Month: December 2017

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    Big crowd for @SaraJChipps’s talk on @jewelbots at #yow17! @evanderkoogh @amykate_94 @Mandy_Kerr

    Clara is my coding hero. ❀️ #yow17

    @KathyReid No, but I can introduce you to her Dad! If you get to Brisbane, I’m sure she’d love to meet you.

    @KittyHybrid Check your DMs! 😊

    RT @sabel25: I never expected a tech talk could make me cry! Fantastic, funny & inspirational talk #jewelbots #yow17 @yow_conf @jewelbots h…

    Meeting Clara has definitely been one of my highlights of 2017. #jewelbotlyfe Thanks @SaraJChipps for introducing her to the @yow_conf community! #yow17

    Loving @KenScambler’s energy as he walks a large crowd through @REA_Group’s FP journey. (Bonus points for the tiny @yow_conf t-shirt on the dev stick figure!) πŸ‘πŸ’― #Yow17

    How @REA_Group does FP: weekly guild meetings; shared norms; chat channels; and a central experts group. Guild meetings are important for establishing norms and an esprit de corps! @KenScambler #yow17

    If your team is new, inexperienced with FP, distributed, constrained by tight deadlines… DON’T MOVE TO SCALA. It will not end well, says @KenScambler. #yow17

    When the team hit a hard spot 6 months in, the FP experts at @REA_Group stepped up to help their colleagues and provide psychological safety. (Related: I’ve found FP community folks like @KenScambler and @jedws to be very welcoming and helpful to newbies!) #yow17

    Anti-pattern: developers sneaking FP in under the rug. If you don’t take the team on the journey with you, it’ll generate hard feelings, be difficult to maintain, and it’s unprofessional. #yow17 @KenScambler

    Advice for encouraging first time meetup speakers from @KenScambler. I love the idea of suggesting a timebox for prep to keep the bar low and fight imposter syndrome. #yow17

    RT @WoodyZuill: I’m in #Sydney for the #yow17 conference, and I’ll be at the Agile Sydney User Group meetup Wed Dec 6th, 6-8pm to share som…

    FP is awesome with great technical benefits, but none of it matters a damn unless you can make it help people. πŸ™Œβ€οΈ #yow17 @KenScambler

    @gclaramunt @KenScambler’s whole talk was about ways they’ve made the FP transition work. The video will be on the @yow_conf YouTube channel on the coming weeks!

    RT @unixbigot: Thanks to @yow_conf for inviting me to host a session at #yow17. I’ve enjoyed it very much. If you’re inspired to create b…

    @unixbigot @yow_conf Thank you as always for joining us and for everything you do in the Australian tech community!! ❀️

    You know a speaker is good when they automatically repeat each question in the Q&A for those who didn’t hear. πŸ‘ #yow17

    @cypherbob @unixbigot @yow_conf I just emailed a link to your tweet to her Dad. 8yo and already getting job offers! πŸ‘

    @KathyReid I just emailed a link to your tweet to her Dad. πŸ™‚

    TFW you see @lindaliukas speak and then immediately message your Sydney fam and friends to go buy up all of her books there. (Thanks @the_snook and @knitterjp!) I’ll have some extras for #yow17 on Friday…

    Beware of vendors selling you THEIR roadmap as YOUR strategy! @ghohpe #yow17

    Management loves a plan. It’s easier to get business buy-in if architects can show them *both* the Before and the After state. #yow17 @ghohpe

    Great crowd excited to learn about the @CochlearGlobal System 7 project from @adamphosho and @mark_sabbatical! #yow17

    The first cochlear implant was the size of an Airpods case – drilled into Rod Saunders’s head and embedded under the skin. Fortunately they removed it and gave him a smaller upgrade later! #yow17 😱 @adamphosho @mark_sabbatical

    @FakeSamRitchie @mark_sabbatical I don’t understand the joke and I won’t respond to it. πŸ˜‰

    Programmatically generating the Cochlear device API from a machine (and human) readable specification allows team to constantly upgrade & add features, and also export docs for regulators. #yow17 @adamphosho @mark_sabbatical

