Month: December 2017

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    @kixiQu Oh thank you! πŸ™‚

    RT @helenhousandi: @sailorhg @Una I use a lightly modified version of your Fairyfloss color scheme and a Sublime Text theme I made to match…

    @FourRedShoes Oh good grief, you’ve just made me covet hundred dollar scissors. Very, very tempted…

    Oh bloody hell. Now I’m coveting hundred dollar scissors. βœ‚οΈŽ

    @giantmetalrobot Wait til you see the lineup! Really pleased that I’m able to squeeze in 11 speakers talking about some fantastic projects. πŸ™‚ #LCA2018

    Well, that was unexpected. Literally stopped me in my tracks for a few seconds to think.

    @rosepowell In the end I went with Disagree. I think the *idea* of it – bringing people together – is a good and worthwhile pursuit. Sadly, I think the current execution isn’t making things better.

    RT @kenshirriff: I punched an 80-column holiday card on the vintage IBM 1401’s card reader/punch using the “column binary” feature to punch…

    @KenScambler Excuse me. My toothbrush has Bluetooth, and it’s awesome. 😜

    @mmastertheone Interesting. I’m not far from the shop in the city. Wonder what their prices are like

    @AraulloJake @SafetyCultureHQ Congratulations!

    @JessicaCGlenn Protip: carry one of those little iPhone SIM tool pokey things in your wallet. Has saved me a couple times. πŸ˜‚

    I haven’t seen any Christmas buses in Sydney yet this year. Do they still exist??

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    RT @alxswan: Beloved fledgling developers, a wee PSA:
    – No, you don’t need to know everything.
    – No, developers don’t have to code 24/7 or…

    RT @DavidCalcutt: My BBC radio dramatisation of Susan Cooper’s “The Dark Is Rising” online here. The story begins on midwinter’s eve…


    RT @harrisj: The Jerk Store called to say they now consider themselves more of a Global Jerk Lifestyle Brand and they want you to be an Inf…

    @catehstn Timely. I am nearly at this point, myself.

    Fantastic deep dive into why Google Maps are so much better than Apple’s right now. They’re creating data out of data, stuff you can’t just directly collect. #mapgeekery

    And if you liked that, you should definitely watch @ADuckIsMyFiend’s excellent #yowdata @yow_conf talk on her efforts to determine the most popular street name in Australia.

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    I’m definitely suffering the post-conference slump. 😞

    Techies Still Think They’re the Good Guys. They’re Not. | Backchannel // THIS. (And don’t think Aussie startups are immune either!)

    One of the best responses I’ve seen:

    RT @JohnCohen1: Trump robot in the Hall of Presidents looks like a 71-year-old Chucky doll.

    @AshKyd For an organiser, there’s always another conference. #lca2018 coming up in January! πŸ˜‰

    @Mandy_Kerr @lynnlangit Thanks. Just the usual “end of a big project” comedown, I think.

    @FakeSamRitchie @tinypang I think the point is that they were just egg tarts, NOT COOKIES. πŸ˜›

    Incidentally, if anyone would like to put their hand up to help mentor on the day, just let me know!

    If you’re going to #LCA2018, you’re in for a treat. Just working out logistics for the Art + Tech miniconf EXHIBITION. See cool stuff, then learn how folks created it!

    @mark_sabbatical That’s the one! Happy to add you to the mentor list. πŸ™‚

    @Reidyd It’ll be on Saturday, Feb 3 if that works for you!

    @Alegrya We’ve got talks from both a knitter and a crocheter happening! πŸ™‚

    @ijayessbe Just sent you an invitation!

    @developerjack @glasnt It’s like I’m putting together the AVENGERS OF CONFERENCE SPEAKING or something! Inviting you both to the team. Details coming soon.

    @developerjack Whoops. I may have just invited you to be the facilitator. Clicked the wrong button! I’ll get it fixed. πŸ™‚

    @developerjack @glasnt She did a YOW event this year! Getting there…

    @IngaPflaumer Invited you!

    @Mandy_Kerr @glasnt I thought you were gonna organise one in Perth!

    @DrRhysPockett @linuxconfau That sucks. πŸ™

    @auxesis Check your email!

