Month: December 2017

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    Second fastest time ever from the #yow17 team at @TheEnigmaRoom! @WoodyZuill @the_snook @DocOnDev @AgileSquirrel @kytrinyx @yow_conf

    Wow. This is super useful @boztek, as it points out that even people who think they know what it means (like me) might be interpreting it incorrectly. Could change what they take away from your talk.

    @mmastertheone @TheEnigmaRoom @WoodyZuill @the_snook @DocOnDev @AgileSquirrel @kytrinyx @yow_conf That’s the one we did! I think it could use a few more red herrings though. That would make it harder. πŸ™‚

    Now that conference season is over, progress is being made. βœ…

    @incunabulista Yes indeed!

    @randomknits I love that you have a whole series of photos of Bonnie watching you eat different things. πŸ˜†

    You know what’s fun? Doing three weeks of expenses from all over Australia. πŸ˜­πŸ”«

    I am a measly TEN points from Platinum. 😭 Any chance of a Christmas miracle, @VirginAustralia?? πŸ™πŸŽ…

    @_hhandoko Yeah, I’m hoping they take pity on me. I was hoping not to take another flight before the end of the year! Too much travel in 2017. πŸ™‚

    @VirginAustralia 😬 Sent!

    @OphelieLechat Do you know @simonraikallen?

    @anthonypjshaw @VirginAustralia Already had that set up for a while! But with just 2 of us it doesn’t add up to more than a couple a month.

    @chthonicionic @DrJosh9000 They reached out to say they’d look into it for me. πŸ™‚

    TFW you’re cooing over a video of baby kangaroos when @the_snook reminds you that you ate one for dinner. 😭 #tastytho

    Woohoo! Thank you @VirginAustralia! 😍

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Recovery breakfast of huevos rancheros and tamale. Much needed! ☺️

    RT @amykate_94: So last night I accidentally discovered that my phone takes short videos before taking photos and it made this at #yow17

    @talinoob @yow_conf @delitescere YOW 2017 speaker dinner. There was speech-ifying happening. πŸ˜‚

    @nellasantos πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    @metaeaux I’m so glad you could join us! Best of luck with the wedding planning. πŸ™‚

    @AshKyd Completely done!

    @realn2s @lindaliukas We recorded it so it will be on the @yow_conf YouTube channel in the coming weeks!

    @mattdelves You’ll have to watch the video of Kasper’s talk once it goes up on the @yow_conf YouTube channel. πŸ˜‰

    @_hhandoko @mamund I’m all conferenced out at the moment, so I’ll leave that one with @mamund…

    @joshprice @yow_conf @lindaliukas ❀️ Wonderful!!

    @Mandy_Kerr I believe there’s @NodeGirlsBri!

    RT @realscientists: Please do not say “I know you can’t read this from the back but…”. If you know people can’t read it, modify said slid…

    Voyager 1 Fires Up Thrusters After 37 Years // Space stuff always makes me cry! Go go, little Voyager. 😭

    Tip for conference speakers: “table stakes” is a metaphor you may want to avoid, or else provide some additional context. I ran a poll on the @GGDSydney Slack this week and 2/3 of respondents didn’t know what it meant.

    @crucially @GGDSydney I’d consider poker metaphors in that category. Most people only know it from watching people on TV play.

    @aprilwensel Exactly! Just adding a bit of extra context – “the bare minimum, the starting point” – in enough I think.

    @crucially @GGDSydney Interesting!!

    @JM77 Its a huge thing in the US, because American Coke uses high fructose corn syrup. Mexican Coke uses sugar.

    @JM77 That said – I thought Aussie Coke used real sugar anyway. πŸ€”

    @mwotton @GGDSydney I can’t believe I didn’t make that joke. πŸ˜‚

    Looks like a good thread for bookmarking!

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    If any #yow17 attendees are keen to order @jewelbots, I suggest you may want to wait until next week. πŸ˜‰

    I love Kasper’s To Do list: make the Web slightly better, and bring joy to mobile developers. ❀️ #yow17

    WHAT? How did I not know that one of the @yow_conf #yow17 talks this year features a cameo by @HamiltonMusical!? (Kasper’s talking about the tech used to build the mobile app.)