    Final use case implemented was “bilateral” – user with Cochlear implants on both sides of head. This was a lot trickier than just adding another volume button! #yow17

    UX testing is especially important for projects that have never been done before, and for hardware aimed at an audience where the devs aren’t representative of the users (ie people with profound hearing loss). #yow17 @adamphosho @mark_sabbatical

    UX testing revealed that a feature the team thought was unimportant – “Find my Cochlear device” app – was actually high priority for parents. Great insight! #yow17 @adamphosho @mark_sabbatical

    It’s a big shift for a dev team when their project goes from being a product to a platform, with other apps and accessories dependent on it. (Love that skull skin!) #yow17 @adamphosho @mark_sabbatical

    Great intro from @JReddrop for the final season of the day! #yow17

    @nitecoder @REA_Group @KenScambler Every Wednesday at 4pm, IIRC.

    One of my fave things about @yow_conf is how empty it gets during the sessions. I’ve been to confs where you see a lot of folks opting out of talks, but not here! (Sorry, sponsors. πŸ˜‰) #yow17

    @arturotena Is that rhetorical? Yes. That’s the last part of the talk. πŸ˜‚

    @mattkomarnicki @yow_conf Right?! Yet there are always a few unclaimed badges. I feel bad for their employers. If you get a ticket, you should take advantage of it!

    @arturotena Heh. No worries. πŸ˜‚

    @kengel100 @bethesque πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    @quochuync @SBSOnDemand @yow_conf Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you. (I’m popping by your office next week too!)

    RT @jennifermarsman: If #yow17 attendees have not heard @kytrinyx speak, go. I was completely riveted as she shared her journey in the ope…

    Consumer-driven contract tests solve the problem of test symmetry. Allow devs to make changes with speed and confidence, can be deployed independently, and result in better API design. @bethesque #yow17

    @yumaSoerianto @AndyyHope Hi Yuma – nice to meet you! Where are you based? I live in Sydney.

    @yumaSoerianto @AndyyHope Oh excellent. I should be there in Feb for a visit, if not before. I’ll reach out to you once I know. πŸ‘‹

    Contracts are not a club to beat others with! Don’t practice Dictator Driven Development, @bethesque admonishes. πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    “If you can’t deploy your services independently, you don’t have microservices. You have a distributed monolith.” Guy next to me started chuckling and poking his friend. I’m guessing there’s a story there… πŸ˜‚ #yow17 @bethesque

    I was excited to see during tea break that Brisbane saw the Nutella doughnuts from #yow17 Melbourne and decided to top them with a Nutella custard crumble brioche. 😍 (Sorry @polleyg…)

    “Keep Calm and Write Some Damn Tests.” Sage advice (and hilarious t-shirt) from @sf105, who places TDD just past the Trough of Disillusionment on the hype curve. #yow17

    RT @unixbigot: Says @smamol, it’s not impossible in small countries like Australia and New Zealand to make the top ten in your field. And t…

    Testability is a design hint. If your code is hard to test, that’s a sign you need to refactor. For logging, maybe introduce a monitor or a message bus. @sf105 #yow17

    Why does TDD work? 1) Helps you focus. One thing at a time, reliably. 2) It’s concrete; allows you to work with examples and pattern matching rather than abstract models. 3) It’s empirical. Does this work? If it did, how would I know? Feedback loop. #yow17 @sf105

    RT @ryangribble_: Finishing off #yow17 listening to former Olympian @smamol sharing key insights from her life experiences. Pick your team…

    RT @kengel100: Recommended by @sf105 for #TDD
    One Bite at a Time: Partitioning Complexity by @KentBeck


    @unixbigot LIFE ON THE EDGE

    Amazing view for the YOW! Brisbane speaker dinner. Thanks for everything Brisbane. We ❀️ you! #yow17

    @errigal751 Thanks for coming!!

    @unixbigot @yow_conf *salutes*

    @ArminKDev @yow_conf Thanks Armin!! Glad you could join us.

    @mattkomarnicki I had some in Melbourne. That was enough.

    @mattkomarnicki @yow_conf @netoecommerce @simonbrown @DocOnDev Thanks for coming Matt, and for all the tweets!

