Month: June 2018

  • New adventures…

    I’m both excited and sad to announce that today is my last day at YOW! Conferences. In many ways this has been my dream job, and the last two years have flown by really quickly. I’m proud of every event we’ve put on, and YOW’s commitment to supporting and growing the APAC tech industry – especially with regards to diversity. Since I’ve been here, I’ve been honoured to meet and spend time with some of the smartest, most interesting folks from our community and overseas – people whose work is going to change the world. And in a way, that’s what prompted me to leave. After being around such inspirational folks tackling big problems… I suddenly realised that I missed being those people. The fun of a conference is in taking what you learn back to your team and building on it, and I need that challenge. I want to work with the teams and companies solving these big gnarly problems and see what I can do to help.

    Of course, it’s super hard to leave Dave and the amazing YOW! Team. Not only are they all friendly and great at their jobs, I know what events and speakers they have coming down the pipeline – and I’m already regretting not being there for all of it! If you get a chance to attend one of our conferences, you should. (And Dave – I’m available to speak whenever you want! 😃)

    Just for fun, I thought I’d add up all the events I’ve gone to on YOW!’s behalf over the last twenty months…

    YOW Confs (attending or hosting) – 11
    YOW Confs (speaking) – 4
    YOW Nights (hosting) – 19
    YOW Nights (speaking) – 3
    Non-YOW Conferences (attending) – 7
    Non-YOW Conferences (speaking) – 8
    Hackathons (judging) – 3
    Meetups (speaking) – 36
    Meetups (attending) – 92
    Training courses (attending) – 2
    User group meetups (hosting) – 12

    That’s just shy of 200 tech events (197 to be exact) across four countries. 😱

    So what will I be doing with myself after today? First I’ve got a little bit of time off, and I plan to spend it catching up with friends, knitting, and watching a lot of Netflix. Then on the 25th I will be starting a new role with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Sydney in the Solutions Architecture team. I’m so excited to meet everyone and start learning new things!

    And NO MEETUPS for while… at least a month. Or maybe a fortnight… or a week. We’ll see. 😜

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    @darthted I knew someone would pull me up on that. Twitter is different! It has personality! LinkedIn folks put like 17 checkmarks in their name and it drives me BONKERS.

    @Sitback @GRobilliard G didn’t actually cite that as her reason; she was just showing her cute dog Maki. I cheekily suggested it was to get people to go easy on her – and then quickly added an image of my cat to my own slides. 😂

    @phoebegoh I use @FullContact for that reason. I need to record context about who people are and be able to search that.

    RT @yow_conf: Coming to our Perth #yownight with @vonconrad tonight?
    Join us at @WoodsideEnergy for an evening about Event Sourcinghttps:/…

    I literally just checked this. On my Mac, it’s centered. *exhale*

    @benschwarz @MelissaKaulfuss I rode one once just so I could be justified in my annoyance with them. They’re heavy AF, very few or no gears (in Sydney!), seat didn’t go high enough to sit comfortably, gross helmets. So even if the idea was good, the execution sucked.

    @gilmae You = the worst.

    Spotify served up “Jimmy Olsen Blues” by the Spin Doctors in my Discover Weekly, and I mortified myself by somehow – after not hearing it for 20+ years – knowing most of the words. “I’ve got a pocket full of – kryptoniiiite!”

    @DVDBits I tip my hat to you, sir.

    Tonight’s @SydTechLeaders kicking off! Thanks to @MessageMedia1 and @CampaignMonitor for sponsoring. ❤️ #sydtechleaders

    Love @brettporter’s pitch to join @SafetyCultureHQ – “It’s 26 degrees in Townsville right now…” 😂❤️☀️ #sydtechleaders

    Thanks @randomknits for hooking us up with these awesome new timing signs, expertly wielded by @gilmae! #sydtechleaders

    Next up is @hiconomics from @HotelsCombined telling us about their journey and transformation… #sydtechleaders

    Interesting. Every language you learn, you develop almost another personality, you grow. @hiconomics needed his team to stop ‘thinking’ in English. #sydtechleaders

    This is the first company value I’ve ever seen that was sourced from Urban Dictionary. 😂 #sydtechleaders @hiconomics

    A useful (and slight cheeky) decision tree from @paulkeen – Should you aim for transformation or turnaround? #sydtechleaders

    Loving the vintage Dick Smith ads in @paulkeen’s talk! #sydtechleaders

    Startups think legacy systems are 2 years old. @paulkeen is talking about systems that are 30 years old! #sydtechleaders (For a great talk on legacy evolution, see @daveathomas’s recent #yownight!

    Some great takeaways from @paulkeen’s experiences in multiple turnaround & transformation projects! #sydtechleaders

    View from the legendary #sydtechleaders Q&A panel…

    @andykelk @nxdnz I’d much rather give up LinkedIn than Twitter!

    @LiamElliott_au You’re so right! The panellists’ emphasis on people issues reminded me of a great YOW talk last year from @kytrinyx on how the big problems in tech are those messy, hard to control human beings. Computers are easy in comparison.