    Flutter compiles to native, but it uses a modern reactive framework. Great way of visualising where it fits with other solutions. #yow17

    Since he didn’t really introduce himself πŸ˜‚, the Blue room track host this session is @JustinMclean from the IoT Sydney meet up! #yow17

    @AGUCAMPOS @davidhussman They’ll be up on the @yow_conf website within a few days!

    Doing custom design and layout for apps is hard. Doing it twice is PAINFUL. @flutterio solves this with platform layering. #yow17

    Kasper introducing us all to @google’s Dart programming language. Not too scary, and now it even has a sound type system! #yow17

    Nice demo of “hot reload” as Kasper changes parts of his demo app and updates on the fly. Just-in-time compilation of Dart code is very cool! #yow17

    @malgroves @simonbrown @yow_conf The magnifier one? I think it’s this one: Super jealous!

    RT @ljayes: Each to their own…..but i think @TonyAbbottMHR should have voted.

    He demanded this plebiscite, 75% of his electorate vote y…

    Since the old native @yow_conf mobile app has been deprecated, anybody want to volunteer to build one with @flutterio? Or did I just come up with yet another side project? πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    RT @abbeysbookshop: Adventures in Coding! Var Feeling; Var Statement; Set Feeling (‘Cool!’); Set Statement (‘How ‘ Feeling) Write (Stateme…

    Welcome to Trent from @indigitek, our track host for the next Blue room session! πŸ‘‹ #yow17

    Brief intro into cochlear implants from @xerxesb. Always shocked looks when attendees hear that the first one was the size of an Airpods case, drilled into a person’s skull! 😱 #yow17

    @AgileGeoff @yow_conf @flutterio I’ve already got people volunteering to help!! 😊

    A good software architecture allows you to defer decisions as long as possible, to keep your system as flexible as possible. @mark_sabbatical walks us through @CochlearGlobal’s app stack. #yow17

    Shout out to @jedws from @mark_sabbatical, who followed his principal of making invalid states unrepresentable. FP guideline that’s good practice for everyone! #yow17

    A six year time scale for a technology project is really unheard of for most devs. Team had to make a big bet that Swift was the future for iOS over Objective-C! #yow17 @xerxesb

    A useful tool for internationalising your app is auto-generation of screenshots. We used this at @canva too. Handy for i18n, but also great for marketing and QA! #yow17 @xerxesb

    With a 6-12 month delay for getting approval from regulatory bodies, that pretty much rules out any sort of Agile way of working, right? Damn. #yow17 @xerxesb @mark_sabbatical

    If you want to gauge complexity, look at the interconnections between components. If you change something, how many other parts are affected? @mark_sabbatical #yow17

    Nice big crowd for @joshprice’s talk on building better APIs with GraphQL! Lots of folks wanting to learn about this technology. #yow17

    RT @tweety_belle: Long queue in the female toilets @ #yow17 great sign of diversity growth in the industry πŸ‘Œ

    β€οΈπŸ‘Ά @MessageMedia1 πŸ˜‚

    @mark_sabbatical @xerxesb @CochlearGlobal Interesting! I want to hear more about how this works.

    Ha! Was just arguing during the lunch break that a “conference app” is becoming the new “To Do list” when it comes to sample apps. And now @joshprice is using meet up and talks in his GraphQL example! #yow17

    RT @xerxesb: @web_goddess @mark_sabbatical @CochlearGlobal @jeunj and I gave a talk at YOW 2010 on exactly this – how we did agile and UX i…

    Next steps for getting started with GraohQL: start with read-only first; shim existing REST APIs; get frontend and backend on board; and try it out on new non-critical path projects. @joshprice #yow17

    The first #yow17 prizes are about to be awarded! Visit the sponsors asap for your chance to enter.

