Month: May 2018

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    @jedws @thoughtworks 👏👋

    RT @HecateApp: New homepage, who dis?

    RT @jeremybrown: I’m finding many asking for Machine Learning have requirements a nested if statement could handle

    Introducing the Snook to my fave cafe in Singapore…

    @glenngillen No, but I pointed it out as my dream hotel in the city. 😉 Hopefully one of these days…

    RT @yow_conf: Next month, we have @vonconrad joining us for a multi-city #yownight! His talk will be “Go Back to the Future with Event Sour…

    @vonconrad! I believe the owner used to live in Melbourne, so you know it’s good coffee. 😂


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    RT @ayyy_west: I been thinking a lot about how Korg got thrown in jail cuz he didn’t print out enough pamphlets for his rebellion.

    He got…

    RT @cashbonez: If welders were like software engineers they’d be tweeting stuff like “the justice system can be replaced with something tha…

    Oh god. It’s time for the panic packing. I leave for @voxxedsingapore in less than 24 hours!

    Or even @vonconrad’s on June 12th! 😅

    Looking forward to seeing my friends @starbuxman, @vincentdesmet, @sausheong, @burrsutter and more very soon for @voxxedsingapore! One more sleep and then a plane flight… 😴

    RT @thekguy: “Crafting a Community with Kris Howard” on the @greaterthancode podcast featuring @web_goddess with hosts @jessitron and @john…

    Not. A. Morning. Person. (Heading to Singapore!)

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    New @sailorhg shirt. Hello world! ❤️💻👱‍♀️

    @sailorhg Thanks @MelissaKaulfuss for organising!! 🤗

    How to be depressed: read @GGDSydney Slack thread on women who’ve received creepy messages from dudes on Meetup. On the upside – Guess what, creeps? We screenshot that shit and share it.

    RT @KikiSchirr: At the beginning of the year, I made an oath to receive 100 rejection letters by Dec 31 so I started applying for tons of o…

    On a glorious Fall day, I almost forgive this thing for trying to kill me with its thorns. 🌺 #nofilter #bougainvillealove

    The best effing devilled egg I’ve ever had in my life.

    RT @voxxedsingapore: We are 4 days away from Voxxed Days Singapore 2018. Expect a great line-up of speakers from Facebook, AWS, Google, Red…

    RT @jacremes: It’s been a long time–years?–since I first saw this tweeted, and I still think about it all the time.…

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    I love a good costume accuracy rant! 👏

    @AbstractCode @yow_conf Haha, we haven’t even gotten the YOW Data ones up yet! We’ll do our best. (Tell them next year they should have attended!)

    RT @GuardianAus: ‘Spider-Man’ of Paris climbs four storeys to rescue dangling boy

    @Gaohmee Wow, those are beautiful!

    /me resets the “Time Since Inappropriate Behaviour:” tally back to 0 😑

    RT @SydTechLeaders: If you receive any unwanted messages through SydTechLeaders meet up, please let the organisers know, and we will take i…

    @knitcodemonkey @Mandy_Kerr Not “Join a meetup group, scroll through all the members, and send message to the girls you think have pretty eyes.” 🙄

    @Ceola_F 😍 Thank you!

    Has. Gordon. Ramsay. always. talked. like. Shatner?

    @GgnDpSingh He was during his Masterchef intro tonight

    RT @LucyCameronD61: Maths celebrity Eugenia Cheng showing how category theory can be used to see the world of male white privilege. #yownig…

    @Xavier_Ho I wonder if these the random spam messages in Chinese we keep getting on our answering machine…

    @jonoabroad @Xavier_Ho No, I think we’re receiving the unsolicited calls. (We live in an area with lots of students.)