I stupidly brought cash back from Macau with me. Anybody know where in Sydney I can convert MOP to AUD? Have checked a few places so far and they don’t do it…
Ooh, the next Software Art Thou is up! @simoncarryer is going to give his “Data is a Soft Science” talk. I saw this at #yowdata earlier in the year and it was excellent. Melburnians – you should go to this! https://t.co/ZL53anTv6m @yow_conf @Zendesk
Just discovered that I’ve been added to @TalksAwesome! Lovely surprise. 😃 Thanks @JeffreyTheobald for the nomination… https://t.co/88xx1wioQ5
@gilmae Haven’t tried them yet. Will give it a go.
@RozenMD Not a customer though?
@charis That’s my backup plan. 😂
@amitchell01 Yeah, I figured I was being smart by avoiding the airport. 😂 Best laid plans…
@KirrilyDavis There’s an idea….
Kicking off tonight’s #sydtechleaders with a great crowd. Finally got @crankymate to one of these! @gilmae @johnallsopp @diversionary @darthted @SydTechLeaders https://t.co/UNbnLC7Ld7
Plenty of @yow_conf events coming up in Sydney. They sponsored our awesome stickers! #sydtechleaders https://t.co/CqSxyvcLj0
@crankymate That is the least enthusiastic selfie I’ve ever seen… 😂
RT @SydTechLeaders: It’s our fourth birthday! Thanks @awscloud for the cupcakes. #sydtechleaders 🎂🎂🎂🎂 https://t.co/u3O6TIAdie
Who else debated the ethics of the gig economy when deciding how to get to the meetup tonight? #sydtechleaders
The Ethics Canvas seems like a good tool to start to think about ethical issues in tech… https://t.co/8y1RP1Ff3n #sydtechleaders https://t.co/4ljV15NiTu
@warkolm @SydTechLeaders It was around some of the complexity involved when your employer does business with groups who don’t share your values. If you work for yourself, you don’t have that particular problem.
RT @EthicsEducation: Top job, @SydTechLeaders @boymc If you have a heart, and a mind, we would love you to support young people learn to ta…
This is pretty amazing. I remember when one of the dorms put on the first musical in years while I was there. And now you can minor in it! https://t.co/wZpf81ZAs4
RT @SarahJ_Berry: I think about this story all the time, but I don’t think I’ve ever spoken about it on here. So here’s a thread about my c…
This feels like something you’d see in a montage at the start of a really scary movie. https://t.co/qxZ2kDuiMz
RT @PennySharpemlc: My nomination for the good Ernie was for the unnamed tradie who played loud heavy metal tunes outside the Surry Hills a…
@TheRealBnut Actually I think you get the prize for being the first! Congratulations – it’s a very ugly 100% acrylic knitted dress. 😂
@zarahjutz @m_evans10 JOLLIBEEEEEEE! 🐝❤️
I really want a Google setting that never, ever returns paywalled results. (Yes, The Australian, I’m talking about you.)
@glenngillen I’m pretty sure I can individually blacklist them from my results in settings somewhere. It just annoys me that they’re at the top of the results list for everyone when IT’S NOT PUBLIC INFORMATION.
On a related note, I wish tech companies giving a press release exclusive would make sure the publication they choose is actually, you know, readable to everyone online. 😉 https://t.co/i9H066dmIr
TIL that https://t.co/oPoeaNYGiy successfully bypasses the paywall of certain online publications.