    Massive crowd for @mamund’s talk! He’s starting by talking about breaking changes and the principles needed to ensure forwards and backwards compatibility. #yow17

    Hail @melissa_loh Stormborn of the House @yow_conf, First of Her Name, the Untweeted, Queen of the Volunteers and the YOW Staff, Khaleesi of the Great Conference Room, Breaker of Lanyards, and Mother of Twitter! #yow17 (Thanks @enstaved…)

    To ensure we don’t introduce breaking changes in our APIs, we need to be able to change/add objects, addresses, and actions. We need to design EVOLVABLE APIs. @mamund #yow17

    @melissa_loh @yow_conf @enstaved I did have to google it; I could only recall half from memory. πŸ˜‚

    Be kind to machines. Make sure your APIs return the most recently used links and forms in responses. Cuts down on network traffic and saves having to traverse multiple levels with every request. @mamund #yow17

    @melissa_loh @yow_conf @enstaved DAMN. Kicking myself for not using Mother of Tristan. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

    Really like @mamund’s references to @jnd1er in his talk. If you haven’t read “The Design of Everyday Things” you really should! #yow17

    @ahontwi @mamund I can’t believe it’s taken this long for the puns to begin!

    If you’re curious about @SydTechLeaders, you can join and see our next meetup here! #yow17

    RT @oliphantism: @thoughtsymmetry on how she trained her #AI on recognising #beauty and how we can #design cities we want to live in…whic…

    @melissa_loh ❀️

    Chief Defect Officer @daveathomas introducing @ghohpe for the closing keynote of #yow17!

    It’s important to know how IT is perceived in your organisation. That’ll help you speak their language, and make the benefits clear when you’re asking for IT investment. @ghohpe #yow17

    You will never have enough people to do everything you want to do. It’s critical for chief architects to coach and mentor their teams. Real measure of success is “how many people you pull up the ladder.” πŸ‘ @ghohpe #yow17

    @cbiggins I hate that shit.

    @cbiggins I haven’t seen a rectangular one on a ute. Normally it’s a tow-behind thing. All of them are annoying; the brothel/”gentleman’s club” ones even more so.

    RT @WoodyZuill: Speakers dinner kicking off. I get to share the evening with @web_goddess and a wonderful group of fascinating folks! https…

    Who let this guy talk? @delitescere #yow17

    OH at the #yow17 speaker dinner: “The problem is the Hegemony of the Diurnals…” Seriously. πŸ™„

    How much do I ❀️ @jennifermarsman? SO MUCH. #yow17

    @sir_tilbrook I did not! Neat.

    @KenScambler @jedws Where were you?! You snuck off.

    RT @yow_conf: That’s it! #yow17 Sydney is now over! Thank you to all the speakers, sponsors, attendees and especially volunteers for making…

    This week was brought to you by red lippie, caffeine, and Gaviscon. Thanks to everyone who made #yow17 such a success!

    “I think…I just went… Into hyperspace.” πŸ˜‚πŸ’«

    @AshKyd #survived another year!

    RT @koernchenty: We found this wall in the ikeadeutschland in DΓΌsseldorf πŸ’– #unicornpower

    #unicorn #einhorn…

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @taminap: Today I’m at @yow_conf learning from some accomplished developers! Thanks for having me @web_goddess

    RT @apaipi: While waiting for your coffee at #yow17 why not help yourself, or someone else, to a compliment?

    Those Rubik’s cubes went quick in the other cities!! #yow17

    Ondrej has given a couple great spruiks for @joshprice’s GraphQL talk tomorrow! No pressure, Josh. 😜 #yow17

    Since he didn’t introduce himself, that was @bassjacob from the @ReasonSydney meetup introducing @abedra. 😜 #yow17

    Humans clicking buttons is what causes security issues, says @abedra. πŸŒˆπŸ’© #yow17

    Protip from @abedra: remove all access to the AWS console from all but a few folks. Very your infrastructure configuration into code instead. #yow17

    Now @abedra’s talking permissions. “How many of you have full admin access to AWS?” Several hands. “And how many of you think you should?” Not nearly as many… #yow17

    DON’T USE THE AWS ROOT ACCOUNT FOR ANYTHING*. You don’t need it. @abedra #yow17

    *except for the tasks at the attached URL…

    @yow_conf I’M TRYING!!

