Month: April 2018

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    If you’re enjoying Agustinus’s #awssummit demo of @carsales’s cool car recognition app, he’s giving a tech talk on it next month at #yowdata! 🚗 @yow_conf

    Only a hop, skip and a jump from the #AWSsummit too!

    Eep. This has all come together very quickly. One step closer to my life goal of hosting my own talk show. 😂

    @starbuxman On behalf of all Hoosiers, you are welcome in my homeland. 😀

    RT @dataeditor: this site is sometimes good: a story in four parts

    RT @arungupta: Want to participate in #AWSSummit Sydney but not here? Join @AWSonAir on Stop by to say hello to the…

    About to go live on Twitch with these guys! #AWSsummit

    RT @gilmae: Appearing in Twitch, @web_goddess

    RT @frankarr: Hey there @web_goddess is on @Twitch #awssummit w/ @pstanski

    The Hard Rock Cafe is going OFF! for tonight’s #yownight with @awscloud!

    Hey look – it’s the @MessageMedia1 crew! #yownight

    Full house for @glenngore – now if we can only get more lights on him! 😂 #yownight #AWSSumimt

    “Events like @yow_conf are so, so important for Australia…” 👏 Thank you @glenngore! We think so too! #yownight

    RT @marlousteh: Quick @yow_conf crew selfie during the #yownight #break #dreamteam #selfie @web_goddess

    AV dramas are fun! 🙃

    After some emergency AV work, out second speaker Roaan Vos from @Atlassian is now telling us about their journey to AWS. #yownight

    @minxdragon If I knew how to swear in Norwegian, I totally would.

    Hearing about how @Atlassian uses its Micros platform to standardise the way they use @awscloud and deploy new services. #yownight

    With over 1400 services on @awscloud, @Atlassian built an internal tool called Microscope to help manage them. #yownight

    RT @melindafentonsm: #yownight Business Agility Conference looking for speakers @web_goddess

    Final speaker of the night – @drewfirment from @acloudguru telling us why Alexa is the gateway to Serverless! #yownight

    Great reason to build an Alexa skill – SWAG! @awscloud are giving away a t-shirt to folks who build new skills. #yownight

    Nice shout outs to @swardley during @drewfirment’s #yownight talk!

    Bonus points to @drewfirment for using @yow_conf in his Alexa demo skill code! “Hey Alexa, give me a YOW! fact!” #yownight

    @yow_conf @drewfirment If you zoom in, there are a couple facts in the code! He didn’t actually demo it – way too noisy here. 🙁

    RT @developerjack: C’mon @ssharwood, I get the snark and the quips but perpetuating contempt culture with this defiance? #disappointed in @…

    Thanks to everyone who came along to the @yow_conf #yownight with @awscloud, and especially to our amazing speakers @glenngore, Roaan Vos, and @drewfirment! #AWSsummit

    RT @tyschalter: @metroadlib Just today I was sucked into a round of .gif pronunciation debate. The G stands for “graphics” but the coder wh…

    If you want to see my Twitch session live from the AWS Summit yesterday, it’s here: (And the role models I mention at the end are @lynnlangit, @allPowerde, and @Doctor_Astro. ❤️) Thanks for inviting me @awscloud!!

    Oh. Great.

    *cough* If you want to learn more about this, we have an extremely relevant tech talk at #yowdata next month from @notsolonecoder. 😉🚌@yow_conf

    @MxRozen More like downside of being from a small rural town and being FB friends with a lot of non-tech savvy folks, I suspect. 🙁

    @rosepowell If I hear you use the phrase “hockey stick growth” then we can’t be friends anymore.

    My cultural tastes are most similar to an upper class woman, aged 25-39, with a undergraduate education. A SNOB IS ME. via @ABCNews

    @abcnews I think it’s because I took too much pleasure in clicking this one:

    @gilmae @abcnews @drkyliesmith This part was particularly painful. 😂 (I didn’t say never, survey!)

    @dddsydney @slace If you need help, I’m happy to volunteer!

    @mmastertheone @abcnews Is she wearing rubber gloves with an evening gown?! 😂

    @LapTop006 @abcnews I was shamed for not reading more Aussie authors. Really should rectify that.

    @mmastertheone @abcnews As a cultured upper-class person, clearly I have no experience with that. 😜

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    New initiatives from @NAB launching today – Cloud Guild and tech career pathways to train their people with skills to succeed in this environment. 👏 (And they’re a @yow_conf sponsor too!) #AWSsummit

    There is a woman rocket scientist on stage, and I am HERE FOR IT! 👩‍⚕️🚀 #AWSSummit

    Wait, IoT and Cloud help make better wine? I’m sold. 😁🍷 @fleetspace #AWSsummit

    @developerjack @flavia_space I love that we were both like OH HELL YES. 😂

    @Mandy_Kerr @snookca It’s my #1 most frequently used, by far.

