers17 I’d love to read it!
@Malarkey @tomaszbednarz @EPICentreUNSW Yay! I’m looking forward to it. So honoured to take part!
RT @BostonAnnemarie: This could not be more true. Women have been true makers for generations but we think of them as “crafters.” Men are m…
@SvantesKatt I’m well aware. This is me: https://t.co/1rDhouqpYY
Uh… My mentions kinda blew up overnight. I guess I got a nerve!
RT @gillianmsmith: Yep. “Making” is not exclusively about electronics: don’t buy in to its masculinized sci-fi-oriented rhetoric. Meanwhile…
@ilikebadmusic I know. I gave a tech talk on it. https://t.co/1rDhouqpYY
@Ziobrop @Baba_Lilith There’s loads of “traditional crafts” that are essentially assemblage from pre-industrial parts though: scrapbooking, kit quilts, etc.
RT @bob_zim: @web_goddess @alicegoldfuss This is one of the many reasons I cannot stand the term “Maker” except in Dune.
@WatWazThat Many already do. I know of machine knows who fabricate their own replacement parts since they aren’t manufactured anymore.
RT @ififorget: Ok but I still hate the term maker. I’m a crafter all day long. The dudes are welcome to join the crafters though. We’re pre…
@scpi @RealSexyCyborg I know. It was a comment on a blog post about her that prompted my original tweet.
@RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive Why would you think knitting and sewing doesn’t involve technology or engineering? They definitely do.
@glorund I’m one of those women. There are several hundred more in my mentions. They very much care about their self depiction. We don’t need men to invite us to join a rebranded “movement” that we’ve been in for years.
@supergirl_sass Good point!
RT @hops_and_smoke: Toxic masculinity has more subtle effects, too. Crafts are seen as feminine hobbies. https://t.co/38IjGo7Kbo
@Squelchtone @stephencass So… Electronics is your dividing line? What about finishing quilts on a long arm industrial sewing machine? What about procedurally generated knitting patterns? The cushion I sewed with a Lilydale Arduino incorporated? All still crafts.
RT @adamgallardo: Women have always been relegated to the category of “crafters”, never “artists” or “makers,” and it’s bullshit. https://t…
@Robotbeat @adafruit I’ve bought from her and used her tutorials before. I just don’t think they’re separate cultures. 😉
@ericis As a programmer who also knits and sews, I assure you that “traditional crafts” incorporate all kinds of technology.
RT @MaggyTheBrave: This reminds me of that old blog (male) vs diary/journal (female) distinction so many tech dudes (and some tech women) f…
@chrisbeach @simonw Yes. There are 7+ million knitters on @Ravelry.
@Twinklecrepe @ComfortN01se I know. This is me: https://t.co/1rDhouqpYY
RT @stephencass: @web_goddess Making is to crafting as action figure is to doll
RT @TheSweetKat: Not only is there a completely artificial distinction, there is an implicit devaluation of crafting. “Making” is seen as t…
@GameSh1ft @drsiant It was a comment on this blog post: https://t.co/ubO3BzDOlj
@blinkpopshift I LOVE THIS!! Thanks for sharing.
@edabot @ItsAngieChua Was a comment on this blog post: https://t.co/ubO3BzDOlj
@imaginaryerika Ugh, that sucks. 🙁
RT @aelleaelle: @willbradley @web_goddess @Baba_Lilith Or how body hacking refers to implanting a magnet in your fingertip, but not a coppe…
@jeff_p_harris @jasmith_yorku I know. This is me : https://t.co/fbqlOFEXnn
@cntsarunev My knitting and sewing involves a lot more engineering than art.
@zentree @RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive Yes. This is me: https://t.co/1rDhouqpYY
@nickbering @electester @RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive I know. This is me: https://t.co/1rDhouqpYY
@mootpointer @SwiftOnSecurity Yeah. Yikes.
RT @richardsonsroom: @web_goddess https://t.co/m7pwJwHo1H
@gilmae There are so many. So, so many.
@RoseRed_Shoes You got dragged into a lot of those tweets, somehow. Sorry. 😂
@amykate_94 @Mandy_Kerr Absolutely!
