Month: April 2018

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    RT @yow_conf: #YOWData is officially 2 weeks away from today! šŸ˜±
    This conference wouldn’t be possible without our amazing sponsors – THANK Yā€¦

    If my sewing projects have inspired you, this week Aldi has sewing bargains! Nice entry level machine. (Thanks @knitterjp for the link!)

    RT @Techmeme: F8 will be a more “muted” event this year, with developers blindsided by API changes and sources saying much of the event hasā€¦

    Hearing over to Melbs! Only a few days until #voxxeddaysmelbourne…

    @randommandelbot @gilmae Is anyone selling Mandelbrot wallpaper? Because I legit want this. Ideally FLOCKED.

    RT @jrhunt: Developer Evangelism is 100% the best job in the world. I get to travel the world and see places I never would have seen beforeā€¦

    Itā€™s not just me, then? Phew!

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    @DuchessFounder Hi Linda! Sure… but what’s an exposition? šŸ¤”

    RT @al_davies: I feel like the #GDPR has aged me by about ten years…

    About to rewatch the Snookā€™s favourite movie. šŸ¤ 

    Me: ā€œYou might have to put up with me live-tweeting it!ā€
    Him: ā€œYouā€™re a daisy if you do!ā€

    @The_McJones As a moustache aficionado, this is basically my porn.

    I may have jumped the gun. We play actual discs so rarely, we didnā€™t realise we had a damn region mismatch. VLC hopefully to the rescue?

    Weā€™re in business!

    Whoa! Both of Starlordā€™s dads are in this!

    The first time that upper lip appeared, I heard him mutter: ā€œNow THATā€™s a moustache.ā€

    He giggles like a little boy at every single Doc Holliday line. šŸ˜‚

    ā€œIs thatā€¦ Billy Bob Thornton?ā€ IT IS!

    @tobyeggleston Not yet!

    I forgot Billy Zane was in this! And hey, Deadwood had an ACTOR storyline too. Was that a Thing in the old West? Mustā€™ve been.

    ā€œIs laudanum like codeine nowadays? Iā€™d totes be a laudanum addict in the old West.ā€

    Ugh. Sheā€™s so anachronistic. Iā€™m supposed to like her but I canā€™t stand her.

    ā€œIt happens to be a nocturne. You know – Frederic fucking Chopin?ā€ (Apparently they only got that one F-bomb with the PG rating.)

    @erinrileyau Youā€™re so right!

    Hey! Itā€™s Locke!

    This fearsome lawman who holds guns to bad guysā€™ heads has only killed one person ever? I donā€™t buy it.

    @emd3737 Heā€™s basically doing Val Kilmer karaoke at this point.

    Shhhh. I took advantage of the Snookā€™s bathroom break to google how old Sam Elliott is and whether heā€™s happily married. šŸ˜‰

    Itā€™s on!

    ā€œYouā€™re a daisy if you do!ā€ There it is.

    Me: ā€œWAIT. Is Val Kilmer old now?! Kurt Russell got old. DID VAL GET OLD??ā€

    Michael Biehn has always been super sexy. ā€œSay when.ā€ It appears I will be sewing someone a red waistcoat.

    @Lin_Manuel Australia is!!!

    Kurt Russell is such an amazing actor.

    RT @siilkytofu: janelle monae booping thessa thompson on the nose rt if you agree

    @unixbigot šŸ˜³

    Noooo. NOOOOOOO! šŸ”«šŸ˜”

    Why, Johnny Ringo! You look like somebodyā€¦ just walked over your grave.

    Wait, Ike gets to live?! Jesus, Grandpa, what did you read me this for??

    Movieā€™s over and heā€™s still talking like Val Kilmer. He just called me the Antichrist! šŸ˜‚

    @unixbigot Oh god I looked. And heā€™s not even 60! šŸ˜¢

  • Montrose Top

    I think this is my fastest sewing project yet! This is the Montrose Top from Cashmerette, and I whipped this up in about 4 hours today.

    The fabric is Liberty Saville Poplin in a lavender print that I bought at The Fabric StoreĀ during their last sale. (Savvy blog readers will notice that I used it for the Snook’s most recent Simon Shirt. I deliberately bought enough so I’d be able to make something simple for myself too!) The only real design feature on the garment is a curved and gathered back yoke, which was pretty simple to do.

