Month: July 2018

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    Thank you @googledownunder for today’s Doodle. As a newer Australian, I’d never learned about Mum Shirl before. What an amazing person!

    OH EXCELLENT. @TweetDeck now supports image descriptions for accessibility! ๐Ÿ‘

    Fascinating. Listening to latest ep of @nbcthegoodplace podcast, and writers’ process is 14 ppl each with monitors but only one keyboard. It’s basically #mobprogramming! @WoodyZuill

    @FakeSamRitchie @unixbigot Nice job!!

    @FakeSamRitchie @unixbigot I am confused by the pallets.

    RT @fred_guttenberg: Since July 4th, I have received many tweets from the gun lobby accusing me of exploiting Jaime. Below are two pictureโ€ฆ

    @lynnlangit Just realised you’re coming out for NDC! If you’ve got an evening free, let me know. Would love to take you to dinner to thank you for your advice. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Another winter harvest from Farmer Snook: ginger!!

    @Malarkey @johnallsopp Stop trying to make fetch happen, you two.

    RT @ChiefScientist: I want a badge on software โ€œmade by middle-aged people with kids whoโ€™ve been around the block a few dozen timesโ€ https:โ€ฆ

    @lynnlangit @allPowerde WHAAAAAAAAAT. Okay, definitely many get-togethers in our future over that time!

    @FakeSamRitchie @AndyDentPerth @unixbigot That’s why I sew. Much quicker return on investment!

    RT @FizzySodaWave: Iโ€™m in actual tears from laughing so hard at this post

    Best. Idea. EVER.

    @johnbarton Famous women sea captains and/or pirates!!

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    Dammit, winter breeeze! You just ruined my lovely salon blowout! ๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜ซ

    This junky boat has been sitting in this exact spot on Wilson St. for literally 6+ years. I always wonder why @cityofsydney hasnโ€™t towed it away…

    @Rellarc79 As someone who would like to donate but canโ€™t, thank you!

    RT @knittymag: This is shocking behaviour from the new owners of Diamond Yarns. I share so that other LYSs and yarn companies know what DYโ€ฆ

    @levelsconf @seekjobs Yayyyy, I see @shelleglee! ๐Ÿ‘‹

    RT @gray: The new Stabilo adverts are perfect.

    RT @paddypower: FAN DENIAL: Every time Russia scored at this World Cup we donated to LGBT+ causes. Some people on the internet got mad. #Raโ€ฆ

    How did I not know there was going to be a knitting emoji??! โค๏ธ @glasnt @KnitGuildNSW

    @mattallen @cityofsydney I think it’s been abandoned. At what point does a ranger notice that it hasn’t moved in half a decade?!

    RT @freshtonic: Straya as fuck

    @purnimakamath @coderkungfu @vbhvsgr Heading back to Singapore on Monday for the week! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    @purnimakamath @coderkungfu @vbhvsgr Will be in training every day, the whole time. Might be free on Tuesday or Thursday evening, but I reckon that’s about it. (I’ll also be back two weeks later for the week of the 23rd! ๐Ÿ˜ณ)

    @lostumbrellas @diversionary @mobywhale @msharp Induction cooktop, I’m guessing. Although I didn’t realise “Death Star” was a current trend in kitchen style! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    After 6 long years, our Meyer lemon tree finally bore fruit!

    @coderkungfu @purnimakamath @vbhvsgr @JuniorDevSG Will be flying back Friday night so Iโ€™ll miss it. ๐Ÿ˜•

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    Oh. Discovered there’s a “Message Requests” screen in Instagram. There’s where old army dudes message me about my beautiful profile. ๐Ÿ™„ (Another one to add to your privilege pockets, @gilmae.)

    @i386 The. Worst.

    @i386 I MEANT YOU

    We stayed in Gillette last year for the eclipse. It wasn’t remotely full. We didn’t see any people of colour. This guy seems like an ass.

    @mark_sabbatical Don’t forget the ants!

    *cough* You know who you are.

