Month: January 2019

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    RT @awscloud: Learn how @CrayonIT used #machinelearning to achieve more efficient and environmentally-friendly food production. https://t.c…

    RT @ministryoftest: Exciting news! After an excellent first #TestBash in Sydney, we’ve decided to do it again with the added bonus of work…

    @twasink @lemon_lime I was just about to say the same. 😂

    RT @abbyfuller: Are you an #aws #fargate user?

    💸 Starting today: lower fargate prices! 📉

    Pricing per vCPU/sec is reduced by 20%


    RT @awscloud: What does migrating over 500 servers & one petabyte of storage to AWS mean for your business? For Conde Nast, it means 40% re…

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    RT @PicardTips: Picard management tip: Expecting people to work long hours is short-sighted, counter-productive, and potentially dangerous.

    Any women or girls looking for new sandals? I’ve got a brand new pair of Saltwaters that don’t fit me…

    Lunch: salad of kale, almonds, apples, and cheddar cheese with a poached egg on top! 🥬🧀🍎🥚

    The only “promotion” I had was in my transition to management (which isn’t really a promotion anyway). Working for the same tech company for a long time is something I’ve only seen men able to do.

    @twasink Tell that to the many people in job interviews who question why I haven’t stayed anywhere for years. (Google in particular think changing jobs “too frequently” is a red flag.)

    RT @awscloud: This Is My Architecture: Under Armour shows us how they built a highly scalable e-commerce platform on AWS with a red/black d…

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    RT @awscloud: Learn skills that can help you prepare for AWS Certification and your next career move.…

    Any Mac Automator experts around? I’ve been wrestling all day with something that’s doing my head in. (It involves loops.)

    @solotrader Duh, I know. I’ve used it. That’s not the problem. The issue is that the final step of my loop is to rename a file, and Automator is prepending the loop counter to the filename even though I’ve told it to replace the full name.

    @jonoabroad Well, I did get somebody telling me to use a Loop in my loop, so that’s something. 😐

    @solotrader GAHHH. Found it. Wasn’t to do with Automator at all but rather a bash script I was using as one of the steps.

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    RT @awscloud: Meet Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec, Vice-President & General Manager of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) & Glacier. Mai-Lan is a l…

    The Roger Moore years are over… 😓

    The Snook, under his breath: “James Bond totally just rescued Osama bin Laden. Seriously.” 😳

    RT @mipsytipsy: i wrote a piece on the career choices managers often don’t realize they’re making, especially around technical leadership v…

    @brianleroux Interesting. I use the CRON pattern for a Lambda function that pulls in data. It’s not a super critical thing but I did have to wrestle with how to handle errors. Maybe time to consider using step functions instead…

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    WHAT? Just discovered that NSW gov intends to ban bicycles down George St once light rail work is finished. This is ridiculous. @GladysB please rethink! 🚴‍♀️❤️

    RT @AngrierWHStaff: You 👏 can’t 👏 be 👏 a 👏 fucking 👏 General 👏 when 👏 you 👏 dodge 👏 the 👏 draft 👏 five 👏 fucking 👏 times 👏…

    @thisismywww And yet somehow people cycle all over Melbourne right now.

    @tommyjowitt @GladysB Riding on the pavement is illegal. We’re talking about a big wide street here!

    So far arguments in support of banning bikes on George St are because A) some cyclists illegally ride on the footpath (even though we aren’t talking about a footpath), and B) they might hurt themselves on tram tracks (as opposed to sharing a road with speeding cars). 😐

    Hay St tram tracks are a recommended cycling route in Sydney *today*. So the only valid argument against it is pedestrians wandering about, but they deal with that on Pyrmont Bridge with a speed limit.

    RT @manwhohasitall: TODAY’S QUESTION: Would you vote for a man?

    RT @puffnfresh: AWS Lambda Custom Runtime for #Haskell

    The Snook and I have a rule that the only time we ever call each other “babe” is to signal that we’re being held hostage over the telephone.

    @lgarvey Exactly!

    @TheRealBnut @The_McJones There are home brewers’ clubs, definitely. The Snook used to participate in a now defunct one in Sydney called “Brewshare” IIRC. They’d pick a theme each quarter, brew that style, and then meet up to taste/rate them.

    @TheRealBnut @The_McJones But it’s not really, like, a “take a beer/leave a beer” situation. 😂

    RT @awscloud: Get started with AWS Transfer for SFTP, a fully managed service that enables secure transfer of files over the internet into…

    @gilmae Were you already playing it? (I blew up the sun. Next is an endless black hole.) 😳

    @FakeSamRitchie SUPER CUTE 😍 What’s the pattern??

    @j_houg SAME. Which we then followed with the first ep of “Consumed,” which is even WORSE. (At one point I advised the woman on TV to “dump the motherf*cker already”.) What is it with cleaning shows and USELESS MEN?

    @mattdelves @joneaves Maybe some of them would ride bikes if Sydney wasn’t so damn hostile to them.

    A heart-racing true story, that just happened in my house:

    “I think there’s a big-ass spider on the loose,” said the Snook.

    Me: “How do you know?”

    “Because he’s molted and his old shell’s hanging above the medicine cabinet.” 1/n 🕷

    Me: “Oh neat! Go get a box and I’ll climb up on the toilet to take a closer look….” 2/n 🕷

    “Uhhhhh… there’s too many legs. And… it’s still moving.” 3/n 🕷

    We caught him mid-molt, it seems. The Snook returned with a bucket, and I carefully trapped him in it against the ceiling. 4/n 🕷

    The shock seemed to have shaken him loose from his old shell. He wasn’t happy. 5/n 🕷

    Neither was the Snook. 6/n 🕷

    We used a bit of plastic to cover the bucket, carried him to the door, and flung him (and his old shell) out into the garden. Thanks for the adrenaline, Mr. Spider! 👋🕷 7/7 THE END

    @Ducky_Tape I thought it was neat! The cats and the Snook, not so much.

    RT @tomandlorenzo: People are coming down hard on this tweet for mentioning the dress but it’s hard to ignore the symbolic quality of the l…

    Repetition pattern of lyrics in “All You Need is Love” by the Beatles. Wow. It would be fun to knit this, huh?

    @mmastertheone I didn’t create it! Check the Reddit link for the creator.

    I’ve been reading @daringfireball since 2003, and I *finally* after 15+ years got a DF t-shirt. (Earliest blog mention: ☺️ Thanks @gruber!

    @mmastertheone Ahhhh! It’s early yet. 😂

    RT @awscloud: Can #machinelearning lead to happier cows and better quality milk? Tine believes it did.…

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    I might actually be tempted to paint my nails if I could do it with “OMG POWER”.

    I had every intention of being a productive member of society in 2019 but then @Gaohmee had to mention holedown and now this is my life okay bye.

    @gilmae @Gaohmee Breached core on Asteroid and Moon; now 137m on Planetoid. (I’ve been playing less than a day though.) 😉

    There’s a new Marie Kondo “tidying up” reality show on Netflix right after New Year’s? Well played, @netflix Programming Team. WELL 👏 PLAYED 👏

    RT @awscloud: Learn about AWS Security Hub, & how it gives you a comprehensive view of high-priority security alerts & your compliance stat…

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    Starting 2019 with traditional New Year’s food – cornbread!

    @barbariankb @GlennSarti @puppetize @ender2025 ❤️❤️

    @WorldofDub Pace yourself! 😂

    RT @farwellclay: ICYMI: The Feminist Power of Embroidery in the @nytimes

    RT @DocOnDev: If you hire “the best” and a year later they’re “not meeting expectations”, wouldn’t you wonder, “What did we do to them?”