Month: March 2018

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    RT @rilan: Everybody look this is so awesome!!!

    (100% female design leaders as speakers.)

    Dear Perth: please get more tech companies so I can move here forever.

    @Techman_83 LEON! Didn’t realise you were here. πŸ™‚ πŸ‘‹

    @battlepanda_au @yow_conf We don’t have an office! Wherever I am, that’s my office. πŸ˜‚

    @stevelikesyou *shakes fist*

    @yow_conf Summer flies?? Seems fine. Haven’t noticed any!

    @stevelikesyou @msharp @LookaheadSearch @GRobilliard I want to join that hug! 😍

    @annie_parker @PlusEightAU Ha, I was at Spacecubed just today talking to a startup! I’m on board with this plan. πŸ‘Š

    RT @Techman_83: Did I reach peak nerd by carrying an oscilloscope on the train, or when I tweeted about it?

    @Techman_83 It’s like a zen koan. πŸ˜‚

    @chrisgander Ha, somebody told me about that today! Evidently I need to look up a password to get in. That is a level of hipsterism to which I have not yet ascended.

    TFW you realise you’ve been misreading the @agileindia schedule for weeks and you’ve actually got an extra day before your talk!!!!!

    @hi1z @Data61news Really? How many folks? You should tell ’em to go to @yow_conf Perth this year. 😜 More YOW business here means more visits for me!!

    Honestly, one of the best presentations on tech speaking that I’ve ever seen. I was at the Sydney Night (well before I worked for @yow_conf) taking feverish notes the entire time. If you present, you should watch it.

    My hotel features the Mirror of Erised. In it, I see ME taking a selfie with a QUOKKA!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    “I’m talking business, which is why I wore the three piece suit.” πŸ˜‚ @eleybourn #yownight

    “Given that I’m writing a book on #noprojects, you can probably guess where I stand on the PMO.” πŸ”₯ @eleybourn #yownight

    Now I’m sad there isn’t actually a “FUN AGILITY” conference. @evanderkoogh @eleybourn – we need to work on that. πŸ˜‚ #yownight

    RT @Amys_Kapers: You shouldn’t run your business to make money. Run it to serve value to your customers.
    Money is proof that you’re doing…

    Our tech teams have the ability to deliver value very quickly. So where’s the bottleneck now? Usually PMO, HR, Finance, and Legal. @eleybourn #yownight

    “Who’s heard of Teal organisations? The Spotify model?” *cue me groaning in my head like Tina Belcher* #yownight

    RT @FakeSamRitchie: β€œApprovals are only good where the cost of delay is less than the risk” – @eleybourn #yownight

    “Ever heard the term ‘Safe to Fail’? RUBBISH.” πŸ˜‚ The best part of @eleybourn’s talk is hearing @evanderkoogh’s squeaks from the peanut gallery! #yownight

    @AstroHyde @yow_conf The public can’t see that link! It’s private to you and the program committee until they decide on which talks are selected.

    Day 2 of a two-week work trip, and I have woken up with a cold. FML.