    Great speaker technique – @abedra finishes each section of his talk with a check-list of takeaways. So useful! #yow17

    @the_nathanjones @yow_conf @unixbigot We have legit discussed bringing him around with us as tweeter-in-residence. πŸ˜‚

    @amykate_94 I suspect I’m misremembering and they were only in Melbs. IT’S ALL BLENDING TOGETHER! 😱

    @amykate_94 I had that last night! I was so excited thinking I was getting to bed before 10pm. Nope.

    Leaving the audience with a final thought: if you think your business can’t move to the cloud, you should reconsider. Even highly regulated orgs are moving there. It’s real and it’s happening NOW. #yow17 @abedra

    Was honoured to meet little Ada, our youngest #yow17 attendee at one month old!! ❀️ to parents @sir_tilbrook and Julia.

    Was excited to run into @amorphic this morning and grab a selfie with the #pythonicstaffofenlightenment. And guess what? You can order your own!! @enstaved #yow17

    I’m not sure what just happened, but @delitescere just gave @jimwebber a baguette while introducing his talk on @neo4j. πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    RT @WoodyZuill: I’m in #Sydney foe the #yow17 conference and have Monday Dec 11 open to hold a #MobProgramming or #NoEstimates workshop at…

    RT @bmousti: Post lunch sugar high + t shirts! Come say hi at #yow17

    “OI, DATABASE! That’s what ‘Match’ means.” πŸ˜‚ Learning about data graphs from @jimwebber #yow17

    “…Previous versions had a certain ‘SCREW YOU’ element for users. There’s a fancy computer science word for this. It’s called EVENTUAL CONSISTENCY.” #yow17 @jimwebber πŸ˜‚πŸ–•

    Momentary pause as @jimwebber spots the baguette and losses his train of thought. “Mission accomplished!” says @delitescere the troll. πŸ˜‚πŸ₯– #yow17

    Raft ties logs together. Ahhhhhhhh! Light bulbs all around. πŸ’‘ #yow17 @jimwebber

    “Any time you can choose simplicity, you do. Complexity is the dog shit that breeds bugs.” Gross but true! πŸ’© #yow17 @jimwebber

    Really enjoying @jimwebber’s talk and learning heaps about eventual constistency. Also, an ex-PM tried to assassinate him once by nearly running him down at a sporting event. 😳 #yow17

    RT @yow_conf: You are so lucky in Sydney! There are 7 giveaways with our #yow17 exhibitors and there are some amazing prizes!

    Growing crowd as @jedws prepares to introduce @kytrinyx for her final stop of the tour. Excitement! ❀️ #yow17

    What are the characteristics of an irresistible problem – one you just *have* to solve – versus one that’s merely annoying? @kytrinyx starts her talk with this philosophical question… #yow17

    All @kytrinyx did was solve an irresistible problem, but suddenly she was running a massively popular open source project: @exercism_io. It was HARD. #yow17

    . @kytrinyx is telling honest stories about poor decision making, and discovering the end result was pissing people off. “I learned a new expression yesterday: it shits me to tears.” #yow17

    “A strategy is a plan for overcoming obstacles… That means you have to start by identifying the obstacles.” @kytrinyx #yow17

    One definition of language fluency is “what you can say when you’re woken up in the middle of the night with a flash light in your face.” @kytrinyx πŸ˜³πŸ”¦ #yow17

    If you want to peek at the new version of @exercism_io, it’s at! #yow17 @kytrinyx

    RT @apaipi: Mine is: “the language you swear in when you bang your toe into the table leg…”🀬

    Based on @kytrinyx’s experience, it takes 3 maintainers to make an @exercism_io language track work well. (In my opinion, that goes for any volunteer group that you want to thrive.) #yow17

    A lot of folks in tech share @kytrinyx’s old belief that people skills, while hard, are nice-to-have but ultimately unnecessary and maybe even overrated. She’s knows better now. ❀️ #yow17

    Great shout-out to @ldavidmarquet book “Turn the Ship Around” in @kytrinyx’s talk! #yow17

    Been waiting for this one – @davidhussman talking about how to build less of the wrong thing faster. #yow17

    A few seconds of ACDC tribute to Malcolm Young courtesy of @davidhussman. 🀟🎢🎡 #yow17