    RT @Mandy_Kerr: Wow, #yow17 was so fantastic! Lots of great speakers and awesome learnings. Also special mention, I have never seen so many…

    @Mandy_Kerr @yow_conf We loved that you could join us!

    RT @evanderkoogh: Seriously, that was the best Yow yet, which is really really saying something.
    Go buy tickets Sydney, I wish I could be…

    @simonbrown Hmm. Bondi to Coogee walk? Museum of Contemporary Art? What are you after?

    @amykate_94 The 12th floor of the hotel! Super convenient. πŸ™‚

    @AgileSquirrel ❀️❀️❀️ @thinkingfish

    @lachlanroche I once reviewed an Uber driver’s (developer) CV on the way home from a meetup. πŸ˜‚

    RT @ArminKDev: So today is #InternationalVolunteerDay and I wanted to give a massive THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped out with #y…

    RT @amykate_94: The last 2 days I’ve been absolutely blown away by the calibre of speakers and the sheer mind-blowing (in a good way) at @y…

    Two confs down. One to go. Time to pack.

    @GgnDpSingh It trips up the auto capitalisation on my iPhone too. 😩

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @cypherbob I know how you feel! I feel so lucky that I at least get to help bring these amazing folks to Oz every year to share their work.

    Nigel from @brisruby introducing @davefarley77’s talk on Reactive systems! (Great meetup group, incidentally.) #yow17

    Laughter as @davefarley77 puts hardware speed into context. At 1s for a clock cycle, internet from London to Oz would take 19 years. “What about the NBN?” someone yells from peanut gallery. πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    @mattkomarnicki @jeffpatton @yow_conf I told ya!!

    It turns out single threading is hundreds of times faster than multi threading for asynchronous messaging, @davefarley77’s testing has found. Counter-intuitive but true! #yow17

    A lot of developers are wary of asynchronous messaging because it feels complicated, and because most of the programming languages we’re taught on emphasise a synchronous model. @davefarley77 #yow17

    @delitescere @davefarley77 Thank you! Stupid auto correct. Deleted and corrected. πŸ˜‰

    Never use unbounded queues… or Bad Things Will Happen. πŸ”₯πŸ’₯ @davefarley77 #yow17

    Big takeaway: The traditional n-tiered, relational database-backed system is just not fast enough for building responsive, reactive systems today. @davefarley77 #yow17

    Thanks to Nigel from @brisruby for mentioning Brisbane tech drinks on Dec. 21st. Looks like a great event! #yow17

    @tjridge @brisruby I will, but we’ve got our speakers dinner on. I probably can’t make it. πŸ™

    @CaitlinPB @tjridge just told me about it! I’d love to – but I’m at speaker dinner tomorrow night. I promise to go to one in 2018 though!

    RT @shawinnes: Evolvable API… design patterns #yow17 #yow @yow_conf

    LOL. @mamund using his experience with Australian English as an example of evolvable API patterns. No one stopped him at the border to check he had the Oz English domain model installed. πŸ˜‚ #Yow17

    Messages are how humans interact with the world, says David Norman. @mamund translates that into a Request / Parse / Wait model for system interactions. #yow17

    Most Recently Used is notion of providing the most used tools in API responses. Make it quick and easy for machines to do repetitive tasks, just like you would a human. #yow17 @mamund

    @paul_okeeffe @allPowerde @lynnlangit Ooooh, I met some guys at @yow_conf West this year who were working on that. Great idea.

    RT @AlexGreenwich: Congratulations to @timwilsoncomau and Ryan Bolger- so amazing to see a MP propose to his partner during the #MarriageEq…

    Ugh. As a human I wish all forms would accept partial submit rather than failing and forcing re-entry of all fields. #yow17 @mamund

    I really enjoyed @diogoclucas’s illustrations in @mamund’s #yow17 presentation!

    RT @hannahcancode: Bonus rant about how teenage girls are amazing πŸ’…πŸ»

    @hannahcancode I AM SO HERE FOR THIS.

    @hannahcancode @amykate_94 @Mandy_Kerr This is the one I told you about last night!

