Month: May 2018

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    He totally forgot to introduce himself, so that was @sebastiangrail from @CanvaTech track hosting in RED! #ylj18

    “Anyone promoting tools where you can ‘program with programming’ is just selling you a terrible programming language.” Dylan and @joinsemilattice dropping hot takes at #ylj18 🔥

    LOL. Shout out to @benkolera, sitting in the front row. #ylj18

    The jokes (and rhymes with Flax) coming thick and fast at #ylj18. Something about AJAX attacking relaxing stacks of Macs while yaks and Drax fax tax packs… 😂👏

    @trannosaurusma Oh good! I got worried when I saw your name tag sitting there unclaimed…

    I feel like if you graphed @unixbigot’s tweets over the course of a conference,you could easily tell when his speaking slot happens (combined with frantic slide adjustment in the session before)… 😂

    RT @yow_conf: There’s more action behind the scenes at #YLJ18. Can’t wait to share it all with everyone when it’s ready!…

    YAYYYY! @FakeSamRitchie warns the audience of impending puns. ⚠️ #ylj18

    #ylj18 getting mobile as @FakeSamRitchie talks about implementing Elm architecture in iOS. This builds off the talk he gave at YOW Connected 2017:

    @Amys_Kapers I did bring mine! I wasn’t going to pull it out until lunch. 😂

    Of course @FakeSamRitchie leaves the audience with some property-based testing homework! #ylj18

    Confessions from
    @unixbigot – this is his first Lambda Jam; his wife got him a Lisp book for his engagement gift, and frontend stresses him out! #ylj18

    Shout out to @jessitron and her YOW 2016 talk on Elm, which inspired @unixbigot to take the plunge! #ylj18

    We’ve gone from Harry Potter to wombles in a functional programming talk. 😂 #ylj18

    I just realised that this is three very funny talks in a row in Red. Will @GeorgeTalksCode continue the trend? 🤔 #ylj18

    RT @hackuador: “Hello, I’m George. You may know me from yesterday, or any other @YOWLambdaJam that’s ever happened.” – @GeorgeTalksCode…

    Can confirm that @GeorgeTalksCode *is* funny and energetic, in his second talk of the conference, even after coming down with a cold! Valiant effort, and much appreciated by #ylj18 attendees.

    @Maoyatun @DrEugeniaCheng ^

    RT @yow_conf: #ylj18 lunch means food, chats and laughs
    @jedws @web_goddess @delitescere

    @yow_conf @benkolera @unixbigot Ben’s face. 😂😂😂

    RT @stellaboonshoft: sometimes ur having a horrendous body image day and u go for a fitting for ur maid of honor dress and u see this at th…

    @antiselfdual @YOWLambdaJam Thanks Mark! I grabbed ’em – you don’t need to email to me. 🙂

    @sebastiangrail DING DING

    All the way from Europe is Tom Sydney Kerckhove! “I don’t have a lot of time, so let’s just take this as a given: Writing correct software is hard from humans.” #ylj18

    Tom ran through a *lot* of info on signature inference (and various things he’s done to improve on QuickSpec). I could see @TacticalGrace out of the corner of my eye nodding along the whole time! #ylj18

    Anybody know how to turn on “Do not disturb?” 😂 @vbhvsgr #ylj18

    Great intro for @vbhvsgr from @TacticalGrace – big crowd too for his “I Haskell A Git” talk! #ylj18

    “I learned my lesson yesterday about trying to clone… on Aussie internet.” 🔥 @vbhvsgr #ylj18

    “Which Octokitty is best?!” OH as I dumped out my sticker bag for the #ylj18 volunteers. 😂 @github #feedingfrenzy

    RT @Amys_Kapers: Big thanks to @TacticalGrace and @gckeller for all the work they’ve done for functional programming in Australia

    I’ve se…

    “Yayyy! There it is. No seriously. That’s all of git, right there.” @vbhvsgr #ylj18

    Love @vbhvsgr’s excitement! Some more projects he mentioned: suppandi ( and duffer ( #ylj18

