Month: December 2018
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RT @lindamciver: Need a last minute Christmas idea? Want to support Data Science Education? Have a very Data Science Christmas at https://t…
@whereistanya @jonoabroad @JeffreyTheobald Thank you!! The Melbourne tech community is so great. ❤️
RT @soxyface: Look who started a podcast with a big Irish 👍!!! Thanks @evolvable and @web_goddess for the opportunity to do even MOHR talki…
AWS Dev Warriors kicking off with Nickk giving a re:Invent recap!
So Google must have automated ways of adhering to suppression orders in various countries, right? Here’s the thing – why can’t I use that as a personal setting to NEVER see Pinterest in my search results ever again?! 🔥
Earworm Report: “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” has been replaced by the theme to “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power,” which is a much happier situation. WE MUST BE STRONG! 🦄🌈
This is really happening, folks.
“Do I look cool or like a big dork?” I asked the Snook. He considered and answered brightly, “BOTH!” 😂
@simonwaight But it *is* the day of the Christmas party…
@simonwaight LOL. I should photoshop it later so @jeffbarr knows what he looks like in an AWS dress…
@samjarman That would’ve been GENIUS! But alas, I did not think of it. Next year. 🙂
RT @farbodsaraf: .@vgcerf: ‘I didn’t invent the web’
@timberners_lee: ‘I didn’t invent the internet’
(Photo via @AndiMann) #OurDigitalFut…
Opened up the latest @WomenWhoCode email to see my friends from @Wwcodesingapore at the top! 👋
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@gilmae I’m going to have to find a clip and make Alexa play it when he turns the AC on.
Learning all about blockchain from Priyanka. She’s doing such a great job!! #ggdsyd
I have honestly learned more about blockchain and Bitcoin from Priyanka’s talk than any other this year! #ggdsyd
A real demo of blockchain in Javascript!! 👏 #ggdsyd
Where was this talk 11 years ago, @notsolonecoder?! #ggdsyd
OHAI. It me. (I feel seen.) #ggdsyd @notsolonecoder
Literally a dozen other people are wincing and chuckling in recognition of their own selves. #ggdsyd
Damn. In mixed groups, women volunteered for crappy tasks more often, and were EXPECTED and NOMINATED to do this by everybody else. Now I’m annoyed I didn’t know about this for my #sydtechleaders rant last week. #ggdsyd
A couple years back, I saw @notsolonecoder give a talk on growth mindsets, and consequently “GROWTH MINDSET” became a personal mantra. Looks like she’s just inspired another one… #ggdsyd
Spiritual cousin to @notsolonecoder’s talk is @mipsytipsy’s advice about staying technical. QFT. #ggdsyd
Finishing the talk with Javascript number weirdness with @megganeturner! #ggdsyd
@jonoabroad @whereistanya I heard a rumour she might visit Australia next year?!
I absolutely love that @megganeturner has tied a fun discussion of Javascript number weirdness into an actual bug she had to fix at @JaxstaMusic. #ggdsyd
Nearly at the house when I saw something skitter to my left. Yup, Huntsman. (My hand for scale, because I’m just that much of a badass.) 🕷
RT @videosmithery: I have some #AdaLovelace binary scarves now in stock at @TheNestUK at Albert Dock liverpool 🙂
RT @JessicaCGlenn: If tech had diverse teams I suspect that I would be able to buy a set of headphones that didn’t always take one or two s…
@whereistanya @jonoabroad @JeffreyTheobald YAY! I spoke at that one last year – fantastic group, and Jeff is one of my fave people. Now I have to figure out how to get to Melbourne for it (unless your trip has a stop off in Sydney??).
RT @practicingdev: Don’t fall for the trap of assuming that professional development needs to happen in your spare time–unpaid on nights a…
@christmasHAMsel 😳
@mattallen @rabbieburns @paulmiggs Whaaaaat. I am going to the wrong team meetings, clearly.
My brain: “Oh good. That “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” earworm is finally—DAMN IT.” ☹️
You think I’m trolling, but I’m not. 😏
@lifeasdaddy Not too much. Was more an artefact of poor lighting conditions.
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RT @JordanUhl: I know Twitter is fun and people throw about being “addicted” to posting in a hyperbolic way but Elon Musk literally cried o…
@randomknits That is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. 😂
Had a lovely lunch with @brendangregg and @DeirdreS as they finish up their epic Australian #yow18 adventure. Always nice to make new tech friends from around the world!
Hey @weesperhk – I got an email from you and clicked unsubscribe because a) I don’t live in HK and b) I don’t remember ever signing up for this. Unfortunately your unsubscribe form requires me to type in my email address, and then it tells me it doesn’t exist on the list. 🙁
RT @alicegoldfuss: Serena Williams is learning to code.
Mostly server side.
Sometimes the 🍍 is joyous. Other times, not so much.
Before I go to bed, trying to reflect on an unambiguous Good Thing. Tomorrow my @GGDSydney mentee is giving her first proper dev talk ever on blockchain, and she’s going to smash it. ❤️
RT @intntnllyadptv: This is all too common.
It can be an indication that a company doesn’t understand that management is a specialty craft…
Sometimes @Spotify’s Discover Weekly algorithm is eerily good at recommending music I didn’t know I needed in my life. Other times I end up with “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” stuck in my head for two days. 😒
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Woooo! Automated our aircon with Alexa (hooking into homebrew smart home controller built by the Snook). #lazy #voicecontrolftw
My favourite part is that since it’s all custom, I can use phrases like, “Alexa, tell my smart home that it’s hot as balls in here.” 😂
@petehanssens Yup. We have a dumb old air con so have to literally replay IR commands at it.
@mmastertheone Not gonna lie – I was tempted… 😂
@mattallen Well, the fact that my compatriot had to resort to IFTTT to get it to work with *his* voice assistant… may have contributed to the grin. 🙂
@mattallen Yep. Raspberry Pi + LIRC. (Inspired by a similar project @seansonbronson presented at SyPy earlier this year!)
@vertis @orj @ittybittyapps I’m already using Jekyll->S3 for But is a beast, and I hate to think how much a pain it would be to regenerate it every time I make a change.
Had to improvise cap sleeves, but I reckon they work! All that’s left now is to hem and it’s ready for the Christmas party…
@petehanssens I saw a talk @seansonbronson did at SyPy earlier this year that pointed me to LIRC. That’ll save you a lot of headache!
Public service announcement: @aldiaustralia has novelty tropical drinking vessels! 😉🍍
Hey @notsolonecoder – next project? (Interesting they used a FOI request to get the data!)
@FourRedShoes I’m an appreciator but not a super knowledgeable fan. I really enjoyed his segment in the new Coen bros. Western on Netflix though!