How to get an audience on side – put adorable doggos in your slides! ❤️🐶 #YOWData @simoncarryer (The code is on Github!
@msharp @tashj They are indeed! Will eventually go up on our YouTube channel.
@unixbigot Hmm. @JeffreyTheobald is a diva, but I don’t remember seeing “smoke machine” in his rider… 😂
Really loving the metaphors @simoncarryer is using. Just as the first films required audiences to make sophisticated intuitive leaps, machine learning systems today make similar requests of users. #YOWData
“People hate fixing things, and they really hate fixing things that we did…” Even if your ML system saves users time, if it introduces errors, it’ll irritate them. @simoncarryer #YOWData
Next up – @CamJo89 from @simpmach teaching all the engineers about machine learning systems. #YOWData
Squirtle selfie with @mmastertheone. 😂 #yowdata
@nomiddlename Whaaaaa? I didn’t even get one! Must’ve had a flood of last minute registrations, no doubt as folks heard you were speaking. 😉
If it’s too expensive to send data to your model, you can use “model to data” deployments with tools like Spark. @CamJo89 #YOWData
So excited to hear from @AstroHyde from @WeAreServian – I first heard her speak a few months back at Sydney Machine Learning meetup! ✨💫☄️ #YOWData
Sometimes astrophysics (and data science) is dangerous… @AstroHyde #YOWData 🤖
TIL astrophysics involves a lot more data analysis and statistics than I had previously thought. @AstroHyde had to narrow down 1000s of stars to just ~100 likely targets for her research. 🤓✨
RT @yow_conf: If you haven’t already, we have some very limited edition #YOWData stickers at the registration table. Once we’re out, that’s…
It’s always a treat to hear from @tashj about data, humans, and empathy. ❤️ #YOWData
Pro tip from @tashj: Don’t do your usability testing with your product’s superfans. You’re not going to get useful data. #YOWData
You need 10 people to find 85% of your product’s usability problems, says @tashj. #YOWData
You need 10 people for your usability testing because one will cancel at the last minute and one will be a weirdo. “There’s always a weirdo…” 😂 @tashj #YOWData
@nomiddlename Do you want to test your setup? Head to the theatre!!
After lunch, @DanaKai222 is telling us about the human side of data. Could real-time smart home data have saved Mrs. Elle’s life? #YOWData
@holdenkarau @tashj You are very much missed!
We are facing a growing crisis with aged care. Some of the monitoring systems used in other countries aren’t acceptable to older folks in Australia (like a camera over your bed!). Smart homes could be the answer. @DanaKai222 #YOWData
I’m always so jealous – the volunteer team seems to be having a lot of fun!!
RT @arburbank: Fascinating talk from Dana Bradford on using sensors of motion, humidity etc to create a picture of seniors’ activity: showe…
The audience went silent as @DanaKai222 pointed out the significance of the change in Mrs. Elle’s data. It’s not enough to recognise when a stroke happens – we need to recognise before it happens to preserve quality of life. #YOWData
@MoeMKiss @CSIROnews @yow_conf How amazing is this? Such a fantastic talk.
RT @MoeMKiss: Incredible presentation from Dr Dana Kai Bradford from @CSIROnews about using sensor data to save the lives of the elderly. U…
Buzzword time! Now Boris from @IntelematicsE is telling us about data science applications with connected vehicles. 🚘 #YOWData
RT @lindamciver: Truly astonishing sensor data results presented by Dana Kai Bradford from CSIRO that can predict strokes in the elderly. H…
Wow – neat real time feed of traffic data from connected probe vehicles in Sydney. #YOWData
@keranm He mentioned taxis, fleet cars, etc.
@keranm Here’s the speaker if you want to message him!
@keranm @IntelematicsE Yep – very cool!!
@suryast_ This is from @IntelematicsE – I think it’s only cars.
RT @lindamciver: The best talks are stories that hit you right in the heart and then leave you afire with possibilities. I did not expect t…
Wait. I don’t remember the dance number. 😂💃 #YOWData (@nomiddlename has the best deadpan humour.)
Sentiment analysis is already complicated… and that’s before you throw in sarcasm. 😂🧀 #YOWData @nomiddlename
@AstroHyde @nomiddlename I wonder if we could print more and post them to speakers (and staff)… 🤔
Quokka selfie and a cute doggo in the intro from @JeffreyTheobald and Wai Chee from @Zendesk! They’re telling us about putting ML systems into production. #YowData
Helpful advice from Wai Chee – if you’re going to submit a patch to Tensorflow, expect a lot of discussion and double-check your punctuation. 😐 #YowData
Cool lessons from cool doggies: UX changes and model changes should be deployed separately. 🐶 #YowData
@FCTweedie Three would make it an official trend!
Next speaker – another astrophysicist?! – is Hercules from @Atlassian starting with a story about a zoologist… #YowData
@unixbigot IT IS! It’s a cat talk!! 😻 #YowData
Pro tip from Hercules: to be a vis champ, use the triptych approach when using data to tell a story to your stakeholders. #YowData
“What I just LURED YOU INTO was a demonstration that proved that PIE CHARTS ARE MOSTLY CRAP.” 😂👏 #YowData
Ohhhhh. So there *is* a meaningful distinction between AI, ML, and Deep Learning. Shujia from @SafetyCultureHQ is teaching us all about Graph Neural networks. #YowData
Using a Graph of Graphs to categorise web documents. It’s graphs all the way down… #YowData
It’s time for BEES WITH BACKPACKS! 🐝 #YowData
They really do put sensors on them like little backpacks! HELP SAVE THE BEES (to help save people too). #YOWData 🐝❤️
This morning we saw graphs tracking an older person around her house, and now we have graphs tracking individual honeybees in their hives! (They look surprisingly similar. 😂) #YOWData
Awww @melissa_loh – your name is Ancient Greek for honey bee! 🐝 #YowData
Sometimes scientists need to use tools like VR/AR for the entertainment value, to get kids and schools interested in otherwise “boring” subjects. #YOWData 🐝
We’re so lucky to have @tomaszbednarz from @EPICentreUNSW presenting at #YOWData today. He’s always speaking at computer graphics events around the world!
I got to visit the @EPICentreUNSW last October. Not only is it mind-blowing, you look like you’re FROM THE FUTURE. 😎 #YOWData @tomaszbednarz
RT @FCTweedie: Excellent use of super computers: defrosting birthday cake #YowData
@unixbigot You really need to go over and see it in person!
If you’re having #YOWData FOMO, you can still come see @daveathomas speak at our #yownight in Sydney on Wednesday!
Major geekery as @tomaszbednarz ends his talk with demoscene visualisations based on 2001: A Space Odyssey. All graphics and music in just 64kB! #YOWData
Our final talk of the day is @cargomoose explaining the “zen” of data science – how you can leverage and manage the value of data science in your business. #YowData
@AstroHyde @polleyg @WeAreServian @yow_conf Probably a bit later given we have Lambda Jam next week…
Useful info – a breakdown of a good data science job description. #YowData @cargomoose
Overheard at the #YowData dinner: “Are you excited about GDPR?” 😂
DMing photos from opposite ends of the #yowData speaker dinner table with @delitescere…
@JennaGuillaume I once wrote a paper in college where I rewrote Buttercup’s scenes to not suck.
@delitescere And I just noticed @marlousteh’s face… 😂😂😂
@stibbons Is it Arduino or just normal lights? @the_snook recently added a bunch of motion-sensing LEDs to ours…
RT @ireland: Pineapple belongs on pizza 😍😍😍
@delitescere I didn’t think it polite to enquire.
@nomiddlename @yow_conf @melissa_loh The squeaky something gets the t-shirts. 😜
The next time I humblebrag that my job doesn’t really feel like work, please whisper the words “15 hours of emotional labour” into my ear. #exhausted 😵
RT @bmf54123: RT if you delete the tracking crap off the end of URLs when you share them in a feeble attempt to stick it to The Man
“My laptop is going to be the sickest ever!” In which I delight the #yowData volunteers by giving them access to my sticker bag. 😂
“Oh! By the way, there’s like a 1% chance I might faint up there.” 😱 Just what you want to hear from your keynote speaker RIGHT BEFORE THEY GO ON STAGE. #yowData @arburbank
Our keynote is @arburbank telling us about building a culture of experimentation at @PinterestEng. So excited to have here in Oz again! #yowData
No matter how great your tool or app is, you have to evangelise and be a salesperson. The Pinterest founder would go to every Apple Store in Palo Alto and change every iPad to point to Pinterest! 😂👏 #YOWData @arburbank
I now intensely curious what french_invite_hero_update_v2 referred to… 🤔 #yowData @arburbank
Book recommendation from @arburbank: “The Checklist Manifesto” by Atul Gawande. Checklists are a powerful tool for efficiency, consistency, and safety. #yowData
Really great peek at the checklists used by @PinterestEng for starting, running, and stopping experiments. @arburbank #yowData
Checklists are important, but you also need to enforce an experiment review process. Require e+ (or “lgtm” or whatever you use for code review) before experiments go live. #yowData @arburbank
@purnimakamath @Wwcodesingapore Yep! @melissa_loh was really excited to score that one! ❤️
Diabolical genius. @arburbank built a tool that hid experiment results if part of the setup was flawed! #YowData 👏
Next speaker is @TimGarnsey from @VergeLabsAI. There are important reasons to protect your data – preserving your competitive advantage as well as users’ privacy – which is when using lookalike data sets becomes important. #YowData
Recurrent neural networks aren’t just for creating deep fakes – they can also solve the hard problem of creating lookalike data sets that share statistical similarities with your real data. #yowData @TimGarnsey