Month: July 2018

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    RT @griph: ELDER UFO DIMENSION GODS: this timeline was not meant to be. we are sorry but we must collapse it before it does any more damage…

    @randomknits You need to dye her hair to match yours!!

    My rebirth as a developer continues apace. I spent all day Sunday coding and swearing. “FUCK TIME ZONES” is a legit commit message, right?

    @yortw 😭😭😭

    @yortw I started my career as a dev, so not really a stranger to these. I just haven’t done it in a long time, and I’ve forgotten how shit some things are. 😑

    @IamStan @gitlost HA! I wonder if mine will show up there…

    MUGicalNode – now with daily digests! The result of today’s tussling with timezones…

    RT @SydTechLeaders: If you’re no longer attending Thursday’s meetup, please update your RSVP to free up a spot for someone on the waitlist!…

    @zarahjutz THAT’S AWESOME! You’ll smash it. 🙂

    @minxdragon I’m annoyed we can’t go together and sit in the corner and drink cocktails! 😂

    Wow. One of my most popular tweets of all time. Y’all really hate time zones. 😂

    @ReasonableCoder It’s a calendar app. Using ical-toolkit, which works fine – except for full day events, which somehow don’t obey time zone formatting. 😧

  • MUGicalNode – now with daily digests!

    Last week I was delighted to receive an honest-to-goodness feature request for MUGicalNode from my new colleague Paul. He said that he really liked the calendar, but he had issues when viewing on his iPhone. Namely, on an day with lots of events, you end up with something like this:

    MUGicalNode - calendar chaos

    That’s not very nice, is it? He wondered if there was a way to create a single “event” per day and then have that be a list of all the meetups. Sounds like a good idea, I said!  This afternoon I set to work making that a reality.

    Introducing digest calendars

    I modified my existing “makecalendar” Lambda to also create a separate digest calendar and upload it to the same bucket. For each day, it creates an all-day event with a description that lists the events and their URLs. You don’t get as much info (like the individual meetup description or venue details), but you can click on the link to go to the relevant page. I think it’s a really nice solution!

    Digest calendar detailsDigest calendar details

    Note: depending on how many events there are on the day, you may need to click “Show All Notes” to see the full list on your phone.

    If you’d like to subscribe, the URLs are:


    Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Thanks to Paul for the suggestion, and to the Snook for helping me untangle a mess of timezone nonsense.

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    @emma_n_robbins Yes, THIS. I’ve had employers question why I’ve changed jobs more than men of my age in the industry. BECAUSE ITS THE ONLY WAY TO GET A RAISE. If I didn’t, I’d be on < 1/3 what I’m on now.

    @Mandy_Kerr Nah, just got nearly 100 connection requests from complete randoms who don’t include a note, and it’s annoying the crap out of me.

    @evanderkoogh @WaiLingKo What was that eldritch horror meant to be??

    Somebody missed his Mama… 😻

    @frankarr Interesting. We have watched a few eps of “Gourmet Samurai” too – highly recommended. Similar idea with a retired guy who goes to restaurants for lunch!

    @frankarr Correction: Samurai Gourmet.

    @ricardoy1 He’s more cuddly in winter when it’s colder. 😂

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    Woven tapestry of the “Golden Record” sent into space with Voyager. I ❤️ this!! via @metafilter


    RT @SwariAntifa: friend of mine who doesn’t use twitter made this and said i could post it here

    What’s ”the cloud” made of? Chicken wire. 😂❤️☁️ #socute

    RT @BenKentish: There is currently a “Dalek Trump” bring paraded down Whitehall accompanied by “Secret Service agents”……

    Gudetama is happy we were able to squeeze in a visit to @punch.gram. 👊

    RT @awscloud: Learn how industry leaders like @GEHealthcare , @CondeNast and @Intuit are partnering with AWS for AI innovation. https://t.…

    Are you animals happy now? You finally ruined it for everyone.

    @darthted But they must be telling you that? It’s the totally random, inexplicable ones that get me.

    How you recognise a Singaporean cafe run by someone who’s lived in Melbourne. 😍 @punch.gram

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Oh no! Our thoughts go out to Denise Nickerson, who played Violet Beauregarde in Willy Wonka. 💜 Willy Wonka child star i…

    Lovely new colleague got me into Qantas Lounge, and DAMN. Delicious carbs…

    RT @StoryBoardGamer: from @tinstargames

    @developerjack @i386 @michaelneale I’m trying to get a status match. Waiting to hear back.

    Good grief. If you’re wondering where half of Sydney is, they’re waiting for their luggage in the Qantas arrivals hall. 😩

    I don’t understand why the @SydneyAirport taxi rank has 100 turnstiles that I’ve never seen used, even when the queue is backed up to the terminal (like now).

    RT @Cat_Headley: For once,I hope Prince Philip is eye wateringly rude to a foreigner.

    RT @nicole22___: GIRLS

    have you ever shopped in the men’s clothing section at a store?

    retweet if yes
    like if no

    i’m trying to prove a p…

    @samthor @SydneyAirport I live pretty close. Training to Central and then hauling my suitcase down Broadway isn’t on the cards after a Friday night redeye. 😒

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    Cool – Submarine Cable Map 2018. Was literally *just* talking with a fellow techie about his plan to retire to Vanuatu due to low tax rate and fast Internet. 😂 via The Sizzle @decryption

    @twasink @decryption Heh. I don’t know if he factored that into his plans…

    Cannot decide if my dogged insistence on following the rules when others don’t makes me a lone voice of rectitude in the wilderness… or a complete sucker.

    A beautiful day… indeed. #nofilter

    Feeling the @yow_conf family love tonight… ❤️ @purnimakamath @vbhvsgr

    @yow_conf @purnimakamath @vbhvsgr Nah, Harry’s Bar at Clarke Quay.

    This is excellent advice for anyone who wants to be a better friend and partner. If you suck at emotional labour, you need to read this and DO THESE THINGS MORE OFTEN.

    @PrakritiMateti @Zendesk @yes_khalida WAY TO GO! 👏