    RT @MIT_CSAIL: 65 yrs ago this month Sister Mary Keller received what many view as the 1st CS PhD, and she also helped develop BASIC: https…

    @philnash @glenngillen @hj_chen @smashingmag I have been thinking about losing mine for similar reasons… 😂

    RT @ABC: IMITATION GAME: This bear lets his inner child out as he jumps in unison with a 5-year-old boy at the Nashville Zoo.…

    @imdominating Did you see the picture of Chris Pine in WW 1984 in the fanny pack? *swoon*

    @imdominating A+ plan, would not turn you in. 😂💯

    @minxdragon 🔥🔥🔥

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    @msharp @GGDSydney I’ve *talked* about code a fair bit, but it was the first time I actually switched to an IDE or did a deploy in front of an audience 🙂

    RT @The_McJones: It begins!

    Go buy a ticket now, remember all the cool kids will be there!

    RT @angusscown: hoping to catch up with a few other of Brisbane tech people at @vonconrad @yow_conf yow night tonight. Event sourcing & CQR…

    @liamesler @vonconrad @yow_conf @CultureAmp AWWWWW!

    RT @liamesler: Feeling extremely proud of my partner, @vonconrad. He’s in Brisbane right now speaking at one of @yow_conf’s YOW! Nights, wa…

    Huh. @metafilter is down. I can only assume it’s people reloading the #mprraccoon thread.

    Hey Perth – it’s your turn tomorrow!

    Love is… 😻

    My talk “Building Applications That Last” from @voxxedsingapore is now online! Thanks @engineersftw for recording. 😍

    RT @alicegoldfuss: Things in need of disruption:
    – PAP smears
    – HRT / trans* healthcare
    – parental leave
    – mental healthcare
    – capitalism

    I find it frustrating that the only people who bother to put in note when requesting me on LinkedIn are people I recognise immediately and jump at the chance to connect with. For every one of those, there are 10 randos with friggin’ emoji in their usernames.

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    @softprops @meetup_support Just API keys:

    @gilmae @jonoabroad As of next week, you can do whatever the hell you want. 😉

    @jonoabroad @vonconrad @SafetyCultureHQ It will! But won’t be put up until he finishes the other cities – so a few weeks yet.

    I think this is my first time seeing @GRobilliard speaking at a meetup rather than just hosting! A big birthday prompted a career pivot… #ggdsyd

    . @GRobilliard got input from LOTS of folks in her career rethink. Reach out to your network – they have lots of useful insights! #ggdsyd

    Looking to try something new? There are lots of things you can try! @NodeGirlsSydney @SydneyGA @GGDSydney #ggdsyd

    Interesting tactic to get nice questions – show a photo of your beautiful pupper! #ggdsyd @GRobilliard

    Personal projects are important because – for better or worse – hiring managers and recruiters still love to see them. (@Sebbenbear rightly points out how odd that is.) #ggdsyd

    “Starting is easy. Finishing is hard.” @Sebbenbear speaks the truth about side projects. (This is why I mainly practice Talk Driven Development these days.) #ggdsyd

    Yayyyy! My old colleague @aine_h from @Sitback is hiring. You should go work with her. 👍 #ggdsyd

    To my knowledge, my first ever coding demo after six years of speaking at @GGDSydney! #ggdsyd

    RT @ManuelaDavo: So, today at #ggdsyd I’ve learnt:(1) Pivot is a good book to add to my reading list, (2) you can use React to plan when’s…

    Every time someone comments on how much I travel, I laugh and think of @starbuxman. (Godspeed, my friend!)

    RT @netflix: Some fans have noticed that Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown was scheduled to come off Netflix US on June 16. As of today, we’v…

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    Wonderful! ✨🧦❤️

    Managed to sync up with the lovely @yarna_ in her new habitat! ❤️

    Is anyone still maintaining @meetupapi? I’m having some trouble with rate throttling, and I can’t find any answers in the docs… @meetup

    Who’s ready to go home? WE ARE!

    Home. (at @SydneyAirport in Mascot, NSW)

    @emd3737 I need to catch up a week’s Masterchef!!

    @Amys_Kapers @TarynMusgrave @yow_conf Wrong Dave Thomas. 😂

    @Amys_Kapers @TarynMusgrave @yow_conf Oh wait. But he’s in the conversation. Sorry @thedavidthomas1!

    @Amys_Kapers @TarynMusgrave @thedavidthomas1 @yow_conf Anyway, yeah, slight misreading of the spec for the first lot. They’re like misprinted stamps! Rare and valuable. 😂

    @meetup_support I’ve been over that many times and I’ve been checking the response headers. I’m getting the 429 throttled response even when the headers say I have requests left. 😕

    RT @lynnlangit: Sadly #NotTheOnion

    @mootpointer So cute, the both of you!

    Last chance for @vonconrad’s #yownight tonight at @SafetyCultureHQ! He’ll be talking about Event Sourcing & CQRS. It’s a language agnostic talk, so if you build software, you should go.

    Current mood: EXTREMELY CHARMED, with a side helping of “Holy crap, @Nick_Offerman looks super hot here.”