RT @yow_conf: Fascinating read: The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code https://t.co/8t4EqRvQ4T
@hannahcancode Can I just say that you guys are NAILING THIS HOLIDAY? I have been loving following along. 🙂
RT @yow_conf: Fascinating read: The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code https://t.co/8t4EqRvQ4T
@hannahcancode Can I just say that you guys are NAILING THIS HOLIDAY? I have been loving following along. 🙂
Great post from @DDDPerth on their efforts to increase diversity amongst speakers at the 2017 conf. Really proud to have been one of the women on stage! https://t.co/lzpbRBVWLJ
@yow_conf 😆😆(It hurts because it’s true.)
@Mandy_Kerr @DDDPerth Awww, thank you. It’s easier to be memorable when you’re the last talk of the day! 😂
@KenScambler @wjlow @frequeno @cwmyers Yasssss. The Lambda Jammers of the future!
@DDDPerth @Mandy_Kerr ❤️
I’m totally willing to knit these jumpers on commission for any crypto nerds, by the way. The catch is that they’re expensive and I only take cold hard cash. 😉💰 https://t.co/LRgJywEqY5
Went to a meeting last week in Melbs in a building that had a “12A” floor instead of 13. 🙄 #superstitious https://t.co/ecRqm1RfAH https://t.co/2WmCdzqWnM
@Velona @NodeGirlsSydney @kakaCharlotte That’s what I said! I thought she was there to be one of the mentors at first. 😁
@MichelePlayfair Not a lot of buildings in rural Indiana that go that high. 😂
RT @NodeGirlsSydney: So many new faces to learn and to teach coding 💪 Massive thanks to @ButenkoMe @ReenaRajani @ticidesign @slace @Bhuvana…
RT @jesstelford: 😒 @Meetup has completely removed the “Sponsors” section without a word.
You can still hit the URL: https://t.co/UsknWUS11…
@z_rose YES! I didn’t actually know there was a GA in the building until I looked at my phone and realised it had connected to the GA Guest wi-fi. 😂
RT @LynnDangAU: I’m going to “Indigitek presents…Karlie Noon & Project Birronggai”. See you there? https://t.co/M02ojz9wVq via @Eventbri…
@randomknits @Gertie18 I really like the brooch! ❤️
@randomknits @Gertie18 I mean, the hair and the dress are pretty too. 😂
@Thriobologist Haha, I only realised the button weirdness right before my stop so was rushing to get a photo before I got out. I didn’t realise that I could just, you know, hold the door open or something. 🤦♀️
RT @wjlow: Day 1 of 2 of first Scala course was a success! Over 20 attendees learning about pure functions, algebraic data types, safe cons…
Spencer Tunick plans mass nude photo on Melbourne’s Chapel Street – AMAZING. You should sign up for this, Melbourne. I’m not kidding. https://t.co/MsL9QqwMvf
The Snook and I took part in Tunick’s 2010 nude photo shoot at the Opera House. It was unforgettable. I blogged it afterwards: https://t.co/KeoHrpVk5o
@emd3737 You should!! I loved it.
@MichelePlayfair Hm. I didn’t think about that. Maybe they’ll set up heaters?? 😂
@Accelerando_au @unixbigot I know people are using them to make replacement parts for their discontinued knitting machines too! https://t.co/TxmTczR6W1
RT @yow_conf: There’s still time!
3 days before our YOW! New Voices in Tech, a speaker development program for women in tech close. Help…
@randommandelbot Hmmmmm… @gilmae
RT @McJesse: I’ve seen this movie it ends with 4 kids getting murdered. https://t.co/tuVCFo55hA
@IngaPflaumer I got it on @threadless a few years ago!