    Final track host of the day is David Laing, totally fanboying over Reflex creator Ryan Trinkle. 😁 #ylj18

    “Your tweets are just walls of emojis!” I said to @trannosaurusma 30s before this tweet… 😂

    Ryan telling us the story of Obsidian Systems, which started 3yrs ago with a hypothesis: that they could build apps better, faster, and cheaper using full-stack FP. #ylj18

    Don’t work around your upstream dependencies. They’re not untouchable blobs from on high – fix them! #ylj18

    RT @SydTechLeaders: @mootpointer @web_goddess Thanks for your advice. We’ve pushed an update to the CoC along with reporting guidelines tha…

    “A real, actual prototype – where you delete everything and start over – is like Bigfoot. I can’t PROVE they don’t exist, but I’ve never seen one.” #ylj18

    RT @unixbigot: “I used to try to design something so that I didn’t need to refactor it later. That’s almost ALWAYS a mistake” -@RyanTrinkl…

    RT @KenScambler: Wisdom from Ryan Trinkle: Cognitive overhead is real, esp on teams! It’s more impressive to take out a tank with a BB gun…

    How to capture an audience immediately – use the phrase “Today I’m announcing…” Ryan reveals Obelisk and launches into a demo! #ylj18

    @unixbigot 😂

    @Xavier_Ho @YOWLambdaJam Yay! Thank you so much for coming – it was awesome to have you be part of it. 😁

    RT @yow_conf: And again, a HUGE thank you from everyone at @yow_conf and #YLJ18 to @TacticalGrace and @gckeller for all the work they’ve d…

    Two conferences in 10 days – finished! Now all I want to do is lie on my couch in silence and mindlessly play Twenty.

    Except I deleted it. 😭

    @mseckington Love!! 👏

    @Amys_Kapers I didn’t watch the first season.

    @charis @Mandy_Kerr I’ve been playing Mini Metro…

    RT @yow_conf: We couldn’t have pulled off #YLJ18 without the help of our student volunteers!
    Thank you thank you thank you!…

    @glasnt @adambrenecki That’s not the word I used for potato when I lived there. 😂 (Schloß Heidelberg was my fave castle!)

    @groodt I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for joining us. 😁

    RT @gfixler: Sending secret codes is one of the reasons I knit.

    @gfixler Ooh, thank you. I mention it in my knitting talk but I didn’t have the exact clip!

    Quick work trip to Brissie!

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    RT @SydTechLeaders: Our Code Of Conduct has been published:

    @gilmae Fingers are too fat for detailed touchscreen penmanship. 😂

    Great lessons about breaking up a monolith and rebuilding in Elixir from @jocranford. #ylj18

    RT @unixbigot: Drawback of using a new language, says @jocranford, some programmers are unfamiliar with solving problems for which the answ…

    One of the devs on the team said Logger was the best logging tool he’d ever used, “and he’s normally not that effusive, so that’s saying a lot!” @jocranford #ylj18

    @etymon Missed opportunity for 🐍 emoji!

    RT @Xavier_Ho: What is amazing about @YOWLambdaJam is that every talk so far has been in a different programming language. And we speak the…

    I was just marvelling at those too! #ylj18

    Metabase is like an open source “data scientist in a box.” Ooh, that seems useful! #ylj18

    If you’re going to speak at #ylj18, doing it in a shirt with John McCarthy (father of Lisp) on it is a nice choice! 👏 @sbelak #ylj18

    Excited for @Xavier_Ho’s talk on functional generative art. He’s setting up a plotter! #ylj18

    Track host @leonardo_borges has done a great job running the RED room today! #ylj18

    . @Xavier_Ho wants to demystify creative coding for functional programmers. He says the stereotype of “logical” programmers not being creative is NOT TRUE. 👏 #ylj18

    Thanks to awesome AV crew for setting up camera so everyone can see @Xavier_Ho’s pen plotter at work! #ylj18

    @mootpointer @SydTechLeaders Thank you for the suggestion. We’re having a look and will definitely be amending what we’ve got!

