Month: April 2018

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    WHAAAAAT. This is amazing! Thank you so much @ghammadi !! ๐Ÿ˜

    @xysense_io @smartselling @mattallen @MOVUSFitMachine @blackbirdvc Brilliant – will definitely add you to my list!! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    @ghammadi @Zendesk @envato LOL. Just realised the Tardis was from my shirt. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    RT @AbstractCode: I’ve already booked by @yow_conf Lambda Jam ticket but there’s still time to vote in this important* poll.โ€ฆ

    @FCTweedie @yow_conf Yayyy, I was so excited to see you on the list! Congrats!

    @vbhvsgr @YOWLambdaJam WOOOOOO! Congrats!!


    @Mandy_Kerr I think would find it disorientating if it skipped without intervention by me.

    RT @seekjobs: Kickstart your career in Tech. Applications are now open for our 2019 Software Development Graduate Program. Interested? Hereโ€ฆ

    @nxdnz @Qantas In flight wifi??

    RT @allPowerde: Check out this yearโ€™s awesome program, canโ€™t wait… it will be epic #yowdata @yow_conf @ehealthresearchโ€ฆ

    Number of mattresses abandoned on footpath of Chippendale, as counted on my walk to the bakery: 5. Ugh.

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    @yow_conf @Amys_Kapers @YOWLambdaJam @unixbigot @FakeSamRitchie I thought he was in double digits? That maybe counting all three stops for YOW though.

    New purple specs! #alicorn

    @martinabbott Hm. I dunno. I’m skeptical it would just be used to serve ads to me, plus I imagine getting annoyed at even more folks wandering around following invisible arrows. I vote for a special day when only organised folks are allowed to shop. ๐Ÿ˜›

    @Meligy Meligy! What’s up with all the tweets!? Overload…

    Newbies are so welcome at @yow_conf! We’ve got Diversity Scholarships too for anyone from an underindexed group.

    Going to the @AWSCloudANZ #AWSSummit next week? Don’t forget to register for our epic and first-ever #yownight in partnership with AWS on Thursday! Hear from @glenngore, @acloudguru’s @drewfirment, and @Atlassian’s Roaan Vos!

    @Meligy I had to unfollow you – some app is posting dozens and dozens of automated tweets as you every 10-20 minutes! Will refollow when you fix it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Always suspected my stupidly high prescription made my eyes look smaller. Today I realised I had the technology to prove it. ๐Ÿ˜• (Back to my contact lenses…)

    @gilmae I moved my head slightly on the second photo so I had to zoom it to get the same head size. I used guides. (It was a highly scientific process.)

    @brianleroux You wear lenses now? I think I’ve gotta take these off; they’re giving me a headache.

    @Meligy Phew! And I’m follow you again. ๐Ÿ™‚

    LazyTwitter: what Australian companies are doing cool things with enterprise IoT? (I’m sure @mattallen has some ideas….)

    @mattallen @MOVUSFitMachine @blackbirdvc @xysense_io Nope – let’s just say I’m doing a bit of research around a potential future tech event. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @mattallen @MOVUSFitMachine @blackbirdvc @xysense_io Those ones are awesome though, thank you! Basically looking to for anyone in Oz doing cool things in various IoT enterprise verticals.

    @JamesKingsmill @mattallen @Jack_Simpson Oh that’s very cool, thanks!

    @polleyg @mattallen CONNECTED VINEYARD? Sir, I salute you. (No, I didn’t know about that one!) ๐Ÿ˜ That’s awesome!

    @DeveloperSteve @lorderikir @mattallen @telstradev Dude, you were like the second one I wrote down, of course.

    @itgrrl @JamesKingsmill @mattallen @Jack_Simpson

    @i386 This will only be acceptable if there are designated hours when people like me, who actually plan their shopping and know that the hell they’re doing, get the store all to themselves without having to trip over AR nutbars following invisible arrows. ๐Ÿ˜

    RT @theregos: Feeling stressed? Here’s Disk Defragmenter to the rescue!

    RT to calm someone in your TL

    @Jack_Simpson @JamesKingsmill @mattallen @infracodersACT Would love to hear it! The event I’m planning won’t be for months though, so just hold that thought. ๐Ÿ™‚

    RT @yow_conf: Here’s a a repository of self-care resources for developers & others.
    Happy Friday! ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

    RT @samkroon: I will be attending this evening in Sydney next week, and Iโ€™m looking forward to @drewfirment speaking! Come along if you canโ€ฆ

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    RT @DDDPerth: @Mandy_Kerr Ohhhh we jam to many beats!
    In all seriousness, @DDDPerth is about software in all shapes and sizes. From validatโ€ฆ

    Learning Scala (again) with @WWCSyd! Thanks @QuantiumAU for hosting.

    Learning is easier in a cozy new hoodie. โค๏ธ Thanks @SiteMinderLife and @msharp !!

