Month: June 2018

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    RT @Doctor_Astro: Always my president #thisisouramerica @BarackObama

    @Amys_Kapers At the last SydTechLeaders I managed to score some new stock from @CampaignMonitor and @MessageMedia1, and then I picked up some new AWS ones yesterday. 😃

    RT @ChappellTracker: Simplicity just released a pattern that’s inspired by Rose Tico in Star Wars, and it’s listed under the “costume” sect…

    RT @KimAcostaSYD: What. A. Crowd. #shehacks2018 by GirlGeeks Sydney!! #DiversityandInclusion #WomenInSTEM

    RT @SafetyCultureHQ: From 3 coffee addicts: hope you all enjoy the coffee by #SafetyCulture #Getcaffeinated #SheHacks2018…

    RT @SerriLaw: Hackathon pro-tip: don’t refactor from functional to object orientated at 1am 👍😴☕️ #shehacks2018

    I spoke at DevFest 2017 in Melbourne, and I can’t recommend it enough. I had been feeling burnt out but the energy and friendliness of the attendees totally lifted me up!

    RT @kelleydeal: Come on Ohio!!!

    @LJKenward @Amys_Kapers @CampaignMonitor @MessageMedia1 HA! I wish. 😂

    @SarahLacrx It speaks to me. 😂

    Hey @GoCatchApp – I know you’re about to IPO, but spamming me with push notifications and actual phone calls just annoys me and makes me want to delete my account. Please CHILL OUT.

    RT @JulieOwenMoylan: I tweet this every single time this issue is raised and I always lose some followers and I never care.

    Fact..There is…

    Ugh. Just heard from someone in their coworking space that it looks like they’ve brought in an army of uni students to do the calling. Even spammier than I thought. 🙁

    The reward for my first week! Been looking forward to this. 😍

    Appropriately kitted out for the #shehacks2018 presentations! (❤️ @currawongwhsper)

    @tarynewens They’re here!!

    I have the sticker bag! Just come find me if you want some. ❤️ #shehacks2018 @tarynewens

    Realisation: I have worked for FOUR of the #shehacks2018 sponsors in my career. These are companies you want to work for. ❤️

    Everybody’s excited for the #shehacks2018 judging!

    First team up is “locally”, an online concierge and bulletin board for apartment dwellers! #shehacks2018

    Next up: Recipejam! Select your ingredients; find out what you can make! Been looking forward to this one on account of the meme tweets. 😂 #shehacks2018

    Loving the energy from the Heka team – an app to give users more power over their health and transparency with their GP. #shehacks2018

    Next team begins with a demo of a voice assistant to track feedings for new mothers – Mother Hen! Great idea and use of zero UI. 🐔 #shehacks2018

    Hehe. I caught the #shehacks2018 judges mid-selfie!

    “Awwwwww!” The entire crowd reacts to the Reef Buddies team’s first slide. It’s a Chrome extension to raise funds for WWF Australia. ❤️🐳🐢🐠 #shehacks2018

    Smart Food Shelf – upload a photo of your fridge contents, and a machine learning algorithm identifies what you’ve got and can make! #shehacks2018

    Had a bad day? Kelly cares! (Kelly is a sentiment analysis bot that can deliver self-care in the form of flowers, wine, and more.) #shehacks2018

    Next up – Visble. Type in a word and get a video clip showing you how to say it in a sentence like a native speaker! Nice idea. #shehacks2018

    MeSafe – an app to help folks get home safely at night. See problem areas, send a text with your location, and call a cab. Nice app – but depressing that we need this. #shehacks2018

    Eventure – the smart, personalised event aggregator. “HELL YEAH!” 😂 Great energy from this team. #shehacks2018

    I Can – an IoT device (built on top of Amazon Dash buttons!) so kids can play soothing customised sounds and control their nightlights. #shehacks2018

    Newscope – fight fake news and government censorship with citizen-sourced data and journalism! #shehacks2018

    WanderLocal – a way of finding events in your neighbourhood. Interested to see so many projects about living locally! #shehacks2018

    When I see a clothing-related app from @hannahcancode, I know it’s going to be good! My Perfect Fit uses AR to help you shop online for clothes that fit. #SheHacks2018

    RT @awscloud: Join us for AWS Hackdays spotlight on Amazon Rekognition, Lex, Transcribe, Translate, Comprehend & SageMaker.…

    @JessNorris333 Oh god, one size fits all is THE WORST! 😂

    How do you know what to wear or what etiquette to observe on a work trip to another country? BizAware will help you out! GREAT idea. #shehacks2018

    Snapr – automatically create calendar reminders from photos you take of event posters! I would use this. #shehacks2018

    Final team – TARDIS. An AI bot to help you be more productive with your time and reach your goals. (Oof. I do not want to see my Netflix usage stats.) #shehacks2018

    Apparently my pear sweater reminds @agnosz of this Polish dude. 🤨

    CUPCAAAAAKES!! #shehacks2018

    Stickers are out again!! #shehacks2018

    A lovely shout out from @azadehkhojandi to @shvedma as we start the award presentations! #shehacks2018

    The People’s Choice award went to the Great Barrier Reef project! #shehacks2018 👏

    Best UX went to WanderLocal! #shehacks2018

    Commercially Viable went to My Perfect Fit! #shehacks2018

    Best 3rd Party API use went to Recipe Jam! #shehacks2018

    Best Open Source Contribution went to I Can! #shehacks2018

    Best AI and Machine Learning went to Smart Food Shelf! #shehacks2018

    @AndrewADavidson 😂😂

    @Bsmithb2 @girlgerms @megandell @_bron_ I also have a public Twitter list of Aussie Tech Women. Just check my profile. (Stupid mobile app doesn’t seem to show URL.)

