Month: March 2018

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    Stumbled bleary-eyed to the hotel cafe for breakfast to be greeted with “Happy International Women’s Day, ma’am!” 🌷❤️

    @AziFarjad @soganmageshwar @yow_conf @PaulCutsinger @kris Hi Azi! I’ll meet you at the Alexa Meetup in Sydney soon. (I’ve been talking to James Ang about opportunities to collaborate.) Will chat then!!

    @NickDeverell Grosssssss

    The @yow_conf Twitter account is sharing lots of tech talks by women from our archives today. If you need a speaker for an event, these women all come highly recommended! (Nice job, @melissa_loh. 👏) #IWD2018

    @minxdragon @evernote Is he doing the Tree Pose?!

    @minxdragon @evernote #appropriate 😂

    If you’re wondering where my #agileindia2018 tweets are today, it’s because I made mistake of sending @daveathomas my talk slides last night and then spent all day incorporating his feedback. 😂

    When I’m Queen of the World, my first act will be to end the systematic oppression of women and PoC. My second will be to ban all hotel hairdryers where you have to hold down the button to operate. 😐

    @starbuxman You going to be at dinner? I’ve finally made it over today. 😂

    Nils Kappeyne from @Shell_NatGas starting his talk with his fascinating family story. Progress is great, but it’s also fragile. #AgileIndia2018

    Shell’s a very big company. Bigger than Starbucks, bigger than McDonalds. 30 Million customers. 😳 #agileindia2018

    RT @JWanigasuriya: Loved going to my first #yownight. I’m ready for Haskell thanks to @TacticalGrace & @ssanj

    @Xavier_Ho Always a problem at FP events. I’m sorry I missed this one. 🙁

    Digital is a huge part of Shell’s future. They’re even disrupting themselves – delivering fuel directly to their customers (which annoys the folks running gas stations). “If we don’t do it, someone else will.” #AgileIndia2018

    @allPowerde @daveathomas NOW YOU’RE FREAKING ME OUT, DENIS. 😂😂

    Interesting experiment and activity around inclusion and subconscious bias! #AgileIndia2018

    Ending the day with a wonderful story from an Indian Air Force veteran about India’s first women fighter pilot to fly a Mig-21 solo. It was in the paper TODAY. “So basically she just proved we wasted 50 years.” 😂👏 #AgileIndia2018 #iwd2018

    @evanderkoogh That’s when you message Kris. 🙂

    Came back to my hotel room to find a lovely card for #IWD2018. Everyone in India has been so friendly and lovely!

    @Amys_Kapers @evanderkoogh I didn’t this time though! He figured it out on his own.

    @Amys_Kapers @evanderkoogh Am I the rubber duck? I might be the rubber duck.

    @sandeepshetty LOOOOOL. That. is. epic. 👏

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    Working on my presentation “Building Software That Lasts” for @agileindia on Friday. Spoiler: more lines of code does not equal more robust software. 😂

    @chrisgander What’s the controversy on the posters? You know my feelings about it anyway 😜

    Me: “What would you do if your manager insisted on counting LoC every week?”
    The Snook: “Write a script that inlines functions where they’re used. Instant employee of the month badge.” 😂

    @chrisgander Tweetdeck hides the trends from me, and I’ve been been travelling most of the past 24 hours! But yeah, those are laughably bad.

    RT @yow_conf: Wanna get started with Elasticsearch? Here’s your chance

    Excited as @nashjain kicks off the day at @agileindia. Proud to spot a @yow_conf logo behind him! #AgileIndia2018

    Spotted a familiar face in the Lobby this morning! Poor @jystewart got in even later than I did last night. #AgileIndia2018

    It’s like a @yow_conf family reunion! Lovely to catch up with the inimitable @jeffpatton #AgileIndia2018

    @sergiu_bodiu I didn’t realise you were here! I’ll be on the lookout for you.

    Would not have believed I’d travel all the way to India to hear about design at @Walmart! @mak0ski really engaging the crowd at #AgileIndia2018

    Something like 94% of Americans live within 15miles of @Walmart, so they offered discounts for picking up in store. Much cheaper than “last mile” delivery and increased engagement at stores. #AgileIndia2018 @mak0ski

    LOL. @mak0ski made us draw each other. Such a great creative exercise! Didn’t @soganmageshwar and I do a good job?! 😂 #AgileIndia2018

    “Only two industries call their customers ‘users.’ Software development… and the illicit drug industry.” #AgileIndia2018 @mak0ski

    We’ve been given Playdough for an activity. I just had 2 realisations: Man, fresh Playdough smells *good*. This is a brilliant “fidget” that doesn’t make noise or disturb others. #AgileIndia2018

    #designforalexa Help me formulate good habits. Ask me each day if I’ve made progress towards goals and give me encouragement and tips. #AgileIndia2018

    #designforalexa When I hang clothes out to dry, alert me if it’s about to rain so I can bring the clothes in! #AgileIndia2018

    @candeira Seems to still work okay! 😂

    @slace Grossssss

    @mark_sabbatical Smelled the same to me. 😂

    @lynnlangit @agileindia I unsuccessfully tried to convince @allPowerde to let me impersonate you in her talk. I know all the lines! 😂

    Every day of my life.

