Month: December 2017

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    Just got asked to give a short “elevator pitch” for my Campsite talk, and I really can’t put it any better than @mike_s_airey did back in September at #dddperth.

    @NodeGirlsSydney @Mandy_Kerr @the_patima @JakeGinnivan @amykate_94 @silky098 @ticidesign @ReenaRajani @WWCSyd @RailsGirls_SYD I’ll send you an email!

    RT @queenslandfplab: QFPL is coming to Sydney to run Functional Programming courses.

    @fbz YOU KNITTED IT? Amazing! 😍

    @fbz Lovely, and well done! I’m cranking through an epic Aran handknit right now.

    Bee-yoncé in the house! 🐝 #googleparty2017

    Stepping up to the crease… Aussie cricket legend David Baboon! #googleparty2017

    @pwcc And I forgot to put goddamn hot sauce in my bag.

    As usual, we probably went too high-concept with our Christmas party costumes. The theme was “Celebrity Safari,” and we appear to be the only ones who went for the Bojack-style celeb-animal puns.

    My FAVOURITE costume of the night was THIS GUY, and every time he walked past me I yelled out “HEY SETH ROGEN!” and he totally hated me.

    Deppophobia: the irrational fear that somewhere, somehow, creepy Johnny Depp is watching you.

    @boundvariable This is your curse, to recognise fonts everywhere. Mine is knitting patterns.

    RT @MichelePlayfair: And, it’s a wrap!! Great two days for @Xero product peeps with @jeffpatton -big thanks to @LauraCardinalAu and @yow_co…

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    @sammy_lee12 Oh Sammy, I had no idea. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Thinking of you and sending healing vibes.

    @clepetit Hygiene products?!

    @james_zaki 😂 I have no doubt.

    RT @battlepanda_au: To all my #developer friends. @web_goddess at @DDDPerth 2017.
    The Campsite Rule

    RT @argumatronic: i guess if dudes think women shouldn’t want pink computer gear because you should only care about how interesting coding…

    Unfortunately, yes. 🙄

    RT @ReBeccaOrg: To pink or not to pink… is not a question.

    For girls and women compulsory femininity is absolutely a thing and should be r…

    @stibbons So many people recommended the book to me, so then I read it, and then I judged them for thinking I’d like it.

    RT @mattkocaj: I’m back on the market folks. DM me if you need a dev/lead/architect/agile coach/devops guru/ruthless pragmatist on your tea…

    TFW your lunch looks too pretty to eat… almost. 😉

    @carnivorous8008 Jamon, peaches, rocket. Sooooo nice!

    RT @carnivorous8008: Me: I should do something fun and edifying tonight, like one of the things I want to do!
    Also me: Twitter is so many l…

    @virtualwolf I think that’s the first time I’ve ever eaten pipis, and now I’m FULL of ’em!

    @aurynn I’ve been saving it for Christmas! (Seriously.)

    RT @DocOnDev: Be the worst player
    on the best team
    that will still
    accept you.

    – @smamol #yow17

    Holy crap @taminap is in the Guardian!! @indigitek @IndigenousX

    RT @Gaohmee: Hey Melbourne friends:

    I’m looking for 6 playtesters to come into our office next week Friday for the first ever early playte…

    Josie and the Pussycats just kicked the shit out of a would-be rapist while singing a song from RENT and I can’t believe I waited this long to catch up on this show. 👏

    @jkriggins Riverdale on Netflix! It’s ridiculous but so good. 😂

    YESSSSS AWESOME GO @GeoffreyHuntley!

    @glenntstephens Sorry – it’s been out for a while now! And not critical to the plot.

    @jkriggins The Archie connection is superfluous, really. It’s more like Gossip Girl + The OC + Veronica Mars with a veneer of Archie.

    Last month I unsubbed from ND’s fundraising emails (during debacle over policy changes to the uni health plan). And yet I still continue to get fundraising emails, some of which don’t even have an unsubscribe link. Time to get politely objectionable…

    RT @NodeGirlsBri: Check out this awesome workshop that gives under-represented groups the skills to write & submit talk proposals 👉 https:/…

    Nothing scheduled for Sydney or Perth yet. I’m happy to organise one for Sydney. (Anybody want to help?) Any Perth folks interested? @Mandy_Kerr @the_patima @JakeGinnivan @amykate_94

    @threequal Awesome. Just DMed my email address to you. Let’s do this!

    Adapted Austen. This thread is GENIUS.

    @Mandy_Kerr @the_patima @JakeGinnivan @amykate_94 @fendersperth The Global CFP people apparently provide some materials as well. You guys should totally run one! I’m working with @threequal on the Sydney one now. 🙂

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    The search for the perfect red lippie continues. This one might be a contender! @katvondbeauty

    Myer Sydney has the Women of NASA Lego set!! Thanks @unlikelylibrary for the tip! @mmastertheone

    The @GGDSydney women are causing a run on this set, so don’t delay if you want one! Plus right now 20% off when you buy 2 Lego sets. 😂

    @stufromoz @unlikelylibrary @mmastertheone Nah, there’s still plenty!