    Skin Motion app turns my tattoo into sound waves – Interesting. Of course, I’m wondering if I can knit one…

    There’s no sound so sweet to a conference organiser’s heart than the BLEAT BLEAT BLEAT of a fire alarm… 😭

    @levelsconf @lindamciver It’s a false alarm. Apparently somebody burnt some toast. 😂

    @hackuador Yo! Come on up and plug in. 😁

    “Fraser knows stuff, and he works at Red Hat.” 😂 Succint intro for @hackuador from track host Erik! #ylj18

    “Okay, unsafe. When we add that, it goes faster.” 😂 @hackuador #ylj18

    Claire from @WWCSyd introducing the next talk in RED room: Josh Godsiff from @arbornetworks! #ylj18

    Josh showing Haskell being used for real world, practical applications… “not theoretical IoT crypto things.” 😂 #ylj18

    Haskell gives you confidence in your code, in your own work, and in your team. It makes refactoring painless… and even enjoyable! says Josh from @arbornetworks. #ylj18

    It me. #ylj18

    “Who’s ready for an @kmett talk!” @dibblego gets the crowd fired up for our last talk of the day! #ylj18

    RT @etymon: #ylj18 in one slide @kmett motivates his keynote

    @Xavier_Ho Staring at my phone, as usual. 😐

    RT @yow_conf: If you’re planning to go to @DrEugeniaCheng’s #ylj18 workshop tomorrow, you’ll just need to bring pen and paper. No need for…

    RT @Amys_Kapers: Highly recommend tuning in! @DrEugeniaCheng gave a great keynote yesterday!

    Hey @taxifyapp – where do I complain about a driver who accepted job, made me wait 7 min until he was 3 blocks away, and then cancelled? 😡

    RT @yow_conf: Good morning! 🌞
    It’s the 2nd and final day of #YLJ18!
    🤞🏼there won’t be any burnt toast today. 🤭

    Big round of applause (and cheers!) for @TacticalGrace and Gabi as a thank you for all their work supporting functional programming in Australia. #ylj18

    @AbstractCode @yow_conf I’m like, WHAT AM I DOING? DID I DO THAT ON STAGE?? And then I realised you cheated @AbstractCode! That photo was from before we started!! 😂

    Talking about MS Excel as example of a good incrementalisation framework. Ahhhhh! 💡 @yminsky #ylj18

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    @FakeSamRitchie Yay! See you tomorrow

    RT @desplesda: Submissions to #DevWorld close tomorrow!! Are you doing #iOSdev, #AppleDev, #macOSdev, or anything adjacent? We want your ta…

    *deep breath* I just deleted Twenty from my phone. It was the most addictive game I’ve ever played. I miss it already.

    @randomknits I looked up the specs. Holy shit. That’s awesome.

    @falican It goes to 30. That’s pretty much the main thing. I didn’t play many of the other versions.

    @gilmae I think Rodd was on the verge of citing it as grounds for divorce.

    I have just committed to giving a talk about my first serverless project in three weeks… which means I now have a deadline to actually finish the thing. 😳

    @malcolmsheridan I have a slightly more involved project in mind… just needed a kick to get going. But that’s a decent backup option. 😂

    @The_McJones Blindly committing to things and then panicking over potential embarrassment is the only way I get anything done.

    RT @SydTechLeaders: It’s frankly ridiculous we need to say this, but: SydTechLeaders is professional group, not a social gathering for cree…

    @lightningdb @SydTechLeaders Both.

    LOL. (I am old.)

