Month: March 2018

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    RT @NerdPyle: I think the real reason people say they don’t want to record their demos is because, for a rare moment, they feel alive. Like…

    Marimekko overload!

    @auxesis Whoa cool! What’s the use case for that?? I guess when you want folks to stop looking at your slide and focus on you.

    RT @auxesis: @web_goddess Also: press b to fade to black, w to fade to white.

    @GunningNeil @msharp 💥I could always pop by the office later this week. Coffee? 🙂

    @GunningNeil @msharp I saw you guys are hosting @SydCSS, but as usually I’m like a week late to have any hope of getting a ticket. ☹️

    @GunningNeil @msharp @SydCSS Boo. Already RSVPed to something else. I’ll gatecrash if plans change. 😉

    @adambrenecki 😂 Ouch!

    We do the @nytimes crossword every night before bed – and tonight’s nearly BROKE OUR BRAIN. We got there in the end though! 🤓👏⬅️⬆️⬇️➡️

    RT @LJKenward: Will never step inside Kogan office for the @reactjs Melbourne Meetup while it’s hosted there. Disgusting.…

    @DrJosh9000 Thanks for doing it. I used to, but my veins suck and I can’t do it anymore. Glad others can!

    RT @cathjones0: Enough is enough I just published an Open letter to the @kogan board of directors #TransDayOfVisibility #inclusion #LGBTQI…

    RT @delitescere: Starting to finalise the submissions for #yowdata18 and it’s going to be mind-blowing! Get your ti…

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    Any time I accidentally read a Ready Player One review, I’m going to re-read this three times as (awesome) penance.

    RT @ewebber: I made a handy flowchart called “Should I say resources?” use as you need to

    @mmastertheone That is a lot of ice cream. 😂

    I would have been a lot more charitable towards marriage as a teen if I had realised it involved hatewatching Dawson’s Creek as a couple. ❤️

    It me! 😳😁

    RT @ruthmalan: “As a tester I don’t break your code, I break your illusions about your code” — @maaretp

    I did not know this. Super useful! And if you’re in Keynote and the screens are the wrong way around, you can just hit X to swap the projector and the screen display.

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    @JSicarii Haha, I think it was at WAW and I was trying to get your attention to flag down the moderator. 😂

    Happened to be in CBD for launch of @marimekkodesignhouse collection at @uniqlo. EEK. #retailtherapy (It’s @_gadgetgirl_’s fault!)

    RT @9Comms: Nine Secures all Rights to Tennis

    @zarahjutz I love the Freedom Trail! 🙂

    Me: “View pending endorsements? What’s that, LinkedIn?” *click* 😂

    Thanks @TheRealBnut and @andykelk

    RT @yow_conf: Don’t forget you get THREE speakers at our next Sydney #yownight with @awscloud on April 12.

    AND you are automatically regis…

    RT @annie_parker: Turns out being a good person is totally badass.

    Google have a sewing station set up in their hackerspace. 😍

    @lemon_lime @simonwaight Mine has disappeared, so I’m guessing he was messaging more than one person and he got banninated. 🔥

    @JSicarii IIRC @moekiss came to my rescue 🙂

    Do you wash stuff before you wear it? The Snook always does. I was too impatient to be a human rainbow. ❤️🌈 @marimekkoaustralia @uniqloau

    @charis @UniqloAU This one’s just a t-shirt. 🙂

    @summerscope @UniqloAU The website looks mostly sold out already. 😭

    @summerscope @UniqloAU I suggest you get to a physical store if you can. I looked this arvo online and seemed like most stuff was gone.

    @TheRealBnut Nice! Mine’s on my bag. If you have spares, I’m sure I can find folks who’d love them.

    “I think I’m supposed to shotgun this.” 😂🍺 #hawkie

    @PortugueseChook @DanielleWarby Yes really!

    @PortugueseChook @DanielleWarby What guy are you talking about?

    @PortugueseChook What are you on about?! There were no men involved in the tweets I shared. Yes, I think it’s silly and sexist when the men’s version of a sport is the default and the women’s is the lesser alternative.

    @darthted We missed you. Hope all is okay.

    Oh, the thrill of a new “The Food was OK” blog post! 😂 Love Crepe

    Guess who was smart enough to order hot cross buns from @brickfieldsbakery yesterday? ❤️

    RT @awscloud: In customer news, @USATODAY is using AWS Device Farm to test and deploy updates to more than 100 mobile apps multiple times d…

    RT @UpAndGeorgia: A Man: lol why do girls always carry tissues in their sleeves like old ladies

    Me: Where do you keep yours

    A Man: In my…

    @zhamakd @msandfor @Sydney_Uni Wonderful – congrats!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Need a pick me up? Watch this nice Canadian lady help an adorable porcupine who couldn’t roll over. ❤️

    @charis Thanks for that. I hadn’t heard about it, and I’m already dreading the work involved to make my sites work with it. 😐

    RT @yow_conf: 😱😱😱😱😱
    We’re all a little bit excited!

