Month: December 2017
darthted: @web_goddess Became co-organiser of best meetup in Sydney. (in reply to web_goddess) stibbons: Started writing up my talk on blinkenlights for the art and tech miniconf at #lca2018. This is hopefully going to be pretty fun.
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helenadonahue: Hillary Clinton should take up parkour alicegoldfuss: Two statements that are both true: – Tech industry titles are non-standardized and offer no solid proof of experie… Gaohmee: Also Mark Hamill liked my tweets and I feel like this is a great way to send off my 2017 twitter engagement. May the Force be…
thomas_violence: (nodding sagely) this incredibly important art form must be preserved at all costs
msharp: Just watched #StarWarsTheLastJedi again and you know what. Liked it even more.
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johnmaeda: I like to think that PHP stands for “People Helping People” as I have learned in the #WordPress community — that at… sw: I wrote a thing for @wired. When Tech designs for Maslow's hierarchy of needs (and the whole industry cites it), we… unixbigot: New year’s resolution:
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