Supposed to be in the Domain seeing Paul Kelly, but it’s pouring. ☹️ Instead we’re finishing off the Roger Moore years…
More spelunking through our collection of 1990’s gear. “How are you going to carry all this?” “THAT’S WHAT THE MAN BAG IS FOR!” 😍
The Snook’s Christmas party is tomorrow, and the theme is “Made in the 90s.” He found his first cellphone and charged it up for the first time in nearly 20 years. ❤️ #dontcallit
Nearly at the house when I saw something skitter to my left. Yup, Huntsman. (My hand for scale, because I’m just that much of a badass.) 🕷
Had to improvise cap sleeves, but I reckon they work! All that’s left now is to hem and it’s ready for the Christmas party…