    @stevelikesyou Is there a way I can donate for the party without creating a Paypal account? It keeps forcing me to sign up, and I’ve sworn off it. 🙁

    @stevelikesyou Awesome. Will give you some next time I see you. 👍😁

    After lunch: Peter Jacobs, CIO of @ingnl, talking about going from doing things right to doing the right things. #AgileIndia2018

    “I don’t know about in India, but in Europe ‘Agile’ means having a beard and a cap and working in a cool office with cool furniture.” 😂 #AgileIndia2018

    Cameo by @davefarley77 (well, his book anyway) in Peter Jacobs’s talk! Sounds like it was critical to @ingnl’s agile transformation. #AgileIndia2018

    RT @yow_conf: Tomorrow is #InternationalWomens Day, so don’t forget #DiversityScholarships are available for #YOWData and #YLJ18.

    If you…

    Love a good panel discussion. Six women talking about leadership and building diverse teams! #agileindia2018

    Research shows that just knowing that you’ll be working with someone different from you means you’ll work harder and smarter. It changes your way of thinking. It makes you more creative. @TeresaBrazen #AgileIndia2018

    Interesting. India has barriers to women in leadership I hadn’t considered. Affluent middle class means women stop working, no financial need anymore. And poor safety in cities doesn’t help. #AgileIndia2018

    Cultural hurdles too. Women are ingrained from birth to feel responsible to keep house and raise kids. There’s also a lack of confidence, avoidance of putting yourself forward for promotions. Corporate gatekeepers also enforce rigid leadership styles. #AgileIndia2018

    Women tend to share success as a team, not claim it individually. @carlickcooper says we need to amplify women’s accomplishments. (I also think more men should share credit! As a manager I was taught ‘Succeed as a team, fail as individual.’) #AgileIndia2018

    When men have to fight for paternity leave or are discouraged from taking it, it means companies are deciding who ends up caring for our families. @TeresaBrazen #AgileIndia2018

    A challenge from the panellists for #iwd2018 for both women and men: Sponsor a deserving woman, put your reputation on the line to help her grow. And if you see something wrong – call it out. #AgileIndia2018

    I’m not crying. It’s just, uh, dusty in here. 😭❤️

    Managers: if a woman on your team asks you for a raise, start by complimenting her on the effort she’s made to back herself. It takes confidence. Change the culture. #agileindia2018 @TeresaBrazen

    @joeyhacks @TeresaBrazen No no, not how it came across at all. Limitations of the tweet form. More about giving an acknowledgement of ambition before you start haggling over dollar amounts.

    @allPowerde Are the hipsters staying in? Pretty sure I saw some of the Indian variety today. 😂

    Excited to see my new friend @soganmageshwar talking about designing for voice and building skills for Alexa! @alexadevs #agileindia2018

    #designforalexa A counter! Ability to provide a named variable of sorts and then increment, decrement, and retrieve values. So useful to remember where I am in my knitting pattern. 😁 #agileindia2018

    Automatic speech recognition is more than just identifying phonemes. Humans use the same sounds to mean many things! Alexa skills developers need to provide training data to allow utterances to have meaning in app context. #agileindia2018 @soganmageshwar

    @jeffpatton 😂 It was the morning! I’m surprised I wasn’t glowering myself.

    Voice applications should evolve over time. At the simplest level they should remember your preferences. Let users know when new features are available. #agileindia2018 @soganmageshwar

    @halans @mattallen They never toured my podunk town in Indiana, but I remember reading about them in Sassy in 1994 and wishing Evan Dando would take me to prom. 😂

    @drzax @Asher_Wolf Whaaaa?! Congratulations!

    It’s very easy to spot the @yow_conf alumni when they’re wearing our shirts! 😂 Always nice to run into @fgeorge52. #agileindia2018

    @yow_conf @fgeorge52 I was saving it for my talk on Friday!

    “Who’s excited to see @jeffpatton?” Massive cheer. “See? He was worried people would leave. I put him last because I knew it would make people STAY.” 😂 @nashjain #AgileIndia2018

    “Women in Tech – My Story” Great post from my friend (and Perth legend) @Amys_Kapers. So thrilled to have her helping with @yow_conf ! #IWD2018 @lindaliukas @SaraJChipps

    RT @TEAMwomenaus: I will #PressforProgress and …
    🤛 supportively call-out inappropriate behaviour
    🤛 campaign for equality in meaningful wa…

    RT @tdpauw: Plan to measure outcome: If you ship a feature and can’t measure if it is used, it has no value. @jeffpatton #agileindia2018

    @starbuxman Aren’t you speaking here in like 18 hours?? Are you in transit yet??

    RT @tdpauw: Everyone in the team needs to spend face time with users and customers to build empathy, not just the product owner or manager.…

    RT @codepo8: “A Counterintuitive Way to Increase Diversity in Tech” by @rachelnabors

    “Put yourself in a position t…

    @allPowerde @AIDevDays LOVE IT!

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    Landed in Singapore and couldn’t resist a quick visit to the Changi Butterfly Garden!

    @drwitty_knitter I pretended to sleep for an hour. That’s about as good as it gets for me.

    @starbuxman I’m in the KrisGold lounge! I’m flying out with @ghohpe later tonight.

    @starbuxman @ghohpe Aren’t you joining us in India in a couple days? Are you pit-stopping in Dubai?!

    @ahontwi @starbuxman I will be back next week! I’m speaking at @Wwcodesingapore on Monday the 12th. Is there anything happening on the 13th I should go to? Also thinking about meeting up with local folks.

    @starbuxman @ghohpe Safe flight! See you soon, friend!!

    @RBlundell @ChangiAirport Yep! Don’t even have to go outside. 🙂

    I think I’m going to have to include a Jacquard Loom in all of my talks from now on, like a little Easter Egg for @gilmae.


    22.5 hours after I woke up in Perth, I finally made it to my hotel room in Bangalore. Wiped out. 😴