Month: March 2018

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    My Twitter gender breakdown – 57% men, 42% women, 1% nonbinary. Could be better, but not bad considering I mainly follow folks in the tech industry.

    @trannosaurusma Oh interesting! Twitter says 53/47…

    @minxdragon 😂It took a random sample, so it might not have been you. But you are always special to me!

    @itgrrl @youngnick I don’t think either of us built it? I certainly didn’t. I read Nick’s comment as saying he needs to follow more non-men. 🙂

    Enjoying my front row seat for @zhamakd’s #yownight talk about service meshes! Thanks for hosting this massive crowd, @SafetyCultureHQ!

    “So what’s the solution to this? MAGIC!” 😂 @zhamakd walking though example involving implementing observing telemetry over your Microservice architecture. #yownight

    Now @zhamakd is talking about API Management systems. It’s a $600M industry, and it will grown even bigger in the future. What should you get that plays nicely with service mesh? “It depends.” #yownight

    Moving from monolith to microservices should involve an important switch to treating internal and external API users the same. No more poorly documented internal-only services! #yownight @zhamakd

    The best in the biz! ❤️

    RT @marlousteh: Thanks to our UG partner @WomenWhoCode #sydney for tonight’s #yownight with @zhamakd! Looking forward to the next Scala wor…

    @unixbigot We need to print up, like, red cards that we can hand out to people at meetups.

    @aimee_maree @unixbigot You’re defending people during Q&A sessions who don’t have questions?! No. You cannot.

    I did this in Sydney in January. Most challenging – but rewarding – thing I’ve done thus far this year. Highly recommended!

    @dibblego @FakeSamRitchie You just have to click on it, and there’s a spam checker. Once it knows you’re not a robot, it shows the email. 🙂

    RT @itgrrl: So if you want an #infosec feed that has lots of awesome women in it, feel free to follow my ‘infosec’ list…

    @randomknits YAYYYYYYY I’m glad you like it! As soon as I saw it, I was like, “that’s for Donna.”

    @dibblego @FakeSamRitchie Have sent to YOW’s newest evangelist @Amys_Kapers, who will be sharing with all the folks she knows over there. 🙂

    Melbourne – there’s another fantastic Software Art Thou talk happening on April 12th at @Zendesk. (Well done as always, @JeffreyTheobald!) James Ross from @envato will be talking about concept mapping – which sounds very cool…

    RT @brad_frost: Software projects, please stop with language like “just run `npm install …”

    What does `run` mean? Where?
    What’s npm?

    Sometimes you’re Charlie Brown and sometimes you’re Lucy. Today I feel like Charlie Brown.

    @KenScambler ☹️

    @zoeydoesnttweet Haha, you’re getting lots of twitter replies from that damn tweet. Sorry about that! Your 15 minutes of YOW fame. 😛

    @jesslynnrose I quit and ran a knitting shop for 3 years. Only went back because we got a mortgage and tech paid a lot better. 🙁

    @ElaineStead That’s wonderful! ❤️

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    Representing @yow_conf with @marlousteh at @MicrosoftAU #womenthinknext!

    @azadehkhojandi Missed you! I’m at the front table. 😍

    I hadn’t realised this was the first #womenthinknext event in Australia! Nice one @MicrosoftWomen @MicrosoftAU

    The video from our recent @yow_conf #yownight talk with @TacticalGrace is up! Thanks @zoeydoesnttweet for sharing. 😍

    Listening to @stevenworrall1 making the case for leadership diversity and acknowledging the reality that: we all agree on these facts and it’s ridiculous we still have to push for it. #WomenThinkNext @MicrosoftAU @MicrosoftWomen

    As we see in the tech industry every day, when companies’ actual behaviour differs from their lofty business visions, the market will call them out on that. @stevenworrall1 @MicrosoftAU @MicrosoftWomen #womenthinknext

    “I’ve worked in HR my whole career – BY CHOICE…” 😂👏 Ingrid Jenkins talking about the role of HR in pushing diversity initiatives, and acknowledgement that it permeates so much more of businesses these days. #WomenThinkNext @MicrosoftWomen @MicrosoftAU

    LOL. Just realised @azadehkhojandi is sitting like 8 feet from me. 😂👋

    It really makes you look like a grown up, professional woman when you dribble coffee all down your front. 🙃 (Hopefully it’s not as noticeable on my shirt.)