    RT @yow_conf: WooliesX have not 1… not 2… not 3… but FOUR Google Home devices up for grabs at #yow17. Speak to @lightningdb & @pdeka…

    Velocity isn’t just speed; it’s a VECTOR. It means going fast in a direction. (@davidhussman once asked @KentBeck: “What’s it like to have started something that so many people have gotten wrong?”) #yow17

    Sad you missed out on @davidhussman’s talk? Check out #yow17

    RT @sir_tilbrook: @web_goddess

    @FakeSamRitchie @The_McJones Perhaps @yow_conf could get a volunteer to do this the next time you speak. πŸ˜‚

    Rather than thinking about what you can get done in a period of time, start thinking in terms of functionality required for a customer to get something done (a customer journey). @davidhussman #yow17

    Important mental shift from “What is it going to cost us?” to “What’s our next best investment?” It’s a subtle change but key. @davidhussman #yow17

    RT @mpesce: Have you ever seen a bunch of whinging sooks like this?

    Rather than focusing on measuring progress, you can use tools like @mixpanel to focus on measuring IMPACT. What are your customers actually doing? @davidhussman #yow17

    Nice. O’Reilly is putting out this chaos engineering book for FREE. As @davidhussman’s shirt says: Keep Calm and Embrace Chaos (Engineering)! #yow17

    Audience participation as @WoodyZuill asks us for the ONE WORD that captures the essence of “an estimate.” Post-Its everywhere! #yow17 #noestimates

    @kleeut @WoodyZuill He’s going through them now. Most are “GUESS”.

    Best answer for “What is an estimate?” IMPRISONMENT. @WoodyZuill bowed to the author. πŸ‘πŸ‘ #yow17

    Interesting. The words CIOs use to describe estimates are way different to what we said. “Educated guess.” “Promise.” “When will u be done.” 😳 @WoodyZuill #yow17

    COME ONNNNN. I really want to be able to celebrate Australian marriage equality at the #yow17 drinks tonight!!! β€οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

    “Anybody know what’s wrong with a 27-year-old manager? They haven’t made enough mistakes yet.” @WoodyZuill dropping truth bombs. πŸ™Œ πŸ’₯#yow17

    This talk by @WoodyZuill is great, but I’m also enraptured by @badbirdsart’s illustrations. Charming, creepy, whimsical. ❀️ #yow17

    @kleeut @WoodyZuill Oh no! I’m sorry you missed it. It definitely will go up on our YouTube channel eventually.

    RT @Erdbeervogel: Seriously can’t wait for this to come out and read to my kids (and myself) – or to say it in @annie_parker ‘s words: “nev…

    This little girl is my spirit animal right now. πŸ˜‚ @WoodyZuill @badbirdsart #yow17

    @i386 ❀️😭

    It me. #yow17

    Bookmarking for later! ❀️

    Q: How do we start the #noestimates conversation at work? A: You don’t. You’ll get fired. πŸ˜‚ Ouch! @WoodyZuill #yow17

    @i386 Totes appropes. Hope you get excuse to drink it before it gets warm!


    RT @sydneymardigras: IT HAPPENED!! #MarriageEquality in Australia AT LAST! #LoveWins

    @lynnlangit Sydney is gonna GO OFF tonight!

    @minxdragon ❀️

    @minxdragon I hope you’re okay. I’ve enjoyed getting to meet you. You’re an amazing person.

    RT @mpesce: THANK YOU AUSTRALIA πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ˜˜πŸŽ‚

    RT @battlepanda_au: Well done #Australia, we finally did it! #MarriageEquality

    Everyone is mesmerised by @davefarley77’s heliocentric solar system animated gif. (Its chaos bothers me. *shudder*) #yow17

    Whoa! One of my twitter conversations had a cameo in @davefarley77’s talk. πŸ‘‹ to @Doctor_Astro!! #yow17

    Incremental versus iterative. We need both of these techniques for an engineering discipline, @davefarley77 says. (Hat tip to @jeffpatton for the example.) #yow17

    RT @twistieman: β€œWhen Kennedy stood infront if the Congress in 1961 and said β€˜we walk on the moon by the end of the decade’… was this the m…

    RT @thatwearwolf: I am looking forward to making wedding dresses for all the queer weddings that happen next year. You in Melbs & wanna get…

    @thatwearwolf You’re amazing. What a fantastic idea. ❀️

    @delitescere @yow_conf For you @i386! We ❀️ you!!