    Nice high-energy intro for the post-lunch session from @David_Cook! (And a handy reminder to DEFRAG – move towards the centre of rows to make room for others!) #yow17

    If waterfall says to do all the design up front and agile says to do none, how much should you do? @simonbrown (ever the consultant) says “it depends” and “just enough.” #yow17

    Uh oh. All the high frequency tweeters are in @simonbrown’s talk! 😱 #yow17

    At its essence, software architecture is about technical leadership… and every team needs technical leadership. #Yow17 @simonbrown

    RT @yow_conf: So chuffed to have @CWapac interview #yow17 keynote speaker @allPowerde on the amazing work she & @lynnlangit are doing https…

    RT @unixbigot: β€œSoftware architecture is about coding, coaching and collaborating. Software development is not a relay sport.” – @simonbro…

    RT @unixbigot: If you want an β€œI’m an AaaShole” sticker for your #yow17 badge, fave this and I’ll print overnight.

    The room broke into spontaneous applause as @simonbrown said architects “don’t need to use UML.” πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    RT @polleyg: Here’s my favourite talks from this year’s YOW! conference in Melbourne. #yow17 @web_goddess @yow_conf

    @polleyg @yow_conf Great write-up! And damn, I’m missing those doughnuts…

    Excited to have Enrique from Data Science Brisbane hosting this session at #yow17!

    This diagram of happiness from the UK definitely lines up with my experience! Winter depression + living for the weekend… #yow17 @thoughtsymmetry

    YES! I hadn’t realised that @thoughtsymmetry’s talk would continue #yow17 theme of making the world a better place. Using ML to identify scenic places is fun, but designing healthier cities that ppl what to live in is super exciting!

    @diogoclucas @mamund Oooh, I’ll keep that in mind when I do my next talk! Perhaps I can barter some custom knitting in exchange. πŸ˜‚

    AI is a loaded term that @yakticus prefers not to use to describe her work, since it means different things to different people. “But it’s really handy to put in a talk title to get people to attend!” πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    YES. Why don’t I have a robot butler in my house already? (Sidenote: I ❀️ that @yakticus used a butler and not a maid. Fight the normalisation of default-“female” digital assistants!) πŸ€– #yow17

    Loving how @yakticus smoothly segued from the practical concerns of a theoretical robot butler to how reinforcement learning with a deep neural network would work. #yow17

    To my surprise, @yakticus has a mathematical function for surprise. 😳 #yow17

    New environment models allow training of autonomous agents with more than just vision (pixels) and take information from other senses too. Neat! @yakticus #yow17

    . @jennifermarsman got an EEG headset to live out her dream of being Jean Grey. Getting Microsoft to pay for it was just the icing on the cake. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ #yow17

    Another talk with applications to make the world a better place! @jennifermarsman says EEG devices can allow differently-abled people to control wheelchairs, control their homes, etc. #yow17

    RT @amykate_94: Great day today at @yow_conf #yow17 with @Mandy_Kerr and @web_goddess

    RT @mamund: @web_goddess @diogoclucas i highly recommend @diogoclucas to anyone looking for assistance in developing visuals. he is great t…

    “Who here has a background in machine learning?” Slow pan by me, @Mandy_Kerr, and @amykate_94 to @yakticus, who is raising her hand. “Am I the only one?!” πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    This Azure ML algorithm cheat sheet is legit useful – I’ve heard a lot of these terms before but had no idea what they were used for and what advantages they have. @jennifermarsman #yow17

    *cough* @daveathomas πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    @amykate_94 The iPhone 8 is at 38%, so I’ll concede that one to you!

    @mamund @VirginAustralia @apiacademy @Meetup @yow_conf Have a great flight! See you in a few days.

    Architecture diagrams are not engineering. Processes are not engineering. Those are tools. @davefarley77 #yow17

    Ooof that geocentric model still hurts my brain. #yow17 @davefarley77

    RT @ryangribble_: Great #yow17 lock note by @davefarley77 about what “engineering” means to software development. Empirical experiments are…

    Great closing note from @davefarley77: Be engineers! (And dudes, don’t assume a woman isn’t one, even if she happens to be wearing a conference team shirt. πŸ˜‰) #yow17

    RT @marlousteh: Landed back on Sydney soil with this lovely bunch! Ready for @yow_conf workshops in the next days! Get your brains cracking…

    @AndrewADavidson @davefarley77 Well, his entire talk was about moving reclaiming software engineering and moving it away from the “craftsmanship” phase it’s in now.

