Month: July 2018
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@The_McJones The whole submarine debacle did lead to a hearty chuckle on my part when the Snook busted out “getting his wallet out after the cheque’s been paid,” so that’s good. 😂
Sudden realisation: cryptocurrency : tech industry :: graffiti knitting : craft community. (At least as far as I’m concerned.) #hottake
@hj_chen @bgever @webconf_asia @JuniorDevSG Leave Friday night. But I’ll be back in two weeks!
@DomesticMouse Uccchhh, yes. Internet fad akin to zombie flash mobs that is still somehow going.
I ate like 3 of these steamed lotus paste buns today before someone pointed out they were shaped like BUNNIES! 😂🐰
@melissa_loh Whaaaaat
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As hotel breakfast buffets go, this is pretty OTT. 😂
@LozzySimp Park Royal on Pickering in Singapore!
@purnimakamath @coderkungfu @vbhvsgr Thursday works for me! Training should finish up earlyish. I’m in Chinatown but happy to go wherever
@MelissaKaulfuss Park Royal on Pickering
@purnimakamath @coderkungfu @vbhvsgr Sounds good to me!
@themaninblue My photo cropped out the fact that there were actually just as many jars of lollies on the other side of the fountain. 😳
Alone once again in Singapore? Time to go on a pilgrimage for more Michelin-rated hawker food!
@bgever @hj_chen Hehe – we know each other! Met at @webconf_asia last year, then again at @JuniorDevSG a few months back. Hello! I’m meeting some locals for dinner Thursday if you’re free!
@glenngillen Exactly the one! I think quality’s gone downhill since it expanded. It was fine, but not amazing.
@glenngillen I saw that place! But I got an ice cream sandwich from a street guy instead. 😂
@glenngillen PS WHY ARENT YOU HERE. I saw @mattallen today!
@KenScambler Bahhh. They’re in Sydney!
Alledgedly the world’s cheapest Michelin-starred meal at $3.80. (Not to be too Aussie about it, but I found it pretty ordinary…)
Pop-pop gets a treat? Cheap dessert on a warm night in Chinatown…
@gabehollombe You’re in HK? But I’m back in SG! 😂
RT @Grady_Booch: Today’s lesson.
Non-white/non-male developers have to put up with a veritable tsunami of crap just because they are not w…
RT @RickNerdvarro: @jk_rowling This world has too many Cornelius Fudges and not enough Hermione Grangers.
@boundvariable I can’t believe I didn’t think to use the appropriate photo and caption. 😂
TFW you’re the only person in the infinity pool…
@KenScambler @mattdelves I was going by this list: I’ve now been to three of those!
RT @danieloh30: New AWS auto-scaler started life as private show for Netflix via @theregister
Do other tech folks get LinkedIn requests to advise dodgy crypto currency startups, or am I just lucky like that? 😂
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RT @voxxedsingapore: We are glad to announce that we have donated 10% of our 2018 profit margin to charity @passerellesNume . That will pay…
Heading back to Singapore for a weeklong training session… (More chicken rice?? Don’t mind if I do!)