    In terms of sizing, the pattern offers 9 different sizes, 3 different cups, and 2 different sleeves, so it’s suitable for pretty much everybody! I cut a straight 20 C/D, and it’s comfortably roomy. (I might go down to an 18 next time.) This is definitely the best sleeve fit I’ve ever had on a garment I’ve made for me. I made one alteration to lengthen the front and back, just based on the fact that the pattern was written for someone who’s 5’6″. I’m closer to 5’10” but I’m also short-waisted, so I decided to add in 2″. However, when I tried it on it was still too long, so I ended up chopping that length off and rehemming. Next time I’ll go back to the original length.

    I can see myself making these in lots of different colours. Just a great little wardrobe staple! I reckon I like it even better than the Colette Sorbetto…

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    I LOLed. Gotta say – I was expecting something else for Australia. šŸ˜‰

    RT @michaelisvy: speaker line-up for Yow! Singapore conference looks awesome. Lots of book writers in the Agile and Tech space @yow_conf htā€¦

    @jamiebuilds That’s what I was expecting!

    ā€œScritch pleeease!ā€ Look at this spoiled jerk. šŸ˜»

    RT @yow_conf: Brisbane, join our next #yownight on May 3 with @eleybourn. He’ll be sharing the state of business agility around the world.ā€¦

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    @minxdragon That “the world has no right to my heart” bit… that’s when I start to cry, every single time. (Did I mention that @chixors has knitted me a Hamilton blanket on her amazing hacked machine? ā¤ļø I’ll show it to you next week!)

    @soxyface Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s live for the public – may have just been a faked up demo. It was def using Hangouts

    RT @yow_conf: Our Perth Ambassador @Amys_Kapers sat down with @stringy to talk about her experiences in our New Voices in Tech Speaker Traiā€¦

    @kouky Congrats Kouky!

    RT @freesewing_org: Network graph of our repository. Showing how the great work of our translation team is flowingā€¦

    @chadfowler @robqnm @SydTechLeaders @owensenior @darthted Interested in functional programming at all? We’ve got a few special people speaking in Sydney!

    @chadfowler @robqnm @SydTechLeaders @owensenior @darthted Unfortunately the next @SydTechLeaders is scheduled for the 17th – week too soon!

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    RT @butwhoiskat: ā€œWhy give a conference talk? But also, why not.ā€ by @lynnandtonic

    @spidie @gctechspace @aus_hack Nice one! šŸ‘

    RT @MelissaKaulfuss: After @railsgirls 4 years ago I thought I might want to be a dev (had zero experience). Attending my first @rubyconf_aā€¦

    @damncabbage Yikes! Hope your recovery is fast and as painfree as it can be. (And hospital bed selfie is some next level selfie game. šŸ’Æ)

    @carbocommander @carbolicious Lovely post. As someone far far away who can really only donate, where would be the best place for me to contribute? I see the Camp accepts donations – anywhere else?

    @johnallsopp I saw a really good talk at MeasureCamp Melbourne a few months back by Mike Robins, founder of @snowflake_data! Would recommend.

    @chixors YES! I was totally going to email you. Will send now. I guess that means I pack the bigger suitcase. šŸ˜ƒ

    RT @johnath: Hint: nobody whoā€™s good at them calls them ā€œsoft skillsā€.

    @mmastertheone @sarahmei Just shared it in the @yow_conf team chat! šŸ‘ļø

    RT @yow_conf: There might be some hairy bits of TensorFlow, but our upcoming 2-day #deeplearning workshop with @SilverpondDev in Sydney neā€¦

    Sit next to @notsolonecoder at a meetup, score a homemade ANZAC biccie!! šŸ‘šŸŖ

    Big crowd for tonightā€™s #sypy! Thanks to @iress for hosting!

    A very laid back @glasnt doing a talk (that I havenā€™t seen!) on ORM at #sypyā€¦

    Heh. We went from a bird hunting bugs in kaleā€¦ to emoji. Because @glasnt. šŸ˜‚āœØ #sypy

    @samthor @notsolonecoder They were so good! Chewy rather than crunchy, which is just how I like ā€˜em.

