RT @Scott_Helme: I’m in India delivering a training course on TLS and the hotel gave me the best room in the house 😎🔒💚 https://t.co/cIyxrnm…
Month: September 2018
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LIFE GOALS! ‘Like an adult cubbyhouse’: How the Sunliner became an Australian icon with a cult following https://t.co/xjuXeVNqWF https://t.co/R4chZ8j2UZ
RT @TristanACooper: Spider-Man has a button that lets you say hi to pedestrians and I’m not going to stop until I’ve given everyone in New…
Placebo buttons: Australian pedestrians press for no reason at traffic lights https://t.co/k5tIAZfUH8 // I highlighted the key bit. “Most of the time” means you still have to press the damn button. 😐 https://t.co/SDbiVNi781
@hannahcancode EXACTLY!
@msharp The hours are mentioned in the article. My point is that if it’s not 100% of the time, then always pushing the button is the rational response. They make it sound like people are stupid, when in reality they’re being perfectly logical.
@catehstn @jessfraz Gahhhh so jealous! Can’t wait for a review. ❄️❤️
THIS. So much this. https://t.co/iAglovFw75
@JessTelford Well, to be fair it’s hard to print a summary when speakers are changing their damn talks right up until the last minute. 😂
WordPress experts: did the default behaviour of WP_Query change? Just spent 2 hours debugging issue on @RoaldDahlFans only to discover it’s because page_type was defaulting to ‘post’ and I was looking for pages. BUT! It used to work, and I haven’t changed code. 😠
And I’ve been looking at the WP Codex and bug reports and I can’t find any mention of it ever being different. So how the hell did my previous queries (which didn’t specify post_type at all) even work?
There is nothing more frustrating than tracking down and fixing a bug, and then not being able to figure out how your code ever worked in the first place.
@miss_jwo Hehe, it’s okay. Yeah, I reckon something got more strict. Unfortunately I can’t figure out when! https://t.co/OoJkl7lNYI shows pages looking correct in 2017, but no captures in 2018 so I’m not sure when it broke.
@miss_jwo I keep plugin usage fairly minimal, but it could’ve been related, I guess. This was just a custom shortcode I wrote to pull in links to pages with certain tags. I had to specify post_type=page to get it to work again!
@miss_jwo SAME! Like, it works now, but why did it ever work before? 😂 You could be on to something – the shortcode is only used on pages.
@miss_jwo Example is this page: https://t.co/ToqR79gTDw. That list is generated from a shortcode, and underlying function is here (except it prev worked without post_type) https://t.co/7FikxyyziO
Can confirm that “Set It Up” is an excellent, more-adult-than-TATBIL-but-still-super-charming romcom. (Charlie is no Peter Kavinsky, but let’s be honest – no one is.) Highly recommended if you have a lot of ironing to get through. 👍
@GlennSarti Well, except as near as I can tell, I wrote the original code over a year ago and it was working fine… up until some unspecified point in the hopefully recent past. 😩
@amitchell01 Yep – won’t make that mistake again! 🙂
@Amys_Kapers Reclaim the romcom! No shame when they’re good. 😉
RT @developerjack: While the #Australian gov has us worried about #MyHealthRecord, it’s sneakily trying to legislate government backed hack…
@EricGershman @BR3NDA @RobMurrish @AlecMuffett @Asher_Wolf You’re in luck. 🙂 https://t.co/3pLqbLJ4zU
Dirty Girls
This is amazing. In 1996, a high school senior in California shot a documentary about a group of punk-feminist 8th grade girls. It’s a time capsule. I love this…
My impulse when watching was to figure out where I would’ve been in that particular social pecking order. (I graduated in ’95, so a few years older than most of the students in the film.) I would’ve admired those girls, I think, but I didn’t have the self-confidence to fully identify. I was trying so hard to not stand out, while simultaneously really wanting to. I was probably one of the milquetoast hangers-on, to be honest.
I was really happy to read a follow-up to see that the women are still kicking ass now, 20+ years later, and they’re fine with the reaction to the video.
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@MichelePlayfair It’s been amazing watching your tweets. Are you having fun? 🙂
TIL about AWS Lambda versioning… and how, if I’d been smart, I would’ve used an alias for the endpoint for my Alexa skill and thus now have to go through certification again. 😩
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RT @CriminelleLaw: So last week, out of the blue, the man who asked me to marry him remarked as follows:
“sometimes I wish you were just a…
RT @Asher_Wolf: You know what’s really grubby? Bullying women on social media. https://t.co/1tvwJUeCFf
She just made me tear up a little bit. Such an inspiration! https://t.co/Af6SxO1kjF
@JamesDestined What happened?
Learning new things. <mantra>Growth mindset. Growth mindset. Growth mindset.</mantra>
RT @yow_conf: There’s still time to get your ticket to our upcoming Business Agility Conference. Come join us in Sydney on 24-25 Sept.
NES, Gameboy, The Sims, CircleMUD, euchre (both real and virtual a la Yahoo Games), Minesweeper, Jezzball, Bejeweled (on my old Handspring Visor), Snake (on my crappy Nokia phone)… https://t.co/MTpcsAUDiq
@JavierInchausti Nope! NES was the last console that I really liked, tbh.
@voltagex …and I found this today too. https://t.co/oJEu8WgnXb (Goodbye, productivity.)
@LapTop006 @voltagex ZOMG I LOVED THAT TOO!