    Nice crowd for #fpsyd as Erik kicks things off!

    First talk is @lambda_foo talking about error handling and data types. I think from the chuckles there was a reference to @markhibberd. 😂 #fpsyd

    “Wait… does that say ‘@since TODO’?!” Yep. 😂 @lambda_foo #fpsyd

    Someone who works for one of Peter Thiel’s companies asked for my help recruiting women recently. I told them I had moral issues with that. “His influence is really minimal!” I demurred. We all have a line somewhere.

    @charis I deleted my Paypal account over that asshat. 😂

    I love how #fpsyd talks end up being a collaborative group exploration of a topic rather than a one-way info dump. ❤️👏

    “Gentlemen – we are a community in crisis.” @jedws is talking about the problem of diversity in the FP community. “We, the majority, need to do something about it.” 👏 #fpsyd

    “It’s normal human behaviour, to default to homogenous culture. We want to seek out people like us.” Can confirm that I was approached at #fpsyd tonight by a woman with “Yes, there’s another woman here!”

    Wow. This is interesting. I’ve seen a lot of “diversity in tech” talks, and they rarely attract this level of debate and dissection. Not sure what that means. #fpsyd

    On Monday this week, I saw a man stand in front of a crowd and say “We all know these benefits of diversity,” and everyone nodded. Two days later I’m at a Meetup where another man is being picked apart and grilled over the exact same set of assertions. 😐

    @gilmae No. The why.

    Good discussion of contempt culture now. @aurynn – this is from the seed you planted. 👊 #fpsyd

    @darraghke @jedws Unfortunately no. But if someone wants to invite @jedws to present in Melbs, he does get down there fairly regularly.

    @afcowie It’s disheartening. I’m so appreciative of the support I’ve had from folks like you and @jedws and @KenScambler and @TacticalGrace, but if this had been my first exposure to the FP community… I probably wouldn’t be back.

    @darraghke @jedws Coincidentally he just praised Zendesk’s diversity efforts! 👏

    Great advice from @jedws for folks in the FP community: listen, be welcoming, describe FP as a growth-mindset field… and don’t be a dick. 👏 #fpsyd

    @KenScambler @afcowie @jedws @TacticalGrace No video – but we definitely need him to do it in Melbs!

    Final talk – learning about Cabal from Erik. Hey, Haskell! #fpsyd

    @jedws @afcowie @KenScambler @TacticalGrace I would hope that would be the case. I really appreciated though that it was a longstanding leader in the community raising the issue, and others arguing in support, rather than someone like me. I was frankly just really surprised at the reaction. I’ve never seen that before.

    Trying to pay attention to a tech talk, but distracted by assisting a colleague on Slack who is struggling with unsolicited messages from a dude on Via a women’s coding group. Oh, and I got one this week too. 😐🔫

    @aurynn I told him about you when he was writing the talk. I told some of the attendees who were interested to look up your talk from LCA. 👍

    Third talk of the night to reference Ambiata at some point… #fpsyd

    @aurynn Thank YOU for giving me the vocabulary to talk about the water I was swimming in and behaviours that made me angry in ways I couldn’t describe.

    @simonwaight We are and have been. We know. We deal with them constantly. 😕

    @simonwaight I mean, a dude who joins a Women Who Code group in bad faith is not the type who is going to be swayed by a code of conduct anyway.

    @tessiselated Exactly. 🔨

    @TacticalGrace @jedws @afcowie @KenScambler You didn’t even hear the part where someone started quoting the median differences in gender IQ tests! (Thankfully he was rightly shouted down by just about everyone.)

    @gilmae I’ll tell you tomorrow. Meet up is still going and I’m too tired.

    This is the first meetup I’ve been to that ran so late Night Shift kicked in on my phone.

    @Amys_Kapers iPhones have a mode late at night where it shifts the colour balance to orange to help you get to sleep. Mine kicks in at 10pm.

    @jonoabroad @jedws Sadly no. 🙁

    @roisinparkes FP Syd. Uncharacteristically long one.

    @johnallsopp They’ve been talking about it on The Watch podcast a fair bit recently. Made me want to watch. Maybe something for Easter long weekend!

    @StephenNancekiv Yeah, I’ve seen it happen before at other FP-Syds. I actually tweeted in praise of the format during the first talk. I think it works for a lot of topics. Just didn’t expect it on that one. But thank you. 🙂

    RT @DanielleWarby: Yes. It’s not that hard people!

    An Aussie example: there’s actually no Australian cricket team but there is the Austral…

    RT @JennaGuillaume: 😫😭😍

    @tathamoddie @robdmoore @fegreeds @readify This is the thing I miss most about having an office! Remote is nice, but choc eggs I buy myself are just sad. 😂