Month: November 2018

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    RT @frankarr: 🚀 Application Load Balancer can now Invoke Lambda Functions to Serve HTTP(S) Requests

    RT @jpcostales: “Who has Netflix?” (many hands raised) “Wow, that’s great. I’ll just round that up to everybody” – @brendangregg, I guess t…

    I turned up at the AWS #Yow18 booth and the last three @amazonecho Dots went off within 15 minutes! Don’t forget to enter the second chance draw before 3:30…

    Me and my new hat buddy are very excited about the @amazonecho giveaway in ten minutes. Head to the AWS booth! #Yow18

    RT @yow_conf: The lovely @web_goddess getting one more hug of the Echo Plus before it gets given away to a lucky winner at #YOW18 Sydney i…

    Congrats to Alexey, the big winner of the @amazon_alexa Echo Plus! #yow18

    Snuck into @randyshoup’s talk just in time to hear about Growth mindset – something I’ve been trying to cultivate for a while! #yow18

    The irony of tweeting my realisation during @randyshoup’s talk that I need to build my mental muscle so I can focus more… #yow18

    RT @remotesynth: This is probably the most important innovation to web design since CSS itself! NES.css is a CSS framework that gives your…

    It’s been great to see the number of women at #yow18 this year. Thanks @randyshoup for invoking our patron saint Admiral Grace Hopper! 👏

    One of my favourite people – @shvedma from @GGDSydney – introducing the final speaker for the day in the red room! #yow18

    What metrics do you use to measure the performance of software teams? @CatSwetel dives into a topic near and dear to @SydTechLeaders’ heart… #yow18

    @frankarr I’m sure @glenngore is revising a future talk as we speak… 😂

    TIL Aussies don’t know what Weebles are! (But I do…) @CatSwetel #yow18

    Even when @WoodyZuill isn’t at @yow_conf… he’s still a presence. 😉 @CatSwetel #yow18

    The truth is that most tasks involve 5% value-added activities… and 95% wait time. If you ask someone to estimate based on their effort, it’s not going to tell you the task duration. Also, the best place to optimise is cutting wait time! #yow18 @CatSwetel

    Seeing The Breeders at the Sydney Opera House. She doesn’t know it – 16yo me, back in Indiana – but the future is AWESOME. ❤️

    Want to talk about building your startup on AWS? Come talk to Mary and me at the @AWSstartups booth (C49)! #startcon

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    Some failed approaches to transforming a monolith: Clean Then Separate (never works because you can’t stop feature development long enough) and Entity Services (you end up with a distributed monolith). #yow18 @mtnygard

    Ahhh, the eternal lure of Clean-sheet Design. “We know so much more about the domain this time! We’ll do it better! We’ll do all the stuff we didn’t get a chance to the first time!” Famous last words… #yow18 @mtnygard

    @jonoabroad @mtnygard He’s literally still delivering, so nope. 😂 @yow_conf usually put them up in the new year.

    Deleting code feels wrong because we invest a bit of ourselves in it, put a bit of our animus or soul inside. (I really like that image.) #yow18 @mtnygard

    Secret tech author knowledge from @neal4d: “Writing books is hard. Signing them is the fun part!” 😂 If you’ve got one of Neal’s books, bring it to #yow18 and get it signed!

    @jonoabroad @mtnygard @yow_conf Uh, because it costs money to bring people to Australia and they sell tickets for this! If you could just watch it online right away, no one would pay and it would all disappear.

    Distracted from @neal4d’s talk because his accessorising is ON POINT. Red specs, watch band, and sneaks. 💯 #yow18

    “Can anyone in this room tell me which Javascript framework you’ll be using two years from now? OF COURSE NOT!” It’s hard to make concrete plans about the future. #yow18 @neal4d

    @jonoabroad @mtnygard @yow_conf They’ll all be up eventually. 😊

    His clicker is red too!!! 👏👏👏 #yow18 @neal4d

    @gilmae Wow, @hannahyanfield’s “ode” reference really sent you down a poetic rabbit hole.

    @hbish Schmick, right? I covet.