    Next up – security talk about template injection from @pi3ch from @elttam! #sypy

    A warning from @pi3ch: ā€œthis is going to look Super Un-Pythonic.ā€ Coincidentally, thatā€™s the name of my next album. #sypy

    Iā€™m not sure I know enough Python to understand the context of @glasntā€™s horrified ā€œNoooooā€ whimpers during these simulated injection attached. šŸ˜‚ #sypy

    The train UI is having a problem. Really confused me at first – thought I got on the wrong one! šŸ˜³ @TransportforNSW

    RT @GRobilliard: I wrote a little something about my personal experience of taking a career break –

    @minxdragon I love that song. She does it perfectly, right?

    RT @betterallies: I don’t look astounded when I meet someone at a tech conference who mentions they’re one of the speakers. Regardless of tā€¦

    Second meetup in 12 hours. šŸ˜± Data Science Sydney Breajfast kicking offā€¦ (Thanks @SydneyGA for hosting!)

    The Feynman Principle for problem definition. I didnā€™t know about this. Good tip! #datasciencebreakfast

    Now for the speaker – @MongrelMarketg relating some of the lessons he learned at SxSW this year. #datasciencebreakfast

    Amazing – the city of Montreal bright data from all over the city together to light up their bridge. Beautiful. #datasciencebreakfast

    This is an amazing data visualisation of a human heart. If this type of thing interests you, @tomaszbednarz will be talking about it at #yowdata next month! #datasciencebreakfast

    Holy crap. Everyone is laughing, but I find this example of an ā€œemotional AI interfaceā€ SO CREEPY. šŸ˜³ #datasciencebreakfast

    @micheinnz Theyā€™re real people! šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s that the video chat software gives them advice on what to say based on the other personā€™s mood.

    @gilmae They also showed a facial recognition payment system, where you have to smile to authorise your account. šŸ˜

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    @charis GRRRR.

    Winning at Eggplant Parm Tetris!

    This is so amazing. How have I not seen this before, @saberkite?!?! šŸ˜­šŸ”„ Lea Salonga – Burn (Hamilton) via @YouTube

    RT @acosmos: Everyone sure is changing their privacy policy recently. Sure am getting a lot of emails from random services

    RT @yow_conf: Have we mentioned how SUPER excited we are to have @DrEugeniaCheng join our upcoming #FunctionalProgramming conference #ylj18ā€¦

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    RT @webconf_asia: Did you see we have added some wonderful sponsors? Welcome @github, @registryasia, @mozilla and @yow_conf!
    Without theseā€¦

    RT @AngelaBellM: The @RMIT #FashionRevolutionWeek challenge winner. To quote from the student – ā€œThis design depicts the hands of a women gā€¦

    RT @philnash: I got to take a look at some cool data from Rollbar and write up a monster post, so hereā€™s the top 10 errors from 1000+ Railsā€¦

    @philnash Nice work! šŸ‘

    Massive crowd takes their seats as @FPHeld kicks off @DataScienceSyd! #datasciencesyd

    Tim Garnsey from @VergeLabsAI is speaking about a particularly gnarly data migration problem. Coincidentally heā€™s speaking at #yowdata next month! @TimGarnsey @DataScienceSyd #datasciencesyd

    Generative Adversarial Networks can now create plausible humans who have never existed. So why not, @TimGarnsey says, use them to generate fake data sets for dev and testing? #datasciencesyd @DataScienceSyd

    @starbuxman @pivotal Saw some of your Sydney colleagues wearing shirts commemorating the event today! ā¤ļø

    @starbuxman @pivotal EXACTLY THAT!!

    8bit has arrived in Sydney! So new it isnā€™t in Instagramā€™s locations yet. šŸ”šŸŒ­šŸŸ

    @stibbons In Darling Harbour! Down past the ICC – sort of opposite the Pumphouse, thereā€™s a fancy new food strip in there. Also has Belleā€™s Hot Chicken.

    RT @ThisIsJoFrank: Schrodinger’s impostor syndrome: Everyone is smarter than me and I know nothing AND everyone is gullable fools and I’veā€¦