Month: August 2018
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I did not expect this to crossover with Hamilton… 😁
Tasty! – Drinking a P.I.S.S. by @StavesBrewery at @StavesBrewery —
WAIT JUST A SECOND. Is Timothée Chalamet playing Laurie? Because that is going to killllll me, in the best possible way. 😭
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RT @awscloud: We’ve created a blog & guide to offer a peek inside the exciting things happening at #VMworld related to VMware Cloud on AWS.…
@tunaranch I’ve been using @TheOldReader pretty much since Reader went away, and I’m happy with the UI. It’s the loss of the community that I had built up in Reader that’s irreplaceable.
@StokesXandra My husband half-joked last night that I should start charging consulting rates for any who wants to pick my brain about Yet Another Women in Tech Initiative. It’s getting to that stage.
Very cool event that will be of interest to some of you!
RT @AWSCloudANZ: Are you going to be at @pyconau 🐍💛💚 this year? Come chat with the team to learn how you can join the AWS team in Sydney. h…
What’s It Like to Be A Solutions Architect at AWS ANZ? For those wondering what my team actually does! via @YouTube
@LukeSleeman @starkcoffee Yes! Two awesome SG folks are @purnimakamath and @coderkungfu. 😊
Korean Royal Court Stir-Fried Rice Cakes. Got to practice my knife skills a lot on this one!
RT @iamnotyourbroom: I don’t use Twitter much these days, but I’m popping back briefly for this.
I finally got around to writing down some…
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My first Alexa skill went live (Roald Dahl trivia!) so I scored a sweet new hoodie. 😊
@frankarr @mattallen Uh, I am the Queen of this Club. Have I not shown you my ridiculous contact management system that I had to develop so I could search people based on arbitrary attributes (like “the guy with the eyebrows”) because I can’t remember their actual names anymore?
@frankarr @mattallen PS neither of you are the guy with the eyebrows.
RT @awscloud: Are you interested in building your knowledge on the foundations of AWS? Access our complimentary digital training. https://t…
RT @awscloud: Learn how to pick the right design pattern for your serverless application with AWS Lambda in our upcoming tech talk! https:/…
@DrNemski @frankarr @mattallen Yes. It’s called @FullContact. Still requires a lot of pruning to keep it useful though!
@bartlorang The hardest part isn’t really anything you can help with – it’s making the time to add in my notes on new contacts. Maybe a way to find all contacts *without* notes? Prompt me to provide it for recently added contacts while it’s still fresh in my mind?
@bartlorang I also tried out Cloze and liked how it gave me a single view of all contact with a person. (I just didn’t like all the CRM stuff around it.) That would be a pretty significant request though I’m guessing! 😂
@bartlorang @lioromano For me, the context isn’t meetings with invited guests so much as conferences and meetup groups. I need some sort of AR glasses. 😂
We need a “Days Since Kris Has Bitched About Google Reader’s Demise” counter on the wall. It doesn’t often get above 30. (Currently sitting at 0, fwiw.)
A plea: ask for permission before you introduce Person B to Person A, especially if you know Person B is going to immediately ask Person A to do unpaid emotional labour.
@StokesXandra Oh, I know. And if they ask, I always say yes. But it’s rude not to ask.
@imdominating Jesus. Glad you’re okay.
@johnallsopp Same. Same. Same.
Always amused when a story from The Australian is the top shared one on @nuzzel. At least it saves me from clicking on it… 😂
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TFW you’re having a busy stressful day and you step out of the lift and run into @lemon_lime who gives you the biggest hug, and you really needed it, and suddenly everything is okay again. ❤️
@lemon_lime AWWW, so the universe was really looking out for me!
@incunabulista It’s the official FibreFest 2018 Knitters Guild NSW shawl, except I’m making it not a shawl. 😂
@lemon_lime New service idea: HaaS. 🤗
I’ve put up my hand for Sunrise this year as part of the @startmate Mentor Experience, powered by @awscloud. Looking forward to meeting some passionate founders and talking to them about engaging with the right technical folks to help them out! #sunrise18
Current mood. 🍷
@charis It’s actually a fairly small glass. 😂
@Asher_Wolf Mine was a hug from a good friend when I needed it!
@gilmae I keep picturing a vampire, but I can’t remember what from…
@gilmae I KNEW IT! (LOL at Lester. Lestat would be so put out.)
@thursdayb @otterfaseowl @glasnt @hawkieowl Same.
@AllSchuckUp @themaninblue @canva @MelanieCanva @cliffobrecht @davidhearnden @crankymate Congratulations all around!
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RT @SydTechLeaders: All of our speakers for the “Ethics in Tech” meetup on Aug 30 at UNSW have been announced! @kcarruthers, @johnallsopp,…
@decryption And my finger’s hovering over the button…
Do NOT call it a shawl.
@bluesmoon Yep. You can use them for straight knitting too. I don’t really use straight needles anymore as I find them annoying.
Last night I asked Google Home to play some “Frederic f**king Chopin”. It demurred and actually BLEEPED in its denial! Tonight I’ll have to check Alexa… #ihavenotyetbeguntodebasemyself