    @sarahcalverley Really hoping the photographers don’t capture it. 😂

    “I make it mandatory that we have women interviewing for every role. If that means it takes longer to hire, so be it.” Tiffany Wright from @MicrosoftAU @MicrosoftWomen #WomenThinkNext

    The problem of how to progress your career while juggling caregiving should not be a women-only problem. It’s a household problem! 🙌 #WomenThinkNext @MicrosoftWomen @MicrosoftAU

    @FakeSamRitchie I’m not sure. There is a rubber gasket in the lid, but I thought I screwed it down well. 🤔

    One approach to hiring diverse teams is to stop thinking about screening out and instead think about screening IN. Think about the real needs of the org and whether this person brings something to the table. #WomenThinkNext @MicrosoftAU @MicrosoftWomen

    I asked about pay parity. Pleased to hear @MicrosoftAU have independent audits of remuneration every year. More companies need to do this. #WomenThinkNext @MicrosoftWomen

    TFW you’re torn between wanting to applaud someone’s sentiment and the irritation that It Is Not a Question.

    @markdalgleish @jesstelford @sidorares @AshKyd @garrows @campjs Fascinating discussion. We do often have speakers at @yow_conf each December who bring their families and kids along. I suspect they are all at companies where speaking is seen as part of their roles though.

    @markdalgleish @jesstelford @sidorares @AshKyd @garrows @campjs @yow_conf Thinking in particular of @thinkingfish and @trisha_gee. How do you handle this?

    RT @tinatran4t: Powerful message from the #womenthinknext panel – The ticket to the game is high performance, regardless of your background…

    @malcolmsheridan @MicrosoftAU @MicrosoftWomen No one is arguing with you. The point is that often our job descriptions aren’t inline with the skills the orgs actually need, and it’s a good idea to check you aren’t excluding folks with useful skills.

    Fascinating stuff – @jade_mikaela demoing how her company #indigital uses AR and HoloLens to preserve stories and languages from indigenous people. #WomenThinkNext @MicrosoftAU @MicrosoftWomen

    @jade_mikaela @MicrosoftAU @MicrosoftWomen Okay, that’s pretty neat! #WomenThinkNext

    @jamiebuilds 😂 Ouch.

    “How many indigenous women technologists do you know? We’re amazing, creative inventors!” Shout outs to @taminap and the awesome folks at @indigitek! 👋 @jade_mikaela #womenthinknext @MicrosoftWomen @MicrosoftAU

    @developerjack @JoshWComeau In workshop with Damian Conway, he said he budgets 10-20hrs of prep for each hour of talk. That’s in line with my experience.

    I won a copy of @satyanadella’s book! Thanks @MicrosoftWomen @MicrosoftAU #womenthinknext

    @mattallen @MelissaKaulfuss With respect (and some jealousy) – I think it’s part of your privilege that you don’t assume it’s because they think you’re unqualified. Others have to worry about that.

    RT @azadehkhojandi: #womenthinknext selfie with @Lana_Montgomery & @web_goddess

    @KenScambler @damncabbage @jedws I got to be the rubber duck! 😂👍

    RT @holtbt: “Fullstack” developer.

    RT @yow_conf: 2 volunteers for tomorrow’s #yownight with @zhamakd in Sydney have dropped out. Would anyone be able to give us a hand?


    RT @unclebobmartin: Apparently @mikebeedle was murdered yesterday in Chicago. Stabbed in the neck. Mike was one of the original signers of…

    @MelissaKaulfuss Please count me in!

    @MelissaKaulfuss Will do!

    Did Google Drive change? Previously I could drag in a file that matched an existing filename and it would save as a new version by default. Now it looks like the default is keep as separate doc, and the only way to update version is by separate flow with 6 clicks. 😒

    @evanderkoogh @yow_conf The Snook recently used one to label his 🛴 at work. 😂

    @stephenlead 😂 Surely the solution is to go full-hipster and wear all black, right?

    @starbuxman Zero. I have to wipe it, like, once a day.

    RT @yow_conf: There are only 19 seats left for tonight’s #yownight with @zhamakd. If you’re into #microservices #architecture, you don’t wa…

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    No bifocals needed “yet.” YAY! 🤓

    RT @heraldsunsport: If your first option when things aren’t going your way is to cheat, then you don’t have the right stuff to lead a team.…

    @mattallen @OphelieLechat @ElaineStead Several years ago I actually called a handful cheesemakers around Australia trying to find curd. No dice. I still have never had *real* poutine. 🙁

    @hannahyanfield Lifelong style goal, my friend.

    @HANSwerThePhone Super cute!

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Spent time today rebuilding the Trivia Quiz Master Board! New test version is in place for The BFG Quiz. Want to test it…

    @evanderkoogh Happy birthday!

    Added three new patches to my bag: old school Apple, WW, and Starfleet Command!🤓❤️

    @MsJonesInSydney Yeah, in some cases I guess. But most of the ones I get have no such restriction. It’s just bias and overlooking potentially qualified candidates.

    @georgiecel Way to go!

    Anatomy of a Music Video – Turn Down For What. NSFW, but so so good. I loved seeing how they did so many of the practical effects!

    Sydney tech leads, architects, and anyone interested in moving towards a microservice architecture – there are still a few tickets left for @zhamakd’s @yow_conf #yownight tomorrow at @SafetyCultureHQ! (And thanks @WWCSyd for supporting!)

    @gilmae We love @OptiverAsiaPac! Anytime they want to host, we’ll gladly accept. 😁

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    RT @TheRealBnut: Everyone on Linkedln right now: “we’d like to talk to you about blooock chain”

    @spidie Oh yeah! I don’t think there’s anything too salacious. There’s one challenge where they have to make a cocktail to pair with a cupcake, but I can’t think of any bad language.

    @spidie The thing I like is that it’s actually really good-spirited. Nobody is made to feel bad, and the judges really try to find something to praise no matter how bad the finished project. None of the contestants take it too seriously, and you cheer when somebody wins.

    @spidie Granted, I haven’t seen all the episodes yet. But 1-4 are great.

    RT @hertling: This is incredibly awesome. Must read.

    RT @kyleturman: I wouldn’t have the job or skills I have if people hadn’t taken a chance on me, mentored me, and allowed me to fail gracefu…

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: I found some great Roald Dahl video gems on YouTube today: a clip from Pawn Stars featuring some original Willy Wonka pr…

    RT @markusoff: I have repurposed
    the data
    that were in
    your personal profile

    and which
    you were probably
    for friends

    Forgive me

    Checking out the new local. A diner! With real Philly cheesesteaks! ❤️ @thenighthawkdiner

    @supercres For certain definitions of “real.” 😂

    @supercres In Australia, I take what I can get! (And I’ve never had a real-real one anyway.)

    @Asher_Wolf I saw “Lady Bird,” and I identified HARD. I didn’t know that I needed a girl-focused coming-of-age story until now.

    I decided to unsubscribe from the @Coles @flybuys emails today, so I clicked the link. I found I had to individually unclick 46 different checkboxes, every single one of which had a separate confirmation step. 😐

    @Coles @flybuys But if you slip up and accidentally click on an unchecked one, guess what? No confirmation required there. So user hostile. I should’ve just marked them all as spam.

    RT @RebeccaTheGeek: Love this!

    @evanderkoogh @webdirections @yow_conf @joshduck Josh should already know, given he was a YOW 2016 speaker! 😁

    @JennaGuillaume My conundrum: Who is the more believable teenager – Riggins or Andie McPhee? I love them both, but I can’t not see them as like 28 years old.

    @YRodenski @VoxxedMelbourne LOL, does that count as official confirmation?! 😂I’d be honoured to be up there with @starbuxman, @willmendesneto, @minxdragon, @philnash and all those other awesome folks!

    Reading about research showing hackathons to be exploitative on @metafilter and came across this comment from @saradgore. SO GOOD. 🔥

    Does Kris need bifocals? Let’s find out. 👵🏻 (@ Specsavers in Broadway, NSW)

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    @HamoDonk @simonwaight I could see that in some cases, but not this particular one. If you want to avoid ambiguity, actually saying “I’d ask you but I suspect you’re not interested for X reasons…” is a good idea. Otherwise you’re making an assumption that I will not assume the worst in return.

    @jsscclr Right? And it really sucks when they know it’s an issue you care about, because then if you don’t offer to help, it absolves them of making any sort of effort themselves. Ugh.

    @Amys_Kapers There was zero chance I’d go for that role, but jesus, at least pretend you think I’m qualified, right?

    @the_patima @jsconfeu PATIMA! That’s so wonderful – I knew you had it in you. Congratulations! ❤️

    I had an ugly breakup in high school. He dyed his hair blue and we sniped at each other passive-aggressively for over a year. Twenty years later you have to worry that he’ll come in and shoot you. 🙁

    @KathyReid I don’t know TBH. Replies to my rant this morning indicate that quite a few guys get recruiting requests too. Maybe it’s anyone with a measure of visibility.

    @KathyReid I do specifically get a lot of “please advise us on how to hire more women,” which is frustrating because it’s something I care about, but also not my actual job.

    @Loquacities @KathyReid So, so tired.

    RT @yow_conf: Have you booked your @thoughtworks feature #yownight with @zhamakd in Sydney? Her talk ‘API Gateway to Service Mesh’ will be…

    @slace Didn’t finish a single thing. 😕

    @slace I was supposed to, but sadly haven’t knitted a stitch in ages. Temporary loss of mojo! How’s the Show?

    @slace It looks like the Broadway Games store!

    I am not a morning person, but breakfasts like this reward the effort.

    Watching “Nailed It” and CRYING with laughter. 😂 I needed that.