    RT @spokeskitten: I don’t do hexes, but I won’t deny I thought about it

    RT @fbz: i put one more batch up:

    I cry every time Harry’s “Dad” saves them with the Patronus. 😭🦌

    @stowball *pours one out for Homesite*

    Just realised how appropriate it was to watch Prisoner of Azkaban while knitting this. #prongslives 🦌

    @TheRealBnut @crankymate Same! I actually got an “o rly?” from TwitterJoel today. Made my week. πŸ˜‚

    @mobywhale I think I’ve got enough volunteers for now, but I’ll let you know if/when anybody pulls out. Be great to have you as backup!!

    @noopkat I didn’t realise you were home! We would’ve had you as a guest at YOW if we’d known. πŸ™‚

    @noopkat Glad the visa thing got sorted with less stress this time!

    RT @alexandraerin: “Think of all the technological advancements we’d lose if we stifle even negative ideas like homophobia!”

    Alan Turing:…

    RT @KirstenMinshall: This is A* bullshit., pay no attention as it will make you 100% miserable.

    Instead: ‘Work like the tortoise not the h…

    @catehstn @chiuki Thanks to the both of you. Really enjoyed this project!

    @pratiba Thanks! I think I’ve got enough volunteers for now, but I’ll let you know if/when anybody pulls out. πŸ™‚

    RT @oureric: “I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end.”

    I have been flummoxed by this mystery for 20 years! AN INVEST…

    Started my day by churning home-made mango ice cream. 😊

    @randomknits SUPER CUTE!

    RT @aurynn: This is utter garbage, it is contempt culture and the driver of all that is wrong in our industry.

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    RT @mcannonbrookes: β€œOracle buys Aconex for $1.6b” – big win for Aussie tech! πŸš€πŸŽ‡ congrats @leighjasper & @rphillpot on a colossal journey o…

    Sorry I didn’t reply to your email; I was staring at this gif for six hours.

    @corduroy Just give in. This is your life now.

    RT @gattaca: My daughter went to a laser quest birthday party yesterday. She set her username to β€œa girl”. I asked why she didn’t pick β€˜blo…

    Went to see The Last Jedi yesterday at new @palacecinemas at Central Park. So nice! Just signed up for their Movie Club, in fact.

    @i386 @palacecinemas It was so new and clean! And not super crowded. My kind of place. πŸ™‚

    RT @linuxconfau: #LCA2018 has a Grants/Finanacial Assistance Program. Please apply asap!

    Still confirming the venue, but a @gdcfpday event will definitely be happening in Sydney on Feb 3! Thanks @threequal for the encouragement. If you want to mentor, please let me know…

    @lucykbain @gdcfpday @threequal Oh weird! Working for me now.

    @AndyyHope @mark_sabbatical Jewelbots! Super fun, and you can get a couple so she and her friends can code them together. The creator @SaraJChipps also wrote a blog post with other suggestions:

    @nickzoic @clarissa @vavroom @linuxconfau @pyconau @yow_conf @ComposeMelb Thanks Nick! This is very much stuff we’ve been talking about at YOW! I’ll make sure the team sees it.

    @vavroom @nickzoic @clarissa @linuxconfau @pyconau @yow_conf @ComposeMelb Keep pitching, Nic. Happy to give feedback sometime too if you want someone to review an abstract! πŸ™‚

    @vavroom @nickzoic @yow_conf Incidentally, I’ll be at LCA (I’m running the Art + Tech miniconf!) so hopefully we’ll cross paths so I can say hello in person. πŸ™‚

    @AndyyHope @mark_sabbatical @SaraJChipps Yep – she had 8yo Clara on stage live-coding C++ in front of 150+ devs!

    Okay, so there’s a πŸ› . That URL only works for me! But it’s listed on the homepage ( and it’ll go live soon, I promise! (Thanks @lucykbain for the tip.)

    @FourRedShoes I do this. Also, when I get a bit sunburnt or freckly, I imagine Mr. Darcy telling me that it’s hardly surprising, when one travels out of doors… 😍

    RT @jeannette_ng: NEW KNITTING PROJECT

    Literally winced. πŸ˜–

    @simonwaight @lucykbain @gdcfpday @threequal Yeah, it’s live on the home page. Details page not live quite yet. I jumped the gun. 😱

    @starbuxman I want a whole series that is just Margaret and Tony. “Beryl” was BREATHTAKING.