    @SiteMinderLife Thank you @GunningNeil !!!

    @unixbigot Yo! We have just today added a short notice YOW Night in Brisbane happening on the 17th! Can you mention at the meetup if you get a chance? ๐Ÿ˜„

    @levelsconf @GeoffreyHuntley @glenntstephens @yow_conf @NDC_Conferences @AlterConf @WriteTheDocsAU There’s a great Open Source list from our friends at @readify here!

    This @WWCSyd workshop is less about Scala and more about practicing some common FP concepts. Happy to report that bits of my @queenslandfplab Haskell course are coming back to me!

    @kevdesign @unixbigot @BrisJS Ooh, thanks! Was just about to email you with a link to some slides, if you want ’em. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Okay, with his appearance at @YOWLambdaJam this year, @unixbigot has to be challenging @FakeSamRitchie in terms of number of @yow_conf events spoken at, right?! ๐Ÿ˜ต

    @i386 Youngin’. I miss the web of 2001.

    @jonoabroad @i386 Excuse me, I have been running a website continuously since 1996. ๐Ÿ’…

    @mjpt777 What are you designing?

    @mjpt777 I like that you described it as a rat hole instead of a rabbit hole!

    This is awesome. Well done @SarahMoran!

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    @hj_chen @Mandy_Kerr I keep talking you up to @johnallsopp whenever I see him. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @gilmae Shrimp fried rice?

    @developerjack @WordPress Thanks. I’m wary given that I only just took the WordPress plunge a few years back, and having a re-migrate (or at least, test and potentially tweak) 1400 pages and 600+ posts involving custom functions and shortcodes isn’t appealing. โ˜น๏ธ

    RT @yow_conf: If you made a submission to our YOW! Lambda Jam #ylj18 CFP, check your email (and spam box) from the planning committee httpsโ€ฆ

    @DataScienceMelb Heya! I’ve got an idea for a possible data-focused event collaboration with you folks. Any interest?


    Me: I haven’t had one of these in decades! But damn, I need the energy.
    Rodd: I don’t think it has caffeine in it here.
    Me: WHAT. *checks can* “Not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women or individuals sensitive to caffeine” YES!

    This thread. โฌ‡๏ธ (Reminds me of the time I was showing an ex-colleague the light-up Arduino knitted hat I designed and made, when he asked out of nowhere if my husband had written the code. ๐Ÿ™„)

    @TheRealBnut My teeth feel like I’ve eaten a whole bag of candy. So even if it didn’t have caffeine, I’d still be jumping from the sugar, I guess.

    RT @picdescbot: a close up of a basketball game

    @minxdragon You can make your own! ๐Ÿ™‚

    @zarahjutz Yay, congrats again! (Nice hire there, @lightningdb! ๐Ÿ‘)

    @Amys_Kapers Apparently it got some in recent years. ๐Ÿ˜€

    @mobywhale @levelsconf ๐ŸŽ‰

    RT @fbz: checkout these awesome ASCII scarves made by @GLITCHAUS

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    The Snook spent Easter brewing and ended up with a large bag of spent grain. I took it over toโ€ฆ

    RT @IanColdwater: My teenage daughter posted this today and Iโ€™m having so many women in tech feels.

    Representation matters.โ€ฆ


    @TheRealBnut @espn She barely had time to even look at the basket before she was shooting it. It’s amazing.

    @TheRealBnut @espn And that’s actually the second game in a row where she’s won it at the last second. The previous one was in overtime too!

    RT @emd3737: Congratulations to my alma mater @NotreDame for winning the women’s basketball NCAA championship!

    Back to it! Step 10 – sew back darts.

    Step 11 – prep button and buttonhole plackets. Mine are grown on and seamless. (Less work!)

    Step 12 – time for a yoke burrito! Such a cool technique to hide all the yoke and shoulder seams.

    Step 13 – starting the sleeves! Cuff guard attached.

    Step 14 – folding and attaching the sleeve placket!

    RT @JodiMcA: S3 is CLEARLY the best. Like, how there opinions other than this. #PaceysCreek

    @tesshilsob I donโ€™t love this particular technique as it results in a small bit of raw edge on the inside. I know Colette does a single piece one – I might go back to the for the next one.

    Step 15 – setting in the sleeves!

    Step 16 – flat-felling the armhole seam. This means encasing the seam allowance so itโ€™s totally clean on the inside!

    @j__st Heya! I’m trying the slashed hem on this Simon, and the docs don’t cover that. Anything special I should know?

    @j__st Will do. I’m reading this: Seems like having a small raw bit at the top of the vent is unavoidable with a French seam.

    @j__st Ooh, that’s fun. Maybe I’ll do that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @j__st I’ve got a doc bug report for you too! The captions on the images on Simon Step 8 are incorrect. They refer to yokes instead of darts.

    @emd3737 You guys have been away foreverrrrrrrr!

