Month: January 2019

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    RT @johnallsopp: Indeed CFPs are now open for all 2019 events. Code, Design, Product, Culture and Summit as as well as code and design lead…

    RT @awscloud: New #AWSLaunches!
    🚀AWS Backup Integrates with Amazon DynamoDB for Centralized & Automated Backup Management
    🚀AWS Storage Gate…

    I’ve done B… and never again.

    RT @edgarwright: Please enjoy a thread of GIFs from the ‘Kitten Kong’ episode of ‘The Goodies’.

    We enter the Brosnan years…

    @rotnroll666 @JulieKalitis No love for Lazenby? They KILLED his WIFE!

    I just realised the entire plot of GoldenEye would’ve been irrelevant with… wait for it… BLOCKCHAIN. 😂

    @Paul_Bone The latter. 😂

    My new obsession: the r/ArtisanVideos subreddit. Just spent nearly 20min watching some Russians make an amazing desk. It’s not entirely to my taste, but the craftsmanship is exquisite.

    Was telling Mom about a machine learning app idea I had to disrupt the knitting industry, and she promptly suggested an application for quilters that would be A) simpler to build and B) monetisable. Mom continues to be way smarter than me. 🙂

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    WHAT? This is huge!!! 👏

    @artsandsocks It is! Very charming. 🙂

    @lindamciver @MichelePlayfair @FalknerKatrina @WinnovationSA @AustCyber @betheworrall @jade_mikaela @RebeccaVivian @Chooks_SA @nickyringland @DrCatherineBall @cloudaus @yow_conf @annie_parker I didn’t know about it until this. YAYYYYYYYYY 🎉

    Please help @hannahyanfield and me* with an argument we’re having with @gilmae. Which is grammatically correct? “She worked with me and Sam” OR “She worked with Sam and I.”

    * He’ll probably argue this one’s wrong too.

    @GlennSarti @hannahyanfield @gilmae I was tempted, but figured the results would be skewed by people who are wrong, as you are.

    @The_McJones @hannahyanfield @gilmae Cop out. 😂

    @GlennSarti @hannahyanfield @gilmae You’re losing…

    This is correct. Everyone suggesting “I” following the preposition “with” is sadly wrong.

    @betsybookworm @hannahyanfield @gilmae Betsy. BETSY. Ugh. #prescriptivist4life

    @DeveloperSteve @hannahyanfield @gilmae Nooooooooooo!

    @darthted @hannahyanfield @gilmae YOU ARE A GODDAMN HERO TED

    RT @darthted: @hannahyanfield @web_goddess @gilmae None of this showed in my feed. Twitter is so very wrong, as I would have been all over…

    Goddamn it. I was so cross from grammar pedantry and the failures of the Australian educational system that I knitted 8 rows incorrectly.

    @glenngillen @hannahyanfield @gilmae Nah. Subject is always “she.” Following the preposition “with,” it should always be “me.”

    We’re in the middle of a heat wave, and now my hair smells like Korean barbecue. Still… worth it. 💯

    This is me with every taxi driver in Australia for the past two years, except replace it with American and Trump. 😐

    @minxdragon It was! You’ve been there? It was my first time.

    @zarahjutz I’ve still got the pair you gave me! I’ve always intended to turn them into a sock monkey. 🙂

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    @lucykbain Ooh, you want to be step buddies? (I’m doing a work challenge for Feb. Could be up for lunch walks…)

    RT @BetootaAdvocate: Man Who Already Has A Visible Lack Of Interest In Personal Grooming Vows To Boycott Gillette:…

    @MelissaKaulfuss I trained myself to drink my coffee black. I’ve also experimented with making my own coconut yogurt (since it’s so $$ to buy). It’s pretty easy if you can get your hands on some starter. (No special device needed; I did it on the stove and then in the oven.)

    Short-row sleeves, White Russian, and cat documentary. 😺 I am very happy with my life choices.

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    I’ve been wanting a @withings for years – finally took the plunge as a reward for passing six month mark at @amazonwebservices! #newgadget

    RT @jeffbarr: Do you want to build and run Microsoft Workloads on #AWS? My colleagues have created 50 videos to help you out. There’s a mai…

    RT @FloPlatford: people getting mad at Marie Kondo for suggesting people should get rid of some books are imagining people having a collect…

    RT @Amys_Kapers: Make sure you get your applications in, it’s a fantastic experience!
    Plus then you can join the amazing alumni with me lik…

    RT @girlgerms: I cheered a little at this trailer…though I did it very quietly so my colleagues (and my boss’s boss!) didn’t see me and t…

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    @mmastertheone YES! Unfortunately my stories from the wool shop tend to be more shocking, like the lovely old Australian lady who requested wool in “n**ger brown”. 😳 Still haven’t recovered from that one.