    @elreadsalot6 You could try knitting continental style (working yarn in left hand) if you’re not already. It’s generally considered faster once you get the hang of it.

    @elreadsalot6 I suuuuck at continental so I only do it when I have to (like using two colours in fair isle).

    This Look Inside Spike Jonze’s Apple Ad Is as Fascinating as the Film Itself // I love this. I had no idea so much of it was done practically. That’s so cool.

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    @desplesda @NightInTheWoods Congratulations!!!


    @jamiebuilds I was literally JUST playing it. 😂

    Tonight’s #awslambda Meetup kicking off at @industrieandco!

    @yow_conf @TacticalGrace @jedws Saved the best view for last, eh boys?

    Keen to learn about machine learning with serverless from Alex Yu at @Green_Dot! #awslambda

    Interesting. Alex wanted to use Rasa NLU for language processing, but the libraries are too large for AWS Lambda. So he figured out a way to compress! #awslambda

    Me: I hope somebody tweets the #yownight. WAIT! @unixbigot to the rescue! 😁👍

    RT @georgiecel: 📢 We are looking for a host for the next @codebarSyd event on Tuesday 3rd April. We usually need a few desks and chairs for…

    It’s like a sitcom punchline at this point.

    Him: “Hey Kris! My company is hiring for this tech leadership role… Can you recommend anyone?”
    Me: “Why wouldn’t you ask if I was interested?”

    Cue furious backpedaling.

    No, I’m not looking for a new job. I like my job. But if you’re going to ask me to do the unpaid emotional labour of recruiting for you, at least give me the pretense that you might consider me for the role too.

    We have so few women tech leaders here. This contributes. Guys – before you ask a woman to help you hire someone else, see if she wants to go for it.

    Otherwise the message is: you don’t look like what I think people in this role should look like. And then you wonder why we struggle with Imposter Syndrome or drop out of the industry entirely. 😐

    Also, I suspect that a guy wouldn’t get the same question. Men – do you have folks asking you to recruit for them constantly? Without asking if you’re interested in the role?

    @simonwaight This was an ex-colleague. And I looked at the JD – there was nothing in it that I haven’t done or couldn’t do.

    @yow_conf Haha, no, that’s more MY reaction. Is a little sucking up from people asking me for a favour too much to ask?! 😂

    @darthted WTF IS THAT ABOMINATION. (#teampibb)

    @darthted Says the guy in the Minnesota Vikings t-shirt.

    Today’s To Do list:

    1. Stop fuming about constant requests for unpaid work so you can actually do the work you’re paid to do.


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    @DamianM @Alegrya @GeoffreyHuntley Come on, that one’s a month old! The knitting community’s already been all over it. 😛

    @drzax I’m keen to hear these answers too.

    RT @drzax: Please send me your ‘this is the best office chair in existence’ hot takes. Seriously. #lazyweb

    RT @yow_conf: We’re so pleased to welcome back @simplemach as our COMMUNITY GOLD sponsor for #yowdata, #ylj18, #yowperth, #YOWConnected, #Y…

    Meetup Wrap – March 18, 2018 – a big ol’ catch up post featuring lots of events across Perth, Bangalore, and Singapore! I gave some talks too. 🙂

    @codepo8 Come on, get me over to Europe! Work your magic! 🙂

    Whoa! Broadway got a board games shop!

    @codepo8 I’m not as ginger anymore. I’ve been letting it revert back to my natural colouring, like a feral animal. 😂

    RT @juniordev_io: It’s @Amys_Kapers giving us the low down on CSS Grid here at #CodeandTell at @Zendesk 🙌🙌 Another of the Perth @fendersper…

    Don’t forget, Brisbane – tomorrow night is the final stop in @TacticalGrace’s Magical FP YOW! Night tour! And we’re even sending @jedws along with him. (You’re welcome.) There’s still time to get a ticket! ✨ (Thanks @battlepanda_au for the photos!)

    @TacticalGrace @Paul_Bone @jedws @battlepanda_au @diz_beth We’ve got video! Just holding it until all the stops are finished. 👍

    @trannosaurusma @TacticalGrace @jedws @battlepanda_au Oh, the Flickr album has SO MANY good ones. I just picked those 4 at random! I think Manuel possibly beats me at “best facial expressions while presenting.” 🙂

    @jgrb @TacticalGrace @jedws @battlepanda_au @yow_conf It definitely will!

    @developerjack @Jonwestenberg How do you get them off? Do you have a favourite de-goo-ifier?

    @KenScambler @trannosaurusma @TacticalGrace @jedws @battlepanda_au Does the FP community have a Slack somewhere? He really needs to be an emoji.

    @developerjack @annie_parker @lyft We do! I’ve been enjoying trying out @Taxify_AU and @Olacabs though – more competition in the local market is better for everybody.