    @PeterMHoward @palacecinemas Ah, we were at the 10:45am show so the bar wasn’t open. πŸ˜‚

    @summerscope @Asher_Wolf @piawaugh @datakid23 @kate_fazio @ABCaustralia @antonyjfunnell @linaXpatel @CodeforAus @LoveAndMaths @Isa_Kiko @ellenbroad @nidhalaigh @women_in_hpc @SalingerPrivacy @feraldata @Zajakot @fox @glasnt @georgiecel @meelijane @MelissaKaulfuss @lnoogn @the_patima @Mandy_Kerr @keirasaid @LJKenward @rachsmithtweets @hannahcancode I’ve been collecting a Twitter list for a while now. Well over 200 names and still growing!

    @summerscope @Asher_Wolf @piawaugh @datakid23 @kate_fazio @ABCaustralia @antonyjfunnell @linaXpatel @CodeforAus @LoveAndMaths @Isa_Kiko @ellenbroad @nidhalaigh @women_in_hpc @SalingerPrivacy @feraldata @Zajakot @fox @glasnt @georgiecel @meelijane @MelissaKaulfuss @lnoogn @the_patima @Mandy_Kerr @keirasaid @LJKenward @rachsmithtweets @hannahcancode 😊 Honoured! And you gave me so many more folks to add to my list too…

    @ADuckIsMyFiend Done! Thank you!

    @chrisgander They showed the trailer before Star Wars and I AUDIBLY GROANED.

    RT @KyloR3n: @HotTopic do you make any higher-waisted pants

    @aimee_maree @ADuckIsMyFiend You were already on the list. πŸ™‚

    @chrisgander I hated it. It reminded me too much of the stories I wrote in junior high just mashing up characters from my fave books. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    @AnnaGerber @aimee_maree @ADuckIsMyFiend Done! πŸ‘πŸ˜€

    Featuring @lindaliukas, @SaraJChipps, @lynnlangit, and @kytrinyx!

    @unixbigot @sammy_lee12 WONDERFUL NEWS! So happy to hear it. (And πŸ’― on the response, @unixbigot.)

    This thread. I once worked for a woman leader like this. It was really depressing.

    Few more silly shots from last week’s party…

    RT @gdcfpday: Please welcome @web_goddess, who is bringing to Sydney!

    @ADuckIsMyFiend Ha. I wondered about your LCA submission. “DID SHE REALLY WORK IT OUT TO THE MINUTE?! πŸ€””

    Yayyyy well done @LJKenward and booooo for those of us not in Melbs who’ll miss it. πŸ™‚ @GDGMelbourne

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    Noticed that @PrimeVideo showed up on Apple TV, but literally everything I want to watch just shows this. WTF. No indication in UI what you can actually watch in Australia. 😑

    @crankymate @PrimeVideo What are you actually watching on it?!

    @crankymate @PrimeVideo We tried to watch Mr. Robot and What We Do in the Shadows. πŸ™

    RT @whedonesque: Many people are saying that Buffy is now a Disney princess due to the recent acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney.…

    Machine learning + baked goods + SPITE? This is the kind of tech project I love. πŸ˜‚ (Hat tip to @tinypang!)

    Incidentally – we’re looking for @yow_conf Data talks right now. πŸ˜‰

    @Malarkey YES! Rodd won’t take me; he says they’re full of bogans. But I’ll go!

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    @boundvariable I literally stopped a guy at YOW last week and asked if I could take a photo of the back yoke of his shirt.

    @tcn33 If you really wanna up your game, you have to knit them yourself. 😏

    @Mandy_Kerr Happy birthday!!

    The knitting would go faster if I wasn’t completely mesmerised by it. πŸ‘ to @norahgn 🦌

    @Thriobologist Yep! Hence my 🦌 emoji. 😊

    @myrle_krantz @NorahGn Interesting interpretation! It’s a stag head. πŸ™‚

    @myrle_krantz @NorahGn I think it’s one of those things where once you know what it is, you can’t unsee it. It took me a minute to grasp that you weren’t joking!

    @stringy Norah Gaughan’s Stag Head pullover

    RT @marcandangel: When you look back on this past year, don’t think of the pain you felt. Think of the strength you gained, and appreciate…

    @phillfarrugia Wait, what are you doing back in town?! Just visiting?

    @phillfarrugia Welcome back then, however briefly!