Month: September 2018

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    You listen to ONE Willie Nelson song… (Now I have to delete my Spotify account.) 😐

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Lots of conversations and (epic) pizza happening as we get ready to kick off tonight’s meetup on “Remuneration”! 🤑 #syd…

    BWAHAHAHA! @GRobilliard put me in her #sydtechleaders talk. 😂

    Huh. @GRobilliard says that by Australian law, companies aren’t actually able to forbid you from discussing your salary. I was not aware of that. #sydtechleaders

    Gudetama suggests you join the #sydtechleaders Slack!

    RT @hannahyanfield: “Number of years of experience is a poor measure of knowing what someone is worth. Know your value and what you bring t…

    Another thing I learned tonight at #sydtechleaders: Most job ads don’t include salary bands out of fear existing staff will see them and get upset!

    Heh. @stevelikesyou is having a big week of speaking at Sydney meetups. 😁 #sydtechleaders

    I’m not as emotionally perceptive as people give me credit for. So if you’ve reached out to me for help and I missed it, I’m so sorry. It’s not your fault.

    @BugHunterSam Say hello to my lovely friends at @indigitek! 👋

    RT @wolfcat: Why yes, you can now buy your own #sydneytsunami t-shirt, phone cover, pillow etc already. https://t.c…

    Me: “Oh! I got the results from the psychometric personality test they had us do in the training session.”

    The Snook: “Is it just a big picture of Hermione?”


    He’s not that far off, to be honest.

    @Amys_Kapers @MichelePlayfair @georgiecel ❤️❤️❤️

    @jeremybrown My Daily Mixes are usually pretty good!

    @mattallen @toolmantim Was a good flight while it lasted. 😁

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    @notsolonecoder Ooof. On the plus side, it’s a good story. 🙂

    As part of yesterday’s training course, we had to draw our career journey. Mine ended up a bit more meandering and illustrative than most… but I’m okay with that. 😊

    @AmanAlam To be honest, I ran out of time for the exercise so it cuts off abruptly!

    @saberkite That was when I met you all, at the Tribal party, right? That was before I even started!

    Scripting is wizardry, really. “I have a CSV of 1000 posts on my blog that are broken, and I need to download the images from A to B and then somehow update all the posts in the database.” 💥 (Have I mentioned lately that my husband is really smart and helpful?) ❤️

    RT @Asher_Wolf: Oh fuck off.

    @petehanssens Probably eventually. For now it’s still a WordPress blog with 18 years of content (nearly 16,000 posts)! Baby steps…

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    @DataTechTalk I would normally be, but the moment my speaking is on hold – need to get PR-certified by new employer. So I’m on hiatus!

    RT @ignitesydney: Whether you’re an experienced presenter like Kris, or are new to public speaking, we’ll help you to deliver a great speec…

    @DataTechTalk Hi Shamma – to be honest I don’t have capacity right now to take on any volunteer projects.

    I love how in one of them, she’s basically grown up to be @Doctor_Astro! ❤️

    Hey @Google – how come you ask me for prefs and then disregard them? I screenshotted it on Sept. 8 just to prove I wasn’t imagining it. Today setting is flipped again. 😐

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    @lucykbain Almost like a crunchy cookie!

    @lynnlangit @TIMTAM You’ve gone fully native. 😂

    @emd3737 Oh RT! And you’re lactose intolerant. 😂

    RT @KailiJoy: A woman is trying to protect us from putting an attempted rapist on the Supreme Court, and she’s going to be destroyed for it…

    Without a doubt, my two @ignitesydney talks were the most challenging and rewarding speaking experiences of my career to date. And guess what? Submissions are open for the next one. BACK YOURSELF!

    @chrisgander @ignitesydney Which one? 😉

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    RT @lynnlangit: Thread – building software + empathy

    @Amys_Kapers @DDDPerth Facebook reminded me it was one year ago today too. 😭

    RT @babefromtoyland: Hey event organizers — if you’re on a limited budget and have to make a choice between offering food and booze, PICK…

    Hey fellow US expats – don’t forget to register to vote and request your ballot for the November midterms! You haven’t missed any deadlines, and will walk you through the steps. #BlueWave2018

    @larsklint @PubConf @NDC_Conferences Dammit, $40? I miss being a speaker. 😂

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Still a few tickets left for Thursday’s meetup on Remuneration! @knitterjp, @MsJonesInSydney, a…

    @charis Wow. Glad to hear it wasn’t as bad as feared!

    @corduroy Clever bastards!

    RT @jessicahische: One of the best things any woman in her 20s can do for herself is befriend awesome women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s+.…

    Did the shopping, registered to vote, balanced the check book, emailed the accountant, proofread a doc, set up my #frocktober page, made soup and baked a pie. Productive Sunday!

    @Kat13v Nah. Just a euphemism for updating all the balances in @ynab. 👍

    RT @zekjur: Linus Torvalds finally admits “My flippant attacks in emails have been both unprofessional and uncalled for.” in…

    RT @shanselman: Here’s a “Representation Matters” story that might surprise you. We often hear how nice it for women or people of color to…

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    RT @fvrmvn: if someone rebranded “doing the dishes” as “Sink Zero” there would be a lot more guys in Silicon Valley with clean kitchens

    The thinking woman’s crumpet… ❤️

    RT @wendynather: Please be our keynote

    TFW you’re the odd one out at a table full of Googlers… 😶

    @LapTop006 I should’ve worn some AWS swag. 😂

    Drinking The Hazy One by Byron Bay Brewery @ Watergrill – Sydney Rowing Club —

    Turkish fairy floss FTW!

    “Pass the parcel to the person with the shortest hair!” 🎁

    When you’re at a joint 40th party that suddenly turns into a wedding. Congrats Kenneth and Carina!!! 😭❤️🥂

    @MichelePlayfair Yay! Miss you all.

    Congratulations to the happy couple!

    “The Ping-Pong Theory of Tech Sexism” by @matterstudios // I’ve worked in 3 tech companies with ping pong tables. Never seen a woman playing once. 😐