My Dad is really cool. 😃🐷🍍
@minxdragon Absolutely!
1pm: “I think I’ll learn to build an Alexa skill”
1:27pm: *feverishly trying to construct the phonemic pronunciation of ‘Vermicious Knids’*
If anyone else wants to get their Alexa skill to say “Vegemite” correctly, it should be:
<phoneme alphabet=”ipa” ph=”ˈvɛ.d͡ʒəˌmaɪt”>Vegamite</phoneme>
Thankfully, Alexa pronounces “snozzcumber” *just fine*! 🥒
RT @awscloud: Announcing the new AWS Free Tier widget on the AWS Billing Dashboard!
I told Dad the Internet was really excited to hear how the swineapple goes. I woke up to many texts. Ready?
Step 1: take two pineapples and hollow them out.
Step 2: take a pork tenderloin and season.
Step 3: stuff tenderloin in pineapple.
Step 4 (and this is where it gets GENIUS): use skewers to stick the tops of the pineapples back on! 🐷🍍
Step 5 (and this is where I start marvelling at the work he put into this): weave a POUND of bacon into a lattice. 😂
Step 6: wrap bacon lattice around pineapples and place on smoker for 3 hours. 🐷🍍
Step 7: puree the pineapple that was removed and baste the swineapples every hour.
Step 8: pull the swineapples when the internal temperature hits 150 degrees. 🐷🍍
He followed this up with the first animated gif he’s ever sent me. 😂
The final verdict on the swineapples? “And oh my goodness they’re fantastic. Tastes like pineapple pork bacon candy” and “If you put this on Twitter I’ll probably start trending.” 😂❤️🐷🍍
He added: “They turned out pretty good for my first attempt.”
“Oh yeah and getting the core out of a pineapple isn’t that easy. I probably have an hr in all the prep and another hr getting the smoker set up and going.”
In case you want to try a swineapple yourself!
I should also note: that 150 degrees internal temp was Fahrenheit, which works out to 65.5 degrees C.
@Lackadazy @imdominating Oh, it gets better. My brother-in-law worked on the Solo movie, so my sis and he flew Dad out to LA last year for a screening and to meet his namesake. 😳
@stufromoz 😃
@slace I’m waiting for noted pineappleist @gilmae to weigh in.
@minxdragon Check today’s Twitter thread. 😂
@yow_conf He says: “Yes I just trimmed the sides off down to where it starts to roll underneath. Use the largest pineapple you can find because once it’s cored and the rind is cut off the sides can start getting thin.”
He adds: “Use the largest pineapple you can find because once it’s cored and the rind is cut off the sides can start getting thin.”
“My pineapples weren’t very big I’ll get the largest I can find next time. Besides bigger pineapple means more tenderloin can go inside. The problem is that Indiana isn’t exactly tropical so ya gotta take what ya can get.” ❤️