Month: February 2019

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    Automatic buttonhole feet are an amazing feat of engineering, and using one makes me feel like a badass. #imakeclothes

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    A flat-felled sleeve shoulder seam is a thing of beauty.

    A flat-felled sleeve shoulder seam is a thing of beauty.

    @lucykbain I’ve done classes at both Sew Make Create in Chippendale and Bobbin & Ink in Petersham. Both are great!

    Long walk with my bestie on a beautiful summer day! We went around Blackwattle Bay, through Lilyfield, around the Bay Run, and ended in Balmain. #sotired

    @annie_parker Nah, caught the 433 home. Got a bit more sewing to do tonight!

    Homemade kombucha! It actually tastes good, and so far I’m not dead yet! 💃

    @knitterjp @gilmae @randomknits But as I said on Insta – his is prettier! So I side with jam on top.

    All that’s left are the buttons! 🍍🏝❤️

    @developerjack Thank you!

    @gilmae East Sydney?!

    @gilmae Chippo’s not East Sydney! We’re City of.

    @laimelde @mmastertheone sent it to me just before you did!

    @gilmae Right. With Strathfield and Lakemba. (This is like one of those maps with Australia at the top.)

    RT @WomenSciAUST: TODAY IS INTERNATIONAL DAY OF WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SCIENCE! Celebrate your collaborators & colleagues, work mates, friends,…

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    The reward for a full week of 10,000+ steps per day…

    RT @El_Lobo_Rayado: Today my son is invited to a friend’s birthday. She is turning 6, as he is. These are the 2 books he has decided to get…

    RT @CloverMoore: The rainbow crossing is officially open! #SydneyRainbowCrossing

    @AndyDentPerth That particular Bond doesn’t need a lot of effort to destroy, let’s be honest.

    We washed two of the rugs yesterday. Amy Cat just barfed on them both. #fml

    RT @Kate__Halliwell:

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    @ItsUnderstood @neil_killick @akalsey @lara_hogan @johannarothman @CGLambdin @johncutlefish @lissijean @flowchainsensei @RonJeffries @marcusoftnet @EightyOneUnite @NativeWired @estherderby @StokesXandra @bea73 @SalFreudenberg @ElizAyer @EverydayKanban @GeePawHill @drunkcod @t_magennis @TheresaNeate @troytuttle Agree – that just made my day! Thanks @neil_killick. 😃

    @Gaohmee Ooh, which one did you get? We want one but are paralyzed by indecision so we just got a Dyson cordless for now.

    I suppose I’m lucky in that I don’t get pestered by a ton of creepers online. But it’s never zero, not for any woman. 😠

    @lindamciver I was gonna just block this guy straight away. Not sure what made me accept and give him the benefit of the doubt. 😕

    As a person of Korean heritage, I object to this pre-credits teaser. As a person with ears, I object to this shitty song.

    This is the worst effect in any Bond movie. “This is like Sharknado level of CGI. What the hell was that?!”

    “Is this guy meant to be menacing? He’s wearing a f**king Nintendo Power Glove!”

    @TheRealBnut *crying*

    I take it back. The shitty Madonna theme song is, in fact, the best part of this movie.

    @Amys_Kapers We are finally up to the Daniel Craig years, so things are looking up!

    @dcotterill @MichelePlayfair I’m guessing Fight Club.

    @the_patima What??! That’s amazing!! Congrats – such a perfect fit for you. ❤️❤️

    @GlennSarti @Amys_Kapers We just finished Die Another Day.

    My favourite part of Die Another Day was when the Snook announced his theory that Rosamund Pike was actually a genetically-modified North Korean torture lady. 😂

    @unixbigot I started looking forward to those the second the credits rolled…

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    RT @forrestbrazeal: @evolvable @web_goddess It’s also important to note here that either iceberg is more than big enough to sink that littl…

    RT @pjf: Therapist: “You keep mentioning tech-despair. Can you explain what you mean by that?”


    @evanderkoogh @evolvable Meh. I haven’t really responded to any of them. It’s mostly amusing.

    @200ok Yes! I think there’s a quality filter of some kind.

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    Listening to Igor from @DevOpsTalks talk about Persistence Driven Strategy for tech entrepreneurs. Ratio of sales to development will change as your company matures! @meetupmadness #reactorsydney

    Hey, I recognise some folks on Igor’s @DevOpsTalks preview! Looking forward to co-emceeing with @nathenharvey and introducing @auxesis, @polleyg and more… #reactorsydney

    Q: “If I build my business around a Facebook extension and their next version incorporates that, I’m screwed. How do I avoid that?”
    A: Don’t build your business so it relies on a third party you have no control over! 🙄

    @minxdragon You have a lovely accent! (But I know what you mean.)

    It’s not often I see someone else speaking at a tech meetup who confesses to having a theatre degree! @rorychatt #theatermajorsrepresent

    What does “Serverless” actually mean? A Serverless solution is one that costs you nothing to run if nobody is using it. I like that definition! @meetupmadness

    Yep. When you’re looking at the price of serverless, you need to keep the real total cost in mind.

    RT @CTOSchoolBne: Excited for another year of #CTOSchool 🎉

    Here’s to another year of #Brisbane’s tech leaders helping each other to grow…

    @jcsrb Someone has made that point during the meetup Q&A, that it’s really comparing serverless to on prem or private cloud.

    TIL that a lot of dudes on Twitter have very strong opinions about serverless. 😳