    RT @delitescere: @yow_conf heard the news #auspol

    @HANSwerThePhone πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    RT @gitlab: Hi Twitter friends. We’re so humbled by the response to our developer survey so far, but…we have a problem. Of 2500+ respondent…

    @MichelePlayfair @LJKenward @shelleglee RTed and shared on @GGDSydney and @fendersperth slack. πŸ‘

    @galleman @PeterKretzman @henebb Good grief. It was an entertaining talk about the many pitfalls of estimation. I now understand why so many people are reluctant to get involved with the conversation with all these weird passive-aggressive replies.

    @PeterKretzman @galleman @henebb For the record, the talk was called “Estimates or NoEstimates?” and the speaker went to pains NOT to advocate any specific approach. But don’t let that get in the way of your indignation!

    @dp_lewis @stevelikesyou Wait! Which was the one where the DRM was to type in a random word from the manual?

    RT @alicegoldfuss: TECH: how can we get more women?
    WOMEN: you can start by treating us as equals–
    TECH: we’ll hire models for $200 an hou…

    RT @mamund: Hello, Friday. My last full day in Sydney for @yow_conf looks to be a sunny one! Looking forward to a full day of talks and soc…

    Still feeling πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆβ€οΈ as we head into the FINAL day of #yow17!

    RT @shimapanda_: Love the updated opening slide for today πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ #marriageequalityΒ  #yow17

    RT @robfe: Software IS political β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ #yow17 #marriageequality

    So excited to introduce @lindaliukas to the @yow_conf #yow17 community! You’re all in for a treat. ❀️

    THEY MADE A YOW! STAFF!! 😍 @yow_conf #yow17 @enstaved

    RT @twistieman: β€œIf we are teaching English, Chinese and JavaScript in schools… instead of grammar classes, let’s teach poetry.” @lindaliuk…

    There are so many ways to teach programming concepts that aren’t just shoving a vocabulary at students. How about dancing a FOR loop, then diving into the code, then learning about the context? #yow17 @lindaliukas

    Kids always love the NOT gate, because it reverses everything. πŸ˜‚β€οΈ #yow17

    One of my favourite parts of @lindaliukas’s keynote is spying the delighted look on @metaeaux’s face. ☺️ #yow17

    The world isn’t done yet; there’s so much yet to be invented and discovered. @lindaliukas’s work teaches kids that they can help create the future. (I’d love a bicycle lamp movie projector!) β€οΈπŸ”¦πŸš² #yow17

    Technology is too important to be left to the technologists. πŸ‘ @lindaliukas #yow17

    The first programmer in the world was the daughter of a mathematician and a poet. And yesterday we meet a 1-month-old named after her. ❀️ @lindaliukas @sir_tilbrook #yow17

    Protip for #yow17 attendees: @lindaliukas’s book is available on @AmazonAustralia! (Or it was a few days ago before I bought 10 of them…) πŸ˜‚

    Yay! @sqlprequel managed to find the first @hellorubyworld book at @abbeysbookshop! #yow17

    Thanks to Karynne Ledger and @JustinMclean for their lovely gift of 3-D printed @GGDSydney earrings!! #yow17

    Me and @metaeaux and @lindaliukas. ❀️ #yow17 @hellorubyworld

    @JustinMclean @GGDSydney Thank you @currawongwhsper!!

    The next best thing to Clara live-coding is watching a video of it. Coding is fun! ❀️ #yow17 @jewelbots @SaraJChipps

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    RT @jennifermarsman: The #yow17 crew moves on to Sydney! @jennifermarsman @JoshuaKerievsky @heidihelfand @kytrinyx @lynnlangit @abedra @ya…

    I often have to carry multiple pull-up banners when I travel for work, so I usually tape them together into one item. I was frustrated that the @VirginAustralia agent (at the Priority desk!) in Brisbane today implied that I was “cheating” the system. πŸ˜•

    @VirginAustralia It is still under weight, and it can be handled as a single item. She suggested next time I put them into a single large bag. So… I just have to hide the tape. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    Bye Brisbane! Heading to Sydney, cramped but happy. β€οΈπŸ‘‹

    RT @apaipi: View from the speaker’s dinner last night in Brisbane #yow17 #beautifulbrisbane

    Travel is stressful. So grateful to all the #yow17 speakers for their understanding and camaraderie as we grapple with logistics of moving 40+ folks all around this big country! ❀️

    Today has not been my day re: customer service representatives. 😐

    @quochuync @yow_conf @SBSOnDemand See you soon!

