Month: March 2018

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    @brechin @mjpt777 @asmallteapot @betsythemuffin Nice! I’ve likened the many charts of a complicated cable pattern to coroutines too. 😂

    @joannaferrari48 NOOOOOO!! Our loss is their gain. 😭 Let’s catch up before you go!

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    RT @inplaneterms: Knitting …not only for great coding talks @web_goddess 🙌

    @inplaneterms YES!! ❤️

    @halans Bahh. Not me! 😁

    @slace Thanks. 😁

    RT @dgryski: For the past few days, the #performance channel on the Gophers Slack has been optimizing a breadth-first search implementation…

    @MelissaKaulfuss Awww, thank you so much! ❤️ (Emoji cake is pretty damn good!)

    RT @Justice_Connect: People are worried about robots replacing lawyers. How ’bout we start by replacing MS-DOS? Real pic of our court’s cas…

    RT @pacohope: The modern #escaperoom: You are in a conference room with
    • a projection system
    • a speakerphone
    • guest wifi
    • a videoconfer…

    This is amazing. I’m such a fan of these guys!

    @minxdragon Thank you!!

    @ahontwi One of the nerdiest ones I’ve received. Thank you! 🤓

    RT @captainklein: Excited for #AWSSummit in Sydney, this year a full 3 day event including an extra Amazon Innovation Day. Looking forward…

    Only three days left! (Everybody always waits until the last minute.) Don’t miss out on your chance to present at a YOW! event in 2018… 🍀

    A very unusual – but super tasty! – cheeseburger. 🍔+🍙

    @DDDPerth 😍 Thank you!!

    Celebrating my birthday with the Book of Mormon. 😂🎶

    RT @kylebshr: My latest attempt to get code reviews faster

    @mjpt777 @asmallteapot @betsythemuffin Yes! Human brain is CPU, fetching instructions and carrying them out. Ball of yarn is free memory. Knitted object is both output device and storage. I gave a whole talk on it. 😜

    @hannahcancode I do that all the time. It’s one of my favourite hobbies.

    @mrembach So good!

    RT @johnallsopp: any interesting jobs people hiring for? Our newsletter goes out a little later today and always happy to feature relevant…

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    Home! Now if only my damn suitcase would turn up… (at @SydneyAirport in Mascot, NSW)

    Just once I’d like to have a taxi ride from the airport not involve dealing with four different crises that happened while in mid-air.

    @i386 Thank you!!

    @stufromoz Thank you!!

    41. 🤗💐🎂

    @lynnlangit Thank you!! ❤️

    @msharp Thanks!!

    @mmastertheone Thank you! 😁

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    @dez_blanchfield @starbuxman Conveniently, I can use Minties for that because they’re basically HARDENED TOOTHPASTE DISGUISED AS CANDY.

    @msharp I was not aware of that.

    RT @emilyyyhu: I have not known peace since I saw this picture of Nux casually knitting on the set of Mad Max

    RT @raejohnston: So excited to show you a sneak peak of my latest project, Rewired!

    It’s a kids TV show – all about Indigenous science 🖤💛…

    RT @yow_conf: Don’t forget we have a #yownight in Perth with @TacticalGrace (who is on his way right now) tonight. Last chance to grab your…

    @DDsD Ignoring the headline, I agree with almost everything he says in the article.

    @DDsD Skim it. There were like three or four things I wanted to screenshot and share with like YASSSSSS

    RT @jaredpolis:

    Two photos of me in action from last night’s @Wwcodesingapore. Thanks @coderkungfu! 😂 #WakandaForever

    Hi @JohnSietsma! Thanks for the introduction. 😁 @jay_santos @jayUnity3D

    My talk from last night is now online! Continually in awe of @engineersftw and the work they do, and so jealous that we don’t have anything quite like it in AU! (Except for @sir_tilbrook, of course, but one guy doesn’t scale so well.)

    LOL, this is the part I wasn’t supposed to officially be in but couldn’t resist chiming in! (Sorry @luweidewei – you were a wonderful facilitator!)

    Caught up with an old friend! 😍🐝

    @mobywhale @monsieurmizrahi Yayyy! Well done @monsieurmizrahi !

