Month: August 2018

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    @twasink It wasn’t available for the Australian article. @mmastertheone

    Proud to join my fellow Amazonians and #wearitpurpleday today. 💜

    Proud to join my fellow Amazonians and #wearitpurpleday today. 💜

    Can you feel it in the air? #frocktober is coming! 👗❤️ @gertie18

    @MsAmandaDean @georgiecel Exactly the same. Ms. I use it on every form. (I kept my name too.)

    Watching Australian rock music videos from the 80s on YouTube while sipping Negronis. What cute boys do I not know about? There’s only so many times one can watch “That Ain’t Bad” over and over…

    I used to be a productive person, and then the Snook sent me a link to this subreddit and now I’m just staring slack-jawed at videos of people cleaning their driveways.

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    I stupidly brought cash back from Macau with me. Anybody know where in Sydney I can convert MOP to AUD? Have checked a few places so far and they don’t do it…

    Ooh, the next Software Art Thou is up! @simoncarryer is going to give his “Data is a Soft Science” talk. I saw this at #yowdata earlier in the year and it was excellent. Melburnians – you should go to this! @yow_conf @Zendesk

    Just discovered that I’ve been added to @TalksAwesome! Lovely surprise. 😃 Thanks @JeffreyTheobald for the nomination…

    @gilmae Haven’t tried them yet. Will give it a go.

    @RozenMD Not a customer though?

    @charis That’s my backup plan. 😂

    @amitchell01 Yeah, I figured I was being smart by avoiding the airport. 😂 Best laid plans…

    @KirrilyDavis There’s an idea….

    Kicking off tonight’s #sydtechleaders with a great crowd. Finally got @crankymate to one of these! @gilmae @johnallsopp @diversionary @darthted @SydTechLeaders

    Plenty of @yow_conf events coming up in Sydney. They sponsored our awesome stickers! #sydtechleaders

    @crankymate That is the least enthusiastic selfie I’ve ever seen… 😂

    RT @SydTechLeaders: It’s our fourth birthday! Thanks @awscloud for the cupcakes. #sydtechleaders 🎂🎂🎂🎂

    Who else debated the ethics of the gig economy when deciding how to get to the meetup tonight? #sydtechleaders

    The Ethics Canvas seems like a good tool to start to think about ethical issues in tech… #sydtechleaders

    @warkolm @SydTechLeaders It was around some of the complexity involved when your employer does business with groups who don’t share your values. If you work for yourself, you don’t have that particular problem.

    RT @EthicsEducation: Top job, @SydTechLeaders @boymc If you have a heart, and a mind, we would love you to support young people learn to ta…

    This is pretty amazing. I remember when one of the dorms put on the first musical in years while I was there. And now you can minor in it!

    RT @SarahJ_Berry: I think about this story all the time, but I don’t think I’ve ever spoken about it on here. So here’s a thread about my c…

    This feels like something you’d see in a montage at the start of a really scary movie.

    RT @PennySharpemlc: My nomination for the good Ernie was for the unnamed tradie who played loud heavy metal tunes outside the Surry Hills a…

    @TheRealBnut Actually I think you get the prize for being the first! Congratulations – it’s a very ugly 100% acrylic knitted dress. 😂

    @zarahjutz @m_evans10 JOLLIBEEEEEEE! 🐝❤️

    I really want a Google setting that never, ever returns paywalled results. (Yes, The Australian, I’m talking about you.)

    @glenngillen I’m pretty sure I can individually blacklist them from my results in settings somewhere. It just annoys me that they’re at the top of the results list for everyone when IT’S NOT PUBLIC INFORMATION.

    On a related note, I wish tech companies giving a press release exclusive would make sure the publication they choose is actually, you know, readable to everyone online. 😉

    TIL that successfully bypasses the paywall of certain online publications.

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    Alize Cornet penalised for briefly removing shirt during US Open heatwave – such bullshit! The men take them off entirely. 😡

    RT @awscloud: Send elegant reports directly to your users’ inbox with the new email reports functionality in Amazon QuickSight! https://t.c…

    @philnash @ReelBigFish No complaints, buddy!

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    RT @barryhawkins: I am often asked, “Why did you leave Riot?”

    I usually say something like, “Cultural differences emerged between myself a…

    @saberkite I have double regret because I didn’t know you when it existed, and seeing your shared items there would’ve been amazing. 😢

    @saberkite The Old Reader.

    @andykelk But… the beans *were* foam. 🤔

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    @gilmae Wait. You give her your passwords?! This is a Rubicon we have not crossed.

    @gilmae I should clarify. ONE of us is happy to share passwords. And the other has neckbeardish tendencies that sometimes prevent this. @the_snook

    @thisismywww @gilmae It’s unusual.