    @unlikelylibrary 😘

    RT @patron_sailor: My friend saw this hand-pieced 3D hyperboloid quilt at a quilt show & I am completely losing my mind over this thing. ht…

    @mmastertheone FRICKING AWESOME

    RT @gilmae: I think @tacticalgrace may have wrecked me, but it is a good wrecked. #ylj18

    RT @damncabbage: Paging the #ylj18 crowd: the regular FP-Syd meetup is on this Wednesday evening, with details+signup here:…

    @damncabbage Have made a note to mention it during the intros tomorrow! 👍

    Okay, this has been breaking my brain, but I reckon I worked out how she did it. I’m guessing a LOT of paper piecing was involved. 😳

    @yow_conf Is that @GeoffreyHuntley I see??

    At some point, dinner with #ylj18 speakers turns into a meeting of super villains…

    RT @rossdawson: NEW: The only good reason to speak… is to change people

    If you are speaking to an audience, consider your purpose and re…

    @jedws It does sometimes feel a little like this. 😂

    RT @sehnaoui: Mind blown.

    @minxdragon You do! You’ve definitely inspired me. ❤️

    My dessert was kinda fancy.

    @starbuxman @projectriff It’s just for a local meetup! I will definitely look into Riff though…

    Way to go @SafetyCultureHQ! 👏

    It’s nice when the sponsor talk is from an engineer! @afcowie on behalf of @CommBank with a nice thank you to the FP community. #ylj18

    Looking forward to learning about category theory from @DrEugeniaCheng! (Flashbacks to some of @davidhearnden’s memorable @CanvaTech brown bags…) #ylj18

    Flexibility of thinking is one of the most important parts of intelligence, and a lot of the problems of the world could be solved if people used more of it. #ylj18 @DrEugeniaCheng

    Using category theory to assess privilege. 👏👏👏 @DrEugeniaCheng #ylj18

    “All equations are lies! … This is sort of click bait.” 😂 #ylj18 @DrEugeniaCheng

    Category theory as a tool for empathy. We should try every now and then to consider different categories where we are (or aren’t) at the top. 👏 #ylj18 @DrEugeniaCheng

    @Paul_Bone @TacticalGrace No live stream unfortunately. But all the videos will go up in the coming weeks!

    Identifying hard with @DrEugeniaCheng’s talk – but I had to make a small correction to this one. 😂 #ylj18

    RT @etymon: Life Lessons from Category Theory
    1. Everything should be understood in context
    2. Everyone is privileged in some contexts and…

    RT @unixbigot: In closing, @DrEugeniaCheng says category theory gives us a brighter light and a broader view to study the world. #ylj18 htt…

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    @stringy Pristine white Converse I bought specially for the occasion! ❤️

    @hannahyanfield Better shots in here:

    @Direwolf82 @lynnlangit @lindamciver Interesting. The ensuing Metafilter discussion was way more negative than I expected. Lots of Scratch apologists…

    RT @3kwa: Pretty pumped about @YOWLambdaJam starting tomorrow and spending a day with @yminsky to get acquainted with OCAML.

    @melissa_loh Ha, did you go back there? Or was it from last weekend?

    @melissa_loh Oh crap.

    Okay, Now I Actually Do Want To Take Your Guns via @Esquire 👏

    RT @adigoesswimming: My teenage nephew told me he asked a girl out and she turned him down. I said, “You know what to do now, right?” He sa…

    RT @yow_conf: The intro to #FP workshop is the most popular and we know everyone is in good hands with @TacticalGrace #ylj18…

    @annie_parker What a wonderful idea!

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    Oh neat! New (to me) programming language aimed at kids: Part of movement to provide CS access to all, including disabled kids. “Evidence-oriented programming.” ( @lynnlangit @lindamciver )

    Any of my Sydney friends doing distance running? I have a Nike water belt and several of the little bottles that fit it. Happy to go to a good home!

    @Malarkey @lottejackson I would be very happy to bequeath them! I pretty much Batmanned the belt into the ultimate distance running utility kit. 🙂

    @Malarkey @lottejackson …except somebody on FB just said they’ll take them. Sorry!

    I made Ramen Crust Pizza! Now to watch the Royal Wedding… 🍕👑

    @JennaGuillaume Which one will insult my intelligence the least? I’ve been jumping between Nine and Seven.