    @davefarley77 I fear my tweet is going to end up giving you fodder for the next iteration of the talk. πŸ™‚

    @lindaliukas @yow_conf We’re so glad you’re here! Can’t wait to see it.

    @TheLokeshwaran @viktorklang @davefarley77 It won’t be up for several weeks. He’s still got one more city to go on this tour. πŸ™‚

    @Ducky_Tape @linuxconfau I don’t think he’s submitted. πŸ˜‚

    Managed to find someone wearing a @yow_conf 2012 shirt yesterday – thanks Jim Hogan! I should start awarding a prize to whoever wears the oldest one in each city. πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    @kakaCharlotte @jeffpatton Have fun Charlotte!!

    @brianleroux I… want to know the context of you sharing that. πŸ˜‚

    RT @sabel25: Huge thanks to @tjridge for encouraging me to apply for a YOW diversity ticket. Amazing first day πŸ‘ @yow_conf #Yow17

    @sabel25 @tjridge @yow_conf I’m so glad you’re here! That @tjridge is awesome, right? ☺️

    I’m so thrilled to have @lindaliukas on stage at #yow17. I’m inspired already!!

    @NicoleWill100 @mikefagan_ibc I’m busy with this year’s Easter Show entry, so it’ll be quite a while!

    Why aren’t people telling stories about software? Stories are how we make sense of the world. @lindaliukas created a little girl named Ruby to teach kids how to talk to computers. #yow17

    RT @unixbigot: Today I’m wearing my Pacman cufflinks, as a reminder of the Pac-Man principle – always make room for new friends. #yow17 htt…

    @unixbigot @apaipi Following her is the WORST. 😜

    RT @yakticus: .@lindaliukas teaching kids how a loop feels by dancing one. #Yow17

    @amykate_94 @lindaliukas I want to read ALL of them!

    @amykate_94 @lindaliukas If you find them, I’ll take a set!

    I cannot tell you how much I’m enjoying this talk – and I’m not a parent or educator. I just love seeing someone explain complicated concepts in such a novel, human way. Inspiring! ❀️ @lindaliukas #yow17

    RT @unixbigot: This, says @lindaliukas, is the last generation that will think of a computer as a box. The next generation will grow up in…

    @davefarley77 I’m waiting for somebody to dust off one of the JAOO ones πŸ˜‚

    Teaching kids about data privacy and ad tracking with games of tag and paper prototypes. πŸ‘ @lindaliukas #yow17

    RT @yakticus: When the video comes out, watch. This. Talk. Principles of Play & Programming by @lindaliukas #YOW17

    @yakticus @lindaliukas This is amazing. ❀️❀️

    RT @amykate_94: Sometimes we spend so much time working with tech, we forget that more work is going to be done by the next generation

    As if I couldn’t love this more, @lindaliukas is now bringing in @Marimekkoglobal. What if Armi Ratia was a programmer? Using a neural network to help create new pattern names. #yow17

    RT @unixbigot: This keynote from @lindaliukas is almost indescribably uplifting. Thank you so much, Linda, for sharing your insights with…

    “Knitting instructions are algorithms.” YES! If you missed my @yow_conf 2016 talk on this, you can watch it here. 😊 #yow17 @lindaliukas

    RT @shawinnes: Technology is too important to be left for technologists… our industry needs everyone to join in and work with us. #yow17…

    RT @andrewfnewman: β€œTechnology is electricity that loves” no you’re crying #yow17

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Carbonara for breakfast? Yes please!

    Christmas party costume is taking shape… #closeenough

    That was me. πŸ˜‚

    RT @evanderkoogh: Just to show how amazing @yow_conf is. I returned from Hong Kong trip this morning, showered, grabbed new suitcase and fl…

    @DefSol I reckon some of the speakers may well end up at Archive beer bar tonight πŸ˜‰

    I was on a boat. πŸ˜‚β›΅οΈ

    RT @thoughtsymmetry: Taking in a beautiful view in Brisbane in preparation for my #deeplearning beautiful places and #wellbeing talk tomorr…

    @Mandy_Kerr @AmandaCamaratoo SAME!!