    Doing a happy dance because @hannahyanfield taught me how to reply to FB Messenger messages on my iPhone without without having to install the evil app. 💃

    @randomknits YAY! That was my yesterday. Can’t wait to hear what you think.

    @bazscott @hannahyanfield @gumnutbaby1 Install the “Google” iOS app. Use it to get to Facebook and log in. You can get to the Messages tab just fine. I am boggled it works.

    ME: Check out this hat that I designed and knitted! It’s got a microcontroller and LEDs and conductive thread, and it blinks in a pattern I wrote!
    MAN: Did your husband help you with the code?

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Only a few tickets left for this Thursday’s meetup on Ethics in Tech! Our speakers @kcarruthers @johnallsopp @crankymat…

    @typesthings @msharp @iamnotyourbroom Unfortunately I’m booked the next 2 Thursdays. But don’t let that stop you!

    @msharp @typesthings @iamnotyourbroom Friday’s are good for me! And those places are both fine.

    TATBIL has legitimately made me wonder if I should try Yakult. 🤔

    @shinyUX Yup. And it was someone I used to work with. 😡

    RT @starbuxman: I don’t have too much free time you’ve got too much free time

    RT @JennaPrice: What I know about media bullies.

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    Ooh. I know I’ve spoken to a few of you about the personal CRM solutions I’ve tried. I’ve just registered for @uphabit’s trial! @mattallen @frankarr @lucykbain

    RT @ScottFeinberg: RIP John McCain. And thank you.

    Is this a thing that really needed to exist?

    @sebastiangrail Wow! I’ve never heard of it before. I like Coke with a slice of lemon, but I’ve never thought of putting orange with it.

    @starbuxman HA! Although given that it’s in Australia, I don’t think it’s complimentary if it is. 🙂

    @kcarruthers @annie_parker @aimee_maree @pipms @joannejacobs @ChiefDisrupter @MariaMacNamara1 @MingYLong Pardon the crudity, but having a Fuck Off Fund helps a lot. (Paying off my student loans was a really momentous day.)

    I agree in principle, but I still cringed when I heard an ABC newsreader say “nucular” this morning.

    @FourRedShoes @britishlibrary I would like to preorder this NOW! 😃

    @iamnotyourbroom @typesthings @msharp Please count me in on anything like this too!

    @nickzoic Nah, been having a much needed break from tech events for the past few months!

    @typesthings @iamnotyourbroom @msharp I’m in Chippendale – cloistered city person, basically. 🙂

    Watching “To All The Boys I’ve Loved” and IT. IS. WONDERFUL. ❤️

    @LukeSleeman It’s smart, and funny, and well-made, and the main character is Asian American, and the boys are cute, and I genuinely don’t know how it will end. I also like how modern it is with the social media use. It’s a very good rom com so far!

    @lucykbain It’s delightful! I kept trying to make a P&P connection with younger sister Kitty and wondering who would be Wickham. 😂

    RT @zfedraws: me when im 30 with no kids

    Doctor: ur biological clock is ticking

    me: tik tok on the clock but th party dont stop no

    Me watching TATBIL: Why don’t you ever write me notes?!
    The Snook: I text you on Hangouts all the time!
    Me: “Get coffee beans” IS HARDLY ROMANTIC.

    I pulled the lace apart (again) and reknitted it (again), because that one mistake was making me crazy. And if there are still errors, I’m going to set it on fire. 🔥

    RT @jakevdp: Facts that may or may not be obvious:

    – Jupyter is a nod to 3 languages: Julia, Python, and R

    – the “gg” in ggplot stands fo…

    RT @Gaohmee: You need to check yourself HARD if you are one of these people responding to the shooting like this.

    You don’t deserve games.…

    It’s nice when the algorithms work in your favour. (Well played, @Spotify.) 👏

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    This is very, very relevant to my interests. 🕹

    I would tell you the number of times I’ve screwed up this stupid lace section, but it would just make @randomknits and @knitterjp laugh more. (READING PATTERNS IS HARD.) 😩

    @randomknits @knitterjp The Rav page mentions which chart is which. I finally nailed it on like my sixth try. ✊


    @randomknits @knitterjp I’m leaving it.

    @randomknits @knitterjp I hate lace.

    After a day trying over and over to accurately knit an 18-row lace pattern into a parallelogram, this thread really resonates. Last weekend I spent coding. The coding was way easier.

    Oh what a day! What a lovely day! (LACE VANQUISHED.) 💥🌈

    @Alegrya Fiberfest 2018 shawl from @KnitGuildNSW, but modified as a scarf.

    RT @tlakomy: Advice for conf speakers:

    When someone you care for is speaking, sit in the first row. Be there for them. Laugh at their joke…