Month: June 2018
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RT @aardrian: I have written a letter to my clients about Gutenberg:
In short, I am pushing the Classic Editor plug…
@larsklint Hey, congrats! I’ve met a few of the @acloudguru folks, like @petehanssens and @drewfirment. Great move – best of luck with it!
@i386 Wow, so cool! (Damn. You start early.)
After years of waiting, technicians are *finally* in our street in Chippendale today putting in infrastructure for the NBN! 👏
@CraigsOverItAll I’m not too worried. @the_snook has been monitoring the whole thing since day dot and assures me it’ll be a step up from what we’ve got now.
@anxietytech @BugHunterSam May be of interest!
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@lindamciver @AWSCloudANZ Thank you! Great first day – looking forward to tomorrow. 🙂
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@CatherineFlick @piawaugh @darthted @SydTechLeaders We’d be grateful for any suggestions! It’s not a conf, just a meetup of local tech leaders looking to start the discussion. Sched for Aug 22 in Sydney!
@CatherineFlick @piawaugh @darthted @SydTechLeaders Oh brilliant – just saw it now. Thank you!
@LJKenward @halans – whenever he’s taken a photo of me at an event, it’s turned out very nice! 😃
I feel like tomorrow is the first day of school. @AWSCloudANZ, here I come! 😍
@jonoabroad @AWSCloudANZ Hahahaha, YES, PLEASE.
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RT @darthted: Does anyone care about ethics in tech? If so, we are looking for speakers to advocate in talks. Respond to @SydTechLeaders
@aurynn Oh interesting! Will check it out.
@aurynn That looks much more appropriate for personal relationships. Cloze has a “family” tag but is still mainly geared towards sales type interactions.
@kcarruthers @darthted @SydTechLeaders You said you’re not going to be there on the day! 😢 We’d love to have you.
@kcarruthers @darthted @SydTechLeaders Unfortunately that’s the only day we could get the venue. 🙁
How You Can Help Fight Trump’s Family-Separation Policy via @thecut // I can’t go to to a protest or blockade ICE vans, but I can donate and contact my reps. You should do the same.
Ohai. Don’t mind me, just sobbing at the quilt show. ❤️😭
When three Americans get together for lunch… (Turns out political outage partners well with chicken & waffles!)
@AndrewADavidson @TheCut I think that’s the same ActBlue form from the article! That’s where I donated. Love the URL though. 😁
@darthted @SydTechLeaders I wonder if @piawaugh would be interested… 🤔
Closing out the first act with “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina”? BALLER MOVE PATTI. (PS I totally cried.) 👏👏👏👏
@emd3737 I honestly thought the show was over. Turns out it’s only an interval! How the hell will she top that?!
“Just letting you know the concert hall is a little cooler than normal, at the artist’s request.” Patti Lupone, you amazing DIVA!
Patti Lupone was AMAZING. I had a smile on my face the whole time. “That’s Trouble with a T that rhymes with P and it stands for PATTI!” 😂🙌
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Fourth attempt at porting my number from @Internode. 😡
@tobyhede How so?
RT @cmclymer: I made my own jacket. 💅🏼
@Internode Called Wednesday and acct number they gave me was wrong. Called up again 20 min ago, was told it would be 8-10 minutes on hold, provided my number… and no call yet.
@Internode Oh, and called yesterday too. This is very frustrating.
@Internode DM me if you’d like more info!
@Internode Support finally rang me back. Turns out number I was given on Wednesday was missing a digit. Trying for 5th time…
Thanks to Patrick at @Telstra Store Broadway for excellent service – took us 90 minutes to get number to port from old carrier. 😳
Spending the last afternoon of my staycation volunteering to make cold calls on behalf of the @NCSS Coding Challenge 2018 – because @nickyringland and @groklearning deserve all the support!
YASSSSSS! The @QueerEye Yass minisode is on YouTube! (Antoni just put shiitake mushrooms on Vegemite toast. 😂)
Movie night! Popcorn is happening… 🍿
RT @phoebegoh: Read this thread but this did it for me. If you ever wonder why we get annoyed this is a huge factor
@aurynn I was using an app called Cloze last year. Sort of a personal CRM. It can remind you to get in touch with people you haven’t contacted (across email, SM, etc) after a while.
RT @jwwweber: There’s a major, serious problem with coding bootcamp grads who have prior professional experience. I want to hire them all,…
@aurynn Tried both. I still have the free tier, and I occasionally use it when I know I have a message from someone but can’t remember where it was.
@aurynn Only used the paid tier for the team features. Was trying it out for YOW, but it didn’t have the one thing I needed – ability to search on my notes on people. I need to type in “contempt culture” and get “aurynn” back.
@aurynn Not that I’d ever forget you! 😉
@aurynn That wasn’t actually why I was using it – was more for keeping track of all the people I was meeting for my job. I found the reminders semi-useful but didn’t go down the road of customising those out properly, categorising people, etc.
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Having a final lunch with the Snook before I’m classified as an enemy combatant. 😂
RT @inafried: (its philanthropy arm) is matching employee donations to four groups working at the border with famil…
@MichelePlayfair Was more to do with the fact we were eating in his office. 😂
@MichelePlayfair No, no lunch at the Amazons. They’re frugal. 😢
@LukeSleeman @Taipei_GTUG Such a cute idea! Totally stealing that for my next talk overseas. Best of luck!!
I should have listened to @evanderkoogh and @gabehollombe earlier. Async/await is the answer I’ve been searching for. It’s all coming together.
@slace HA! 😂
@mantaq10 Haha, nahh, I meant no disrespect to the Javascript. I am in awe of those who can wrangle. It’s just not the part I expected to have so much trouble with on this particular project!
Vows: ‘Mayor Pete’ Gets Married, Then Takes His Husband to a Parade // Here’s your “not everything is terrible” of the day. ❤️ His Dad was one of my professors at ND!
@emma_n_robbins Emma! Let me introduce you to @lucykbain and @pyko from Sydney Girl Geeks. They’re awesome (and coincidentally did Damian’s training with me a few years back)!
@emma_n_robbins @lucykbain @pyko Lucy and Pegs – Emma’s from Victoria and just did the program herself on Monday. 🙂
RT @DeathStarPR: Emperor Palpatine’s ‘I AM A SITH LORD’ jacket had no hidden message BUT IF IT DID it had a hidden message that refers to t…
Logging into AWS console to see if my Lambda ran correctly overnight…
IT DID! Me, right now: