Month: February 2019
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RT @markedly: Dunkin Donuts: Sorry, we’re out of chocolate glazed.
Me: [about to lose it] No Mark, save this feeling. Use it for your ar…
RT @yow_conf: Did you watch @ctford’s #YOW18 talk Functional Composition, where he shows how to make music with the basic building block of…
RT @MichelePlayfair: Crikey – only 30 days left to get your submission in to #yowdata and #yowlj! Go go go!
Whoa cool! A long time ago, @hannahyanfield, @LucindaBurtt, and I were part of a focus group for a webseries about women in tech. And now it’s here! “Resting Pitch Face” from @grumpysailorsyd ❤️
@crankymate LOL. Saw this tweet and knew without scrolling back you were talking about the Weezer version. 😂
RT @dhh: Good long-read contrasting what happened to FogBugz, which stuck to its “rewrites are the worst thing ever” ideology, and Basecamp…
Reminder for the Aussies – I’ve got two spare tickets available for Cursed Child on March 13th!
@teqnomad That news has been out a while!
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@maetl @gnat @damncabbage @minxdragon @unixbigot @_schristo @andy_snow @robqnm This is definitely relevant to my interests!! 😍
More polka dots, narcissism, pumpkins, and mirrors as I visited another Yayoi Kasuma exhibit today. #lifegoals ❤️
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@JavierInchausti So good, and well worth tramping up and down the Strip in the cold!
RT @impishfae: It’s not the meek who will inherit the world: it’s the Girl Geeks. My daughter will take over with her army of robots and I…
@coderkungfu @JuniorDevMY @juniordev_io Another one for my To Visit list. 🙂
I did the 11-story Slotzilla zipline like Wonder Woman, fist out in front. I absolutely loved it.
Quoth the Snook: 🐦? ✈️? ❌💃
@LoopdiLou The Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas.
RT @mattallen: Snowing in Vegas atm.
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Made the pilgrimage all by myself and I REGRET NOTHING. (My colleagues didn’t get why I was so excited!) 😍🍜🥧🍦 @momofuku @davidchang
Dear Las Vegas, I remember you being warmer. Please address this. ❤️, Kris
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RT @DeirdreS: No words for the stupid entitlement of this asshole. (Oh, I guess I found some words after all.)
RT @AngeMaryClaire: 17 years ago today.
Market stall selling bibimbap for breakfast? GET IN MAH BELLY!
@mmastertheone A late Insta. 🙂
I made a video showing the whole process of making the Snook’s new shirt! Would love to hear what you think. 🎦😍 Making an Aloha Shirt via @YouTube
RT @PaulOverbite: So here is my one day late Valentine’s Day story: last Monday, I got a vasectomy. I did it because my wife and I don’t…
Again?! (at @SydneyAirport in Mascot, NSW)
Making an Aloha Shirt
As you’ve no doubt gathered, I recently finished a new shirt for the Snook. I decided that I’d document the whole process in a video.
It’s not often I get to put my Film degree to use! I had a lot of fun playing with iMovie and editing this thing together. I hope you enjoy it as much as the Snook likes his new shirt!
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@JennaGuillaume Sad to read this thread, but great to see a talented woman promoting herself. I’m such a big fan – honestly, any time you replied to one of my tweets was like an awesome energy boost! – and I wish you all the luck in your next endeavour. Time to go order your book…
Hey Melbourne – I’ve got 2 spare tickets to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on March 13th! Both parts in the one day. Anyone interested? #cursedchild
@MelissaKaulfuss Sweeet! Will do.
@emd3737 @Amys_Kapers @MichelePlayfair See?? American kids don’t read weird French comics.
@gilmae Wait, you know you’re supposed to share addictive game recommendations with me!
We held an internal competition to suggest new Alexa Skills, and since my idea was the runner-up, I won an Echo Plus!! Great start to the weekend. 😜 #bepeculiar @insideamazon
@gilmae I don’t just play breakout games. There was the addiction to Twenty/Threes, then 1000000/YMBAB…
@JeanCarew @InsideAmazon Hehe – I don’t want to reveal it since I’m going to build mine!
Daniel 👏 Craig 👏 here 👏 we 👏 go!
He got me flowers and chocolate, and I made him a shirt. ❤️🍍
Oh hello Mr. Bond!
@darthted Normally I say no… but for you, I’d do it. Belated birthday gift. You gotta provide the fabric though!
@GgnDpSingh This is our second rewatch, but the first was probably 15 years ago. Seeing them all on Stan was the prompt!
@darthted I figured you’d go to Spoonflower and print something with Vikings on it. 😜
I remember when we saw this in the cinema, the Snook (who’s read all the books) leaned over excitedly to whisper: “They left in the nut-whacking!”
@jonoabroad Honestly, it’s a good movie but both of us have nfi how the Vesper betrayal actually worked.
@MelissaKaulfuss @tarynewens Wait, did you make the marshmallows at Sweetness the Patisserie? I LOVE THOSE!