    This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. My favourite bit is the epic slow-mo of @AgileSquirrel screaming (happily) as we got pounded by waves on the front of the boat at the 0:49 mark! πŸ˜‚ BRAVO @WoodyZuill!! #yow17

    FML. Second time in a week there’s been a false fire alarm at hotel. This is what 3:45am looks like from the lobby.

    @laurclinn 😑

    Giggles as everyone tests out whether they have a hitchhiker’s thumb. #yow17

    We’ve learned the hard way that a lot of folks don’t read the program website too closely. πŸ˜‚ #yow17

    @amykate_94 Am I doing am imitation of Paceman?! WTF. πŸ˜‚

    RT @HamstaaVFerret: Awesome new initiative at #yow17

    @CaitlinPB I’m here! Please do say hi. 😊

    @CaitlinPB Oh wait. You’re saying you’re NOT at the conf. 😭

    RT @unixbigot: Keynote kicks off with a talk so info-packed it needs two brilliant women to carry the ideas. @lynnlangit is a legend, and…

    Yes! @allPowerde added a woman hipster. πŸ˜‚ #yow17 (Thanks to @MelissaKaulfuss for speaking up for the lady hipsters!)

    It’s important for developers to learn about visualisations, especially for big data and ML projects. It helps you sense-check the results and also share with non-devs on the team, says @lynnlangit. #yow17

    This is the bit that blows my mind – we can actually edit out diseases from the genome. @lynnlangit and @allPowerde are working on making this more reliable. #yow17

    The driving factor for @allPowerde’s CSIRO team using serverless was cost. That means every second their lambda function was running really mattered. Optimisation was key. #yow17

  • Shared today on Twitter

    The #yow17 @yow_conf train has made it to Brisbane! I hope you’re all ready for us. ☺️ @davefarley77 @yakticus @mamund @lorentzframe @ghohpe @JoshuaKerievsky

    RT @dcotterill: The @yow_conf stubbie holder proves invaluable again

    @i386 πŸ™„

    @WoodyZuill @lynnlangit Great venue!! Is that a uni lecture hall?

    @WoodyZuill @lynnlangit If I were in a lecture there I’d never be able to concentrate with that view!

    @JoshuaKerievsky Yay! So glad you got to see them

    RT @womensart1: ‘Late Day Shadows’. mini art quilt by textile artist Nancy Messier, hand painted and dyed fabrics #womensart…

    RT @WoodyZuill: Excellent talk by @lynnlangit on #TKP (Teaching Kids Programming) at #dddbne – She’s presenting the Keynote at #yow17 Monda…

    RT @JoshuaKerievsky: Is he the @yow_conf mascot or what?!? #yow17

    @robdmoore @DDDPerth Yep. Suspect in another week when #yow17 finishes that will be me and my colleagues too…

    RT @robdmoore: Omg this. The weeks after @DDDPerth are always dark for me lol.

    RT @David__New: @web_goddess @zentree @RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive My son was complaining that his grandmother doesn’t have enough of a web…

    RT @David__New: @web_goddess @zentree @RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive Also a knitted vest, dipped in durabond and spraypainted gold. https://t…

    RT @David__New: @web_goddess @zentree @RoseRed_Shoes @anotherclive I hope you’;re enjoying them. here’s just one more. Hmmm … What to cho…

    RT @A_SunnySpot: That’s my Queen right there. I don’t know an Elizabeth.

    Brisbane folks: any suggestions for best brunch in West End?