    @JennaGuillaume Passion noises, clearly! Pacey knows what he’s doing by this point. 🙂

    RT @Amys_Kapers: Kicking off the second @yow_conf #yownight in Perth partnering with @DDDPerth at @Bankwest
    Tonight we have @TacticalGrace…

    RT @yow_conf: Into AI, machine learning? There’s a Humble Bundle of AI books available now

    And join us at #YOWData…

    @zoeydoesnttweet Yay! Now even more sorry I’m not there. 🙂

    RT @brucel: Trying to make sense of a Jekyll-based site’s structure, and remembering the good old days of editing index.html in a text edit…

    Yay! @coderkungfu giving a shout out to @juniordev_io as we kick off @JuniorDevSG. (I think I’m the only person who’s been to all three branches!) #juniordevsg

    RT @battlepanda_au: Best view in the house to see @TacticalGrace at #YowNight @yow_conf @DDDPerth @Bankwest

    The Meetup pizza is… confusing, eh? 🇨🇦🍕 @JuniorDevSG

    Hi @Mandy_Kerr! Your Singaporean Fan Club of me and @hj_chen just met up. 😁

    First talk is Shirlaine and Gloria giving their first tech talk on CSS Grid for Noobs! (They blame @hj_chen and many glasses of wine for committing to this!) 😂🍷 @JuniorDevSG

    LOL. @hj_chen squirming as Shirlaine credits her with creating the term #Anyhowly. 😂 @JuniorDevSG

    Fantastic intro to CSS grid from Shirlaine, who even conquered her fear of media queries! 👏 @JuniorDevSG

    Now it’s Gloria’s turn to show us CSS grid template areas. (NESTING! THE DREAM OF TABLES-FOR-LAYOUT IS ALIVE AND WELL! 🙌 😭) @JuniorDevSG

    An amazing and necessary talk from Mai. Too many people in tech – juniors and seniors alike – suffer with mental health issues and don’t talk about it. ❤️ @JuniorDevSG

    In a moment of mental health crisis, someone told Mai to call the mental health helpline. It saved his life.

    The room is hanging on every word. This is so important. ❤️ @JuniorDevSG

    Junior devs – please take care of yourself. Get enough sleep. “You think I’m kidding. You think you need caffeine more than sleep. No! Get sleep.” @JuniorDevSG

    Questions to ask to determine if a friend is suicidal. If your friend is depressed but suddenly seems peaceful and happy – without any effort/change – it’s a HUGE red flag. Encourage them to get help. @JuniorDevSG

    @sunky @JuniorDevSG It really is. ❤️ Do you know the Perth Fenders community? They ran a mental health focused event last year; I think they will again.

    – You’re never alone.
    – It’s OK to not be OK.

    I want to hug the speaker and every single person in this room. @JuniorDevSG

    @vbhvsgr Very quick visit. Going home tomorrow!

    Live coding happening! @zephinzer from @GovTechSG is teaching everyone about git versioning. “Versioning is about human communication,” so you have a shorthand to all refer to the same code. @JuniorDevSG

    @vbhvsgr Thanks! Always love visiting folks here. Will definitely be longer next time. 😉

    Last talk is from Anukrity telling us about her experience with a tech bootcamp. Good reminder that not everyone in a bootcamp is a true junior – she’s got lots of experience but took time off for family. @JuniorDevSG

    Tech changes fast. A three year gap meant Anukrity needed to get up to speed with TDD, git, and CI/CD. TechLadies helped her catch up. They even did mob programming, @WoodyZuill! @JuniorDevSG

    @sunky Please meet @Mandy_Kerr and @Amys_Kapers. I’m sure they’d love to hear your story and welcome you to the group!

    Ha! I look like a total dag. In my defence, this is the last day of two weeks of travelling and it’s freaking hot here. 😂 (Thanks @shirlaine_com! Lovely to meet you too.) ❤️

    @cathjones0 Jollibee is my sugary bae. 😂

    Number of times I have heard Despacito in Singapore: like 10 times in three days across multiple venues. How? Why? Did it just get here? Or are they just obsessed with it?

    @IsraKaos Okay that actually made me snort with laughter. 😂

    RT @trisha_gee: I would not be here today without male mentors, sponsors and allies. Thank you so much @mjpt777 @karianna @martinfowler @Is…

    @KR_Barker The sad thing is I still kind of like it. 😂😂

    @zarahjutz I got a Twirl. I wasn’t even hungry, but I had to get SOMETHING.

    @JuniorDevSG And by Mai, of course I meant Jianlong. Apologies – I’m still learning!

    RT @coderkungfu: .@web_goddess Thanks for hanging out with #juniordevsg on the last night of your trip in Singapore! @JuniorDevSG @juniorde…

    RT @fordm: It’s less of a “news cycle” these days and more of that BSG episode where the Cylons attack every 33 minutes.

    What’s the statute of limitations on when you stop filing bugs with an ex-employer? 😂

    After 13 days of travelling, I’m ready to sleep in my own bed. 😴 See you soon Sydney!