Month: August 2018
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@stevelikesyou @soxyface Oh man! So jealous I can’t make it. 🙁
@FakeSamRitchie @sir_tilbrook But where are your podcasts?? 🤔
@FakeSamRitchie @sir_tilbrook I presume it’ll have a punny name…
RT @AWSCloudANZ: Public Sector Cloud Transformation is here! Build your Cloud strategy from the 40 sessions at the #AWSPSSummit Canberra. h…
Protip for conf speakers: announce that you are taking a six month hiatus. You will then be inundated with offers to speak at amazing events that you have to turn down. (Ask me how I know.) 😐
@soxyface @stevelikesyou It’s even worse. I actually had a talk accepted for it that I had to turn down. 😭
@techevangelista If you lived closer to Oz, I’d be happily referring some of these to you!
TIANA’S NATURAL HAIR !!!!!!!!!these casual princess lOOKS 😍😍…
RT @AWSCloudANZ: Hear from the innovators & learn from the #cloudcomputing builders at our #AWSPSSummit Canberra. h…
The saddest creature in the world. (That’s a bandage on her foot. She had an ingrown nail.) 😿
@frankarr Step 1: don’t look at Frank’s phone tool icons… 😂
Making fun of the cat’s bandaged foot… I’m a bad person. (She keeps shaking it like the bandage is a sock she can’t get off.) 😂
RT @thatjoshboys: Had someone on the weekend say they couldn’t make an upcoming event due to cost. Any professional devs out there from an…
I shouldn’t laugh so much… 😂
We’re rewatching the Bond movies, and I am LIVING for Felix Leiter’s sunnies in Dr. No.
Honey Ryder was drugged and locked up all night by Dr. No – so how did she get her hair to look like that?!
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Taking Vincent out for his first beautiful sunny Sydney winter day.
@purnimakamath I didn’t expect to find them in Sydney. Turns out only one store got them, and I got a tip from a super helpful guy at the @VANS_66 shop to head there straight away before they sold out! ❤️
@MichelePlayfair Here’s that Canberra event I was telling you about!
RT @fleurdeliqueur: Netflix should add the category “Sorry There Are No More Episodes of Bake-Off and Queer Eye, You’re Clearly Going Throu…
RT @yow_conf: Our signature conference in December has sold out in Sydney for the last 2 years.
#YOW18 Sydney 2 Day Conference Early Bird t…
RT @AWSCloudANZ: Amazon EC2 P3 instances, one of the most powerful GPU instances in the cloud, now available in Asia Pacific (Sydney) 🇦🇺reg…
Does @Telstra spam every customer as much as me? Or is it just because I only recently switched to them? Just had an actual phone call to “check I’m getting the most value” from my plan, and I had a hard time getting him to accept “I’m fine, no really.”
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RT @SydTechLeaders: It’s finally happening: Ethics in Technology on July 30th at UNSW in Kensington. Limited spots, so only claim a ticket…
@TheRealBnut @SydTechLeaders ARGH. August. Thanks.
Nice view from the AWS Melbourne office! 🌧
@crankymate Yes. A few folks here took great delight in explaining the concept of “rain” to the Sydneysider. 🙃
Time to head home! (@ Melbourne Airport – @melair in Tullamarine, VIC)
RT @woolloomoolo0: @lifeasdaddy @web_goddess Read out blog about this Memorial here –
RT @codinghorror: “I don’t quite know how to put this, but our entire field is bad at what we do, and if you rely on us, everyone will die.…
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First question for @jeffbarr is, of course, about the purple hair. 👨🎤 #purplejeff #AWSDevDay
Gudetama is very excited for this morning’s keynote! #awsdevday
Interesting. @jeffbarr connects Open Source with @awscloud’s customer obsession – it’s about communication and collaboration. #AWSDevDay
If you want to join in today, there are live streams happening! #AWSDevDay
LOL! @jeffbarr told a heartwarming story about his daughter growing up to be a rocket scientist… and capped it by saying he insisted his kids all used Emacs, exclusively. (There were legit gasps from the audience.) 😂 #AWSDevDay
Fun demo as 1000+ people all load a Sumerian AR demo in their browser! (My dancer was upside down.) 😂 #AWSDevDay
Learning about Serverless Application Model from Gerardo. This is relevant to my interests. #AWSDevDay
SAM CLI – I can mock and test my serverless apps locally?! 😍 #AWSDevDay
Just met my new colleague Jenny today – excited to see a full house for her talk on machine learning tools! #AWSDevDay
@ricardoxmit You got it!! 👏👏
TFW you can see @jeffbarr posing for selfies in the distance but you’re *almost* up to the coffee cart and it’s truly a life or death caffeine situation… 😫☕️ #purplejeff #AWSDevDay
RT @aurynn: Okay yeah this event has been extremely excellent so far. You should have some quality FOMO right now.
Learning about building cross account CI/CD pipelines from @brentjmaxwell. Looks like a good approach to dealing with environment complexity… #AWSDevDay
@malcolmsheridan I’m relatively new to serverless. Don’t make me feel bad for not knowing everything!
@petehanssens @brentjmaxwell Landing Zones were in there! I had to duck out before the end but I definitely saw mention.
RT @wbm312: “I’ll do it on the plane” is the biggest lie I tell to myself.
RT @aurynn: “Because secrets want to be free they get into source code repositories”
It’s so true
RT @deekob: Having a great time at #awsdevday in Melb, come and try a #awsdevlab while you still have time @AWSCloudANZ…
Learning about using Parameter Store to keep your secrets… secret. “I am French, so I like to put baguettes in my password for extra flavour and crustiness.” 😂🥖 #AWSDevDay @aurelienrequiem
@aurynn Wheels are in motion. 😉
Mark the date, people. My first appearance on an AWS event big screen! 😁 #AWSDevDay
I was so excited to see @aurynn on the #AWSDevDay panel. We need more folks in the industry who think deeply about our industry and culture.
@The_McJones MIGNON. Actually, that’s pretty good. 😂😂😂
@The_McJones @TheRealBnut I have no idea what you mean.
RT @Atrioc: Whoever put up this fake sticker of an open outlet at the airport, you are now my enemy for life.
RT @codemonkeh: Quite refreshing coming to #AWSDevDay. There are so many great services out there that do something specific easily. The fu…
RT @joebarnard: I just learned that the Mars Curiosity Rover no longer beeps out Happy Birthday on its landing anniversary. @NASA decided “…
@JodiMcA @JennaGuillaume @TheGrimRecapper I 100% support this idea!!
@aurynn I think you mean there is a small amount of salad under your cheese.
@paul_okeeffe From my continued existence (as evidenced by my ability to tweet), you may safely conclude YES. 😂
Honestly, this may be one of my fave self tweets ever. *pats self on back* 🧔🏻
@bazscott The word you are looking for is INSPIRED. 😜