Month: November 2017

  • Sorbetto Blouse

    Earlier this year, Colette announced that they’d revamped their excellent free Sorbetto pattern. I’ve made five different tops using the old version – Dr. Who tank, Wonder Woman tank, Lucky Cats tank, Red Flowers tank, and Liberty blouse – so I was curious to see what had changed. The new one uses a different block (basically: the default body it’s designed for), and they also revised the size range to go a lot higher.

    This is a quick project, and I had it finished within an afternoon. I sewed up Version 3 using some mystery fabric I got when my friend Jody’s Mum sold off her stash. (It might be a blend? It doesn’t get very wrinkly, which is nice.) I used some premade navy bias tape to finish the neckline on the inside. I cut a straight 18 based on measurements, but I think I might blend to a smaller body size next time as it’s quite roomy around the midsection. The pleat down the front is wider than on the old one. I’ve got a little tightness across the back of the shoulders, which I suspect means I might need to do a broad back adjustment on the next one.

    Still – a quick project that resulted in a very wearable blouse for summer!

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    Some fantastic speakers lined up for this event, including @TacticalGrace, @mjpt777, and @dibblego!

    @NicoleWill100 Slay them dragons.

    Bookmarking for the next friend who muses about opening a knitting shop or mibrobrewery…

    And it’s the night before @yow_conf! (Did I mention there are < 25 tickets left, Melbourne?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ )

    @Super70sSports @GaelFC This just reminded me of a pattern I’ve been meaning to knit for ages:

    RT @AndyRichter: โ€œWHAT ABOUT CHICAGO?โ€ regurgitates every gun loving NRA puppet, even though this โ€œpointโ€ is easily debunked. So ONE MORE Tโ€ฆ

    Thought I was done with speaking engagements for the year, but no. ๐Ÿ˜† Thanks @tomaszbednarz for the invitation!

    RT @nicolefv: always true:

    @mootpointer Yours?! Congratulations!!!

    @mootpointer You’re a Dad. You’re a DAD NOW. I can see how that’s world changing. Wow.

    RT @yow_conf: Join our last SYD #yownight before #yow17 w/@LeeRyanCampbell Nov 9 on Cost of Dependencyhttps://yn201711-syd-leecampbell.evenโ€ฆ

    I’m watching Q&A because my nephew was on it tonight. “But you hate #QandA!” the Snook says. I’m watching it on mute.

    Just discovered my DVD can playback at 1.5x. Speed-watching Q&A on mute = ๐Ÿ‘

    @LapTop006 I usually don’t. Just trying to get a screen grab on my nephew in the audience.

    @BradSearleAU An autocorrected DVR

    RT @KnitYak: sold out again on thanks everyone! some new scarves will be listed by tomorrow. โœจ๐Ÿงฃ ๐Ÿ“ฆโœจ

    Interesting reading about #ParadisePapers right after chapter in Roald Dahl’s biography about how his tax avoidance schemes failed.

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    @MikeRiethmuller @freesewing_org @j__st Yeah. I’m always tempted to use the neologism “sewist,” but then it annoys me not to use the simplest term.

    @crankymate Did I tell you I’m a quarter Korean? ๐Ÿ™‚

    @crankymate I just sent that link to my Mom to share with my Grandma. She’ll be tickled!

    @zarahjutz They’re beautiful and you’re awesome. Hope you’ve been having a good recovery weekend.

    Congrats to Jensen on winning the Spirit of @HealthHackAu award at #HealthHackSYD last night! I look forward to seeing you at @yow_conf. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    @zoeydoesnttweet What are chasers? (Guessing I should probably be happy I don’t know.) ๐Ÿ˜•

    @zoeydoesnttweet Ahhh, I see. Yeah, that sounds like it would suck. Sorry you have to deal with them. โ˜น๏ธ

    @damovisa @msandfor @Cuff_S @yow_conf Thank you, but I deserve no such credit! @yow_conf had childcare before me, and my only involvement with Health Hack was as Syd judge

    @damovisa @msandfor @Cuff_S @yow_conf That said – we only have YOW Bubs in Melbourne this year. Just not enough uptake in other cities in prev years. ๐Ÿ™

    @Cuff_S @susanalmon @brynphd You’ll want to talk to @LizlingC and @HealthHackAu! ๐Ÿ‘

    @The_McJones @laurclinn Coding and knitting. There are several different versions online! This is longest: Google name of team for more. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    @The_McJones @laurclinn But I sew too. Just discovered @freesewing_org recently. Programmatically generated sewing patterns from your measurements!

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    @i386 Is that what I think it is? ๐ŸŽƒโ˜•๏ธ

    @i386 It’s rainy here. I should put on some technical fleece.

    RT @yow_conf: We’ve less than 50 tickets left in Melbourne! If you miss out there, you can still grab tickets in Brisbane & Sydney

    @LiviuC_PhD @Data61news @thoughtworks @yow_conf @GarvanInstitute @CicadaInnov @itocaustralia @RCCUQ Can’t wait to see the presentations tonight!