    @twasink So are tomatoes! That was the point! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I want a white noise machine with a โ€œNoddyโ€™s on King on Saturday morningโ€ setting. Chill music, indistinct chatter, hair dryers… ๐Ÿ˜ด

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    Gahhhh. Rubber soles boots on a polished concrete floor. SQUEEEEEEAK SQUEEEEEEAK. (Sorry to my new colleagues.) ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    @LukeSleeman @unixbigot Hmm. Looks my old account is still there, but doesn’t show karma level. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @UNIHACKMelb @unihacksyd Oh no! Thatโ€™s no good. It should be kris.howard at gmail…

    @UNIHACKMelb @unihacksyd Thanks for the bug report! I redirected the domain recently – will investigate. ๐Ÿ‘

    RT @Gaohmee: If you’re still confused why we have staggeringly low numbers of female CEOs, here’s a bunch of markers.

    Please go away withโ€ฆ

    @woollythinker Congratulations!!

    @purnimakamath @vbhvsgr Nice! Did he tell you he spoke at YOW Lambda Jam in Sydney a few months back? ๐Ÿ˜

    @purnimakamath @vbhvsgr I was in the front row! Lots of fun indeed. ๐Ÿ˜†

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    RT @unixbigot: This year the โ€œYOW! Connectedโ€ conference in Melbourne is ALL about the Internet of Things. The call for presentations isโ€ฆ

    @lindamciver @sauramaia @FCTweedie @datakid23 Well, when I burnt out I went to manage a knitting shop. Small family owned business where I fit in, where my tech skills were appreciated, where I got to interact with customers and help them solve problems, where I didn’t stress about keeping up with every new thing.

    @diversionary Hm. @the_snook and I do the NYT crossword every night. ๐Ÿ˜ Are you guys *sure* you’re not related?

    @lindamciver @sauramaia @FCTweedie @datakid23 The only problem is that it was physically a lot harder and it paid a lot worse. Only went back to tech because we got a mortgage.

    Dear Blockchain Rando: No, I don’t want you to LinkedIn message me with an “update” on your tech that I didn’t request. On the upside, hey, I get to remove a connection!

    @mobywhale @hannahyanfield WTF does “slelegant” mean?! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @richbuggy I have *zero* AWS shirts. HOW CAN THIS BE. @KimAcostaSYD – you are missing a mega marketing opportunity here. ๐Ÿ˜œ

    RT @sailorhg: tuesday night doodles ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฆ‘๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿ ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿš

    @imdominating No time for love, Dr. Jones!

    (I concur.)

    @hannahyanfield @mobywhale ๐Ÿค” Imma need to sit with that one a while.

    @unixbigot @LukeSleeman Did I ever tell you how I caught my husband’s eye because I was reading slashdot in 1999? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @busbub I mostly ever see that view from meetups when it’s dark at night. It’s stunning during the day!

    @darthted You can smell the serenity. (Enjoy it – you deserve it!)

    RT @push_conf: Where are the Ladies that UX & Design? Join the Call for Speakers! At the moment the men are leading submission numbers 2:1,โ€ฆ

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    @OphelieLechat I read that too! I’m torn. I like the convenience but I reckon I’d get bored.

    @martinabbott It’s a lot easier for guys to get away with that.

    @gilmae Exactly! And add on there “Blow dry your hair so you don’t look feral.” One of these days I’m going full Furiosa, I swear.

    @dougrathbone I’m only in week 2! Too many services to learn. ๐Ÿ™‚ But thanks…

    @i386 Don’t forget the tumbler of gin. ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿ˜‰

    RT @linuxconfau: Last year we had an Art + Tech miniconf and it was glorious. From @web_goddess a writeup of that and more:โ€ฆ

    @mattallen @OphelieLechat Yes, that. Honestly, I struggled with whether to wear makeup this week. I donโ€™t normally, but studies have shown that it LITERALLY results in ppl thinking women are more competent. ๐Ÿ˜ก

    @mattallen @OphelieLechat I decided in the end to bring my โ€œwhole selfโ€ to work, which has grown progressively more casual each day. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Laziness FTW

    @jonoabroad @darthted @gilmae โ˜บ๏ธ

    Tasmanian Tiger Oven Mitt approves of my 4th of July Compost Cookies. ๐Ÿฏโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿช

    Redefining the Hero: The Extrapolated Costume Design of “Wonder Woman” – Excellent WW costume analysis from @tomandlorenzo.