Month: September 2018

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    Sunday morning brekkie, courtesy of me: potato/sausage/silverbeet hash with a poached egg! 🍳

    RT @ErynnBrook: I want to tell you a story about how my mum taught me that I’m allowed to leave an uncomfortable situation.

    @i386 You’re like the tenth person to send it to me, and the hilarious thing is that its creator @chixors is my friend. She must be getting inundated even more than I am. 😂

    @i386 @chixors Sarah and I are the Australian tech industry’s Designated Knitting Friends, so we get all the links… 😜

    @i386 Yes please! Now that I am somewhat more settled in my job, I can surface again. Too bad my ability for afternoon gin sessions is gone…

    @i386 I’ll wear my boots and fleece vest! 😍🎃

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    RT @FeralCrone: The last few days, the only things that can convey my feelings or general state are Hieronymus Bosch details. Here’s me con…

    I’m an expat Hoosier who just received her absentee ballot for November, and I thank @SenDonnelly for his principled stance. You will proudly get my vote, Sir.

    The Snook’s mother brought down a few more gems from his stuff back home. You know that pop-up computer book that went viral on Twitter? He had it.

    RT @mobywhale: Any parents out there interested in this?

    RT @darthted: Just a reminder. If Kanavaugh is rejected, the next candidate will be just as racist, anti-women, anti-democratic as Brett. M…

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    @yow_conf That’s @chixors. She was one of the Women in Tech recipients last year. 😉

    RT @tsunamino: Yesterday on BART I heard one Asian lady engineer give negotiation advice to her friend that was so egregiously wrong, I alm…

    @Amys_Kapers @yow_conf @chixors Everything before I left is “last year” in my mind. 😂

    RT @em_bee_kay: I’ve never wished so hard that Alyssa Milano was a real witch.

    RT @70s_party: Be the best version of you

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    @chrisgander She’s a friend. 🙂 (And no, it’s machine knitting. I don’t do that!)

    The irony of everybody constantly sending me knitting links when I do so little of it these days… 😐

    @LareneLg That’s fantastic! Well done. 🙂

    RT @pattonoswalt: Holy shit this thread

    RT @MadeleineLEngle: “Stay angry, little Meg,” Mrs Whatsit whispered. “You will need all your anger now.”

    RT @AaronFullerton: One of these is from today’s hearing. The other is a still from The Handmaid’s Tale.

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    @mobywhale @webdirections I’ll be there with @the_snook! 👋

    Nice crowd of all my fave people as @johnallsopp kicks off @webdirections #wdyk

    First speaker is @msharp on why bees are awesome. (I love this already!) #wdyk @webdirections 🐝🐝🐝🐝

    Learning about native bee sexual habits from @msharp.

    @MikeRiethmuller: “What does this have to do with tech?”
    Me: “Shut up! It’s awesome!”

    😂🐝❤️ #wdyk @webdirections

    @MikeRiethmuller @msharp @webdirections Bee cool you dorks.

    Now @damncabbage is talking about compilers… and video games, maybe? 😁 #wdyk

    @MikeRiethmuller @msharp @webdirections Oh, honey. 😬

    Heh. @rioter on the difficulties facing remote workers. It’s not all twirling on a mountainside. 😂 #wdyk

    Happy birthday to @200okpublic, who is celebrating with a talk that appears to be an extended Trainspotting rant. 😂 #wdyk

    @NickyWill100 I do. She’s a friend as she spoke at my Art + Tech miniconf last year. @chixors – you’re on SBS!!

    RT @datachick: Male speakers: when you see the speaker line up and everyone looks like you, privately contact the event organizers and ask…

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    @damncabbage LOOOOLLLLLLL

    @minxdragon Whoa!! 🤞🤞🤞

    Celebrating passing my AWS Cloud Practitioner certification by going to the #awsdevwarrior meetup. Because I don’t have enough ☁️ in my life. 😂

    Very cool talk on Kubernetes from @dfrnascimento. He recommended this repo of awesome k8s resources: #awsdevwarrior

    @jesse_bryant @CloudcraftCo Whaaat, that looks super cool!

    RT @JodiMcA: Jen is faking her own death as a way of making Joey realise that it’s always been Pacey, and then when Joey has made her choic…

    RT @caitie: Good morning Twitter, your periodic reminder that “Hey guys” is not inclusive language, This is even more glaring when its used…

    Ooh, @grabyourfork went to Bistecca! It’s not often I manage to beat her to a restaurant. If you want to see photos of what @delitescere has been raving about, it’s here:

    Really honoured to be referenced in @GlennSarti’s talk on sharing from #NDCSydney. 😍 Thanks Glenn! Glad to have helped in some small way.

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    RT @qikipedia: Scientists say James’ Giant Peach would require 2,425,907 seagulls to lift it, not 501 as Roald Dahl said.

    Just verified for myself that Chrome now forces browser logins when accessing Gmail. Ugh. Guess that means it’s “out with the old, in with the new” time! Here I come, @firefox…

    @corduroy @tjbyte @firefox Dudes. Contempt culture. Not helpful! (I’ve been using Firefox at work so I’m getting used to it.)

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    “Ladies in Black” was light but charming. How could I not enjoy a film that argues that immigrants and clever girls in pretty frocks are what makes Australia great? ❤️🍷👗

    @Asher_Wolf Hearing Noni Hazlehurst in “Ladies in Black” saying the most important thing for an Aussie girl is to be clever, while sitting in the middle of a row of very clever Aussie girls. ❤️

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    A great way to start the weekend… 🍷🧀

    Ohai. I’m in love. ❤️🐶