    RT @brianleroux: geeez, if this whole keynote is a service by service dismantling of the competition then its definitely time to put on ano…

    To test your evolutionary architecture, you need fitness functions. Netflix’s Simian Army has some good continuous holistic examples, like the Security monkey and the Conformity monkey. #yow18 @neal4d

    “Architects love to throw out a word like ‘maintainable,’ drop the whiteboard marker, and walk out of the room… leaving all the develops looking confused.” Yup. #yow18 @neal4d

    TIL about Crap4j, an open-source software metric of how crappy your Java code is. 😂 #yow18 @neal4d

    @MichelePlayfair Ricky has one. He showed me at LJ last year and I about fell over.

    LOL. TFW you give spin advice to a contestant and they win an Echo Dot! Come visit us at the @awscloud booth at #yow18 and have a go yourself!

    When your booth buddy brings you cake = 😍. Thanks @clangez!! #yow18

    Another Echo Dot winner at the Amazon #yow18 booth!

    It’s @philnash and it’s raining hair bands at the twilio booth! (FANTASTIC SWAG! 💯) #yow18

    It’s @philnash and it’s raining hair bands at the @twilio booth! (FANTASTIC SWAG! 💯) #yow18

    Waving hello to @starbuxman! You are missed. ❤️ #yow18 @Doctor_Astro

    @mmastertheone In my house? 6. 😳

    Nerding out as my fave @Doctor_Astro finishes the first day of #yow18 talking about science and space and travelling very fast! 🚀

    Yay! I was hoping @Doctor_Astro would mention the Insight landing on Mars. 👏👽 #yow18

    That’s me and @marlousteh in a nutshell. 😂😂😂

    @unixbigot You were missed, buddy.

    RT @carlfish: I love that the last question to @Doctor_Astro at #YOW18 was basically “but what happens if bogans get flying cars?”

    RT @goserverless: BREAKING: above and beyond #ruby support, AWS announces Bring Your Own Runtime to #Lambda! Use any runtime you want. #ser…

    RT @rgcottrell: What is your favorite NPM module?

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    @clairettran Hi Claire! Are you only looking for women coaches, or can men help? I know a guy who might be available.


    Well, that was exciting! I hope our evamattress is as comfortable as it was fun to unpack. 😊

    #yow18 kicking off – the 10th anniversary! Congrats to @daveathomas @MichelePlayfair @apaipi @smithcdau and the whole tea on this milestone. 👏🎉

    Big round of applause for the women from this year’s New Voices in Tech speaker program. Well done @chixors @emma_n_robbins @Torsadas and more! 👏 #yow18

    @yow_conf @daveathomas @MichelePlayfair @apaipi @smithcdau My kingdom for an edit window. 😂

    Changes at #yow18 that I ❤️: online program to save 🌳; new lanyards that keep your name in front (and name in BIG text); GREEN shirts; and wifi!! 🎉

    Still resisting new logo though… 😜

    Thanks to #yow18 for the honour and privilege of introducing @mtnygard today! (What’s so bad about a monolith anyway?!)

    When your monolith’s architectural barriers start breaking down, it begins to look downright fungal… #yow18 @mtnygard

    RT @jessitron: We are the best paid oppressed class in history. @KentBeck on tech workers

    “Digital Transformation” projects falsely imply that there’s an end state at which it’s done. They also tend to fail. #yow18 @mtnygard

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    @Dicedotcom But you’ve done it so poorly! That’s not my correct job, and you have me living in the wrong country. And sharing my email address (which isn’t public on @linkedin) isn’t cool either. If you’re going to scrape, do it better.

    RT @msandfor: @Dicedotcom @web_goddess Even for publicly available information you have a duty to obtain consent. And an email address is c…

    @jonoabroad @darthted

    Him: “The next one’s terrible, you know.”
    Me: “What, Octopussy?! It’s all Fabergé eggs and clowns, isn’t it? That’s awesome!”

