I’ve said it before – the best way to stave off tech burnout is to mentor. Just had a great 1st session with a developer excited to give her first ever tech talk! That kind of enthusiasm is infectious. ❤️
RT @awscloud: Use Kinesis Data Analytics to analyze data streams with SQL: https://t.co/Zh4ZEkIGiw https://t.co/icswhrF8oz
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How do I prepare my environment to work with the AWS CLI and DynamoDB? Handy video from my new colleague Sayem – https://t.co/MN12uyNljM
@selketjah For me, burnout happens when I’m just… over it. When I’m fed up with the entire industry and want to burn it to the ground. Helping people starting out rebuilds my reserves. I gave a whole talk about it: https://t.co/CHWEOPuG5E
Any Kiwis looking for a mentor? 😁 https://t.co/apVKxbZUnD
@jntrnr I’ve just shared that out. The other thing I’ve seen people do is go to a meetup and make an announcement that you’re available as a mentor.
@jntrnr I also gave some more ideas in a talk: https://t.co/CHWEOPuG5E (towards the end IIRC).
@markdalgleish Did we, though? I was a FE dev in the dotcom boom and most of the sites I built were pixel-perfect attempts at print layouts with terrible usability.
@markdalgleish Ahhh, yeah, those days were weird and delightful, I’ll grant you. 🙂
RT @damiencave: Just how big is Apple, with its $1 trillion value? This has to be the most creative and interesting way to find out. https:…