Month: January 2019

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    RT @AWSCloudANZ: We’re now PROTECTED certified! Learn how our latest certification awarded by the @CyberGovAU has made it easier for you to…

    You’ve got just over 24 days left to get in your predictions for my Oscar Contest and potentially win yourself a Freddie Monkcury sock monkey!

    @_SamCross Here’s one that’s literally called Orion Nebula!

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    @MichelePlayfair I was all about to be like, This poll is SHIT BY DEFAULT because Colin Firth is the One True Darcy, and then I realised it’s a bracket of all Firth Darcy, and I AM HERE FOR THIS THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

    RT @trissylegs: CW. God damn rage inducing

    I swear upon first glance I thought this was a ball of sock yarn. Still not convinced it’s not.

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    @carbocommander I like the idea of it, but do you think it will come with even more pressure not to take leave? I already struggle to get Rodd to use all his vacation days.

    RT @AWSOpen: We’re pleased to add to our support of The Apache Software Foundation as a Platinum sponsor. @zahedab shares more about our co…


    Learn #leanstartup with @SheStarts & @SydneyGA on Wed 30 Jan. Figure out out how to make your mark! More info:

    Excellent seats to see @ottolenghi and @adamliaw at the Opera House tonight. Thanks @lizevatt!! ❤️

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Here’s to all the 🥑out there 🥂 – with special ❤️for #YOW evangelists @unixbigot @jedws @evanderkoogh @Amys_Kapers @pur…

    Ottolenghi shared a photo of the crowd at the end of the talk last night, and we managed to find ourselves!

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    Yesterday the Snook complained about the JJJ Hottest 100, that “rock and roll is dead” and the young people’s music was wrong.

    So today we’re listening to JJ Hottest 100 of 1998, and they’re playing a novelty song from Chef on South Park. 😐

    In other words, all young people’s music is silly, and you only thing the music of your youth isn’t because you yourself were very silly then.

    RT @brianleroux: Pleased to report the AWS Lambda Ruby runtime is snappy when warm. Seeing consistent 100ms responses. Coldstart stings a b…

    @BugHunterSam Okay, about to try this out:

    @BugHunterSam I think for knitting to work, I’d need a much better camera setup so you could actually see what I’m doing. Otherwise it’s just me talking.

    @BugHunterSam There were ads?! (I have no idea how this works.)

    @twasink Nope. It was the “No substitute!” one

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    That was easier than I thought! DynamoDB streams allow me to publish a real-time view of the current Oscar Contest predictions: Current runaway favourite is “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” for Animated Film.

    @i386 Honestly, I swear to God I thought this was a giant saxophone at first. 😂🎷

    @petehanssens Pretty much! I’ve just written up a blog post about it. Would love your feedback. 🙂

    w-g blog: I’ve documented the architecture for my Oscar Contest web app if you’re curious! This was a fun project. @awscloud

    @petehanssens Each vote is a record that updates. After voting, it used to keep you on the form but one of my testers found it confusing. What’s your preference – going to prediction graphs?

    @petehanssens I still need to add Reset Password flow. Already had someone unable to log in.

    This is the face of someone who finally tricked the Snook into buying her a selfie stick. 😉📸

    @darthted Yeah, from last August at Yellowstone.

    @gilmae @darthted Hmmm. You might be waiting a while. I’ll be in Melbourne for the March meetup… and likely in the US for the May one. 😳

    @petehanssens Yeah, I considered that approach but the JSON->S3 way was faster!

    @BugHunterSam I had heard of this, but… you think? I didn’t think anyone would be interested.

    @gilmae @darthted For the May one I plan to be in MANHATTAN DARLING, about as far from the great outdoors as humanly possible. 😜

    RT @emrazz: On Wednesday, a 21 y/o white man made 5 women lay down on the floor of a bank and shot them execution style.

    Today, a 21 y/o w…


  • Web-Goddess Oscar Contest 2019

    A month or so ago, Christopher commented on Facebook how much he missed my annual sock monkey Oscar Contest. I admitted that I’d thought of reviving it, but I hadn’t had any inspiration for a good monkey… and then it hit me! FREDDIE MONKCURY.

    Freddie Monkcury at Live Aid
    Freddie Monkcury at Live Aid

    I had a monkey mostly put together from a few years ago, so he took shape fairly quickly. I found a very basic pattern for doll pants in the right size and used material from an old pair of jeans. His “I Want to Break Free” outfit was a little harder. The “leather” for his skirt is actually polyurethane from a $5 bag I found at Kmart. His bouffant wig started out as sculptural felt that I then handsewed black chenille pipe cleaners onto. (I also fashioned a very basic vacuum cleaner too!)

    Application Architecture

    For the first 11 years, the Contest consisted of a custom PHP and MySQL application that I’d built. For this year, I decided to challenge myself to completely rebuild it on Amazon Web Services (which is where I work!). Here’s how the architecture ended up:


    Oscar Contest Application Architecture
    Oscar Contest application architecture

    As a starting point, I worked through this Web Application serverless workshop. I was already using Route53 to serve from S3, so I decided to put the Contest files there. Upon finishing the workshop, I had a working web app using Amazon Cognito for user authentication and a serverless backend consisting of an API Gateway-fronted Lambda function that writes data to DynamoDB.

    The next step was to customise it! After I changed the images and CSS to my own branding, the next thing to change was the data saved to the database – I changed it to a form with all the Oscar categories and nominees. Next, I wanted users to be able to review and update their votes, so I added another Lambda function that retrieves a logged-in user’s votes so the form can be populated correctly. I then added a third Lambda function that scans the complete database, processes the votes, and publishes an aggregate JSON file to S3. (This is triggered whenever the DynamoDB table is updated.) For actually displaying the prediction graphs, I used ChartJS.

    I think that covers everything! Many thanks to the Snook (my rubber duck and eternal programming mentor) as well as David, Jody, and Amy for their help with testing.

    I’m stupidly proud of this promo image.
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    @unixbigot There are folks working on the tech part. @indigitek is one group I know that is making a difference!

    @minxdragon Camping on the sidewalk for tickets to the London previews, 1998. I’m third from the left. ❤️

    RT @awscloud: New #AWSLaunches!
    🚀New in AWS Deep Learning AMIs: Updated Amazon Elastic Inference for TensorFlow, TensorBoard 1.12.1 & MMS 1…

    I can say with no hesitation this also applies to all @SydTechLeaders events. Don’t believe me? Ask @darthted. No patience for this shit.

    “Damn, it really feels like my eyesight has gotten worse in recent years. I wonder why that is.”

    *returns to sewing black pipe cleaners to black felt*

    Sophie Lee is the best part of any film she appears in. “Bulimia’s not cheap, you know!”

    @mattdelves JELLY.

    It’s time to unveil the triumphant return of the w-g Oscar Contest. If you predict the most winners correctly, you could win your very own FREDDIE MONKCURY! 🐵

    Entries for the contest are pouring in! Today’s goal is to provide a real time view of the current predictions. Don’t miss your chance to win your very own Freddie Monkcury sock monkey… 🐵

    “Did you see the long Reddit rant about the fabric cutting counter?” My husband gets me.

    RT @wesbuc: suck it plato