    @ahuijsen That’s awesome! I’m thrilled for you. 👏

    @voltagex Yep. You should read Neil Gaiman’s recent Norse Mythology book. Very good!

    RT @emilywithcurls: if ur a software engineer doing squats that would be considered back end development

    Oh thank goodness. Not everything is terrible. 👏 Well done Alabama! (That was way too close.)

    @200ok Bah. No Wonder Woman. 😕

    @slyall Oh phew! I thought I was bringing up the rear. 🙂

    @teknetia @AshKyd If it’s easier, I wrote a script that creates an iCal feed with all the tech meetups for each city (Sydney/Melb/Bris/Perth/Hobart). Updated once each day:

    RT @MichelePlayfair: If you ever wondered what community builders look like, here’s a couple of awesome examples. I am lucky to work with t…

    I finally started watching Riverdale series 2 today, which should make @HANSwerThePhone and @saberkite very happy… #bughead4eva

    @JM77 Aren’t those just it’s normal decorations? 😂

    RT @LJKenward: I was consumed with announcing last night but big shout to @LukeMesiti for nailing his 1st radio int…

    RT @alexwitze: NASA now has a screaming-eagle-with-telescopes-and-rockets graphic. #AGU17 cc @gbrumfiel

    RT @unixbigot: So, all those analyses of the Mirai code that concluded its text indicated an author who was not fluent in English missed th…

    @msharp Bravo! 🤣

    @hima_tk Nice! I haven’t tried it yet. My problem is I end up smearing them all over. The new one is the “paint it on and let it dry” style, which seems to be working better.

    @the_patima You got this.

    RT @Geo_Miles: As @NASAJuno passed Mars, scientists noticed that Mars couldn’t fully clear its orbit of dust, leading an #AGU17 audience me…

    This thread made me tear up on the bus. (Why is there no happy-crying emoji?)

    Thought my new Airpods were clicking, then realised they’re just hitting my dangly earrings.

    I wonder if Apple had any testers who wear earrings. 😐

    @eleanorkh @MelissaKaulfuss @ZacDavies Sudden urge for mince pies. I blame you all.

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    @JulieKalitis @bengubana Yeah, I wondered about that, but the white looks pretty solid. With duplicate stitch you’d expect some bits of blue showing.

    The Queen puts the jam on SECOND! VINDICATION!!

    @sundress I have been subjected to Scorn and Derision for putting the cream on first!

    RT @gdcfpday: Folks, @MsAmandaDean has released tickets for the Melbourne workshop. Get them while you can

    RT @Meera404: Amazing sketch noting from @SketchGrp @jeffpatton’s Passionate Product Leadership training @DTA. #ProdMgt…

    @simonbrown @boicy @james_watson1 😂😂

    @amykate_94 Finished Victoria and nearly done with The Crown!

    Neat! Researchers have used AI to generate new DDR step charts. Appropriately, the paper is titled “Dance Dance Convolution.” 😂💯

    @GeoffreyHuntley @SydneyHaskell @readify Holy crap I somehow missed this. Very relevant to my interests. Are total FP newbies welcome?

    @GeoffreyHuntley @SydneyHaskell @readify Awesome. I’ll sign up for the group and try to make it tonight. If I’m not there, will you be sharing what gets covered so folks can catch up?

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    RT @Gaohmee: This. Is. An. EXCELLENT tip for working on projects in your own time, especially solo projects!

    Good for your own mental heal…

    @crankymate @VirginAustralia Oh that sucks! You’re missing out. I haven’t flown the US version, but AU is pretty damn good.

    @allievoyage @MenCatPerson Thanks for alerting me to this! Read the story yesterday. Very powerful.

    @TheEnigmaRoom @WoodyZuill @the_snook @DocOnDev @AgileSquirrel @kytrinyx @yow_conf Sadly, most of them have gone home to the USA! 😭

    Just sent out the Art + Tech miniconf CFP notifications. Looks like it’s going to be a cracking program! #lca2018

    That said – this was my first time ever having to reject other folks talks. That part sucked. I know how much work goes into preparing an abstract, and I really appreciate everybody who submitted. Six hours just isn’t enough time to fit it all in. 🙁 #lca2018

    @cameronjonesweb Yes, exactly!!

    @IndigenousX @yow_conf @indigitek And you were both excellent track hosts!! Thanks for joining us. ☺️

    I grew up in the Midwest but I’ve never had a pickle in my beer. I’d definitely try it though! 🥒🍺

    @themaninblue This is your way of deflecting us from the fact that you’re working on a secret project with initials TBC, isn’t it? THE BIG CANVA?!

    @themaninblue Tuberculosis Candy

    👏 Even harder than it looks. That ABC logo is in intarsia, meaning this jumper is knit flat and sewn up. Thus the fairisle bit with the snowflakes has added difficulty due to stranding on the purl side. 💯 #knittingnerd @bengubana

    @bengubana Hm. Although she could’ve knit the bottom in the round, I suppose, as long as the logo is all above the split for the arm holes… (Reverse engineering is fun!)