Month: January 2019

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    This makes me very happy. PLEASE let Sam Elliott be involved, whatever it is.

    RT @DavidTennantPod: I’m just going to leave this here…

    RT @MichelePlayfair: #yow is excited to present the Passionate Product Ownership Workshop with @jeffpatton in Sydney 28 Feb – 1 March 2019!…

    Ooh. The second Brosnan Bond brings us digital boobs. This one’s going to be about the Internet, isn’t it?

    “Release the software. It’s full of bugs, so people will have to upgrade FOR YEARS.” 😂

    @mmastertheone I argued for it, but Rodd’s a purist and says it’s not canon.

    @mmastertheone The David Niven one? We didn’t include that one either.

    “What is this? WHAT IS THIS?! This is so f**king bad.” Turns out the Snook isn’t a big fan of this film.

    This – except I was 19. ❤️

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    RT @MWatsonSYD1: What a start to the year for @MSFTReactor Sydney hosting the @SydTechLeaders for their 1st Meetup of the Year. Looking for…

    RT @mobywhale: . @AllSchuckUp asked the audience “Who here works in a distributed team” and quite a few people put their hands up! More tha…

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Groaning as @AllSchuckUp shares some common frustrations with remote working – waiting overnight for code reviews, coll…

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Language matters. “Distributed office” is a more inclusive term than “remote office.” @AllSchuckUp #sydtechleaders http…

    RT @SydTechLeaders: OMG!! 😱

    Oh god. “Providing way too much context when asking for help.” This is a thing that has been increasingly annoying me. JUST SPIT IT OUT. WHAT IS THE REQUEST. #sydtechleaders

    THAT’S RIGHT – able to run the microphone around for Q&A and do the social media at. the. same. time. 🏃‍♀️ #sydtechleaders

    @melindafentonsm @SydTechLeaders Admittedly never as well as I’d like.

    RT @rachaelcarson: What is necessary for distributed teams is good for colocated teams. Share information by default, use proactive written…

    Our SCOBY is floating! It’s finally doing something!

    @gilmae Sometimes I like to lean into the stereotype.

    RT @BugHunterSam: @SydTechLeaders @AllSchuckUp @canva Shout out to @InsightTimer, Australia’s contender for the meditation app space

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    @darthted @diversionary @mobywhale @hannahyanfield @SydTechLeaders

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    🎉 The Oscar nominations are out… which means it’s almost time for the triumphant return of the w-g Oscar Contest! Voting will open this weekend. 😉

    If you agree with this… you’re gonna want to enter my Oscar contest this year. 🙂

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    2019 is the year I go to war on drive-by Meetup RSVPers who don’t turn up. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    @zarahjutz There’s no set plan yet on how I plan to punish them, but I’m working on it.

    Folks in SYD, come along on Feb 5th to engage with @jrhunt, delivering his world famous AWS re:Invent re:Cap – great opportunity to learn about all the services launched last year and get more details – @AWSCloudANZ

    @jrhunt LOL, you can thank @wadeis for the specific wording. 😉

    @Gaohmee My Dad just texted me from the US about this! He’s too much of a wimp to step out in the cold and take a photo for me. 😛

    @Gaohmee I now have some photos of blurry blobs of light. 😂

    Looking for a new role? I’m hiring a dedicated Startup Solutions Architect for my team in Sydney. If you live and breathe tech and have startup experience under your belt, I’d love to talk to you about this one!

    @NaveenS16 Just because I was basing it off an existing tutorial:

    @heuschnupf Neither. Basically forked the web app tutorial from here:

    RT @ReinH: well I can’t argue with this

    @richbuggy @JessTelford I know – I gave him my wish list like a year ago. Code faster Jess!! 😂

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    @randomknits Ugh, that sucks. 🙁

    Successfully built a web app today with serverless backend, REST API, user authentication, and DynamoDB integration. Then I went to Coles and only realised halfway through the shop that my shorts were on backwards. 🙄

    @darthted I know exactly what you mean.

    @twasink Yup.

    @msharp @wingletang Hmmm. I don’t do a lot of toy knitting – too fiddly – so I’ll pass on these!! Thanks. 🙂

    Thinking of all my friends at #LCA2019 this week and hoping they have the BEST time! So proud to see the Art + Tech miniconf happening again due to amazing efforts of @maetl. 👏🖼️❤️💻 @minxdragon @KathyReid @unixbigot @voltagex and everybody else…

    @jeffblankenburg @AmazonPrime I’ve recently discovered Schitts Creek on Netflix and I’m really enjoying it!

    @Techman_83 Awwww, glad to see the Hug Detector is still happening!! ❤️

    @voltagex @maetl @minxdragon @KathyReid @unixbigot That was more the “waving at folks I’m sad I won’t get to catch up with” part of the tweet. 🙂

    There were some good tech puns in the replies to this one. Just now over coffee the Snook offered his: “Unit tests passed; integration tests failed!”

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    @misswired Ahhh, this is why my Mom’s dog creeps me out, because he has it and he therefore looks like a person that has been cursed to live as a dog.

    I know some of you think Konmari is bullshit, but it inspired the Snook to finally get rid of some old clothes, including a jacket that had a movie stub for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – from 2005! – in the pocket.

    Dropping off clothes at Smith Family. “Are you guys here because of the Netflix show?” 😂

    Come to Mama…

    @jonoabroad Corner Smith in Marrickville. I’m sure some poor sap in the gig economy could be enticed to bring you one…

    Ploughman’s lunch. (Note him staring at my toastier though!)

    @annie_parker So full. 🐷

    @itgrrl Same! I’m jealous of everybody heading that way…

    Monkey business afoot…

    Watching the Fyre Festival doc, and I had NO IDEA the guy behind the debacle was a tech entrepreneur. I thought he was just a promoter. That explains so much. 😂

    The Snook: “Some people want to party on a private island with models. *I* just want that lady’s living room.” 😂

    RT @sailorhg: adding this to pre-empt the inevitable “isn’t it insulting to imply that girls need pink & sparkles to be interested in tech?…

    Melbourne – I finally convinced the Snook to take me on the tram restaurant for my birthday, and I just found out it’s GONE! What happened?? 😭

    @themaninblue Yeah, when he got out the wadding I was like, where the hell is this going? Quilted denim next to that beautiful deskktop??!