    RT @luizbon: Worth mention those girls had no experience with #Chatbots before starting the project in the morning.
    Let’s have more women i…

    Twitter awards for #shehacks2018 went to @SerriLaw, @tarynewens, and @PKodmad! (I am slightly only bitter at being disqualified.) 😜

    RT @hannahcancode: I’m really proud to be working for a SheHacks sponsor!

    Massive thank you to @azadehkhojandi from @shvedma, me, and the entire @GGDSydney community. #shehacks2018 was brilliant, and a huge part of that was due to her massive effort as organiser! 👏❤️

    RT @tarynewens: Presentation time! This is going to be an amazing look inside some very talented women devs minds, and show what we can acc…

    @KimAcostaSYD I was off to the side getting photos of everybody. Next year. 😉

    @LiamElliott_au Everything was very good! Lots of Australian ingredients, many of which I hadn’t had before. Beverage pairing was interesting too – some very funky “natural” wines.

    @LiamElliott_au Fave courses were the kangaroo jaffle and the folded eggs!

    Not gonna lie – did a double take at this @canvalife swag… 😂

    @happystash I should’ve done them as a proper thread! Sorry about that. The event was a one-day all-women hackathon put on by our local Girl Geeks group. 🙂

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    Well, that’s a cool note to end the week on. 😸 Thanks @TheBigMeeow!

    @TheBigMeeow @annie_parker After a week battling imposter syndrome, it was much needed. ❤️

    #shehacks2018 is not about competing; it’s about learning and networking. @azadehkhojandi setting the tone for the night! 👏❤️

    More than 700 emails went into organising #shehacks2018… 232 of which went to THIS GUY. 😂 @ureliengaudin

    My only regret is that I can no longer mock @mattallen77. #ivedrunkthekoolaid

    I really wish Twitter would translate Instagram names. 😕 @mattallen

    @mattallen I wonder if it’s because I used IFTTT. Maybe it would translate if I shared directly… but then the photo wouldn’t show. 😒

    Don’t underestimate the presentation part of #shehacks2018 – it’s part of learning. As women, we need to practice raising our voices at the table. FANTASTIC ADVICE! @azadehkhojandi 🙌

    Look at this huge crowd of brilliant technical women! #shehacks2018 👏

    The sticker bag is open, #shehacks2018! Come help yourself. 😁

    #shehacks2018 sticker FRENZYYYYYYY! (Thanks for the @AWSCloudANZ stickers @MitchyBGood!!)

    @chixors 😡😡😡😡

    @xerxesb Yep. We’re actually planning a future @SydTechLeaders meetup around this topic because it’s so hard. Interested in speaking? 😉

    @hannahcancode You are!!

    @nxdnz @perrynfowler Everything about that sentence and photograph is AWESOME. 🤘

    Me: “How did my first week go? It’s like I went into the little box that shows you where you fit in the universe, and it’s a lot scarier than it was a month ago.”

    Him: “Easy, Zaphod.” 😜

    This one is SCREAMING. Cannot unsee. 😱

    @tarynewens I’ll bring it back tomorrow afternoon. 😁

    RT @vanillavial: Dog owners: this is my precious angel boy who I payed $3,000 for last November and I finally got to take him today he’s my…

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    My new office has a pretty nice view!

    @Direwolf82 That’s from @sailorhg – got it with a t-shirt. 🙂

    @hannahcancode @chrisjrn 😳 I didn’t do it!

    Started the day in Sydney; somehow finishing it in Blade Runner. 😳

    @netpraxis 2 Park Street! Near Town Hall.

    @SoniaCuff Oh, I’ve got two at home even worse than that. I think this one will stay pristine for a while. 😂

    @nitecoder It was an awesome view!

    Look out, Google Home… There’s a new sheriff in town. 😜 #alexa

    @jonoabroad It’s a first gen Echo. 😂

    RT @repjohnlewis: Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a mont…

    Somehow only just saw this interview with a lovely mention of my 2017 @dddperth talk from @battlepanda_au. ❤️ “Volunteer Spotlight: David Schokker” by Rebecca Waters

    I’ve got a new Macbook Pro at work, thankfully without TouchBar. I found this hilarious:

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    Join us at AWS Innovate Online Conference 2018 on the 19th of July, 2018. With over 50+ business and technical sessions, this conference is designed for executives and IT professionals to connect, collaborate, and learn how to build on AWS.

    @glenngillen I was gonna edit it to sound more like me, but I can’t be bothered after three days of having my brain smushed. 😂

    @evanderkoogh @glenngillen Whaddaya mean? (she says polishing off another cup of Kool-Aid…)

    @crankymate Just seeing who’s paying attention… 😂 (I got to inspire some jealousy yesterday showing off my @canva patch!)

    RT @liedra: Newtown Firies know what’s up

    Important laptop sticker decision time. I think I’m going to leave it quite minimal for now…

    @keranm From @sailorhg! 💜

    @diversionary Was there any interest in speaking at @SydTechLeaders? We’re finalising lineup..,

    @glenngillen At my first Women@Amazon event, and there’s your name on the committee slide. ❤️