Month: November 2018

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    Honestly, I couldn’t care less about a stupid horse race. But an occasion to finally wear my new crinoline in public? Okay. 🍒❤️

    Ugh. I got a lovely & unexpected award a few years back from a group I’m in, and I heard through the grapevine that a supposed friend was griping about it. It hurt. What a petty thing to do. @Mandy_Kerr is such a generous force in our community, and a bigger person than I am. ❤️

    Thanks @randomknits for the flower. It’s the hit of the day. 😍

    Now and then. Four years ago @lemon_lime and I won Best Dressed Couple! ❤️

    @lemon_lime Wait, was that for the race or for your outfit?!

    @lemon_lime WHAAAAAT.

    Huh. Do tech meetups in Sydney really pay $100+ to a venue to host? I can maybe see that for a vendor-run event, but not one staffed by volunteers like @SydTechLeaders. 🤔

    @SydTechLeaders Thanks everyone. To be clear, @SydTechLeaders has been going for years and never had to pay for a venue. We are working on 2019 events and I was surprised when a local place quoted me a rate card today. Just wanted to calibrate my level of indignant outrage appropriately. 😉

    @SydTechLeaders And no, I’m not gonna reveal the source of the subtweet. HIGH ROAD, BABY. 😂

    @simonwaight @SydTechLeaders @MSFTReactor They’ve already reached out. 😉 Thank you though!

    @jonoabroad @SydTechLeaders @Atlassian 😂 Seems that way sometimes, but not all!

    @LizlingC I agree it’s not free for them. That’s why we list them as venue sponsor and try to make sure they get attention from attendees. I’ve just rarely seen it passed on to volunteer, non-vendor driven groups.

    @MWatsonSYD1 @mootpointer @SydTechLeaders @MSFTReactor Ha! @mootpointer literally offered to connect us about 20 min ago. 😊 Will be in touch…

    RT @alyssemazakian: I found a tiny denim jacket at goodwill

    #frocktober BONUS! Vintage style party dress (made by me!) with @malcomodes petticoat underneath and @adidasoriginals Stan Smiths. #workbathroomselfie

    Discovering that Jeopardy’s Battle of the Decades shows are on Netflix has MADE MY WEEK.

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    Amusing myself today with my magic shoelaces. In sunlight, little dinosaurs appear! 🦕🦖

    Everybody likes the magic shoelaces! The Snook got them for me at the toy shop in Leura some years ago. It does look like they’re available online though!


    This. Is. Awesome. And I reckon you can even make an argument that, for some of us, badass lady pirates are very inspirational and relevant when it comes to managing teams of technical folks. 😉 Thanks @johnbarton and @HecateApp!!

    @darthted @johnbarton @HecateApp 1997-2000, right? Ahhh, Napster.

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    I can’t believe I never read the Riot Grrl manifesto before. Hell yes, Kathleen Hannah. ✊

    RT @Pinboard: A donor will give $1 per RT of this tweet to the Great Slate. This is a year long effort to help red state Democrats who were…

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    @gilmae You would’ve cracked me up and RUINED IT.

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    @annie_parker @MsJonesInSydney Heh, truthfully I think the fiver was mostly down to Annie’s assistance there. 🙂

    @lucykbain I’m making a dress this weekend that will have the GIANTEST POCKETS I CAN PUT IN IT.

    @cherylgledhill @webdirections STAY STRONG CHERYL! 🙂

    @Mandy_Kerr You look gorgeous! I love that skirt too. I’m so annoyed I didn’t get to intro you – I am wearing a dress with planets all over it! 🌠☄️

    @lindamciver 👏 I saw @aurynn speak at LCA 2017, and that’s how I learned there was a term for something I knew bothered me but didn’t know how to define. It’s so useful to have that terminology – then you can fight it.

    #frocktober BONUS! Glow-in-the-Dark Planets Washi dress made by me! #pockets #workelevatorselfie

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    Learning about @apollographql from @peggyrayzis at #wds18…

    Oh wow. Real-time performance metrics inside your IDE to help you write better queries… @peggyrayzis giving us a sneak peek! #wds18

    😍 Thanks fellow Frocker @Amys_Kapers. This is indeed the dress I was sewing all through #frocktober! If you’d like to donate to @ocrfaustralia, my page is here: #wds18

    Schema driven development allows teams to collaborate and work together better. #wds18 @peggyrayzis

    Not everyone has played with machine learning, so @devdevcharlie is giving a helpful quick overview. “I mean, wtf is a predictive model?” 😂 #wds18

    RT @antonjb: Communicating with Alexa using sign language and machine learning from @devdevcharlie talk #wds18

    The morning’s sexy theme continues… 😂 @devdevcharlie #wds18

    Applause as @devdevcharlie plays Browser Face Pong by moving her head around on camera! #wds18 👏😂

    Ahem. I have a bug report, @philnash. WHAT COUNTRY ARE WE IN ANYWAY. #wds18

    . @mnot pushing all my nostalgia buttons, talking about the painful ways we downloaded applications and resources in the old days… #wds18

    Cache Digest allows client to provide a representation of what it has in cache to server, which can then send only what client needs. (@mnot somewhat buried the lede though – not supported in any browser yet!) #wds18

    Proposed status code 103 is a non-final request and provides a hint of resources to download while server is still thinking. But again – not supported yet. #wds18 @mnot

    Error experiences suck mainly because of the distance between where the bug happens and where the explosion actually occurs. #wds18 @damncabbage

    @Amys_Kapers @yow_conf @evanderkoogh @Bitgenics I think that’s one for @hannahyanfield’s Museum of Kris Gurns. 😂

    @mikefrontenddev @webdirections It IS on the lanyard! #wds18

    Audience participation as @evanderkoogh counts through browser security attacks and defensive techniques with the @CountVonCount! 😂 #wds18

    You’d never know @evanderkoogh has a small daughter… #wds18

    RT @georgiecel: pretty sure the perfect cookie looks more delicious than that 🍪


    @gilmae 🔪

    Huh. It’s been a while since I used the latest version of @Jira. It’s actually older than some developers today! 😂 @nadia_jsdev #wds18

    @philnash It’s like the tech equivalent of infinite monkeys on typewriters producing Hamlet. 🐒

    @coder_bec Rumour has it you’re at Web Directions??

    RT @MsJonesInSydney: Help a girl out? I’ve set myself a hefty goal to reach 500 responses from women in tech and inform the tech industry o…

    @sealfur @gilmae He was trolling me. 😐

    Design-driven companies are good for business. I get most of these – just bought my first Dyson in fact – but… IBM?! #wds18

    @annie_parker @MsJonesInSydney YESSSS. I bet you $5 you hit your goal tonight, Emma. 😉

    #Frocktober BONUS! Aloha Oolong bias-cut dress from @colettepatterns, made by me. (Still time to donate…)

    QFT: Vision without execution is hallucination. Changemakers get shit done. @mgiudice #wds18

    New life goal: live up to @daisysmells’s image of me. ❤️

    RT @pixelatedboat: It’s the perfect day to post my favourite quote from my favourite movie!

    @nanacodesign Awww, you didn’t get one from @SydTechLeaders! 😢

    Highlight of the #wds18 speaker drinks was forming a Woman Power Circle with @peggyrayzis and @daisysmells. ✊