    @yow_conf @unixbigot I actually thought when I saw the Melb ones: “Well these aren’t going to work in @unixbigot’s lifter…” πŸ˜‚

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    Huh. FB have changed their value from “Move fast and break stuff” to “Move fast… with stable infrastructure.” I hope all of the startups that idolise them reflect on that! #yow17 @JoshuaKerievsky

    RT @yakticus: .@JoshuaKerievsky channeling Kathy Sierra: don’t make the world’s best camera. Instead make the world’s best photographers.…

    TIL Etsy award an actual three-armed sweater to the employee that makes the most surprising error each year. Rather than blame, awarding them for exposing flaw in the system. #yow17 @JoshuaKerievsky

    RT @yow_conf: In case you ever wondered why we are called YOW

    RT @jennyyangtv: This is how establishment media frames the debate to make women look “unreasonable” and “reactionary” in sexual assault ca…

    RT @StewGleadow: Hearing Steve Freeman talking about TDD at #yow17 – bit of a GOOS fan boy moment. Love the T-Shirt

    .@heidihelfand on her experience in a high-growth startup going from 10 employees to 600+. Definitely relevant to my experience… #yow17

    Accepted wisdom is to keep teams stable… but people aren’t robots, and adding even one new person to a team changes the dynamic. #yow17 @heidihelfand

    Going to be fun getting from Melbs ➑️ Brisbane tomorrow. 😱

    Some interesting ideas for re-teaming from @heidihelfand: Survey folks to see if they want to move. Allow them to negotiate their own “trades” between teams. Have retros on team composition. I love all of these and wish more companies would use. #yow17

    @rosepowell Nope – conf is still on in Melbs today. 40+ of us heading to Brisbane tomorrow!

    Proud to say #yow17 cleared this one in the very first talk! @lynnlangit @allPowerde @yow_conf

    RT @georgiecel: This article infuriated me a little bit, because this is exactly how people get depressed and mentally drive themselves to…

    Splitting a team can feel traumatic, like the breaking of the Fellowship. @heidihelfand has advice for handling it. Sometimes you need to celebrate it. #yow17

    I literally made this face: 😲. Yes, disappearing team members is an anti-pattern, and it takes a serious toll on morale. We need to talk about this stuff. @heidihelfand #yow17

    @JoshuaKerievsky @heidihelfand GREAT photo! πŸ˜‚

    RT @megsokay:

    Great question from the audience: how do we handle when people get fired? Do we use a euphemism, downplay it, or pretend it didn’t happen? Important to know the legal constraints here. Talk to your HR team. #yow17 @heidihelfand

    @yow_conf And I helped. ☺️

    RT @dius_au: Congrats Lee Kong! Winner of our Apple Watch giveaway in Melbourne #yow17 “I’ve never been so lucky” Lee Kong βŒšοΈπŸ™ŒπŸ»βœ¨ https://t.…

    @dius_au Great photo! πŸ˜‚

    My friend @polleyg from @GDGMelbourne introducing the next session in Blue! #yow17

    Fascinating stuff as @xerxesb walks us through the history of cochlear implants. It’s the only device humans have ever invented to restore one of the five senses. #yow17

    RT @mmastertheone: Huh. Ads on the bus to get women to study maths. Cool.

    Sadly, @after_12 beat @thinkingfish to it! (He spells it like @yow_conf does too.) πŸ˜‚ @JoshuaKerievsky #yow17

    @after_12 @thinkingfish @yow_conf @JoshuaKerievsky Also, I fully recognise what a giant nerd I am by knowing that bit of conference trivia.

    Interesting UX challenge: you can’t just say “build something you’d like to use” when the engineers don’t have profound hearing loss. They can’t make assumptions about what users will find useful. #yow17 @xerxesb @mark_sabbatical

    Internationalisation introduces more technical hurdles than you might imagine. (If you’re interested in this, @jeamesbone and @shipra_ships did a great talk at @yow_conf Connected about i18n in the @canva app.) #yow17

    @Mandy_Kerr I live dangerously and use conf deadlines to force me to finish talks. Yes, it causes stress, but if you wait until it’s perfect to submit, you’re going to miss out on opportunities.

    If you’re at a conference, sometimes it’s fun to watch @jedws’s face during a talk. He always looks so happy to learn new things!

