Month: November 2018

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    RT @parisba: OK, enough jokes about PHP and Windows. The platform shaming/jokes have all been largely very mild, but everyone uses differen…

    Friday evening non-sequitur. (Clearly, I forgot where we were up to on our rewatch of all of James Bond…) 😂❤️

    Roger Moore is 100% the hottest Bond. Don’t @ me.

    @unixbigot Not yet. Getting there…

    @unixbigot There we go…

    Last night in the @SydTechLeaders organisers Slack I literally said “Elaine Benes IS my life goal.” So this was a vindicating read.

    @MelissaKaulfuss 🙁 Hang in there.

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    @codepo8 @johnallsopp I thought you were saying YOU were going to be speaking at WD next year!

    Estimated taxi wait time on big board at @SydneyAirport: 7 minutes.

    Actual wait time for taxi: 18 minutes

    😐 Should’ve called an Olacab…

    @AmanAlam Alternative to Uber. I’m told it pays the drivers better.

    @AmanAlam Yep, has been here most of the year!

    Well-Architected: “To thrive, to evolve, to delight” via @awscloud – The Well-Architected framework has been updated – this is a great way to learn about best practices in the cloud!

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    Star sighting – it’s Brisbane Peccy! #bepeculiar ❤️🏄‍♂️

    @Mandy_Kerr @charis Thank you for this #lifehack! 👄

    @MelissaKaulfuss Not even specific to junior devs – applies to any of us struggling in a new role where there’s so much to learn and constant feelings of Imposter Syndrome! (In case it’s not obvious, this is very much me these days.)

    @SwitchSharonOn @SydTechLeaders Not the final! There is one more planned. 🙂

    RT @joshprice: If you’re working with Elixir, or curious about it at all you should seriously consider doing this workshop with @pragdave w…

    RT @zarahjutz: Tickets are on sale for this year’s @gdg_sydney DevFest! Get yours now!

    Me: “Where shall we meet?”
    @unixbigot: “It’s brisbane, you HAVE to meet outside hungry jacks in the middle of the mall.”

    @MelissaKaulfuss My brother-in-law works on the show, but I haven’t seen it yet. I’ll have to check it out… (Look for @carbocommander in the credits!)

    RT @ringer: The greatest live moment of Kurt Cobain’s career: an oral history of Nirvana ‘Unplugged.’

    Sorry I missed the @SydTechLeaders tonight! Was too busy catching up with this guy in Brisbane… @unixbigot @yow_conf #sydtechleaders

    RT @DevPalmer: i’ve been animating willy wonka with terrifying bird puppets all semester….here is the fruits of my labor. you STOLE fizzy…

    Big watermelon pips big peanut to become Australia’s next big thing – Watermelon = GROSS. Team Peanut all the way!

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    @LukeSleeman YAYYYY spreading the Magic Dinosaur Shoe love… ❤️🦖🦕

    Lovely @metafilter post of folks reminiscing about Counting Crows, of all things. Time to load up the iPhone with 90’s music…

    Lots of Brisbane folks excited to learn about GraphQL and AppSync at #AWSDevLounge tonight!

    TFW you walk into a meetup in Brisbane and the first thing you see is a guy in a @yow_conf #yowperth shirt… 😂 @deekob

    Peak 2018: being tagged in your friend’s dog’s Insta Story as a thank you for making him a custom bandanna. 😂❤️🐶 @frankarr

    “Do I need to build and manage my own GraphQL server? No! Let me introduce you to AWS AppSync…” #AWSDevLounge

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    RT @MichelePlayfair: Some thoughts on questions I was asked yesterday at @MelbAgile
    Where are the women?

    RT @Iron_Spike: Did some techbro make these? Because it’s doing that thing where they take something a hundred years old, give it a new nam…

    @gilmae I wonder if that’s the guy @frankarr told me about..:

    @frankarr @gilmae He’s ADORABLE. I shall never cast aspersions on Pokétragics again.

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    @mmastertheone It looks like you’re building my kitchen. 😂

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    Awww, thank you @halans for the lovely photo of me and @Mandy_Kerr from #wds18 last week!

    @RebeccaGillie @TheWeekUK Thanks – it’s all right. The quote was just written a *long* time ago and is mostly aimed at kids. If I were commenting to adults, I would be stronger in condemning his repugnant views.

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    @starbuxman You are amazing, and Tammie and Kimly are so lucky to have you in their lives! Proud to call you my friend. You’re going to be a fantastic parent. Hope I get to meet Kimly someday!

    Huh. I got quoted in @TheWeekUK… with an FAQ answer I wrote more than 20 years ago, predominantly aimed at children. I wish they’d emailed me for something better!

    @mmastertheone That’s fantastic!

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    Seeing Scott Walker lost in Wisconsin brought a big smile to my face. Good riddance.