So many well-meaning dudes nevertheless “Well actually, Jacquard looms…” at me. It’s lovely, really. 😂
@jpwarren @gilmae More of an inside joke. I’ve been giving a talk about programming and knitting for the past year, and whenever I mention it, a dude will inevitably ask me if I know about Jacquard looms. It’s okay. It’s just happens over and over and over.
@viewfromabook @jeff_p_harris @jasmith_yorku Oh, I didn’t mean to imply that I’m the woman talking about crocheted hyperbolic reefs! Just that I’ve given talks about tech + knitting, so I’ve done a fair bit of research on the topic.
@RaymondDurk Etsy is heavily gendered though. I would assume it’s way, way skewed female. https://t.co/MgsxS2Hwq2
Exploiting my new status as viral craftivist muckracker to point out that I’m running an Art + Tech miniconf at #lca2018 and I’d love for you to submit a talk: https://t.co/cdZhsnAPyG https://t.co/E3xF1yGbgu
@thalass_sp Yep, I’ve bought from her and used ideas in my own projects. But to me it’s all the same thing – no need to separate into two different cultures.
@RoseRed_Shoes Only a couple trolls, which is nice. I’m sitting on my hands to avoid feeding them.
@LizQuilty @jpwarren @gilmae If you come visit us in Australia anytime soon, the Wool Museum in Geelong has one that still works! https://t.co/uEGbveGKuA
@_Torgen @zentree @d_m_elms @RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive I mention it in this tech talk: https://t.co/Qck6Pp1odZ
@LizQuilty @jpwarren @gilmae Are you coming to the 2018 one? I’m running an Art + Tech miniconf!! (You probably know my friend @KathyReid then.)
RT @rockbot: this is such a hilarious distinction to me. I have a degree in mechanical engineering, have built ROBOTS/helped start the node…
@blinkpopshift @carriesloane Really wish you were in Oz. I’m running a one day Art + Tech conf in January; would love to have you present! I have no budget though to bring you over. 🙁
@jpwarren @gilmae It’s all good. You were nicer about than some folks were. 😂
@manifestedreams That sucks! What kind of shows??
RT @Baba_Lilith: @Ziobrop @web_goddess It’s all very well to pretend that they’re just different words for the same thing, but the distinct…
@Baba_Lilith @Ziobrop Amen.
@0youngbs It was worse, actually. It was on this post: https://t.co/ubO3BzDOlj
@finishedlast @donttrythis My notifications are already toast. No more signal boosting needed, I beg of you. 🙂
@legionseagle @mme_hardy @MaryRobinette This is fascinating stuff!
RT @whitneyhacks: Companies: What do you do, exactly?
Me: I know the CSS spec by heart and I can code a flexbox layout correctly on the fir…
Today’s To Do list: promote @yow_conf, fix a WordPress site, continue learning Haskell, and buy buttons for the shirt I’m sewing.
RT @nicolarushton: #Sydney tech folks, got an AMAZING meetup happening tommorrow at lunchtime @pivotallabs. Jins & Erin on innovations in F…
RT @FourRedShoes: The replies are a great debate about the gendered cultures of creation. When I teach fashion and tech, I remind students…
@AshKyd @yow_conf @BrisJS @kevdesign I sent Kevin a discount code for your group too! 🙂
@James_R_Holmes @yow_conf I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK.
RT @PanyaV: This. Plus, the outdated, sexist notion that people like me don’t work with wood [I do], or people like my husband don’t work w…
@edabot @ItsAngieChua But “Maker culture” didn’t exist as a named thing until the magazine, right? I don’t know the history of it, but the mag is certainly when I became aware of it. DIY and craft culture has existed for ages, definitely.
RT @lara_hogan: Managers, please read this thread. https://t.co/WXXAYVgtko
@databozo 😂
@Dfiz14 My notifications are in meltdown enough as it is. Don’t need any more, thank you. 🙂
Dear people who keep trying to get Adam Savage to share my tweet: Thanks, but please stop. I suspect that firehose would tip this over from “fun” to “scary.”
This is why I’m learning Haskell! Would love to have you join in. https://t.co/ayPtMRT37F
@SnowmanRoberts @zentree @RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive I know. This is me: https://t.co/Qck6Pp1odZ
If anyone in Sydney wants to see me talk about knitting and programming in person, I’ll be speaking at Visualisation Matters next week! https://t.co/JWeR8viLlA