    RT @inventorship: β€œThe point at which you are sending electrical signals into someone’s brain tissue, you need to have worked out scaling”.…

    Fantastic introduction for the next Red room session by one of my favourite Melburnians @MichelePlayfair #yow17

    I did not expect to learn about handball at a tech conference… but I loved the video @smamol just showed. Strong women working together on a team to do amazing things!! #yow17

    “Professional sports” is actually all about pain management… Just like working in a startup. πŸ˜‚ @smamol #yow17

    Great advice for sports, work, and everything else: aim to be the worst player on the best team. You’ll learn a lot, and you’ll normalise high performance. @smamol #yow17

    @yakticus Hehe. You’ve accidentally married her off to @simonraikallen!

    @zarahjutz She admits that it’s not fun. “You feel inadequate, because you are inadequate.” But you learn!

    OHHHH. “Obnoxious aggression.” Probably a better name than mansplaining. That’s what it is. πŸ‘ #yow17

    @yakticus @simonraikallen Let’s be honest. We’d all like to marry @simonraikallen.

    RT @yakticus: .@smamol : don’t fail indiscriminately. Know when to take risks. During practice: πŸ‘πŸ» During the Olympic Games: πŸ‘ŽπŸ» #YOW17 http…

    . @SaraJChipps has made a convincing case why 9-14yo girls run the world. Dismiss this demographic at your peril! #yow17

    Sadly, if you can get paid like a software developer or paid like a teacher, most choose the former. Means we don’t have a lot of primary school teachers qualified to teach coding. #yow17 @SaraJChipps

    Fascinating. @SaraJChipps found that girls would get excited by wearables but shut down when she mentioned coding. So she had to rebrand coding as customisation, or giving the device “superpowers”. #yow17

    From Marky Mark to firmware. This talk has it all! ❀️ #yow17 @SaraJChipps

    Live coding is happening! @SaraJChipps showing us how to code the friendship mode on @jewelbots. #yow17

    Whoa. 44% of kids who get a Jewelbot go on to write C++. #yow17 @SaraJChipps @jewelbots

    For any folks who attended @SaraJChipps #yow17 talk, she wrote a shopping guide for coding toys for Christmas! πŸ€–πŸŽ…


    When @jedws reaches into his backpack and says “Do you want a beer?” YOU SAY YES. #yow17 🍻

    “Product ownership is extremely screwed up.” Great start to @jeffpatton’s closing #yow17 keynote. πŸ‘

    @yow_conf @jedws It’s spreading. πŸ˜‚ @apaipi

    I’ve never seen Sharpie presentation mode before! #yow17

    @StewGleadow @jedws Front row right beside me!

    RT @MichelePlayfair: When you’re all in the same company, getting a better deal from your “vendor” is basically taking money from your othe…

    RT @DocOnDev: The triangle that matters to a project is
    and scope.

    But the triangle that matters to a product is

    @Asher_Wolf Yes. This has all been very disappointing.

    @amandawIBA @nxdnz πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    @MichelePlayfair Transport is here! Lobby!!

    The true story of @yow_conf is one of group transport. πŸ˜‚ @MichelePlayfair @JoshuaKerievsky @pcalcado @davefarley77 @apaipi #yow17

    @BaskingSnark @xerxesb I may well have misquoted that bit.

    @Asher_Wolf @vicseswarnings I got that too! How did they know I’m here? I don’t live here??

    Toasts are happening. So much love for the Melbourne tech community. ❀️ @yow_conf #yow17

    RT @KenScambler: Had the extraordinary good fortune to be seated next to @lorentzframe, @web_goddess & @MichelePlayfair at the #yow17 spea…

    @Ulrikama It will be up on the @yow_conf website within a few days!

    @MichelePlayfair @yow_conf Thank you for coming!! ❀️❀️

    RT @lynnlangit: great conversations at @yow_conf speaker dinner #yow17

    @KenScambler @lorentzframe @MichelePlayfair Let’s be honest – we were all fighting to sit next to @lorentzframe!

    @allPowerde ❀️❀️❀️❀️

    @MelissaKaulfuss !!

    RT @WoodyZuill: The #yow17 speakers dinner. This is the reason I became a speaker.

    This! I get that men worry they don’t have the right to get involved in this stuff. But we really need them to. Women can’t fix the issue on our own.

    Leg 1 is finished. See ya Melbourne! ❀️ (I’m tired.)