@nxdnz @evanbottcher @yow_conf Our new evangelist @unixbigot may also be able to assist as he’s an IoT expert. 🙂
RT @yow_conf: #YLJ18 is officially 2 weeks away from today! 😱
We must not forget to thank our amazing sponsors, who make all things possib…
Watching the @lobe_ai demo and suddenly realising my “knitting stitch identifier” app is going to be a lot easier to build than I thought!! https://t.co/EAFmLkYjQo 👏
Excited to mentor at another great @NodeGirlsSydney event! Thanks to @ButenkoMe for bringing us all together and to @CoderAcademy_au for hosting! #nodegirls #wiit https://t.co/uVoGRBCvKO
RT @ReenaRajani: Yay !! Another saturday but something special today. #NodeGirls #WIIT event. Excited to facilitate the #node #express work…
Massive thanks to the @NodeGirlsSydney sponsors who make these events possible! 👏 @CoderAcademy_au @LookaheadSearch @deputyapp #NodeGirls #WIIT https://t.co/dEz9tsUOJa
RT @theyareaboutyou: You are clever, and funny, and you can do that thing you’re afraid of. 💕
Beginner session kicking off!! So many folks excited to learn to code. @NodeGirlsSydney #NodeGirls #WIIT https://t.co/8oCrZnpufh
Lots of folks taking their first steps with coding today! Mentors like @the_snook are helping them when they run into trouble. @NodeGirlsSydney #nodegirls #WIIT https://t.co/bA7ra8x2Hr
Post-lunch presentations. Everybody ❤️s hearing from @mobywhale at @LookaheadSearch! @NodeGirlsSydney #NodeGirls #WIIT https://t.co/WzmYr5H5eP
So excited for Galina, who is giving her first ever public tech talk today at @NodeGirlsSydney! And she’s crushing it! 👏 #NodeGirls #WIIT https://t.co/uSknsl3kbm
What @mobywhale said!! ❤️ @NodeGirlsSydney #nodegirls #WIIT https://t.co/X7xhoWEy1z
One of the best parts of @NodeGirlsSydney is seeing your friends get really into coding and learning new skills! (Go @kakaCharlotte go!!) ❤️ #NodeGirls #WIIT https://t.co/eUQpw0WF7W
@gckeller Maybe? The article is from an American site though, and it jibes with my experiences in AU, so it’s widespread enough to be international.
RT @womensart1: ‘Fox trot’ machine embroidered textile art by UK textile artist Rachel Wright #womensart https://t.co/Zd0Jg127MB
Paging @randommandelbot… https://t.co/GC54Y9nQAW
Trolling at the Star Wars Fan Weekend. 😂 #livelongandprosper🖖 https://t.co/9af4h9RbsX https://t.co/cL4dh4YtoO
He pretends he’s not into it, but secretly he is. 😍 @ Powerhouse Museum https://t.co/eIhq6e7tCo
Last few shots. Can’t wait to see @carbocommander’s work in Solo! @… https://t.co/p94ECquQhi
@The_McJones It was worth $8 for a punt. Can confirm it also pairs well with a Sazerac!
My fave thing at the Star Wars exhibition last night was actually the video @kevinkellysdad made about cranky Obi-Wan puppet in the desert. 😂https://t.co/V1FkdtOmyD https://t.co/TDn2ibAZQW
@_michelleerica @VoxxedMelbourne Oh thanks! This one wasn’t recorded, but previous versions have been. Here’s one from a year ago: https://t.co/Qck6Pp1odZ
RT @starbuxman: I got to see my pal @web_goddess @VoxxedMelbourne – thank you so much @voxxed. It was a rare privelege to present there and…
@JanelleCShane WHOA! Thank you so much – I’m such a fan of your work. The new version includes SkyKnit (Soto Whale eldritch horror still makes me laugh). 😂
RT @JanelleCShane: This talk was AMAZING and I so wish I’d known about it before beginning SkyKnit. Knitting + Coding : go watch it now, ev…
Greek “bento box”?? Don’t mind if I do! 😁👏 (Thanks @frankarrigo for the recommendation!) https://t.co/V0Zcwbfjiu https://t.co/ZgjeSSoqna
@lynnlangit @FrankArrigo So good. We’ll have to take you next time you’re in Melbs!
Highlight of my week: I started off my @VoxxedMelbourne talk yesterday by talking about Ted Nelson and this quote. Afterwards an attendee said he’s been working with Ted on Project Xanadu for 30 years (!) and would tell him about my talk (!!) and how “tickled” he’d be (!!!) 😊 https://t.co/NaeEaZoBwq
@jamonholmgren Thanks for sharing the quote and video – really was perfect for my topic!