    @LiviuC_PhD @Data61news @thoughtworks @yow_conf @GarvanInstitute @CicadaInnov @itocaustralia @RCCUQ @IMBatUQ Yay, it’s my friend Callan! ๐Ÿ‘‹

    The crowd for #HealthHackSYD is gathering!

    Judges are ready and excited to get stuck in! #HealthHackSYD

    Really proud to support #HealthHackSYD on behalf of @yow_conf for the second year in a row!

    First, keynote from @allPowerde on how compute technology is transforming life science research. She’ll be at @yow_conf too! #HealthHackSYD

    OH at #HealthHackSYD: “AI is what you call it to get funding; machine learning is when you’re trying to recruit.” ๐Ÿ˜‚ @LizlingC

    @TheRealBnut You should come talk about it at my #LCA2018 miniconf. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    RT @NodeGirlsBri: Aaaand its live! Registrations for NodeGirls Brisbane 2.0 are now open ๐Ÿ’ปโ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ’š
    Follow the link to get your tickets httpsโ€ฆ

    RT @LiviuC_PhD: #HealthHackSYD crowd chanting “Angle! Angle! Angle!” Until the live physiology monitoring simulation fired up and worked. =โ€ฆ

    Just signed up for @freesewing_org. I’m really impressed! @j__st is speaking to me as both a sewer and coder. ๐Ÿ˜

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    This ice cream is flavored like Thanksgiving dinner foods // I would 100% try (and probably love) all of these.

    Folks, it’s your LAST DAY TO APPLY for @yow_conf’s Diversity Scholarships. Ticket, travel, and accommodation!

    You think your Mom is cool, but does she send you photos of quilted and embroidered Game of Thrones wallhangings involving CHAIN MAIL?!

    @zoeydoesnttweet If you participate, I’ll donate. ๐Ÿ‘

    TFW you know you made the right decision but still kinda regret it anyway… ๐Ÿ˜•

    @rosepowell Heh. Is it mainly dudes in fedoras who also say “milady”?

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    @NotreDame Coincidentally, I received a fund-raising email less than an hour after tweeting this. I sent a reply that I would not be donating. ๐Ÿ˜•

    Knitting friends: any of you still have some of @gusseting’s 10-ply white Cormo from a few years back that you’re wiling to part with?

    @imdominating *fans self*

    @gusseting Calculations are happening.

    @nicilind @gusseting Project needs 9-10. I’ve got 3. @knitterjp might have some, she said.

    Walked past the queue of weirdos camped out in front of the Apple Store only to realise I know one of them. ๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ @canva

    “Kooris do tech. And we do tech well.” ๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธ So excited and honoured to be at tonight’s @indigitek meetup.

    If you want to check out @indigitek, this meetup is being live streamed!

    Hearing how @taminap’s tech career started with hacking her brother’s computer and customising her MySpace page! @indigitek

    Imposter Syndrome kept @taminap from applying for a @googledownunder STEP internship… but when she did, she got it. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ฏ @indigitek

    Hearing from Rhett Loban about the Torres Strait Islander VR game he developed. @indigitek

    VR provides a unique opportunity to convey an oral based culture and traditions in a digital medium. @indigitek

    Rhett’s Torres Strait VR game looks amazing. Astronomy, cultural practices, nature, myth… And it looks beautiful! @indigitek

    RT @indigitek: @web_goddess speaking to the group about diversity scholarships for @yow_conf – get your applications in they close tomorrowโ€ฆ

    After watching others, I had to try the VR game. Did you know they make hygienic masks for VR headsets? ๐Ÿ˜‚ #indigitโ€ฆ

    @MichelePlayfair @sammy_lee12 Ooh, I saw @visospace do a cool talk earlier this year about the Exoflex assistive device! @steveathon

    @aimee_maree For some stupid reason I didn’t quite work out that the HOLE was supposed to go over my EYEBALLS. ๐Ÿ™„

    @aimee_maree Yeah, the speakers and the group were very good. Definitely worth giving some support and promotion within the community!

    @kcarruthers Goddamnit.

    @hj_chen Have a good flight!!

    @ThisIsLiamM @indigitek I asked, but it’s still in beta. Currently being used in a few courses at UNSW. @indigitek might be able to put you in contact with Rhett!

    RT @Astarael: Oh hey @EdgeEnvironment let me write a blog! What the heck is blockchain and what does it mean for sustainability https://t.cโ€ฆ

    @Astarael @EdgeEnvironment Yay Jess!

    RT @mistydemeo: โ€œNothing helps us realise what we understand more than trying to teach it to someone elseโ€ – this is SO true. #kiwiruby

    RT @yow_conf: “KLOCs Kill” by @JoshuaKerievsky on @LinkedIn

  • Behind the “Jang” in Gochujang

    A primer on Korean fermented saucesโ€”plus, a look inside a master jang maker’s studio

    Today I learned that the Korean government actually designates people as “Korean Food Grand Masters.”ย Wow. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