RT @RoaldDahlFans: If you want a fun way to celebrate #RoaldDahlDay, why not test your skills against some Roald Dahl trivia with our Alexa…
@tcn33 Nice callout in the Sizzle today! 👏 @decryption
@lizthegrey Wow, that’s amazing! Kick some ass. 🙂
@AlecMuffett @Asher_Wolf I saw an IoT talk two years ago where the parent had built a system where the lightbulbs would flash when a child got up out of bed. She deliberately made it hackable in the hopes her kid would find a workaround and learn some new coding skills. 😂
On Thursday at the #WinTechSeries conf I talked about my sadness at seeing so many amazing Aussie technical women moving overseas. Got home to find a request from yet another one to use me as a reference for her US visa application. 😢
And it’s her dream job, and I appreciate that. Just sad that we don’t have more of people’s dream jobs HERE.
Such a massive brain drain happening, and I just get depressed about it every now and then.
RT @geeksam: “Master/slave” isn’t even a good metaphor, unless I’m missing the historical example where slaves lived a life identical to th…
@RobMurrish @AlecMuffett @Asher_Wolf Just looked it up – the speaker was @BR3NDA! I always meant to ask how it turned out – did Small Child manage to hack the system?
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Amazonians at the Women in Tech conference today. Come by and say hi! (My ⚡️ talk is at 1pm…) https://t.co/Iu1LQlEfLM https://t.co/MfxIBgSzrk
Hey, I found a visiting @tcn33! 👋 to @hannahyanfield, @GRobilliard, and @mobywhale. ❤️ https://t.co/HKd9hRttXm
@dean_bean Nah, it’s just a lightning talk at our booth.
Some good advice from Jenny Goodridge in her lightning talk at the @AmazonAustralia booth. See more speakers every hour! #womenintech https://t.co/7e5kwUmyq6
My lightning talk is next up! Grab some lunch and come to the Amazon booth… #womenintech https://t.co/CtDqoApGWS
@HANSwerThePhone MY LOVE JOLLIBEEEEEEE! Ask him if he remembers me. 😂❤️🐝
RT @rafabrownlie: @web_goddess inspiring women with her career journey story. #wintechseries #bepeculiar https://t.co/jKPAvaZIWd
@msandfor @sauramaia @ErinJZimmer I’m so sad I’m not there! (I’m wearing a binary knit scarf today.) https://t.co/qaxIWeBKoS
@roisinparkes Thank you! ❤️
@msharp @typesthings @iamnotyourbroom Sounds good!
@charis Absolutely!
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@mark_sabbatical Awww, nice! I’ve got one of the original automata scarves from @KnitYak already. 😁
@MichelePlayfair @Chisa @Amys_Kapers I’m sure you were amazing!! How’d it go?
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@cbetta @mseckington Only if you consider Sydney nearby. 😃 I left YOW a few months back and joined AWS, so I’m on hiatus from the conference circuit for a while…
@DeveloperSteve @evolvable @awscloud @pstanski @APIdaysAU Yeah, in my case it’s a team of Solutions Architects – not a product or service team.
Not gonna lie – it’s a little bittersweet seeing the @yow_conf team getting ready for #YOWPerth tomorrow. First one I haven’t been at in three years… 😢
@msharp @jsscclr WHOA! Ouch.
Declaring LinkedIn bankruptcy at 100+ invitations from complete randoms I don’t recognise at all. If one of them was you, try again and LEAVE A NOTE THIS TIME. https://t.co/DgrsXZOPa0
My strategy of immediately rejecting any invitation from someone with A) emoji or B) certifications in their name field is working out well.
Other justifications in my rejecting spree: stupid company name, “augmented reality marketing,” “bitcoin enthusiast,” “agile pragmatitioner” (yes, really), listing your education background as “numerous, universities” (including the comma)…
@charis You are the exception, as yours is adorable.
@charis Dude, that sounds like a selling point. 😉
@Mandy_Kerr I put that as the first line of my description, yet I still get lots of requests. The only thing that’s stemmed the tide is requesting they enter my email address.
And when did recruiters start calling themselves random crap like “Delivery Consultants”? It takes all of 2 seconds to skim their job description and realise, oh, it’s a recruiter.
@Amys_Kapers What are the odds you could snaffle a spare one for my friend @gilmae, who really really wants one but is too polite to ask you directly? 😃
It’s so beautiful… 😭 https://t.co/yGMGjoAypV
@Amys_Kapers @yow_conf @simonraikallen When he made me want to be a CTO and CHANGED MY LIFE, you mean. 😉
@Amys_Kapers @yow_conf @simonraikallen @MichelePlayfair Pretty much! *shakes fist*
RT @stauffermatt: After some code review talking about “Logout” vs “Log out” I realized I’ve always just had to go w/my gut, but never had…
@SarahMoran @kaylajheffernan I noticed it in the photo immediately too. 😂 Hooray for pockets, and congrats!
@simonraikallen @Amys_Kapers @yow_conf I’m already doing it! 🙂
Waiting to pick up @lynnlangit! (@ Express Pick-Up Zone – International (T1)) https://t.co/aYr74ipE07
Got her! @lynnlangit https://t.co/ZjXHQfQTcI
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@melissa_loh But which Keanu is best Keanu? I vote for short hair – Speed.
RT @yow_conf: Our Diversity Scholarship for #YOW18 is open to applications until Nov 1. Put in your submission and help us spread the word…
@frankarr @APIdaysAU Say hi to @DeveloperSteve for me!
RT @DeveloperSteve: “At @awscloud the secret to our rapid growth is by creating small (2 pizza) agile teams to build out services” @pstansk…
@mseckington @cbetta I didn’t realise you were back in our hemisphere! 👋 Hope your visit is a good one.
@evolvable @DeveloperSteve @awscloud @pstanski @APIdaysAU 8. (Pizza is a Sometimes food.)