@jamonholmgren They didn’t record yesterday’s, but there’s an older version here: https://t.co/Qck6Pp1odZ. I rewrote the intro and used Ted’s quote to explain why I was the closing keynote at a tech Conf.
Thanks to @craigles75 for inviting me to the @seekjobs hackathon kickoff! They really go all out. Impressed already by ideas from @annakelk, @Hatchman76 , and @shelleglee. 👏 https://t.co/zpqsnfuSZS
RT @LJKenward: 💓We’re still looking for a few more sponsors to join the awesome cohort we’ve got so far for @levelsconf 💓
Please reach out…
RT @eDilettante: Melbourne currently under attack by Pacman rainstorm… #Melbweather https://t.co/gR8w5GEoft
@The_McJones I want the reverse. What game pairs well with a Negroni?
@Amys_Kapers I use Knit Counter Lite, which has ability to create arbitrary counters. Is that what you mean? https://t.co/f2myyJ4DIZ
Until next time, Melbourne!! 👋 https://t.co/bHOzG2PfXl https://t.co/hAuvlKnynR
@The_McJones I will be testing the sommelier’s recommendation on my flight home!
@chixors I will! (And when you get a chance, I’d love the colour numbers of wool in blanket. Thinking of knitting or crocheting on a border to embiggen it!)
@the_patima @codemania Yay! So thrilled for you. You’re gonna smash it and make us all proud. 😁
The Strict, Subtle Rules of a Hey Ladies! Email https://t.co/p2KdOmgl1W // Oh god, THIS, except it’s an email thread about planning a knitted blanket for someone’s baby shower, and it’s 100+ emails long, and by the end you want to kill yourself.
How legitimate is digital art? Is it still Art when your brush is an algorithm controlled by a generative adversarial network? Mind-provoking stuff from @minxdragon. @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne https://t.co/02lJpVOyq6
@kytrinyx Noooooo. 😂
@paulangov @dius_au @voxxed Yes – seen a lot of folks rocking DiUS shirts!
Whoa. A *new* tag team talk from @springrod and @starbuxman?! You’re a lucky audience, @VoxxedMelbourne! #voxxeddaysmelbourne https://t.co/FktHo8Pnpc
Heh. @starbuxman confesses that the delay in writing Cloud Native Java was mainly in arguing over which animal went on the cover. 😂 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/Kl9pTk5fBF
There it is.
Dot Spring
Dot IO
@starbuxman @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/LvmDPvrzVf
ChatOps is happening! @springrod is demoing how to use @atomist, @github, and @SlackHQ to make deploying to Cloud Foundry easy. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/vuaTCG33jD https://t.co/7xhw8VQ9DQ
@minxdragon Each time I see the spaghetti picture, I’m surprised you don’t make a creepypasta reference! *shudder*
Even sick with a cold, @starbuxman is one of the best in the biz. I wouldn’t be speaking here today without his encouragement. Such a good kid, and a favourite of everyone at @yow_conf! @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/vVO63YAc1j
@gilmae @starbuxman Ha! He knows it’s not patronising. Because he *is* a good kid.
We are two minutes in, and already I ❤️ everything about @holdenkarau’s talk. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/U0W0UGSXho
Realisation: @holdenkarau’s slides have little photos up in the corner. Are they all cats?! 😻 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/LpNdJQXNbW
Try and make sure you’re not just laundering your own biases with ML, because then the computer will just be doing evil for you. @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/X2rjgg9s7z
“Is there anyone from Google here? You have to tell me. It’s like that cop thing.” 😂 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne
@minxdragon @holdenkarau I wondered how many got the reference. Did they have Pintos in Oz??
