Month: August 2018

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    Ahhh, Venice. 😂🇮🇹

    Vincent and I have done over 7000 steps before 11am, so a little poolside rest is in order…

    RT @awscloud: Amazon Redshift uses machine learning to automatically hop short queries to an express queue. Get faster results for your BI…

    Random non-English-speaking Chinese lady just insisted on taking a selfie with me at the hotel pool. This happened on my last visit to HK too. What the hell? So I look like a local celeb, or am I some sort of mythical creature here??

    @uxmixture Right now I’m at the pool at the Parisian hotel in Macao.

    @gojkoadzic 😳

    @gojkoadzic That was not covered in the employer-mandated high risk travel training. 😂

    @gojkoadzic It’s a work conference! My boss is here! … somewhere. 😂

    @jeffpatton @DocOnDev @davidhussman David – I feel extremely fortunate that I got to meet you at @yow_oz last year. Not to mention when you reached out to hook me up with an opportunity a few months when you really didn’t have to. It was unexpected and very appreciated! ❤️

    @sj26 @MelissaKaulfuss @ZacDavies I want all of these beers, now.

    @tomaszbednarz @Data61news @EPICentreUNSW @artdesignunsw Very cool – great work @tomaszbednarz !

    Yep, backing up what Jess says here. Sadly, I’ve seen a few juniors in the Sydney market get way less than this. Don’t let yourself be exploited! There are employers who will pay you what you’re worth.

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    Looks like I might have a row to myself on the way to Hong Kong! ❤️

    RT @awscloud: Learn how to extract value from large volumes of unstructured content with Amazon Comprehend & Amazon RDS!…

    RT @awscloud: At our Wall St. Journal Custom Hub, we share a bit about AWS’s culture of security & how that can help you with your complian…

    @polleyg @the_thagomizer Yes, this is a Thing many folks have tried. Google KnitML for one example.

    Made it to HKIA, only 75min late. Missed my ferry. 😐 (@ Hong Kong International Airport – @hkairport in Hong Kong)

    Finally on the ferry to Macao! (@ SkyPier in Chek Lap Kok)

    Finally made it to my hotel… which is pretty surreal. 😳🇫🇷

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    We’re like the Pink Ladies, but cooler. (Thanks @jpofoz!) #craftygirlgang @_gadgetgirl_

    RT @awscloud: Copies of your Amazon RDS database snapshots between AWS Regions are now incremental for encrypted databases, allowing copies…

    A: Having friends is a lot of *work*.
    B: Yeah, that’s why I gave up on that shit.

    Gudetama is reluctantly visiting Knitters Guild. @knittersguildnsw

    Maple Bacon Blini. Worth leaving the house for!

    RT @SydTechLeaders: The SydTechLeaders Slack channel is now open! You can request an invitation here: As with all…

    @shenmaxiu Thanks! Fairly recent one, in fact. 😂

    RT @awscloud: How to choose the right purpose-built database for each job:

    @starbuxman LOVE. IT.

    RT @starbuxman: It’s here it’s here I love this shirt


    @carnivorous8008 Sadly, no. I have had to invent my own, and it’s still pretty dumb. (Blog post forthcoming.)

    @amitchell01 @carnivorous8008 My husband wants one of those. We had a LitterMate when they first came out (lugged one all the way from the US as a piece of luggage!) but our cats hated it.

    Blog post: IoT all the things! 💥 In which I use an @awscloud IoT button to create an automated litterbox reminder. 🙀💩 (Thanks @frankarr for the button!)

    @frconil The rule of thumb is actually n+1. We have two cats, but only 2 litter boxes instead of 3.

    @elegantpoem @awscloud @frankarr The post is linked right there! 😂

    Dad has done it again. He just texted me photos of his latest barbecue invention: RON’S PIZZA BOMB. 😂🍕💣 Ready?

    Step 1: “Pepperoni onions ham red pepper garlic sautéed in olive oil” (Incidentally, their stove is vintage and ADORABLE. It’s from the 60s and it’s blue with chunky buttons. I love it.)

    Step 2: “2 pounds sausage rolled out 1/2 inch thick”. I think you can see where this is going. 🍕💣

    Step 3: “Put all ingredients on sausage along with pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese” 🍕💣

    Step 4: “Roll up and wrap with bacon. I passed on doing a weave” Skipping his signature bacon weave?? 😱🍕💣

    Step 5: “Put on smoker.” He appears to have fastened the bacon with toothpicks… 🍕💣

    Step 6: “2 1/2 hrs later today it’s done. And the payoff… MONEY” 🍕💣

    Clearly he needs to write a meat-based cookbook.

    And I didn’t even tell you the best part: he lives on BONER LAKE. Not kidding. The book title possibilities are endless, right?!

    @MkHeck Middle of nowhere Indiana!

  • IoT all the things! 💥

    IoT all the things! 💥

    When I was in Melbourne last week, my friend Frank gave me an AWS IoT Button to play with. The Snook has been on a home automation tear lately so I told him we’d need to come up something cool to do with it. Less than 24 hours later, he messaged me:

    Today the Button was still in its box, taunting me, so I decided it was time for action. A few short hours of fiddling later, the “Smart” Litterbox was born!

    Full details are over at Github, but in a nutshell: whenever we clean the litterbox, we single-click the button to update a timestamp in DynamoDB. A double-click creates a task to buy litter bags in Todoist, and a long-press creates one to buy litter. Once a day, a serverless Lambda function checks the timestamp in the database and sends a reminder email if it’s more than two days in the past.

    Pretty cool, eh? Now I just need to get some more Buttons!