    People don’t believe me when I say I’m trying to persuade the Snook to quit his job. But wouldn’t you want to come home to home made bread and stew every night? 😍🥖

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: HUGE NEWS – Netflix announces plans to adapt Roald Dahl stories!

    RT @awscloud: Hey developers! Amazon DynamoDB now supports ACID transactions both within & across tables. Now, you can bring the scale, per…

    @MichelePlayfair @AllSchuckUp I love the title. 😍

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    RT @jeffbarr: All #AWS re:Invent 2018 blog posts are now final and ready to go – 38 posts and 24K words written this month. We are go for l…

    @mattallen @frankarr Sadly, yeah. Telegraphic transfer is possible but costs like $20 last I checked.

    RT @esh: AWS #reInvent is like tech Christmas.

    Here’s an announcement that’s been on my #awswishlist for years.

    So many partners, custome…

    When Petey met Sphero… (Spoiler: it did not go well.)

    @msandfor He freaked out and ran away. 😂

    @msandfor Ha! You’ll have to get your own. The Snook is looking forward to coding with it!

    @DanishDhamani @jonoabroad @LikeSoApp @getummo @OraiApp Oof. It looks good, but cost is way higher than other options. Thanks for suggesting though.

    RT @konklone: An npm module was compromised, after an open source maintainer voluntarily gave away publish/commit rights to someone who app…

    RT @dominictarr: Hey internet,

    Here is my statement on the event-stream issue:

    Thanks to everyone who sent me fri…

    A recruiter reached out to me this morning about my @Dicedotcom profile. The problem is – I never set one up. Someone has scraped my @LinkedIn (listing me as a PHP dev, which I haven’t done in over a decade!) and posted it there. 😠

    @Dicedotcom @LinkedIn AND! I can’t even delete the profile, because whoever set it up didn’t use my email address (though they did include it on the profile page itself).

    Oh look. This has been happening for a long time now. This is really not cool, @Dicedotcom. It also didn’t impress the recruiter who contacted me, having wasted his time reaching out to an unsuitable candidate in Australia.

    @Amys_Kapers @Dicedotcom @LinkedIn Of course.

    @darthted I do like their chili… 🤔

    @rob_prismatik @Dicedotcom @LinkedIn 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔

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    Somehow the “maker vs crafter” tweet has lurched to life again, a year later, and I can’t figure out why…

    RT @lynnlangit: 1. Drink a double espresso BEFORE listening to this
    2. @jrhunt is the officially the @sirajraval of cloud
    @awscloud #speed…

    @mmastertheone Very cool!!

    RT @WallaceRitchie: @peterdaou Not surprising.

    @jonoabroad @gilmae It’s this one:

    @jonoabroad @gilmae Why just baking? Why not all cooking? I’m very comfortable calling all of it a craft (with inventing/creating new dishes as art).

    @jonoabroad @gilmae Knitting or sewing from a pattern can involve creativity but usually doesn’t. Like following a recipe.

    @jonoabroad @gilmae Cool. Well imagine some techbros decide you’re really FOODHACKING, publish a magazine and start a “movement” around it, sell lots of techie crap, make lots of money, and graciously concede that “baking is totally part of the Foodhacking family!” 🙄

    Went to install @getummo and it’s not available in Australia. 🙁 Anybody know of something similar? I found @LikeSoApp but would like to compare before I drop $8.

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    All 45 Peanuts Specials, Ranked From Worst to Best – I don’t understand. Where’s MY fave – “Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown” @vulture ??

    RT @0xabad1dea: oh my gods all these graves of google services I had entirely forgotten about (h/t @corkami)

    RT @Mgtei: @0xabad1dea @quephird @corkami The Google Reader tomb should be bigger, or I should be able to place a virtual stone on top of i…

    Thanksgiving: when I get to make my nieces and nephews think I’m cool by recommending IOS games I learned about from @parisba. (PIFFLE FTW!)

    TIL the Snook’s fave Bond movie is “For Your Eyes Only,” and the only thing hotter than 1981 Roger Moore is 1981 Topol. #tevye #idhitit

    @bazscott I saw him do Tevye in Sydney as well like 10 years ago! Legend.