    RT @GLITCHAUS: mach_kernel @ 2bpp – #JeffDonaldson 2017: ~10mb of data woven pixel to stitch in 4 colors 5โ€™ 10โ€x11โ€™ 6โ€ – on view now at Easโ€ฆ

    @j__st I was tempted to submit a PR but I wasn’t sure where. ๐Ÿ˜‚ By the way – is there a change log for patterns anywhere? I notice this Simon is a much later version than my earlier and I’m curious to know what changed.

    @j__st ON IT!

    If you are wondering why I don’t take sewing commissions, this thread is why. I’ve got about 15 hours invested so far in this project, and I’m still not done. At my hourly rate, it makes for a very expensive garment. ๐Ÿค‘

    Step 17 – sewing side seams.

    Step 18 – fit check. YAY! Getting there. ๐Ÿ˜

    You might think I am embarrassed by my office nerdery displayed in this photo. You would be wrong. I’m only annoyed that Rodd’s head blocks my autographed Captain Typho to complete the Star Wars trifecta!

    @Thriobologist Not in the slightest! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @minxdragon Check out It’s really clever. I also love that none of the patterns are gendered – the software just takes into account whether breasts are involved or not. (I gotta say – it’s so much nicer sewing for someone without boobs.)

    Step 19 – flat-felling the side/sleeve seams. This includes the tricky (but secretly enjoyable) bit where you sew down *inside* the sleeve, inch by inch. Best armpit finish Iโ€™ve ever done! ๐Ÿ˜

    @minxdragon Yup. You just upload the measurements, fork the pattern, and it generates a draft exactly to your specs. I’m about to submit some PRs to Github for it too. ๐Ÿ˜ Sewing + nerdery LOVE.

    @j__st I *think* I just submitted a PR. (This will be my second ever open source contribution!)

    TFW you finish a day of sewing by submitting a PR for the docs to help others. ๐Ÿ˜‡ (Thanks @j__st!)

    @Mandy_Kerr @hj_chen I want to attend this party!

    @gilmae I think so. I remember a quote about it being weird to have the power to basically boot somebody from the Internet.

    For once feeling some Hoosier Pride (in all senses of the word). ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆโค๏ธ (Can I, like, donate some money to this??)

    I need to read this every time I underrate myself or feel like I don’t belong.

    @shanselman Very cool. We visited in 2007 and got to see them prepping for one of the last launches!

    @hj_chen I’ve been using @TheOldReader for a few years now and I’m happy!

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    We avoided cast iron for years out of fear that it’s hard to take care of. Bought one a few years back after reading @seriouseats care guide and haven’t looked back. Makes the *best* cornbread too!

    @skstock @HamiltonMusical Yayyy! Enjoy.

    @jonoabroad I have a Lodge skillet. I think I got it at Peters of Kensington during a sale.

    @knitcodemonkey ARGH. Her Twitter name is different. @knitterjp

    New pin! Thanks @knitterjp!

    @knitcodemonkey Reposted with correct name. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @TarynMusgrave Congratulations!!

    @johnallsopp AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

    Starting a new project – another Simon Shirt from @freesewing_org for the Snook! Step 1 – forking a new version of the pattern, printing, and assembling the pieces.

    Step 2 – washing and ironing this beautiful Liberty Saville Poplin from @LoveFabricStore.

    @NYTimesWordplay Honestly, I was torn between thinking the trick was really MEAN and the EXHILARATION when we figured it out and it all started to fit. ๐Ÿ‘

    Step 3 – cutting and marking. (I use non-traditional pattern weights. ๐Ÿ˜‚)

    @diversionary Itโ€™s a very cool system. You plug in your measurements and it generates a custom pattern for you. @j__st is brilliant.

    Step 4 – curse goddamn directional prints. ๐Ÿคฌ

    Step 5 – iron on interfacing.

    Step 6 – sew cuffs together.

    Step 7 – sew collar.

    Step 8 – sandwich collar between collar stands, baste, sew, and turn out.

    Step 9 – sandwich back between yokes, sew, press, and edge stitch. I think Iโ€™ll stop there for the night!

    Itโ€™s our smoochiversary! Eighteen years… โค๏ธ

    Baby octopus with black lentils and sweet potato chips, slow cooked lamb with potatoes andโ€ฆ

    @PatchouliJim @jonoabroad @seriouseats Yes, but for some reason, the American ones imported to Australia where we live are expensive.

    @PatchouliJim @jonoabroad @seriouseats

    RT @davidhussman: After a two year hiatus, April
    Foolโ€™s humor returns with the 2018 Edition of – the yearly IT buddโ€ฆ

    @caitie You are so my style icon. (Did you lighten your hair??)

    I had to read this three times before I believed it wasn’t an April Fools joke. Looks legit! Trying it out now. Thanks @Cloudflare. ๐Ÿ™‚