    @JennaGuillaume Trying it out. I like when they trot out some batty Pom to give context, like an American explaining the SuperBowl. 😂

    Biggest social event of the century… and they have to sit on folding chairs?! 😂


    Switched back to the ABC to see them doing a segment on Henry VIII. WHY. Stop with the historical context. I just want to see fashion and hats.

    Commentator just asked if it was unusual she’s wearing a veil “because she’s a feminist,” and I confess I yelled “F*CK YOU” at the TV.

    Debating which cocktail would be suitably British for the ceremony. We didn’t plan this well. “Gin? Gin.” That’ll do. 🍸

    THIS feminist got walked down the aisle by Elvis. And I am very happy with my life choices. 👰

    @Kat13v No, it was a dude on 7 I think… (I’ve been jumping around.)

    @mootpointer Trying it out on your recommendation…

    RT @tomandlorenzo: Enjoy Harry’s full head of hair. It’s not long for this world

    @kcarruthers It’s going down well. 👍


    @crankymate Booooooooo

    I would 100% watch that.

    I surprised myself by tearing up. Then again, I cry at commercials.

    RT @Fifikins: #sexualunion drink!

    @gilmae You mean how he has hair, right? 😂

    RT @JamesCoyne: The boring religious bit

    @DVDBits 😂👏

    As a freckly American lass myself, I just think she is so pretty.

    RT @bengoldacre: Apparently the queen wears outfits that are one single colour all over because she knows people want to see the queen, but…

    The gin has gone. Have moved on to the cask port. Because I’m classy.

    @Alegrya @nathanieloffer Pretty sure I heard them called by their full names first… and then their nicknames after.

    Okay, who’s crying again?

    Me: “Twitter has a conspiracy theory that this isn’t the real wedding because he keeps saying ‘Harry’.”

    The Snook: “What’s his real name? Harold?”

    Swear to god. 😂

    @Mandy_Kerr Totes on board.

    Oh right. This is the part where, every time I see someone play a cello, I wish I played the cello.

    Most of the fun of this for me has been the Snook only marginally paying attention while he clicks away in Azeroth in the background. “Whoa, are they playing Luke Skywalker’s theme??” 😂

    SIX. #idie

    @mattallen Doesn’t it though?

    RT @chicagotribune: Northwestern graduate marrying British guy rn

    @simonraikallen Rodd said the same thing! 😂

    Uh, did the SBS commentator just call her “Princess Harry”?!

    @Mandy_Kerr @Malarkey That appears to be Aurora’s crown. Am I correct?

    The SBS commentator just said “Queen Victoria’s bush,” and SOMEBODY in this house is pissing themself laughing.

    @codepo8 @Malarkey @Mandy_Kerr I don’t have any crowns in the house. I only have a fez.

    @Malarkey @codepo8 @Mandy_Kerr Does one wear the tassle on the left or the right?

    @brockleyboyo Damn. I don’t think we have any Lillet…

    @brockleyboyo *I* know his real name. Everybody knows his real name. Except Rodd, evidently. 😂

    @minxdragon @scalzi Nope? Had that one bookmarked for ages!

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    RT @shutupmay: therapist: so where did your problems begin?

    @discoknitter @SydTechLeaders @cathjones0 Perhaps you can add in the bit I missed?

    @levelsconf @msharp @cathyblabla Wooohoo! Great choice. Congrats @cathyblabla. 👏

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Great blog post from @MichaelTozer about last night’s meetup around neurodiversity! Thanks so much for joining us, Mich…

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Guess what? We have a website now! Short and simple to start – and the most important point is that we’re looking for S…

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    Thandie Newton Wears Dress Featuring “Star Wars”‘ Black Characters to “Han Solo” Premiere at Cannes // THIS DRESS IS AMAAAAZING! 👗🌟👏

    Hey Brisbane – this is going to be really special. You should jump on this! @dibblego @mcallana @_spyder @angusscown @joshduck @benkolera @carlosfairgray @Errorific @clinton_roy @LareneLg @collypops @moo0000 @sunday9pm

    @The_McJones There was an entire presentation at #YOWData by @JeffreyTheobald that basically tried to prove that statement. 😂👀

    @starbuxman Oh god that sucks. My commiserations.