Has the output of your Spark job ever caused a “serious” production outage? “These people suck at their jobs. These ones are updating their resumes. And these ones are lucky or lying.” You need to TEST! @holdenkarau @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/fFdMjzjpN7
LOL. I’m the one who warned @willmendesneto against live coding demos. It’s so risky! So far so good though, my friend… 🍀 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/kxitWXbBcg
Pretty sure I spotted a @yow_conf sticker on @willmendesneto’s laptop, even from the back of the room! 😉💯 @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/BBl5bsifPQ
90 minutes before my talk. When’s the best time to have a coffee so it hits at the right time?
TFW @valtheCPO says, “Kris! Did you see we have a DONUT ROOM?” 😳🏃♀️ @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/3iGcRrsLTa
@Paul_Bone Nah, prob won’t be time for questions. Everyone will be heading out for drinks!
HA! @philnash literally leaped in the air in happiness that, as of this week, his slide has green ticks across the board! ✅ @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/6pN0qOtAfD
Me and the inaugural meeting of the Melbs Bot Appreciation Society. 🤖❤️ @minxdragon @Becknology @VoxxedMelbourne #VoxxedDaysMelbourne https://t.co/OPHcKxVUTq
@mootpointer @valtheCPO @VoxxedMelbourne That’s pretty much what my heart is doing from the sugar.
I’ve been seriously impressed with the live coding demos today. @philnash from @twilio making it look easy! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne https://t.co/cpn0GxLzWb
@philnash @twilio @VoxxedMelbourne ….and I cursed him. 😂
A public service announcement (and plea!) from @philnash: PLEASE don’t demand notification permissions on page load. You’ll just turn notifications into the new pop-ups! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne https://t.co/hKkppd4H25
Jealous that @philnash appears to have mastered the art of matching his wardrobe to his slide deck theme. @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne https://t.co/uGkF9gqpHA
YAY – my turn!! @VoxxedMelbourne #voxxeddaysmelbourne https://t.co/XIhuJo2kje
RT @YRodenski: @web_goddess and @neversleepz getting ready to wrap the first ever @VoxxedMelbourne @Devoxx https://t.co/p8PhJVTHlH
RT @minxdragon: Stop contributing to contempt culture. We need fresh blood, welcome newbies, don’t turn away people who are coming in from…
@minxdragon OH! So it’s just seamless. Yeah, I guess so. I do my hand knits that way anyway out of laziness. Didn’t realise I was being all 3-D and fancy. 😂
RT @minxdragon: YES! @web_goddess and I Beginning and ending #VoxxedDaysMelbourne talking about the awesome @JanelleCShane and her work #sk…
@thinkingfish Well, I ended up doing the talk with a beer in my hand, so I reckon it cancelled out the caffeine. 😂
@hannahyanfield This is for your collection. 😂😂❤️ https://t.co/4Vn5C5nGkj
@EsbieNet @MeatMarketMelb Thank you Sarah!! Glad you enjoyed it. ❤️
RT @EsbieNet: Have you ever knitted in your life? (yes, with needles and wool…)
If you answered yes, you’re basically a computer progra…
@meeravasudevan9 @VoxxedMelbourne Thank you Meera!! ❤️
@hannahyanfield I knew you’d like it. 😉
RT @minxdragon: The #Hamilton blanket by @HeartOfPluto_ makes a showing and gets a round of applause from the audience!! #VoxxedDaysMelbour…
If any women were inspired by @VoxxedMelbourne today, you should apply for @yow_conf’s New Voices in Tech speaker training program. Closes on May 11! https://t.co/xb1LWPKFaL #voxxeddaysmelbourne
RT @fatguppy: #Legacy Evolution – The #Innovation Opportunity! @Yow_Conf @MarlousTeh
#Lean approach to legacy evolution that focuses on hi…
RT @stacylondoner: tiny contribution to make tech more kind: i changed the word “blame” to “annotate” in the Bitbucket UI. `git blame` is…
Laughed. Out. Loud. 😂 https://t.co/qZYh1ZVdxs
@purnimakamath @daveathomas Yay, so glad you’re there!! 👋
@JanelleCShane @minxdragon Aww, thanks! There are older versions online (https://t.co/Qck6Pp1odZ), but not the recent update including SkyKnit.
@starbuxman And thank YOU for telling me about it and giving me the push!