    RT @Mandy_Kerr: Sydney! If you aren’t going to @yow_conf get a ticket! So many wonderful speakers and it’s worth it just to hear Linda Liuk…

    RT @eduardlio: cant even begin to describe the amazing experience that is volunteering at @yow_conf. Big thanks to the staff that made this…

    RT @starsandrobots: RT if a connection you’ve made at a technical conference has ever significantly impacted your career.

    @neoghostz @ghohpe Joyce?! πŸ˜‚

    @roisinparkes @SafetyCultureHQ @pagerduty @GumtreeAu @yow_conf BOSS LADY! πŸ‘

    @neoghostz @ghohpe Not unless he randomly decided to go to the conference in Brisbane!

    RT @KenScambler: Finally got round to watching @web_goddess’ great talk on knitting == programming! So fun. Love seeing different takes on…

    These are the faces of four people who ate a LOT of meat. ☺️🐷 #yow17 @KenScambler @apaipi

    RT @jensimmons: I’ll say it again. The utter lack of women and people of color in your workplace IS NOT A PIPELINE PROBLEM.…

    Look what came in the post today! Thanks @AmazonAustralia and @lindaliukas. 😍 #yow17

    Who’s coming to #yow17 today? Be sure to say hi!! πŸ‘‹

    RT @angelapriestley: No women will deliver keynotes at CES. β€˜It’s upsetting,’ say organisers. But rules (must be a CEO etc) mean no women a…

    So excited to see this big crowd as #yow17 kicks off in MY town Sydney!!

    Learning about the work @CSIROnews is doing with @_Makeityours to identify the genetic causes of Motor Neuron Disease. A matrix of 1.7 TRILLION data points is a Big Data problem indeed! #yow17

    RT @bridgetkromhout: β€œPart of the problem of getting women into computer science is male jerks.” πŸ’― @vgcerf dropping truth bombs #topwomenin…

    When you’re working with very big data sets, you can’t rely on tables to view the results. You really need to create visualisations to explore the data. #yow17 @lynnlangit @allPowerde

    When a test run of your ML algorithm costs ~$9K, optimisation becomes very important. πŸ˜³πŸ’Έ #yow17 @lynnlangit @allPowerde

    GT-Scan2 is a “search engine for the human genome ” that uses serverless architecture to identify spots to EDIT OUT DISEASES. This is huge. #yow17 @lynnlangit @allPowerde

    It’s important to evaluate features and tools of cloud providers rather than blindly using everything new. In case of GT-Scan2, AWS step functions are more expensive and didn’t work as well did them. #yow17 @lynnlangit @allPowerde

    Thrilled to have @taminap here to represent @indigitek and introduce our next speaker Ondrej from @facebook! #yow17

    @Malarkey @mobywhale @LucindaBurtt Say hi to @shvedma, who runs @GGDSydney and works there. πŸ˜‰

    Ondrej knows his audience. He’s showing an example of GraphQL using Game of Thrones. πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    @leonardo_borges @yow_conf Me, of course! πŸ‘‹

    Okay, now example is distracting because I’m too busy trying to figure out how Shae counts as a bannerman to house Stark. πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    @quochuync Ohhh, you’ll want to be sure to see @bethesque’s talk on that tomorrow! #yow17

    Really cool to learn how @facebook’s architecture executes reactive LiveQueries so clients can be updated as data changes. #yow17

    Because my friends and I will likely have a lot of overlap in our FB feeds, users are grouped into “buckets” which are the native unit for load balancing, etc. FB sends all of our queries to the same place for efficiency! #yow17