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Don’t forget tonight’s Neurodiversity in Tech event! Featuring @MichaelTozer @cathjones0 @sezshares and @annakelk . (Pl…

    @philnash @twilio 8 bit T.Swift? TELL ME MORE PLS.

    The wacky knitwear is coming out of the closet!…

    That was a hand knit by me. The Snook however is rocking a machine knit binary jumper from @GLITCHAUS! 🤖

    RT @GLITCHAUS: A #bespoke #DataKnit #sweater w/motif created from client provided #data – #knit #pixel-to-stitch – pm to learn more about a…

    @gilmae @KnitYak Ooh, nice!!

    Hey dudes. Doxxing a trans woman to the organisers of a women in tech event is not helpful or appreciated. We see what you’re doing, and we don’t support it. We support her.

    It’s also worth noting that we don’t hold all women hackathons because we think that’s the only way women can win these things. Programming is not the Olympics. We do it because we want to learn from and support other women in the industry.

    Faux concern that other participants will be upset when they inevitably lose to a trans woman is missing the point by, like, a hundred million miles. So please don’t go there.</rant>

    Hey look! My wonderful @zendesk friends have launched a website for their excellent Software Art Thou speaker series in Melbourne, and they’ve got a cracker of a talk lined up for June!

    @Zendesk And here’s the registration link for that event!

    @diversionary Get back to me when the Brits/Aussies have done something about “orientate”. *glares*

    Fantastic crowd for @SydTechLeaders tonight at @prospa! #sydtechleaders

    @owensenior @darthted @SydTechLeaders What. Am. I. Doing.

    First speaker is @MichaelTozer from the recent ABC program “Employable Me”. Sobering stat – those on autism spectrum are 12x less likely to find employment. #sydtechleaders

    Distracted from excellent #sydtechleaders speakers by the FLOOFY DOG! 🐶

    . @MichaelTozer got the idea for his company from a UK program about a tech company that hired an autistic young man as a tester. #sydtechleaders

    RT @SydTechLeaders: “If you’ve met one person with autism… you’ve met one person with autism.” There is no one-size-fits-all approach to su…

    RT @SydTechLeaders: One suggestion for hiring folks on the autism spectrum is to move to experience-based interviewing; ask for samples of…

    There are 200K ppl with autism in Australia. If you think @MichaelTozer can help your company, please reach out. Help him change the world. #sydtechleaders

    Next up is @cathjones0 from Rhombico – a knitter, yayyyyyy! #sydtechleaders

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Neurodiversity means more than just autism – different folks have different strengths. #sydtechleaders…

    An endorsement from @sezshares for @knitterjp and her values exercise. It’s a good thing to check in with your values every few years, but the top ones usually don’t change. #sydtechleaders

    Final speaker is @annakelk from @seekjobs telling us about her recent project around neurodiversity at their 10th Hackathon. #sydtechleaders

    @darthted I remember that talk! 😉

    . @seekjobs are in a unique position due to scale and values-driven culture to try to better support neurodiverse candidates. @annakelk #sydtechleaders

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Companies like Prudential and SAP have reported amazing results from teams of neurodivergent software testing teams. #s…

    @annie_parker His name was Carlos, and apparently he’s the Chief Happiness Dog at @HowToProspa!!

    @zoeydoesnttweet The telling thing was that, despite claiming support for his friend, he never used “she.” It gave us all a very bad vibe. 😕

    Funniest part of @SydTechLeaders was when @gilmae though he spotted @the_snook but then realised it was actually @diversionary.

    RT @darthted: Proud that we have 75% female speakers tonight at #sydtechleaders.

    @XceptionalTech @SydTechLeaders @MichaelTozer You’re welcome to! Do you want me to send you the original? Might be better res