    Swings and roundabouts. 😉

    RT @Palle_Hoffstein: Somebody is having a birthday! 🎂🎂🎂😘

    RT @yow_conf: To our very lovely @apaipi who treks to our side of the world bearing Danish chocolates (and liquorice) to the team every yea…

    RT @mamund: Looking forward to my YOW! Night Perth talk “APIs : From Good to Great” on april 18th starting at 5:30PM (AWST). Join me as we…

    RT @cmclymer: This is such a godawful take. Please stop this shit. He’s 33 goddamn years old and married with a kid. Stop framing adult whi…

    Just received my first edition of @HecateApp newsletter from @johnbarton. Can confirm it really does include nautical facts along with tech and business. ⛵️

    @HecateApp @johnbarton And now, of course, I’m wondering if there’s a market for a tech business + fibercrafts newsletter. 😂

    @freshtonic @HecateApp @johnbarton I already know someone who would 100% subscribe to that.

    @stevelikesyou @delitescere @SlackHQ @rands @zbendr @daveoflynn I have some too. Was planning to turn them into a Slack Sock Monkey. 🙈🙉🙊

    Straight from the #AWSSummit to @WAWSydney. Time for a beer. 🍺 #devrelyfe

    Yayyyy finally get to see the @yow_conf logo up there amongst the @WAWSydney sponsors! 👏 #wawsydney

    Interesting talk from Ilias at @Atlassian about using usability metrics to improve JIRA. You want to make things simple without making users feel less powerful. @WAWSydney #wawsydney

    @itgrrl It was @flavia_space!

    Always interesting hearing how other teams do things. Johanna from @theiconicau talking about the challenges of working in a cross-functional teams… #wawsydney @WAWSydney

    The two Sydney @yow_conf Nights I mentioned tonight at @WAWSydney: tomorrow’s with AWS ( and next week with @lindamciver talking citizen data science! #wawsydney

    @johnbarton @HecateApp Wait, so have you not read the Moomins? They’re AMAZING! Finland’s finest export. I’m a huge fan.

    @mrdanielgraham @WAWSydney Should’ve shared a cab!

    @kirstylmiller @DevOpsGirls @matthewfellows @paulangov @kaylajheffernan @FrancaLovesCake I think it’s masculine-coded to some degree, but you could make it more inclusive through how you brand it. I’ve seen some tech entrepreneur events aimed at “WARRIORS” where the aggressive branding made it look like a weight-lifting supplement.

    @matthewfellows @kirstylmiller @DevOpsGirls @paulangov @kaylajheffernan @FrancaLovesCake Actually I was speaking to one of the AWS managers who works on that program yesterday at the Summit! I’ll admit when he said the name I cringed a little. In the absence of any other context, it reads as a Dude Club (or at least an aspirational one).

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    If you’re suffering from #AWSSummit FOMO, don’t forget there’s an AWS-YOW! crossover meetup on Thursday after the closing. Still some tickets left…

    @jonoabroad @yow_conf Which one? Our December confs feature child care, and there are sometimes kids at our other events. @unixbigot took his 10yo to a Night on her birthday, IIRC. 😂

    @unixbigot Maybe it’s the same. 😳

    Intros happening at @GGDSydney! I miss this meetup. ❤️ #ggdsyd

    Learning about user experience and human vision from @sepide. As someone who is blind as a bat without my specs, this is relevant to my interests! #ggdsyd @GGDSydney 🤓

    Because human vision is so attuned to motion, lots of apps use it to draw your attention to things you might otherwise miss. (Similarly, Damian Conway advises animating your code samples in tech talks to make it easier for attendees to follow!) #ggdsyd @GGDSydney

    Next talk: fellow Yank transplant @nafisa13 telling us how she fosters creativity and innovation even within big corporates. #ggdsyd @GGDSydney

    Yay! Last talk is my friend @currawongwhsper talking about art, food, and tech. 👏 #ggdsyd @GGDSydney

    @evanderkoogh Same. Thanks for the prompt!

    RT @richard_littler: I felt compelled to create a thread of famous people modelling for knitting patterns.
    Roger Moore.…

    @msharp Did you get one on a wheelie thing?

    @msharp Nice work!

    Always fun to open the App Store and see my @canva friends on there! ❤️ @themaninblue @nicwinton @TheRealBnut @kouky @sebastiangrail @shipra_ships

    If you want a crash course in all things machine learning, this is a good way to get it!

    Got very lucky with my seat for the #AWSSummit. (I see what you meant about that stage, @developerjack!) 😍

    Happened to spot a familiar face on my way in! @glenngillen #AWSSummit

    Over 4000 new AWS features released in the last 6 years… 😳 #AWSSummit

    Nice shout-out to the Marriage Equality push. I still think the survey was stupid, but I’m glad that AWS were involved in making it run more smoothly. #AWSSummit

    Comparison of “nameless” cloud vendors from @glenngore. 😂 The orange one is way bigger than the others! #AWSSummit

    Want to hear more from @glenngore? He’s speaking tomorrow night at the joint AWS-YOW! Meetup at the nearby Hard Rock Cafe! #AWSSummit @yow_conf

    YAY! And now my old colleagues @canva getting a shout out at the #AWSSummit. 😍 🦄

    65% of the Silicon Valley founders are foreign-born. Countries that seek to limit skilled technical migration are shooting themselves in the foot. @dpetre from @airtreevc throwing shade at the Oz government to much applause! #AWSSummit

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    @chewxy Binged the whole thing yesterday. Yep. I can’t believe she’s working with old people now. She’s a complete sociopath.

    RT @chriscoyier: Serverless.

    Last call for @yow_conf Diversity Scholarships! DEADLINE TOMORROW. Includes a ticket to the conference *and* travel/accommodation. ✈️🎟😉 That goes for Lambda Jam too!

    So pleased to see one of the @BlueChilliGroup @shestarts companies chosen for @yow_conf #YOWData! @GalaCF from @neighbourlytics will be speaking about using social media data to explore neighbourhoods. 😁

    @kcm74 This. is. amazing.

    RT @kcm74:

    Sure, you could see @glenngore onstage in front of thousands at the #AWSSummit this week… OR you could hear from him at the AWS YOW! Night on Thursday up close and personal! @yow_conf

    @_jsimonovski @glenngore @yow_conf I like the way you think. 😉

    TFW you realise you’re dancing like Armie Hammer at the bus stop… 💃

    Eggplant, Squash, and Tomatoes with Baked Eggs. #dinner

    RT @starbuxman: it’s ALMOST as if the @washingtonpost was saying that, if you’re being investigated for campaign finance violations after s…

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    RT @CamJo89: So happy to be presenting about Machine Learning systems at @yow_conf #yowdata! So many great talks lined up!…

    We’re watching a Netflix doc about a religious commune.

    Me: “You know, I think I’d be really effective at running a cult.”
    The Snook, brightly: “You want to? I get to grow the beard! I’ll need to work on my rhetoric…”

    @hannahcancode Brand new one! Wild Wild Country. It’s very good!

    RT @glenngore: @web_goddess @AWSCloudANZ @acloudguru @drewfirment @Atlassian Can’t wait to be there and talk about the importance of the de…

    @TheSarahMoore Wild Wild Country!

    @robqnm @chadfowler Oh sweet! Yes, I’m an organiser for @SydTechLeaders. Let us know your dates – love to have you as a guest! ( @owensenior @darthted )

    @i386 I think we’ve still got an ABN. All I need now is some appropriate propaganda artwork. 🤔

    Me: “Sheelah’s pretty awesome. Stone cold badass.”
    Him: “…I’m slightly worried at your idolisation of this sociopath.” 🤔

    @msharp At 8:30 in the morning? I’m glad I’m not your neighbour. 🙂

    @msandfor Nah, see, I need to be the enforcer *behind* the cult-leader. I’ve got a perfect weirdy beardy to wear the robes though. Count us in. 🙂

    RT @yow_conf: Don’t forget our #yownight with @DataSciAu’s Executive Directive @lindamciver how Citizen Data Science can cure our data woes…

    @chewxy 😂 I need a “What would Sheelah do?” bracelet.

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    RT @VoxxedMelbourne: Who knew that there are parallels between traditional crafts, like knitting, and computing. @web_goddess will tell you…

    @VoxxedMelbourne Thanks @starbuxman for encouraging me to submit!

    Back to it! Step 20 – attaching the cuffs and top stitching. (Every cuff I do gets slightly better. Really happy with these!)

    @lifeasdaddy Hard to say. Either fewer than usual, or they’re so ubiquitous I’ve developed selective blindness.

    Him: “Can I wear this on our outing?” Me: “Sure! …as long as you don’t mind looking like an old guy who runs an amusement park filled with dinosaurs.” ❤️🦖

    “Blame Canada.” It has POUTINE on it! 🇨🇦🍔😁

    Hello Parramatta!

    @LapTop006 Sydney! Well, I’m in Parramatta. BL Burgers, an offshoot of @barlucasydney

    We might be the only people here without kids. 😂 #roalddahl #georgesmarvellousmedicine

    RT @tapbots: Twitter is making changes that will break or degrade a number of features in Tweetbot and other clients.…

    @msharp Yeah? Anywhere good for a beer around here?

    RT @ewebber: Stickers! And a print ready pdf to get some of your own here

    RT @karlitaliliana: This is deeply, incredibly, heartbreakingly disappointing @github.

    Step 21 – collar time! Pin, sew, and press.

    Step 22 – pin and sew the hem!

    RT @qyliss: Just got an email from GitHub Press:

    RT @_sagesharp_: If you’re someone from a group under-represented in tech, what have conference organizers done that made you feel welcome…

    Excellent! The @yow_conf #yowdata speakers have been announced. So many great and inspiring folks, like @tomaszbednarz, @tashj, @notsolonecoder (with her “the 370 bus is the WORST” talk!), @JeffreyTheobald, @FCTweedie, @AstroHyde, and more!